it’s Complicated Ch 17

it’s Complicated Ch 17

Chapter 17 

+5 Bonus 

it of View 

Tala’s Point 

The single word rolls easily off of his tongue and he never once looks away from me. The violet eyes I admired the 

he day he got back from wherever are shining with truth and another emotion I can’t distinguish. It’s then that I realize how close we actually are to one another

If I were to lean in a few inches, our lips could meet and I have a gut feeling it will be amazing, should it actually happen I mean 

His body is pressed into my side, being extra careful not to hurt me, but as he traces his thumbs over my cheeks I wonder what mates actually entitle. I know Asher explained it, but he couldn’t have described it perfectly to someone who has no idea what to expect for themselves. No relationship can be soperfect like he makes me think all of this should be. All though, I haven’t seen my mom or Asher fight once since I’ve been here. Sure, they’ve gotten mad and into fights, but not with each other. It’s honestly been with me almost every timeexcept for last week when someone put a cow bell and some jingle bells on Ash’s collar and sent her running through the house at an ungodly hour of the morning. swear that wasn’t me

You’re killing me.My mind focuses back on Bo and he keeps looking over my face. His expression makes me think he’s trying to figure something out

What do you mean?He brings my face even closer so that our noses touch. My breath hitches and I close my eyes involuntarily

What are you thinking about?He murm 


You.I reply without hesitation, but once I realize what I said I feel my face heat up. He chuckles and lightly kisses both my cheeks

I’m thinking about you too. Have been ever since the time you threatened Jason.” I peer at him though my lashes and see an amused smile on his face. He’s remembering when I was grumpy and gross because of the time of the morning 

I wouldn’t want to remember me like that. My hair was a mess and I was barely awake.” 

1 thought you looked sexy. You’re hair had the just woke up and I make it worklook and if we’re being honest, you threatening people is hat.I roll my eyes. He is such a guy. I take my chance and blow once in his face. He jumps and moves his face back a few inches, a confused 

look on his face

What was that for?I resist the urge to laugh and my remove his hands from my face. He opens his mouth to object, but I keep a hold of them and he shuts it immediately

Sexy is a word I would hardly associate with me. My friends Tyler and Hailey, now they’re sexy and I’m completely straightHis jaw tightens and I notice his eyes darken slightly. Frowning, I give his hands a slight squeeze. What’s wrong?He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath

It’s just…..never 

never mind.” 

What?I demand and he pauses

How can you talk about another guy now that you know about us? I’m your mate.I stare at him for a few moments, not understanding what 

he means. I didn’t mention Thatcher because I know that’d make him mad, but I only see him as a brother and a best friend The same goes for my relationship with Shane, who I should probably call soon, I wonder if he has something against my friends. Is he maybe jealous that they got to spend more time with me then he did? Hailey and Tyler areOh 

by wrong

My eyes widen when I finally understand what he’s talking about, but he has it all wrong. Completely 

Bo, Tyler is a girl! She’s been my best friend for like forever! Is there really a problem with that? Are you jealous of our friendship?His eyes snap open and I see a look of suspicion on his face. After a few moments, I’m thinking he finally processed everything through his thick head and 

he at least has the nerve to look guilty

“Yeah. Thaven’t been a wolf long, but I’m not stupid. I’ve noticed how possessive and jealous you get when I hang around with other guys, but they’re just my friends. I’ve never been interested in them in a romantic way. And don’t even deny it” 

And that won’t be happening. Without me there you can’t hang out with the guys anymore. My jaw drops and he smirks. I shove him, but it’s difficult seeing as he still has my hands. He doesn’t go far

I don’t need your permission to hang out with my friends.I pull my hands from his grip and cross my arms over my chest defiantly. I make 

Chapter 17 

my own choices.” 

