Chapter 169
The whole class turned to look at her i Coach called her name.
What the hell was this? If they were going to execute her, why were they making her fought at the mock evaluations!
me light
an Omega first? And why Emily, who she had already
Unless this was another test to see if she would make a good soldier?
“Ava, Coach Henderson repeated.
She looked up to see the coach’s worried gaze on her before he glanced at Emily. The Omega was already on the mat, her arms wrapped around herself and facing down
her, but Zeke clenched his fists,
She shook her head and stood to walk to the mat, too. Claire was still facing forward as if this was of no interest to h not hiding that his eyes were directly on the Council members.
“Remember that anything goes, the witch said, making her look back at them, too. “Follow the rules, and everything will be fine.” The three of them looked like they were
were expecting a show, but surely they knew it wouldn’t take much for anyone to defeat Emily The coach’s while blew, forcing her attention back to the trembling wolf. It had not been a fair fight before but it would be even worse now. How did they expect any of the Omegas to fight like this?
She looked over at the students sitting in the bleachers and saw how many were in the same state as Emily. Samantha and Julie were among them, as well as Jared’s Omegas. They would all lose their matches today. Was that what this was about? To have them hurt and sent to the Infirmary!
She blanked her mind to avoid thinking about how the other wolves had helped her, but it was impossible not to wonder if they were now being punished for in
“We don’t have all day to listen to your inner monologue,
ur, Miss Morgan Chop chop, the Alpha said.
She turned back to Emily and lowered herself into a stance. Emily hadn’t even attempted to make a move while she’d been distracted. It would be like Sghting a puppy-
She ignored the chuckle that reminded her she had an audience in her head and advanced on Emily. If she made it quick, both of them could sit back down.
“Emily! Focus” she said.
But the wolf just shook her head.
“You have to fight.”
They had said that anyone who didn’t make an effort would be dealt with accordingly. She suspected the punishment wouldn’t nearly be as easy as detention. If they threw Emily into Isolation, she would never survive that.
“I can’t” Emily whispered. “I can’t calm down. I’m s
so scared.
For a moment, she thought she could actually hear Emily’s heartbeat. It was pounding so hard that it was a wonder she couldn’t see it breaking out of her chest. But that was only for a moment, as the coach’s voice disturbed her concentration.
“You need to fight,” he said. “Please, ladies”
She heard something in his voice as if he was also desperate for Emily to fight.
“All the thi
Cinegas are under a spell. They can’t do anything in this state, you know that she whispered to the coach
“Are they?” Alpha Lupri uaid. “And who would do such an awful thing to innocent students?”
Accusing the Council of any wrongdoing was treasonous. She swallowed and avoided looking at the councillors again. If Emily couldn’t do it, she would past have to do the work for both of them. But what would happen in the other Omegast
She advanced and raised her fars. Her first punch landed is Emily’s shoulder, and the wolf staggered back. She didn’t even try to defend herself or
block her.
“Emily! Hold your hands in front of your face
She didn’t. And it became so apparent that Emily wouldn’t do anything at all. This wasn’t a sparring match. And if she didn’t fight, she would also
Latin Check–in
12:05 PM c c
Chapter 169
the same fate
“Slow learner, but I think she’s got it ladies and gentlemen.” Councillor l
Julia said loudly with a slow clap
This time, she imagined she was holding two middle fingers. She was going to die, anyway.
They wanted respect, but they were forcing her to hurt a defenceless student for no reason. She shook her head and advanced again. She got Emily’s other shoulder. The wolf’s tears were running down her cheeks unchecked, and the Councillors weren’t going to even attempt to stop the match. It was obvious that this was part of their plan. Maybe to bring more fear to the students. To make them more pliable so they would be more receptive to their plans.
She punched Emily again, and this time, the Omega fell to her back. This was nothing like the evaluations. Though she had thought them barbaric, the rules and consequences had been clear, and anyone could yield if they wanted to.
Could they yield here? She looked at the coach with her eyes wide.
“You said the same rules as the mock evaluations!”
The coach nodded, and she felt relief wash through her, Emily wouldn’t last a day in Isolation, but she could.
“Iyield,” she said loudly.
There weir gasps and a few whispers in the room. She looked at Zeke, who had been silently watching the pathetic match, and he sighed. She felt his frustration. He had to see that there was no other option. Her decision wouldn’t help the other Omegas, but maybe other students would do the same for them.
She looked back at Emily and saw her smile through her tears She mouthed. Thank you! She nodded and smiled back. Everything was going to be okay. She would speak to the other students. No one had to be punished because of her.
A rush of wind past her blew her ponytail into her face. Something warm splattered on her face and her t–shirt.
She sucked in a breath when she saw the vampire standing right next to Emily His eyes were black, and blood dripped from his fangs and chin onto his expensive suit,
Her body started to shake uncontrollably as she looked down at her T–shirt and wiped her cheek with her hand. When she looked at it, her fingers were red–blood rel
She looked up at the face of the monster again and saw a smile on his face as he licked his lips.
And Emily
She still had that smile on her face when she fell face–first onto the mat, and blood gushed from her throat