The medicine bottle Brown held looked like the kiss of death.
1 wrenched free from Mike’s grasp and instinctively stepped back.
I hadn’t even brushed against Jessa when she suddenly crumpled next to me, collapsing to the floor while crying out, “Ouch!”
“Lynn! Enough already!” Mike shoved me to the ground as if my mere presence was a threat to Jessa’s safety.
“Jessa, are you alright?” Concern was written all over Mike’s face as he checked on her.
It didn’t make sense to me.
If Jessa was truly the one for Mike, why hadn’t they just been together from the start? Why drag me into their mess?
If he really loved her that much, why settle
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for a stand–in like me for six years?
Mike helped Jessa to her feet and dabbed away her tears before turning on me, fuming, “Lynn! What do you want from
me? I’ve already agreed to marry you, to give you a kid!”
“I’ve told you, I don’t need it. I won’t take the drug, and I won’t marry you! Can’t you understand my words?”
“Not taking it? You don’t have a say in this!”
Mike gestured to Brown, who opened the door, and several bodyguards swarmed in, pinning me down.
“Brown, force the medicine on her!” Mike commanded.
Despite my desperate struggles, how could I match the strength of those bodyguards? I blurted out in terror, “Mike! I’m pregnant! You can’t make me take the medicine!”
Mike scoffed as if I’d just cracked a poor joke. “Really? That’s your excuse? We’ve
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always been careful. You think you can
trick me with that line?”
But even the best precautions aren’t foolproof. Mike was adamant, convinced I was just buying time.
Brown unscrewed the cap, his voice
softening, “Ms. McCullough, just stop
resisting. Take the medicine and this will all be over.”
Every fiber of my being was shaking; I was screaming inside with fear.
Gathering all my strength, I yelled, “Mike! Our baby is already two months along! If you don’t believe me, check the pregnancy report in my pocket! I’m not lying!”
Brown hesitated and looked at Mike, “Mr. Miller, if what she’s saying is true, then…”
Mike’s eyes were icy as he mocked me, “Then let’s abort it.”
“Mike! It’s your child! I’ve gone through so much to have this baby! Please, don’t make
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me take the drug! I don’t want to lose it!” My voice was pleading, desperate.
But my cries and struggles fell on deaf ears, as no one seemed willing to listen.
With the help of the bodyguards, Brown forced open my mouth and poured the medicine down my throat.
The drug slithered down like a lethal serpent, tightening its grip on my insides.
The pain was unbearable, tearing through
- me.
Shaking with agony, it felt like forever before the guards finally let go. I slumped to the ground, drained of all strength.
Mike scooped me up, his lips pressing a kiss to my forehead, “There, there. Don’t worry, whatever happens, I’ll still marry you. The wedding will go on. You’ll have the child you want. Just rest now.”
His touch was revolting, and I felt nauseous. I tried to push him away, but my
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me take the drug! I don’t want to lose it!” My voice was pleading, desperate.
But my cries and struggles fell on deaf ears, as no one seemed willing to listen.
With the help of the bodyguards, Brown forced open my mouth and poured the medicine down my throat.
The drug slithered down like a lethal serpent, tightening its grip on my insides.
The pain was unbearable, tearing through
- me.
Shaking with agony, it felt like forever before the guards finally let go. I slumped. to the ground, drained of all strength.
Mike scooped me up, his lips pressing a kiss to my forehead, “There, there. Don’t worry, whatever happens, I’ll still marry you. The wedding will go on. You’ll have the child you want. Just rest now.”
His touch was revolting, and I felt nauseous. I tried to push him away, but my
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arms were too weak to move.
He started to carry me toward the hospital
But he hadn’t taken more than a few steps when a sharp pain ripped through my belly, a warm flow trickling down, hitting
the floor.
The last thing I heard was Jessa’s scream, “Blood! Oh my God, there’s so much blood!”
Mike scrambled to stop the bleeding, and the pregnancy report fell from my pocket.
Brown quickly picked it up, his voice trembling, “Mr. Miller, she… she’s actually pregnant!”