“Ashley, I need to go. Thank you for the information. I will call you back later.”
After the phone call with Ashley, I tried my best to handle my whirling thoughts.
Jared is always elegant, considerate, and meticulous. I thought I knew this man after three years‘ marriage. However, I’ve never seen him as emotional as he was in the restaurant, nor have I seen him break his promise, twice in a row.
I sighed as I stepped down from my car.
Upon arriving at home, nothing prepared me for the sight I was met with. Sofia was seated comfortably in the sitting room, and she was not alone. She was with Jared’s mother, and they were conversing and laughing happily. While Jared was sitting alone on the single sofa next to them.
“What’s going on here?” I managed to ask, a lump forming on my throat.
As I approached, Jared rose smoothly, reaching for my coat. “I brought Sofia over because Mom wanted to see her,” he explained, his tone measured.
“You could have told me first,” I said quietly. Jared’s eyes met mine briefly, a flicker of apology passing through them, before he went upstairs with my coat.
Great, now I have to handle this situation on my own.
Sofia turned to me with a carefree look, like she owned the house. “Oh, hey, Arielle. I’m glad you are home. Jared’s Mom and I were catching up.” ”
My eyes grew suspicious as I tried not to glare at Sofia. What is she doing here? Why is my mother–in–law so friendly with her?
Jared’s mother looked up at me too, her expression not all too cheerful as she saw me, like it was with Sofia. “Welcome back,” she said simply, and returned her attention to Sofia. “Go on, my dear. What were you saying?” She urged Sofia.
I was hurt and embarrassed as I stood there, feeling like an outsider in my own home.
I knew Jared too well, but at the same time, was terrified that he might not have told me the entire truth about his relationship with Sofia. Because, how come she was merely his friend but had such a close relationship with his mother?
When doubt creepin
I instantly felt a pang of jealousy as I realized that I didn’t even have such a close relationship with Jared’s mother.
“Oh, I was saying,” Sofia’s shrill voice interrupted my thoughts. Why do I think she was intentionally being loud so I could hear her?
“I returned from abroad to celebrate Jared’s birthday, and I met Arielle at the restaurant earlier. It was our first time meeting,” Sofia continued.
I sneered at her forced cheerfulness. I hope she also tells Jared’s mother how rude she was, how she threatened to have me fired, and how she claimed Jared’s was her
“Oh, really? That was nice,” Jared’s mother said, obviously intrigued by the conversation.
“I can’t believe Jared is married to a mere chef. I mean, don’t get me wrong, but it is not exactly a prestigious job and not befitting for the wife of a billionaire.”
suddenly grew defensive, the urge to defend my career overthink me. “Hey, being a chef is prestigious and noble as well. And I’m good at it.
Sofia turned to me, a feigned surprised look on her face. “Oh, Arielle, I didn’t realize you were still here. I’m sorry you had to hear that, I didn’t mean to talk down on your profession.”
“That’s right, Arielle. Sofia was merely voicing her opinion,” Jared’s mother chipped
- in.
“Indeed,” I said, sarcastically.
Sofia continued, her voice sweet yet, condescending. “I’m sure being a chef has its rewards, but let’s be honest, it is not exactly a Job anyone from an influential family should be doing. It doesn’t require a lot of skill and education.”
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” My eyes flared in anger, “Being a head chef requires creativity and dedication–qualities I possess in abundance. And…”
I kept a calm smile at her, “If there’s anything I find challenging in this profession, it’s dealing with the rare occurrence of unreasonable customers attempting to cause trouble.
I swear I could see Sofia’s expression becoming obviously dark.
Jared’s mother intervened. “Okay Sofia, dear, let’s not talk about Arielle anymore and
When doubt creep
focus on our previous discussion. Tell me everything about your trip.”
I rolled my eyes and took a seat. However, Sofia’s words caught my attention: “Sol
arrived in town last night…”
The rest of their conversation faded into background noise as my mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle.
Sofia glanced away, seemingly unbothered by my silence.
As the pieces fell into place, a realisation hit me: the call Jared received last night was not about work, but because he went to pick Sofia at the airport.
My heart sank into my stomach. Why did he have to lie? I became more worried and unsure about the nature of Jared and Sofia’s relationship that would make him lie.
Slowly, doubts about my marriage crept in. Do I really know the man I’m married to, or are there things about him, I still need to know?
Jared’s mother suddenly turned to face me, a smile on her face.
“Arielle, in case you have been wondering how come I know Sofia, I will tell you now. Sofia and Jared have been friends for a long time. They share a special bond, and I wish you could get along with her as well as Jared does.”
I forced a smile, and didn’t give a response. I couldn’t imagine getting along with Sofia. I don’t feel too good about her.
“I’ll go prepare your favourites, Ladies.” Jared’s mother said, and she stood to her feet and walked off.
After Jared’s mother left for the kitchen, Sofia suddenly turned to me, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
“Oh, Arielle, did I tell you Jared and I go way, way back? Oh, I didn’t? You see, we met in high school, and he’s been chasing me for twenty years,” Sofia narrated.
My eyes widened in surprise. Why didn’t Jared tell me all of these?
“Can you believe it? Twenty whole years! Jared liked me a whole lot and used to do anything I asked of him. We went to prom together, and he even carved our initials on the bark of an old willow tree in the park. I was a beautiful girl, I still am, and I had numerous suitors back then. Jared was so jealous that he used to even fight off any male that got close to me.” Sofia continued
As Sofia spoke of their past, a mix of curiosity and jealousy churned in my stomach. I
When doubt creep tis
pushed the feelings down, forcing my lips into a polite curve. “That’s the past, Sofia, He’s married to me now and nothing would change that.”
Sofia seemed surprised by my reaction, but she didn’t stop. “And yet, he ended up marrying you just a month after I travelled. I mean no offense, Arielle, but it’s quite surprising. With how smitten he was by me, I never expected him to be with anyone. just yet…”
“That’s enough, Sofia, I’m sure that Arielle doesn’t need all those details,” Jared’s voice suddenly sounded from behind, interrupting Sofia.
As I turned to face him, his gaze darted away.