5 Bones 

Alright you two.The doctor cuts Bo off by pushing the door to the room open. Before this even starts in putting an end to it. Stress and anger isn’t good for healing so for the time being, Bono arguing with herI smirk, feeling victonous, but her text words woe that off my face. And Tala, I’d advise you not to purposely make him angry. You’ll have to deal with me and I’ll accidentally brak one of your crutches so you’T have to stay in bed. You’ve both been wamed.She sets them against the wall and gives us a look saying behave before walking away. She really doesn’t waist time, does she

Well, I want to get up. Hand me the crutches would you mate?He frowns and looks from me to where the crutches are leaning and then back to me


But the doctor said=” 

She said we can’t argue and I’m ending this discussion right now. There are no ifs, ands or buts. You are staying in bed until you ca under your own power.I narrow my eyes at my so called mate. From what I remember, aren’t mates supposed to do what the mate says? Orad least, that’s what I got out of what my mom and Asher were saying. I’ve seen mom calm Asher down and tell him what to do 

can’t Bo be like that? I want a pushover for a mate, not because they’re better but they won’t be ordering me around all the time

Do, I am not sitting in this bed for the next two weeks!He mirrors my posture and keeps his determined face. See what I mean stubborn and controling

And here begins the stare down between the two of us. If Barron were here, I’d thank him for all the practice, but he isn’t never really know how useful this could actually be

I stare directly into his pretty purple eyes, not once blinking. Sorry dude, but those eyes won’t distract me this time. This is one fight will not back down from. Sure I actually let Barron have a few, but this isn’t my brother and my freedom is on the line. He will always claim he wan because he’s better, but I’m a great sister like that I love my older brother and his pride isn’t something I personally want to damage. His mate can do that. I presume Branna being in my brother’s room late at night and making funny noises isn’t just a one time thing

Bo suddenly sticks his tongue out and scrunches up his face. I make sure to keep my eyes open as I make a similar face, but instead of scrunching up my face I pull my ears out so they’re facing him. He crosses his eyes and I pull my hair from behind me to hold it above my ip ka a mustache

Hey guys, how’s it What are you two doing?Barron pauses in the doorway and Boshoots him an annoyed glare, breaking eye contact with me. A smile breaks out on my face and I fist pump in victory

*1 win! Barron hand me the crutchesplease.” I add and gesture to their place. Bo’s head snaps back to face me 

That’s not fair!He complains, sounding like a child. That’s cheating.” 

Life’s not fair, but I won fair and square mister. Help me up or I’ll do it myself” 

interrupt something?My brothers asks and I notice the mini steps he’s taking to escape from the room

Did I in 

Nope.Treply at the same time Bo says yes. Barron eyes the both of us wanly before turning on his heel and running from the room

I swear, no one knocks anymore.Bo grumbles before turning his full attention back to me. Look, I’m not letting you leave.” 

*But I won 

Even so, you can’t do anything about it so whatever I say goes.I huff and move so I’m no longer touching him. TalaHe reaches for me. but I slap his hand away

*No touching” 


Stop calling me that.I snap, scooting to the edge of the bed. He watches my every move like a hawk and I can tell by how tense his muscles are that he’s waiting for me to make some sort of move. I’m a big girl and I can make my own decisions.” 

I know, but you’re also my girl and I can’t have you hurting yourself anymore then you are.I sigh and lean back into the soft pillows resting against the headboard

Why are you being so difficult. Nothing in the house is going to hurt me unless you send Ash running around the house again.His eyes widen 


sightly in surronse how what happens with my dog.” 

1 stil cunt take the nak 

The doctor said I can pet up as long as I have the crutches.” 

Twill break them it keeps you sale!He shouts, His eyes flash black as he jumps up to his feet and stompaun 1:11 sdm lying on He leans face doser to me so but noses are touching but even though he’s angry, I’m not afraid. Somewhere deepdown, I know na won’t hurt me. I neverwant you to go through anything like that ever again, but you won’t let me keep you safe. His voice sccambutan fee eyes tells me that he’s angri need you safe

Slowly, he places both hands on either sides of my head

Just please. Please dont fight menih my head to the side a little in confusion, but before i can open my mouth 13kutimes he closes the distance between us. His son los cover my own and one arm snakes behind my back to pull me closer to him, i financat accidentally puts pressur 

Des and he loses his hold, but doesn’t let me go

The logical thing to do would be to immediately push him away. I should tell him I don’t really know him and that he can’t just klas warte feels like it. I don’t kiss just anyone and if we’re being completely honest, I’ve only ever kissed three people, my mom, my dad san Thatconerisa game of truthordare Some peccle might be thinking, hey, why don’t your brother one of those people? and all I have to say that klassingmy brother would be weird. Evenseng my parents was rare and was a peck on the cheek when I was trying to get something from them klinda selfish, but hey, I’m a teenager. Wes chet, was really, really drunk. End of story 

