it’s Complicated Ch 21

it’s Complicated Ch 21

Chapter 21 

Tala’s Point of View 

-5 Bonus 

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I wish I could take them back. Bo stiffens next to me and I attempt to move away from him, but he only hold me tighter which confuses me. If he’s offended, shouldn’t he want me away from him to give him some space? I really should learn to keep my big mouth shut


I’m sorry. You don’t have to. That was a stupid question. I shouldn’t have asI start to babble, but he cuts me offs before I can say too much

No.I notice his voice is a little strained, even from just one short word. This is obviously a topic that brings up bad memories and I don’t want 

We can just pretend I never asked.He shakes his head. Seriously-” 

Tala stop.” He takes in a shaky breath and i sit quietly under his arm, not wanting to upset him any more then he already is by not being with him. You deserve to know.” 

Are you sure?I ask hesitantly and he nods

Everyone knows, but you. I don’t want you to hear it from anyone else and be mad that I didn’t tell you first.” 

“I can walk out of the bathroom again, with clothes on this time, and we can pretend nothing ever happened.He manages a small smile and kisses my temple. I look at my hands in my lap in hopes to hide that fact that my cheeks are red. With any other guy, a simple kiss wouldn’t have done anything, but this is Bo, I’m starting to see just how much he affects me in the simplest of ways. Not sure if that’s agood thing or not yet

I appreciate how you would do that, but no hesitate a moment before laying my head down on his shoulder in silent support. He doesn’t say anything for a few moments, then rests his chin lightly on the top of my head

1 was seven, a little boy with too much energy and slightly crooked teeth that eventually forced me to get braces in middle school. Neither of my three brothers had any problems with their teeth so, naturally, they made fun of me as family would. My mom would always hug me when their games became too much. I loved her and her hugs.He pauses and takes in a deep breath. It doesn’t escape my attention that he said that he loved her. As is past tense. My dad was one of the best fighters and I can remember wanting to grow up and be just like him. His voice begins to shake and I wrap my arms around his stomach, hugging him closer. He tighten his grip on me as well, but it isn’t painful so I don’t say anything. My brothers and I would go outside and wrestle with each other, pretending we were great warriors like our dad. Mom would stay with my younger twin sisters, but she never minded. She loved all us kids with her whole heart and never could stay mad at any of us for long.” 

He shifts his position on the beds lightly and then lifts me quickly into his lap. I make a weird sound of surprise, but don’t fight him as he hugs me to him like a child would with their teddy bear. If this is what he needs, I shouldn’t fight him.. 

It was August and the sun had decided to to shine for my sistersbirthday. They were turning five.I hear the agony in his voice and wish I had never asked him about his parents. He sounds like he’s in so much pain and it’s tugging repeatedly at my own heart. We had a favorite diner we liked to eat at. It wasn’t fancy or high class, but we loved the place. We had been planning on going out to dinner there and then to the park. It didn’t take a lot to make them happy.I keep my head resting on his chest and I can hear the steady beating of his heart

Sounds nice.I mumble, feeling the need to say something. He starts lightly rub his thumb over my back and I would bet he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. I don’t say anything either because I have this warm feeling in my stomach


What were their names?I ask, generally curious to know his family better even if I will never meet them. How do I know that? I just have this feeling about it

Michael was twelve and the oldest of the bunch. Then came ten year old Remus and Gabriel, the demon twins. They got into so much trouble all the time from what I can remember and half the time they blamed it on me and I got in trouble for things I never did.” I chuckle softly, noticing the similarities between these twins and how I wasokay how I am. If I can pin the blame on someone else then I will, but only for harmless things. You would have gotten along great with them.” 

What about your sisters?I ask 

Diana and Mercy were quiet around new people, but terrors once they deemed you a friend or in my case of being family. They took after the 

other twins which wasn’t necessarily a good thing.He pauses. You’re distracting me.” 

Chapter 21 

+5 Bonus 

I would never.I defend myself, but I make it obvious that I’m lying with a small smile. He sighs and plants a kiss on top of my head

I’m never going to get to the end if you do I open my mouth to reply, but quickly he cuts me off. Since our family was so large.He speaks at a louder volume as I try to sneak something of my own in, but quickly give up and settle back down in his arms. We were in two separate cars. My mom, my sisters and me were in one while my dad and my brothers were in the other car. Like I already told you, we weren’t going far, but somehow the hunters knew where we were going to be that night

Dinner went by quickly, but the twins had a lot of fun. As we were leaving the diner, my dad had mentioned to my mom that something felt off, but we weren’t supposed to hear it. Somehow I did, but I knew not to say anything. Mom just told him he was being paranoid. 

