it’s Complicated Ch 14

it’s Complicated Ch 14

Chapter 14 

+5 Bonus 

Tala’s Point of View 

I start coming around slowly, but my pounding head is making things more difficult then it should be

The last thing I remember is lying on the ground with my leg caught in a bear trap and then getting surrounded by more people with big guns. After that, I don’t remember anything. It’s just a big space of memory in my mind that’s black

I think she’s finally coming around.An unknown voice says from somewhere close by, I groan and roll over on the hard ground. I take in my next breath and gag. Wherever I am smells musty, but there’s an even more distinct smell of blood in the air

A chuckle echos around the small space and I lift a hand up to my aching head Forcing my eyes open, it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit area. I notice right away that I’m not in my room. The calling is made of all stone and I can see every little crack in the rock

I sit up quickly and grab my stomach when nausea hits me. Clenching my eyes tightly shut. I fall over onto my side and cringe when I hit my elbow on the bone. I try to curl into a ball in hopes of the sick feeling going away, but as soon as I move my right leg, pain shoots though my entire body I groan in pain and stop trying to move it. That must be the one that got caught in the trap

She’s awake all right.A different voice states, the sound bouncing off the wall of the room. It must be small if the echo was that loud. Get her situated before she comes around completely. It’ll be easier that way.” 

Right.Someone agrees and the light sound of footsteps approaching has me tryign to move away from them. I’m pretty sure I don’t actually go anywhere

I feel my hands being roughly tugged away from my body and above my head, forcing me to a standing position. My had leg just hangs where it is and I bite my lip to keep from screaming. It feels like someone is driving a knife into my leg and twisting it one hundred times. Pushing through the haze, I try to concentrate on what’s happening around me and feel something being clasped around both of my wrists. Letting me go, I collapse as far as I can before the bands catch me and dig into my flesh

Should I secure her neck?The guy right next to me asks, but I don’t hear an answer Silently, the person pulls my head up by my hair and pushes it against the wall. Something cold and smooth clicks around my neck which makes my eyes snap open. My wolf is growling in my head, telling me we’re in danger. A little late, but she’s aware of it now

I pry my eyes open once most of the fog clears from my mind and finally get a picture of the situation I’m in. To make things really simple, I’m in a dungeon. The things around my wrists and neck are some sort of manacles attached directly to the wall behind me, making it almost 

impossible to move. The one around my neck blocks my airways if I don’t hold it upright so i have to make sure to do that

Moving just my eyes, I look down towards the floor to see me dressed in a large tshirt and then farther down my leg is broken at at odd angle. The bone is slightly showing through my tom skin hich makes my stomach roll just a little. The blood i was smeling, yeah it’s mine, running freely down my leg and coating my skin like a second skin

Peering back up, I notice two men leaning against the wall watching my every move carefully. They’re both pretty tall and well built. One has dark, red hair while the other has blond hair that is starting to grey. He looks young, so he must stress out a lot. I guess that they’re wolves like me, but upon sniffing the air I know they’re not. My wolf is telling me they’re human, but still dangerous

Sleeping beauty awakes. The blond uncrosses his arms and pushes off from his position on the wall. His tone is serious, but the way he holds himself and the slight twitch of his lips tells me he’s confident about something. I subtly tug a little at my bonds, seeing if they’ll budge with my extra strength, but all it does is make the metal dig into my skin

Who are you?I ask, going for the most obvious question. My throat feels raw and I could desperately use a drink. He stops directly in front of me and I have to tilt my head up slightly to be able to look him in the eyes. He’s taller then I thought

That’s not important. The real question is who are you?I pull a confused face, making it seem like I don’t know what he’s talking about. He most likely already knows about me being a werewolf, but I’m not going to be the one to come right out and say it

Im a girl, and you’re a manI state the obvious and his eyes narrow slightly in anger

You know what I mean girlI pretend to think for a few seconds before answering again. It 

It’s probably not smart to talk back to a mean looking man in this situation, but I won’t let him know I’m afraid

Well, I’m a friend, daughter, sister,” I start naming things, counting them off on my fingers, but I doubt they noticed because my hands are 


outstretched on either side of my head; far away from my face

+3 Bots 

So fast that even I don’t see it, his arm lifts from his and his open hand hits me across the face. My head rocks to the side and my vision is a little blurry for a few seconds before it clears. Turning back to look at the man, my wolf growls and it passes through my parted lips. My cheek stings and I bet there’s a bright red hand print where it hurts

You’re an animal.He says like he didn’t just hit me. And animals deserve to be in cagesHe smirks and gestures around him to the cell fm in. Now answer this for me. What pack are you from?” 

