Chapter 18
+5 Bonus
Tala’s Point of View
He snakes his arm around my waist for the fourth time in a few minutes and I finally turn on him, pointing my spatula right in his face. Bo backs up a few steps and holds up his hands in surrender.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop touching me?” I plant my free hand on my hip and raise an eyebrow in question.
I can’t help myself-”
“Call me babe and I swear I’ll spit in your pancakes” If I decide to make him any. If I don’t and he wants it, he can make it himself. Bo’s face changes to one of disgust and I give him a short nod. “Thought so.” tum back to the stove and put the majority of my weight on my right leg.
Sadly, it’s only been about a week and I can’t take sitting around doing nothing anymore I’ve been cooped in this house for that whole period of time and I’m envious of the people going to school. I think when someone is actually looking forward to leaving their house to go to school, it prove that they’re either a nerd or desperate to escape from somewhere. I’d fall under the second option.
Today, to prove I’m not completely worthless, I told Bo I was making pancakes and there’s nothing he could do to stop me. Unfortunately, that doesnt mean he won’t stop hovering behind me. I know he’s my mate and all, but does he really have to be touching me all the time? Sure, the kiss we shared a week ago was nice no–great, but I’m not going to fall at his feet and do whatever he says. I am my own person. I decide what to do and what not to do, and I choose to make pancakes without a certain someone floating around me. It’s like he’s waiting for something to happen.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying, but aren’t you tired? You should sit down. The doc did say you should take it easy” I sigh, blowing a loose piece of hair from my face and counting to ten. Did I mention he hasn’t left my side for more then five minutes? I literally had to have Jason and Barran drag him from the room and he somehow got away from them. Thave had no time to myself and I cannot wait until this stupid cast comes off!
“I’m fine. Are you sure there’s nothing you have to do today?” It’s about ten in the moming and while the other household members are at work or school, I’m stuck at home… with Bo. Go figure
I flip the current pancakes and as soon as I set my kitchen utensil down, Bo plucks me off the ground and sets me in the closest chair before! can protest.
“Hey?!” I complain, immediately trying to stand, but he keeps a hand firmly on my shoulder
“Hey is for horses, but for now, I finish the food and you sit here and relax.” He looks pretty smug and I school my features to look like I’m in
“Ouch.” He immediately kneels down in front of me, eyes wide and looking over my body to see what hurts. I grip my cast and frown. “I guess i should sit down. Will you get me some painkillers from my upstairs bathroom?” I blink and he’s running out of the room. “Sucker.” I mutter, hopping off of my seat and to the stove
was that?” He shouts, causing his voice to echo through the house
“I said my leg hurts! Hurry up!” I cover up a augh by coughing and scrape my breakfast onto a plate. Grabbing a fork, knife and the syrup. I literally start hopping off to the living room,
“Where in your cabinet is it?!”
“Should be the right side! Why are you taking so long?!” I smile smugly and prop my leg up on the coffee table on top of a pillow. I set my plate in my lap, using myself as a table, and start to dig in.
“I can’t find the meds.” I jump, hearing his voice almost directly behind me. I tilt my head back so it’s resting on the back of the couch. Bois standing directly behind me with his arms crossed over his chest
“I meant that they’re in the downstairs bathroom.” I give him my most innocent smile and he shakes his head, “Oh and while you’re up, can you turn off the stove and put the dirty dishes in the sink?” He stands still for a few moments before turning around and trudging back into the
“I hate my wolf right now.” He mutters and I hear the clanging of the pans.
“Can you also bring me some orange juice?!” I shout, loving this new found power. Ask, or actually demand it, and he’ll bring it to me.
Chapter 18
+ Bonus
“Thought you wanted to do things yourself?” He retorts and roll my eyes. Ash runs into com porthe spot next to me on the couch She hops up and curls into the side of my leg
My leg actually does hurt The pain meds are on my bedside table! Oh and can i get some coattoo
“Should put on a filly dress and start calling myself the maid?”
rvice taster, then do what you want I reply with a mouthful of food. He grunta espoons but otherwise keeps quiet.
ific on the ty and end up setting on a rerun of Cupcake Wars. If I were ever on that show, I’d want to budget could yet the contestants for doing things wrong and if they happen to do a good job… well, I get amazing cupcakes.