We reached the park in a few minutes and the girls ran straight to the field. Michael had brought a soccer ball for a family game and we were all excited to play. The teams were my dad, Remus, Gabriel and Diana and then my mom, Michael, Mercy and me. Even though my sisters were on different teams they still passed and helped each other score points. No one corrected them because it’s their birthday and they were having fun

We were a little more than half way through our game when the sun started to set and the girls were getting tired. Mom deemed the game over and that Diana and Mercy won. They were so happy even if they didn’t completely understand what was happening” 

They sound sweetI smile a little, picturing these little girls running around with their brothers and sisters. He gives me a soft smile before continuing

We were heading to the cars when the hunters came out of nowhere.I peer up at his face and notice his smile is gone. We were surrounded and there were two hunters for every one of us. We were badly out numbered and I was sure we were going to die right there, but my dad shifted and attacked their leader in the moment of surprise, mom pushed us towards the forest and told to run. She told us that she loved us all and we were to never look back. So we did

Mercy and Diana were on Remusand Gabriel’s back while Michael and I were in front and behind them. As much as we didn’t want to leave our parents, we didn’t want to disobey them. We didn’t stop running, but we could hear some of the hunters following us. How they kept up with our speed I’ll never know He stops

What happened Bo?I ask quietly and he draws in a shak breath

*Michael was shot in the back and the force from the shot knocked him down. He yelled for us to leave him, but I wouldn’t. I made both twins go while I stayed with my brother He struggled to his feet and told me we were going to split up to draw the hunters away. That was the last time I saw him. Six hunters ended up catching up to me and I stood my ground at seven years old. I was ready to die knowing I was protecting my famly, but then Jamespack came out of no where and all of those hunters were killed in minutes. I later found out that I crossed into his territory and that’s how he got to me.” 

Did they get to any of your siblings in time?I ask, almost not wanting to know the answer

I found Michael dead later the next day after James gave me a room to rest, but I never found any other sign of my other brothers and sisters. I knew my parents were gone without even having to look for them. The hunters wouldn’t have left them alive. For all I know, my entire family is dead.Something in my brain starts to bug me, like I know something, but can’t exactly remember what it is. I push the thought aside and focus back on Bo

Is that where you were coming back from the day I met you?He shakes his head

No, but I always keep my eyes open.I hug him tighter and bury my face in his shoulder

I’m sorry 


For what? You haven’t done anything.” He sounds confused

I’m sorry 

this all happened to you, but I’m sure your family is still out there somewhere.Again, a little part of me is saying that I’m missing something, but I can’t spit it out. It’s going to bother me now 

Is happened a long time ago, but when I knew you were taken by hunters I was a mess, I thought another person I cared about was going to 

be killed.” 

They could never kill me. I’m too awesome.I joke and he manages a small laugh

Something like that.I roll my eyes and pull back a little to be able to see him

I’m going to 

to help you.” 

Chapter 21 

NoHe objects immediately, tightening his arms even more. I start to struggle in his grip

Why not?” 

+5 Bonus 

Hunters don’t like when wolves get away from them. They always remember and they always find those who escaped. I won’t put you in harms way because they will come for you.” His eyes bore into my mine with such seriousness and finality. I’ve already avoided them a few times, but they are still trying” 

But Bo-He cuts me off as I try to reason with him

I won’t budge on this.I huff, giving up my struggling and going limp in his arms

Not how I though our talk would go.I mumble out loud to myself, knowing full well he can hear me. It’s true though. I never thought I’d lear so much about his family. I though he’d just tell me how they died: Hunters killed them and my family, Nope. He told me everything and at times know he was trying hard not to cry. I wouldn’t have judged him though

You know,He starts, breaking me from my thoughts. I never got to ask you what I came up here for in the first place.I keep my body relaxed even though I really don’t want to answer what he wants to know. I don’t think I can tell him yet 

“Haven’t we talked enough already?I reply, looking away from him. He doesn’t say anything, but he puts a finger under my chin to make me look at him. His features have softened significantly and his eyes are a molten purple

Are you tired?He murmurs and I nod, shutting my eyes and getting comfortable in his lap. I honestly have no intention of moving from my position. He’s comfortable. I can tell you are, but you also don’t want to answer my question which means you know what I want to ask.I don’t reply and he chuckles. What did you talk about?I shake my head, keeping my eyes firmly shut 

It’s not important.” 

If the alpha talked to you and told me to ask about it then I think it’s importantI let out a frustrated sigh. I am so going to kill that man… 

tomorrow when I have the energy for it

elling me he’s fighting a smile

the comers, telling me 

Opening my eyes, I tit my head up slightly to look at Dds face. His mouth is pulled up at 

It’s justHe waits patiently for me to spit it out, but the words don’t want to come out. I feel my wolf urging me to tell him, but the rest of me 

is still unsure. He sighs when he notices I’m not going to say anything else

e assures me and I shake my head

You can tell me. I won’t laugh or judge you if that’s what you’re worried about.He 

It’s not that. We kinda had a moment of civil actions and I may have admitted a few things that I wish I never told to him. It’s a little embarrassing now when I think about it” 

*It’s not like you talked with him about having sex, right?I choke on air and push him away from me so I can sit on my own

That is gross! I can’t believe you would even say thatThat mental picture has me cringing in disgust. Um, I’m pretty sure that conversation will never happen and if by some chance it does, I’m out of there