I don’t know.Slap

Wrong answer.I blink away a few tears gathering in my eyes. I refuse to look weak, but he doesn’t hold back. Try again.I prepare myself for another hit because of what my honest answer is 

I’m not in a pack. He balls his hand into a fist this time and punches me across the jaw. I fully lean my head back against the wall and partially shut my eyes. If there are any more hits, I don’t want to see them coming

That’s not possible. You were on pack land and any rogue would have been caught and killed before we could have captured you.He roughly takes my face in one of his hands and forces me to look at him. What Pack. Are. You. In. DogHe enunciates each word and I try to bite his hand 

to get it off of me. I am not a dog! I may look close to one, but the closest to a dog I’ll ever be is being called a bitch

Full Moon PackI blurt at random. Shane and I got a book on werewolves and it said the full moon makes them feel stronger. It just happened to pop into my head. He buys it, though, which has me let out a breath I had been holding 

Good girlHe pats me on the head like a common dog and I growl loudly. Next question. My eyes widen. If he has more questions I can’t answer, this is going to be very painful. Who is your alpha UhThave no alpha, 1 don’t know, there isn’t oneall of those will get me hit 

I don’t know his name. He didn’t want us knowing so we call him alpha.He raises an eyebrow, not believing me

I heard packs are like families so why wouldn’t you know every single wolf’s name?Shit, um.. 

It’s a strict pack.I reply lamely and he brings his fist back for a hit. Squeezing my eyes shut, he hits me in the stomach this time. I groan in pain and if I wasn’t shackled to the wall, I’d be doubled over on the ground right now

What are your weaknesses?A few stray tears slip out and run down my cheeks


you already know them?Because I haven’t figured that out yet. He brings his knee up and connects with my stomach once again. I feel a searing pain in my side and would guess he just broke a rib. To think before today I’ve been lucky because I’ve never broken a bone. I guess I can’t see that anymore

You are avoiding the question and bringing this upon yourself.He states, looking calm, but I can hear the angry edge to his words. I ask again. Who is your alpha.” 

I’m not telling you.I reply, quieter then the previous answers I had given. It may be due to the pain in my side or it might be the fear finally showing. I don’t know

His face morphs

from calm to angry 

y in seconds and he grabs my hair and pulls it to make me look directly into his eyes

It isn’t smart to anger us. You don’t know what we’re capable of He forces out through clenched teeth and finishes with another slap to the face. I feel my lip split open and blood begins to trickle from the corner of my mouth. The coppery taste enters my mouth when I lick my lips, making my wolf angrier about the fact he’s hurting us like this

I keep quiet and use my eyes to show him how angry I am. He notices my form begin to shake slightly and takes a small step back

It isn’t worth trying to change. We gave you something which will leave you unable to shift for sometime.Was I trying to shift? That must be why I was shaking now and the other times I got angry. It wouldn’t be very noticeable and I would run into the safety of my room before anyone could notice. Now, tell me what I want to know or things will get much worse then this,He threatens, but both my wolf and I laugh at the idea. We will never tell him anything

NoHe smirks, obviously expecting my answer and looks over his shoulder at the other man. He nods and leaves the room for a few minutes before returning with a knife, like the one I have in my sock drawer, and a small container. I can hear liquid slashing around inside, but the really sweet smell from it is revolting My wolf shies away in my mind and I know this can’t be good

Do you know what this is?The blond asks, carefully dipping the tip of knife into the bottle before taking it out and shutting the lid. He holds 

the weapon out towards me, turning it so I can see the clear substance on a quarter of the blade 

Chapter 14 

He walks up

+5 Bonus 

up close to me and holds the blade a few inches from my arm. With a sick and twisted smile on his face, he cuts across my forearm to the inside of my elbow, but it doesn’t sting a little like a normal cut would feel like. It burns. It’s like my arm is on fire, burning from the outside and slowly working its way into my system

Blood rushes freely through the large gash in my skin and drips down to my elbow before hitting the floor by my feet. To stop from screaming like I want to, I lock my jaw and tighten my hands into fists 

Hurts doesn’t it. The knife is coated in a liquefied plant called wolfsbane. Its a pretty flower, but too much of it kills your kind.I count to ten to give myself time to prepare to talk and open my mouth

What do you want from me?” 