“Here” Bo balances a plate with two pieces of toast on my knees and puts my drink with two pils on the coffee to my feet. “Anything else your highness?” I purse my lips, pretending to be in thought.
I guess that’s good, but since you brought it up, I kind of want to see you in a dress.” He frowns and hops over the bookofthe couch, landing
next to me. I use both arms to push him about a foot away and he eyes the distance between us. “Don’t ever He movescount for me to block and sits wit
i slung over my shoulders and his body pressed into the entire right side of my body
“Think about what?” He gives me a cheeky smile and simply ignore him. From the corner of my eye. I see himpout
be mad at me.” I shove another bite of food into my mouth and focus on the show or try to “Come on. He pokes ma in 1th uslovanim yfirti reflex, beleve it or not is to staci wch my dork, I’m not that mean, so it doesn’t actually happen, but it did cross my mind. Coosa roska)
“Stop poking me.”
“Say you forgive hith potted look
“For what?”
“Um…” Clearly, he wasn’t expecting me to say anything other then three words. Horgive you. “Because I’m being annoying?”
“And?” I press, cetermined to admit to averything he’s been doing that’s bugged me.
“And hovering”
“Annndd.“He struggles for another thing to say and fight to stop any form of emirk or smile from forming on my face. “And looking through
your drawers while you were sleeping?”
“I said keeping us being mates and other wolf stuff a secret” natow my eyes.
“Uh huh.” He sighs and clasps his hands in front on him
“Tala, I’m sorry for being annoying possessive, that hover and even that snoop through your things, but I open my mouth, but he covers it with his hand to stop me from saying anything. 1 can’t help it. I woty and dont want to work too hard too soon. It’s a part of me to be possessive because you’re my mate and if I had my way, no other guy would ever look at you pry his hand away from my face and set it in his lap
“Then you have the worst luck because I happen to be friends with many guys. He growls and wraps an arm around my shoulder again. This time it’s a little tighter and he pulls me towards his body, squishing me indo this side and dumping my hall eaten plate of food onto the carpet. Ash Jumps at the chance to eat the food and hops off the couch, but my only worry what my mother will think of her floor.
“Mine.” He manages to get out between growls. His hold doesn’t actually fuit, but it’s a little uncomfortable since my ribs are almost healed. but not there yet. An upset mate and a broken other…mate it a very good combination if you ask me
“Bo, you’re mine and don’t even try telling me otherwise.” I give up and lean my head on his shoulder, focusing my gaze back onto the TV. Hift my leg from the table and onto the couch so I can get more comfortable. So notices and angles his body so now it rest with my back against his chest. His arm is still around me, but love the added warmth and snuggle into his arms.
And before anyone says anything, yes. I think he’s been extremely inntating these past few days, but like the feel of his arms around me. It brings me a sense of comfort and a feeling of safety which both my wolf and I crave night now after the situation with the hunters
“I wasn’t going to tell you otherwise.” I mutter, making sure to keep my eyes on the sorten.
Chapter 15
+5 Banus
“I’m sorry?” He asks, but I know he heard me.
“It’s nothing now, but I wasn’t going to tell you I’m not yours. I get that. In fact, it may be one of the only things I get right now which I really shouldn’t understand, but I do. I understand that and I won’t leave you, especially not after I saw how you were after me being missing for a few days.” I think back to when he had large, purple moons under his eyes and a slightly thinner face from not eating
“What about when you turn eighteen?” He asks after a few minutes of silence.
“What do you-” I abruptly stop, remembering the scene in my mom the night that I shifted. He had told me he’d always be there for me and all that stuff and I started telling him about how I planned on moving out the day I tumed eighteen. Of course he would remember that He apparently remembers everything, or so he tells me.
