HeartBreak Novel Chapter 133

HeartBreak Novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Yes, Mr Michelson. So please 

please sit down, and let’s talk about Ava 

e with 

Ava stopped inspecting Zeke’s throat to look at Mr Patrick. Why did he make that sound so ominous, as if he thought something was wrong 


The day is almost over. We need to talk about the Head of Council and what he wants,Ava insisted as she went to take the seat nex front of Mr Patrick’s desk

next to her father in 

The longer I watch you. Ava, the more I’m convinced I know what they want,Mr Patrick said

Zeke sat beside her, meeting her gaze curiously before they both turned to the professor 

And that is?she asked 

The purpose of this school isn’t just to keep people in line and equip the future leaders with the skills to lead.” Mr Patrick said. They also root out their future assets and their future threats.” 

And what does any of that have to do with me?she asked in exasperation


Shall I make a list!Mr Patrick said. You’ve made several trips to the infirmary where they never found any injuries. And that’s even a someone bit you and left you bleeding on the ground 

What!!her father roared. When? Who did it?” 

She knew what her father would do if he got the names. It was why the’d never snitched on any of the pack members when they bullied her

I believe that problem was taken care of. The student is already presumed dead, and the Council has remained secretive about the outcome of that Investigation.” 

They told me they found Claire.Zeke said. I assumed she was thrown into

They had? When? Why hadn’t he told her this

Isolation for attacking Ava, but I haven’t caught her scent yet.” 

And what did he mean he assumed they had thrown her into Isolation? He knew what he had done to Claire. That wolf wasn’t coming back. Mr Patrick looked at her sharply before he looked at Zeke. He’d heard her! Crap. She’d just mentally confessed to being an accomplice to this terrible crime

Did they say they found her alive?Mr Patrick asked

Zeke frowned thoughtfully be 

before he turned to look at her

No.he said, answering Mr Patrick’s question while his gaze was locked on hers

But why was he looking at her like that

So first, several students disappeared, and then you went into the forest. The Council didn’t come here for those students; they used that as an excuse to see the ones who had survived the cursed forest. Then, instead of laying low with all those eyes on you, you still beat an Alpha twice and used an Alpha command on an Omega” 

That’s ridiculousshe argued. That boy is not much of an Alpha; anybody can beat him! And that Omega can’t fight to save her life. I’ve been training with Alphas all my life; I know how to take care of myself. That was a command but not an Alpha.command.” 

Okay, then explain the bealing

She had no choice but to reveal Jared’s secret now. She wasn’t going to keep them talking about this nonsense when they could be devising a plan to 


I used a cream my friend gave me. I used to get black and blue when I first started training. That cream helped me 


What son of fream works on broken bones Mr Patrick asked 

Her father tensederside her: Shir jaut hirr lund over his to calm him

unfortunate things 

I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask what the ingredients were,Ava answered sarcastically. I get what you’re saying. All these un brought me on their radar, so how do we get out of it 



t consumed by it within seconds, but here you are 

Chapter 133 

Did the cream also protect you in Isolation? Did it help you survive the forest! Most people get They own that forest, Ava. They know what it was supposed to do to you.” 

“I don’t know how any of that happened,” she said in exasperation 

The ume after was still a bit hazy, but and pain had melted away

but she knew it was 

it was somehow tied to Zeke. The moment he had come home and kissed her, all of that darkness 

150 11 

at’s Mr Michelson who was the catalyst!” 

Stop going into my head!she snapped

“I have to. Ava, because this isn’t a game, but you insist on secrets. We can’t discuss gening you out of here because there is nowhere to hide. The same magic that found you in a remote pack to give you your invite to this school is the same magic that will find you wherever you go,Mr Patrick shouted

Though he was always annoyed with her, she had never seen him this agitated. She didn’t say anything else as Mr Patrick took a moment to compose himself

I know she’s your child, Roland, but you need to listen to me. She is safer here, even if they own this place. I can help her here.” 

She’s not readyher dad said

You need to trust me,Mr Patrick sighed. And she’s been marked by an 

by an Alpha. I think

Tthink she’ll be okay” 

Though her cheeks coloured when they spoke so casually about her mark, she unconsciously raised her hand to touch it. There had been no pain even though he had drawn blood, and it felt like it had healed already. She could only feel the bumps left by his teeth, which was a little strange. Claire’s bite mark had healed entirely by the time she had regained consciousness

So shall we start from the beginning?he continued. Tell me what happened the day the students disappeared.” 

She sighed and put her hand down. They would not get anywhere until Mr Patrick laid out all her dirty laundry

Emily said she wanted to make it up to me for being a bitch to me by taking me shopping. I supposed that was my fault for trusting her. She led me into an ambush. Claire had her friends block the exits, and then she…” 

She’d thought she was dying that day

In the state she’d been in 

She felt both Zeke and her father tense as she spoke, but it was Zeke’s anger she felt the most. He had seen 

covered in blood, and they were gone.” 

I passed out, and the next thing I know, I woke up co 

Her father let out a sound that had her looking up at him

She couldn’t tell what he was thinking

Have youHave you been having nightmares about that day!” 

Why would he ask that in front of other people? She’d been plagued with nightmares and panic attacks all her life, that in public. Though she supposed that if Zeke was serious about being there forever, she would have to talk about them with him. He’d already 

e, but she didn’t want to discuss been in her bed for a few of those

Yes,” she answered

And in your gut, what do you think happened to those students?Alpha Roland asked

She looked away from his probing gaze. She’d already made that confession pentally, but now she had to say it out loud. It was the only way they could finally put this incident belund them 

“They’re deadshe answered Zeke came to save me, as he always does” 

I… I didn’t. I was on a call with my father when you came up the driveway covered in Claire’s blood,” Zeke said quietly. 

What? I don’t understand 

She’d heard his growl. She’d seen how terrified Claire had been before

she passed out 

it still, her screams and all that blood plagued her nightmares. As if she had seen it

|| 11:57 AM

Chapter 133 

She looked down at her hands and could almost see the blood on them. And the claws, ripping into their flesh… 

L… I need some air,she said as she stood

That didn’t make sense. It was impossible

It happened the same way when you were a pup, little one,her father said gently

It’s not the same. It was an animal attack,she said, backing away to the door

hot a killer

It couldn’t be true. It wasn’t her. She was not

HeartBreak Novel

HeartBreak Novel

Status: Ongoing


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