Information. Once we get what we want we’ll let you go for your pack of mongrels to find you.” 


A voice in my head hisses and I narrow my eyes at him

I can’t tell you anything because I don’t know anything.I tell him, wishing he’d just believe me already

Let’s play a game.” He says, suddenly happy. I look over his face to see if he’s serious and find nothing to tell me otherwise. It’s one of my favorites.” 

How do you play?I asks reluctantly, deciding to play along. I don’t know what he’s doing

Oh you’ll catch on pretty quickly.” His smile is scary and he moves to stand in front of me once again, “First question, what is your name?He looks at me expectantly 

Tala.I let it roll slowly off my tongue, a few pieces already fitting together about this gamehe’s playing 

Ah, that means woll in Native American. How appropriate. Next question, how do you communicate with other wolves in wolf form?” 

I don’t knowI regret the answer the second he cuts into my side, through the shirt, and it begins to burn like my arm. This time I can’t help when a small scream escapes 

Where’s your pack house?A what? I have no clue and I was right about how this game would play out

Somewhere. Another cut to my side above the last one, making it right below my ribs 

How many are in your pack.” 

I don’t know.Truthfully I don’t know. All of these questions I can’t answer. He thinks I’m lying. If only he could detect lies like I seem to be able to do. He adds a cut below the other two on my stomach so now there are three, one above another

I try kicking him with my good leg, but he catches my foot and uses his booted foot to dig it into my already broken leg. I cry loudly and it’s only now that I realize tears are pouring down my face, soaking the collar of the tshirt

I wouldn’t recommend trying that again.I nod hastily and he releases his grip on my ankle. Applying more pressure to my leg. I throw my head back into the wall, trying to distract myself from the pain all over the rest of my body. After another minute stops and I cry in relief, not like you can tell the difference between the tears. Next time I’m going to break every bone in your body. Don’t you ever disrespect me!” 

I clear my throat and open my eyes through the waterworks. Everything is slightly blurry, but I can easily make out his form standing farther away from me then before, talking to his friend

You may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, then you will have my dead body, but not my obedience.My voice is thick from crying and cracks on the last word, but he hears what I say

Quoting Gandhi, how poetic. And you never know. Maybe I will have your dead body soon.He smirks and turns to leave, but at the last second faces me with the knife gripped tightly in his hand. Hold this for me until later. With the flick of his wrist, the knife embeds itself into my thigh of the leg that isn’t broken. It misses the bone and hits muscle instead. I howl and frantically start thrashing around, hitting my head on the wall with every movement. I hear him laugh before the cell door shuts with a loud clang” 

He’s a sick and cruel man! Why would he go to all of this trouble for information unless he’s desperate?! I get a few cuts to scare me into talking, but this is taking it too far 

I feel like one of those people in the spy movies who gets kidnapped and beaten for information, but I don’t actully have any. Anything I think 

Chapter 14 

know may turn out not to be true. I’m not sure if I can trust the book I got off of eBay recently. People could have made the whole thing up and i won’t know what’s true and faked


The voice orders, once again appearing in my head, but I don’t think I can. My whole body fells like it’s on fire now slowly burning me from the inside out

Don’t worry. Help is coming

-How do you know

I just do 

She replies before leaving me in silence, I will literally do a happy dance around a bonfire if there are people coming to help me. Well, as soon as I can actually stand on my own I will. That would have to mean people know I’m missing. By help I assume she means the police because what other help is there for me? Unless the pack the blond kept asking me about is coming to help me. I’m not a freak afterall. There are other people just like me

Well, if I believe there’s help on the way because my head told me it was coming, I guess I might as well follow the rest of what she tells me to do. Besides, I’m tired after all of this. I guess a little sleep while they’re gone wouldn’t hurt as long as I wake up for when they return, and I almost gauentee it will happen

Slowly, I close my eyes, trying to relax enough to actually sleep and I eventually just end up passing out from the pain. I guess it could be considered the same thing when you think about it

Chapter 15 

it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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