“I won’t let you leave me.” He states, his voice sounding closer to my ear then before. I shiver and I can picture him smirking at my reaction. Goosebumps erupt on my bre arms and he starts running them up and down. The friction instantly helps and I sigh in content.
“I forgive you Bo.” I reply, hoping he didn’t notice I didn’t answer the other question. If he wants to know my answer, it will be an honest 1 dont know, I probably won’t want to leave after spending so much time with him, but I want to see my dad. Maybe I can visit, but there’s no way Bo would let me go without him. Would my dad approve him if they ever met? Will they get along?
“I know,” I tit my head up to look at him with one eyebrow raised
“How did you know id forgive you?” He laughs and kisses my temple
“Good quess.”
“Right.” The hand that’s resting on my side starts tracing patterns on my hip, whether it’s on purpose or an unconscious gesture I don’t know, but it feels oddly nice “You know you’re cleaning breakfast up right”
“I know.”
“And taking Ash out”
“I will.”
“She has to go now”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” He asks, sitting me up making me face him.
“No, Ash really has to go out.” He furrows his eyebrows and looks at the dog sitting patiently at our feet. Her big eyes are focused on us with her leash in her mouth. I taught her to get it when she needs to go out. How great am I?
“Oh.” He tugs the leash from her mouth and clips it onto her collar, Tll be back, don’t go anywhere… please. He adds onto the end when he sees the look I’m giving him. I’ve told him how I feel about being ordered around.
“Okay, now leave before she goes on the carpet. I watch him hurry from the room and as soon as I hear the back door in the kitchen shut, I pull out my phone. I have six new messages from Shane, two from Thatcher, five from Hailey and Tyler each, and one from my dad,
Long story short: I finally got a new phone and I reactivated my number yesterday. I’m surprised I don’t have more from my dad because, as much as Asher objected, mom called and told him about my accident
Topen the few from Shane first.
How ru feeling? I heard ur home 🙂
Talar you okay?
Why won’t u answer me? is something wrong?/
If u don’t answer, I’m coming over
That’s it…
Ur stupid brother and his friend wouldn’t let me in. What’s happening?
The last one surprises me and it says e sent it yesterday. I didn’t know Shane had come over. Why didn’t anyone tell me? I frown and send him
a quick text to explain things.
Chapter 18
+5 Bonus
I broke my leg in an accident and am under house arrest for another week until it’s healed. I just got my new phone so I can txt u now :D sirry about Π bro not letting you in. I didn’t know u came over. Il be home if u wanna come over later to hang out even with a broken leg I can kick ur butt at video games
it bugs him in
I’m too competative to
I hit send and move onto my next texts with a small smile. It’s true that I’m better at gaming then he is and it bugs let him win one to make him feel better so I just play my game.
The next set of texts are from my friends. Thatcher’s just says he misses hanging out and that he finally has a girlfriend 11l be skyping him later. That’s a face–to–face conversation, more or less. Ty and Halley pretty much just asked if I was still alive, getting it on with any hot guys or breaking any hearts. I didn’t tell them I was hurt. They’d worry way too much and end up flying out here to visit. I’d have a lot of explaining to do
I text them that yes I’m alive, no I’m not screwing any guys and no again to breaking any hearts. My friends, if you haven’t noticed, are a little strange. They don’t ask how Montana is or if it’s really cold. They ask about my sex life. I roll my eyes and open my last text from my dad.
Hey baby girl. I miss you so much, but I hope things aren’t too bad where you are. Don’t forget you can visit your old man anytime, all you have to do is ask. If you ever need to talk, call anytime and don’t think I haven’t noticed the credit card bills you’ve been wracking up. If I didn’t love you. you’d be in so much trouble so you’re lucky. Nadie misses you too, but not as much as me 🙂 Hope you feel better soon and I want to talk soon too Every time I call you’re asleep. Work on that. Love you
I smile down at my phone, especially since he types out the full word and he used a smiley face. My dad… I don’t even know what to say other then that I miss him
i mean… anyways, give Nadie a hug and kiss from me!