Now, in my current situaten I’m caught between two choices. The logical part of my brain wants nothing to do with this because s’t sayinonit just isn’t right, but the other part of me the stronger part might I add is pushing me to respond. It’s telling me I won’t regret anything and fitat1hiss is right. The sensations I’m facing from simply touching him amazing and fve never felt anything like it before. The passion behind such a simple kiss starts a fire in my body, making me un to pulih closer and never let him go

So the question is: Do I let him kiss me or docul 

Barron’s car weeks ago when they two of them picked me u without me actually knowing. Confusing night, but i dont fight 

The answers easier then I thought possible. I do what I have wanted to do back hrom Shane’s house. My body takes over, almost like it knows what i should co 

what i want this time 

My eyes automatically shut and I throw my arms around neck drawing him impossibly closer. He moves onto the bed, carefully stradding my waist, and lays me back down on the mattress. Our lips nove against one another in sync, like we’ve done this before. He suddenly takes my bottom lip into his mouth and starts to lightly suck on it thaid back a breathy moon and tug on his hair a little in response, I guess he doesn’t have, quite as much control as I do because he groans boudly before mracing my lips with his tongue 

I open my mouth and he thrusts his tongue inside. His baie explodes over my tastebuds as he explores every part of my mouth. I feel my wolf humming in enjoyment, excitement or pleasure. It may be aliene, but I know she’s extremely happy and frankly, so am I. This feeling is 


This goes on for a while longer before I push him away to fix my labored breathing. My lungs are begging for air and I have to comply unless want to be on the verge of death once again. I open my eyes to see him amding happly down at me from hiss position over my body. His eyes are back to their normal color so I know he can’t angry anymore. Who knew a kiss would calm him down. True, that was a very intimate kiss, but one none the less. His hair is messed up from me running my hands through it so many times and his lps are slightly swollen. I imagine I look similar 

if not worse then him. It seems like we couldn’t keep our hands off one another 

He clears his throat and ducks his head so it’s resting in the crook my neck feel him place butterfly kisses on the place where my neck 

meets my shoulder before he blows lightly against my skin. It gives me gubumps and was my arms around his body

I’m sorry.” He murmurs. I shouldn’t haveHe trails off, but I know what he means he doesn’t need to say it. He shouldn’t have kissed me.

completely understand

It’s fine. I understand.I shut my eyes, suddenly tired and feeling hurt that he kissed me and is regretting it. The one time I say screw logicand follow my heart, he would end up breaking my heart with such a simple apologe 

“I shouldn’t have yelled at you sweetheart. I justIts a wolf thing. No mate wants to see their other had suffering My eyes snap open and i find his eyes staring apologetically into mine. That includes me and I regret it all. If you really want hep you downstairs right nowMy mouth 

opens, but nothing comes out. So let me get this straighthe doesn’t regret the kiss? He’s saying sorry because he yelled and not that he wishes the last five minutes never happened


-5 Bonus 

No.I clear my throat and continue. I’m tired and it looks like you are too. Tell me, when was the last time you actually slept and the nap you were taking when I first woke up doesn’t count. He purses his lips and I can tell I won’t like the answer

Three, four days tops.” The same amount of time since I was captured and unconscious. I smack him on the back of his head and he gives me a small glare. What was that for?” 

You have to take care of yourself stupid. Have you eaten or showered?He shrugs and I shove him off of the bed, the same way I did to Barron earlier. He hits the floor with a thumpand sits up, rubbing his head

Again, what was that for?” 

Go eat, shower, sleep, do it all, Just get out of here. Being cooped up in here with me won’t be fun once I get bored. I can promise you that.He chuckles, despite just being pushed off the bed and stands up

I don’t think I can ever be bored with you around, but I’ll go. You,” He points a finger at me and puts on a serious face. Don’t go anywhere. If you need anything, and I mean anything, just yell for me. I won’t be far I point to the door right before he leans down and kisses my forehead. Alright, alright” 

Get out of here.He walks to the door muttering to himself about being kicked out of his own room

Once he shuts the door behind him, I let out a sigh and shut my eyes. I wasnt lying when I said I was tired, but everyone was in my room and needed to know about what I am. Sleeping wouldn’t have told me anything so I forced myself to stay awake. Now that everyone’s gone, the silence seems to be speaking to me. It’s telling me to get some much needed sleep and yet again. Ilister to a voice in my head 