He throws back his head and laughs, seeming to move past our previous conversation with ease. How he does it, I don’t really know, but him teasing me is telling me he’s okay with me knowing about his past, I guess that’s a good thing

Hey, I’m just messing with you. I know you wouldn’t talk to him about that, but what did you say? I want to know.” He looks at me, looking hopeful. He widens his eyes slightly and thrusts out his lower lip. My own jaw drops a little at the sight 

My mate is using the puppy dog face! He can’t do that! When my brother used to do it, I shut him down like a bank on Sundays, but this isI don’t even know what to call this

IuhI don’t think I’m ready to tell you.The words are actually difficult to say because something in me just wants to give him what he wants. It’s like there’s a part of me who wants to give him everything he would want the moment he wants it. Stupid wolf… 

*Please sweetheart? I told you about my past.His face remains pleading, but I see the spark of victory in his eyes

You’re playing te guild card? Seriously?I ask, pressing my back against the headboard and drawing my knees to my chest

Am I?He shoots me a cheeky smile and I close my eyes, burying my face in my arms

Manipulating, cocky ass.I mutter, knowing very well he can hear me. He doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his stare on me as I debate with myself on telling him the truth or feeding him a lie to get him to stop talking about it

Chapter 21 

+5 Bonus 

Lifting my head, I peer into his eyes, shining with love and loyalty, and I know I can’t possibly lie to him. Ugh, what has happened to me? I used to be able to lie to anyone. This place has changed me. I groan and his face breaks into a facesplitting grin, knowing I’m going to tell him 

He settles himself next to me and tucks me under his arm. I rest my head on his shoulder and let out a deep breath

So we got talkingand said some things.” 


things?He presses and I shove him slightly

Be patient.” He holds a hand up in surrender. Before I say anything, you need to know that I don’t express my feelings very well” 

Tve noticed.” 

What’s that supposed to mean?I ask, turning a sharp gaze to him. He shrugs, deciding to keep his mouth shut. I sigh and start to think about how to word things. “WellI was refusing to shift, but Asher kept trying. Eventually he accused me of being afraid and I told him I was, but not of what he thought.Bo gives me a confused look. Obviously I’m doing a great job of being confusing Wetalkedaboutcurrelationship.I end up mumbling really fast

I’m sorry, can you repeat that?He 

what I said even though they heard it

asks, but I can tell it’s from not understanding what I said. Some guys would be jerks about this and ask 

We talked about our relationship.I reply, looking anywhere but him. When he doesn’t say anything. I start to get nervous 

What is our relationship?He finally asks

I don’t know, but we also talked about mates and what they do. He told me not to be too hard on you if I was to sum up the entire 


Tala, look at me.He puts a finger under my chin and my eyes slowly meet his. I do what I do because I care. I almost lost you and I don’t 

want that to happen. I do what I do because I want to. Yes, it’s annoying to have me always around, but I can’t not be with you. I like holding you. kissing you, or even just talking to you. You are my everything now and I hope you know that ” 

That’s what Asher said.I mutter and he chuckles 

“I also love that you stick up for yourself and speak your mind. It’s nice that I don’t have to guess what you’re thinking. Well, unless we’re talking about feelings. Then it’s like talking to a rockHe smirks and I give him a small shove

I know I’m bad, but I have to be a better kisser than a rock.I joke and he suddenly moves really close. His face is literally an inch away from mine and I can feel his breath fanning across my face

We can test it.His voice is a little husky which has my face heating up slightly

I’ll go find a rock.I answer and move to go, but he grabs me around the waist and lays him underneath me

I like the other option better.He says before closing the distance. I smile against his lips and kiss him back, loving the tingles get everywhere we’re touching. My arms wind themselves around his neck to draw him closer 

*Aw dude! That’s my sister!I jump and push Bo off of me to sit up

Barron is standing by my now open door with his hands over both eyes

That door was shut.My mate replies, sounding a little annoyed and I smirk. He didn’t like being interrupted

And I knocked, but I’m here to tell her that training is cancelled for tomorrow. Conrad’s wife went into labor about an hour ago.My mouth opens a little in surprise. I look to the bedside table and see it’s been a little over two hours since Bo first came to talk to me

Okay, thanks, now get out. I point to the door and he backs out, still not uncovering his eyes. I swear my brother is more immature than an 

five year old

I look at Bo once my brother shuts the door behind him and he leans in to kiss me again. Before he can, I cover my mouth with my hand. He frowns and eyes my hand, like he wants to remove it, but I shake my head

I’m tired so I’m going to bed.He pouts and I lay down. After a minute, he lays down beside me and I roll over to face him. Out” 

Nope: Don’t forget to turn the lights out.He grumbles to himself and stands up. He takes a couple of steps towards the door before peering 

Chapter 21 

at me over his shoulder. I give him a shod motion and he goes the rest of the way 

I laugh quietly and close my eyes, only to realize something

Stupid mate took my blanket


it’s Complicated

it’s Complicated

Status: Ongoing


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