I miss u 2 daddy and I try calling soon. And about the shopping, I have no idea what un
Luv u! Take care and tty soon) Promise!
I hit send right before another text comes in. I feel so popular
I open the message from Shane and smile.
Gre! I’ll b over ler then. u sure ur okay? need me to pick anything up on my way over? And u will not beat me anymore! I’m the awesome
one :P
Sure you are. tty! 🙂
I reply before shoving my phone back in my pocket, I look at the clock hanging on the wall and notice over twenty minutes had passed. I wonder what Bo is doing out there?
Ignoring Bo’s request for me not to go anywhere, I get to my feet and grab my crutches, I guess he brought the other one out from the kitchen.
Well, that saves me the effort of having to get it. Sue me, I’m lazy..
I hobble to the kitchen and lean against the counter before peeking out the window. After a few seconds, I see Ash run by with Bo close
behind her, trying to grab for her leash. What has me laughing is the fact that the two of them are covered from head to toe in mud. How it happened, I don’t know, but it certainly is a sight.
I watch Bo as he slips and sides over the muddy ground, barely keeping up with my little dog. Who would have thought, a werewolf cant
catch a dog.
He finally dives and catches the end of the leash, making Ash stop her run. Almost like nothing even happened, she sits by his head and starts licking the mud off his face. The only way to tell anything happened is the quick rise and fall of his chest and the fact I can’t see any clean
spot on them..
I quickly pull op
Topen the window so he can hear me.
*Hose off before you come inside!” He turns his head to face me and a sheepish smile spreads across his face before he stands up and makes his way towards the side of the house.
Considering that’s who I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with, I don’t think I’ll be bored. I mean, who can’t take a dog out to let them go to the bathroom? It literally takes five minutes.
The door bell rings and echos through the house, startling me out of my thoughts. Knowing Bo will probably be trying to get mud out of his ears, I make my way to the front door. Upon opening it, a huge smile makes its way onto my face and he lifts me off the ground in a hug.
“About time a friendly face opened the door.” Shane says, spinning me around and setting me carefull back on my feet. I laugh and grip the door frame as he bends over to pick up my fallen crutches. “You’re going to tell me what happened right?” He asks, handing them back to me. I
Chapter 15
+5 Bonus
“After being dragged from your house and Barron having held you back, I owe you an explication for everything” I let him inside and shut the door behind us. “To the living room?” I ask, moving past him, only to stop by the kitchen where Bas standing with his arms crossed over his chest.
“How about not.” I huff and take a few steps to reach his side.
*Shane, can I have a minute?” He shrugs and amples into the living room. I turn to my mate and narrow my eyes. “Why can’t I talk to him?”
“Because he likes you! I won’t have you around him let alone telling him all about us.” He hisses leaning doser
“He already knows I’m a wolf and has probably guessed about everyone else too.”
“Humans aren’t supposed to know” He responds and I roll my eyes.
“He’s my friend and I know he won’t tell anyone
“Get him out of here.” He orders, his eyes darkening slightly, I know I need to calm him down before anything bad happens to grab his hand and put it around my waist. He immediately pulls me against him and buries his face in the crook of my neck. I feel him take a deep breath and I shiver when his breath fans across my skin. Everywhere we’re touching i feel tingles and sparks shoot between us
“Do you trust me?” I ask, placing my mouth directly next to his eat. His arms tighten around me before he answers.
“I trust you, but I don’t trust him.” I roll my eyes and begin playing with his short hair. He growl softly, but not in angec
“I promise I won’t let anything happen and y
can be there with me the entire time. I have nothing to hide and you know more then do
“You seem to be taking everything rather well” He observes, placing a light kiss on my neck. I bite my lip and hope my heart doesn’t give away how I’m feeling
“I don’t think it’s sunk in yet.” I escape from his arms, knowing I won this battle and hop towards the living room on one foot From behind get picked up and in the next moment I’m on the couch, as far away from Shane as I can get, but I’m on the couch. He eyes us wanly as a sits dow between us.
“What do you want to know?” I ask, leaning forward to peer around my mate.