Once I’m out, I’m out. My mom used to have a hard time waking me up for school when I was younger and i still sleep through my alarm sometimes today. Now, my body seems to wake up because of someone nearby. I can’t actually see them, seeing as my eyes are closed, but ! can almost sense their presence

I blink and immediately notice how dark it is in here. The sun must have set, leaving the room cast in shadows. I prop myself up on my elbows and squint at the particular shadow just shutting the door to the room 

Can you turn on the light?I ask and my voice still sounds thick with sleep. I close my eyes again and the light flicks on. I blink a few more times and am finally able to see who’s here. Asher?| push myself into a sitting position and watch him as he pulls out Bo’s desk chair and sits down next to the bed. Is everything okay? Is Bo-” 

He’s fine Sleeping in your room, actually, but alright.I relax and wait for him to continue. “Are you, uh, feeling okay?I nod slowly

Yeah, I’m fine minus being a little sore in some places.I answer honestly. Speaking of injuries, what happened to your arm?He looks down at the bandage and then back to me

When we attacked the hunter’s base, claws and teeth don’t really work from far away against guns. Got shot, but it’s just a scratch. You received much worse then I did.” 


got shot too? Exactly how many people got hurt in coming to get me?” 

No one died if that’s what you’re asking, but many were hurt. The hunters know how to fight us.My heart beats louder in thinking about even more people being hurt because of me

If you’re here to make me feel bad, I could do without it so please leave.He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head

I’m not here to make you feel badbut I never wanted you to hate me.He mumbles the last part into his hand and I fight the urge to smile

What was that last part?” 

I never wanted you to hate me.He says louder, but I know he knows I heard him the first time yet he stil repeated it

Why did you keep trying to order me around and make me like it here then?I ask, having wondered these things since day one. That didn’t 

necessarily help the situation.” 

You’ve probably noticed I getcarried away and I hated seeing you mom so upset. She wanted you to be happy and it killed her to take you from your father, but I convinced her it would be best for you.” 

I always knew it was your fault.He looks taken aback

You did?” 

Chapter 17 

+5 Bonus 

If you had never butted into our lives, this wouldn’t have happened.He slumps down in his chair 

You’ve met your mate. You know what it feels like to be with them and I couldn’t come back here without her.He straightens up and looks me right in the eyes. I am sorry for splitting up your family, but I don’t regret meeting your mother. She is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will never give her up.” 

I guess I understand that, but some things just take time. Like adjusting to all of this.I gesture to myself and then him. And you weren’t giving that to me.” 

I know, but I’ll help you. You’re part of my family now and family is there for each other.A ghost of a smile graces my lips and he seems to brighten up at the sight

A little cheesy isn’t it?He shrugs

Maybe, but I’m serious and I’m also serious about you starting training. Every wolf needs to know how to defend themselvesI sigh and cross my arms


Good.He stands and puts the chair back were he found it I have some other things to take care of, but a word of advice, don’t be too hard on Bo. He may come off as overprotective and annoying, but he means well. And I told him not to mention that you could be a wolf. That’s not his fault.” 

I know.He gives me a small smile before turning off the light and walking out of the room lay back down and roll onto my side, staring out the window at the moon nising in the sky

Who would have thought that after how much I convinced myself that thate that man, we can have a normal conversation. Well, as normal as it can be

Being with Bo, I can see where he’s coming from, though my feelings don’t seem to be as strong as I picture his were. Maybe they develop over time and I have a good feeling that Bo and I will be spending a lot of time together

I think I’ve always known something big was going to happen to me. I just had a feeling and when my parents got a divorce, I thought that was it, but now I’m not so sure

Since I’ve moved here, I’ve actually made some new friends, turned into a giant woll, met my mate and started on the road to forgiving everyone, some more then others, but now I know the whole story. And let me tell you, the whole story isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. It’s actually about giant wolves with humans set on hunting us to extinction. Yeah, no big deal right

Anyways, the last person I would ever thought would did apologize for his actions. I kinda cant be mad for that because it takes a real man to admit when he’s done wrong. Whether I like it or not, things are turning out okay, better than I ever thought possible

it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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