Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 1

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 1


Book 1: Chapter



Wes hadn’t looked up from his phone since Amelia took her place across from him inside the dimly lit diner. Beside him, Brooke was reminiscing about their first meal in this very booth while Amelia pretended to enjoy the food on her plate. Brooke had insisted that the three of them meet for lunch. According to her, it had been too long since their last meal together, but Amelia couldn’t admit that she often blew them off because she couldn’t stand to be around them anymore

Brooke had always been sweet to Amella and treated her more like a little sister than her best friend. They shared a dorm together their freshman year of college and remained inseparable six years later. Wes, on the other hand, was Amelia’s only friend through high school, but their friendship was severed when she introduced him to Brooke. Today was the first time in six months that the three of them were together, and Brooke couldn’t stop talking about it

You have no idea how much we miss you, Brooke told Amelia, reaching over the table to take her hand. She looked at Wes and wrinkled her nose when she realized that he wasn’t paying attention to them. Right, Wes? Tell Amelia that we’ve missed her. 

Wes briefly glanced up from his phone, but he didn’t look at Amelia. Yeah, we’ve missed you. We should do this more often

Anyway, Brooke continued, we invited you out today because we have some big news to share

Amelia stared blankly at her friend. She could only assume what the big news was based on those words and the excitement in Brooke’s voice. Her suspicion was confirmed when Brooke pulled her other hand from under the table to show Amelia the ring on her finger, Amelia’s eyes grew wide as she gaped at the diamond that gleamed under the pale orange light as Brooke moved her hand in different angles

That’s amazing, B! Amelia sald, feigning excitement. She took Brooke’s hand in hers to examine the ring and grinned. Congratulations to you both. Have you picked a date yet

Not yet, Brooke replied. But I already know how this wedding will look. I’m seeing a beautiful lake house in the spring. Purple flowers all around me. You as my maid of honor wearing that purple dress you wore to the second chance prom our freshman year

Wes looked up at that moment and pressed his lips together. Money’s not an issue, babe. We’ll buy her a new dress

No, Brooke protested, frowning. That dress holds a lot of sentimental value. She’s wearing it

Amelia nervously laughed. She was in the middle of another one of their disagreements, which 

16:09 FA 





Amelia nervously laughed. She was in the middle of another one of their disagreements, which she often found herself caught in. Whatever you want, Brooke. It’s your wedding

Wes scowled. Her response clearly made him unhappy, but he didn’t push the conversation

This is why I love you so much, Brooke said with a grin. What do you have going on tonight

Amelia opened her mouth to answer, but she couldn’t think of a lie. She knew Brooke would only ask for her time, and she didn’t have the energy to do anything but climb into her bed and watch reruns of the many medical dramas airing that night

Unfortunately, she didn’t have the courage to tell Brooke the truth, so she smiled and then said, Nothing, why

You’re coming to my dinner party at six, Brooke demanded of her. We’re inviting close friends and family who will play a huge part in this wedding, and you’re one of them. Besides, I already kind of told the girls that you’re the maid of honor so they wouldn’t ask

Amelia frowned. You told Laura and Stevie

Well, the three of us went out for drinks last weekend, she told Amelia. She copied Amelia’s frown, t the disappointment wasn’t mutual. You usually don’t like coming out for that, so I didn’t think you’d want to be invited

Amelia nodded to show her friend that she understood, although she didn’t. So tonight, what do

need to wear

Whatever you want, Brooke insisted with the shrug of her shoulders. But something nice. Maybe a cocktail dress

Amelia wanted to tell her that she didn’t own a nice cocktail dress, at least not one that Brooke would approve of. But the ringing phone inside Brooke’s bag stopped her from speaking

Brooke glanced at the screen and groaned before declining the call. It’s my boss. She’s probably wondering where I am, so I better go. Wes, will you make sure that Amelia gets back to her office

I’ll be fine, Amelia said. She must have been too quiet, or Brooke had intentionally ignored her because she didn’t respond to Amelia

Instead, she kissed Wes on the cheek and then blew a kiss at Amelia before hurrying out of the diner. Without Brooke, silence fell over the table

Unsure of what to do with herself, Amelia picked up her glass of water and sipped from the straw


diner. Without Brooke, silence fell over the table

Unsure of what to do with herself, Amella picked up her glass of water and sipped from the straw, even though she wasn’t thirsty. She contemplated paying for her meal at the front, but that would require her to speak to Wes and say goodbye before taking off, and she didn’t know how to initiate that conversation. So, she sat back in her seat and gazed out the window, watching as Brooke got into her car and then sped out of the parking lot

You wanted a purple wedding. Wes said. This Immediately got Amelia’s attention, and she turned her head to look at him. You said it wasn’t your color until you wore that dress to the prom, and then you fell in love with it

Lilac was the color I wanted, she corrected him. But the dress I settled on was plum because Brooke insisted that I look better in darker colors. I regret not getting the one I wanted

Regardless, you looked beautiful that night. He tucked his phone into the inner pocket of his suit Jacket and leaned over the table to take a closer look at Amelia. In the last six months, her wavy black hair had grown down to her waist. Her eyes, so dark that they appeared black and perfectly almond shaped, were narrowed slightly as she stared back at him, and her plump, full lips were pursed as she anticipated his next words

Freddie was an idiot not to show up, he said. His voice was low and quiet enough for just the two 

of them

She sighed and looked down at her hands. They were folded in her lap, but they were shaking. Why are we talking about this

Ignoring her question, he continued to retell the events. But I’m glad he didn’t because I got to take you to that dance. We were having such a good time that you didn’t want to go back to your dorm, so I brought you home with me. Do you remember this

She nodded. I do

We watched movies until you fell asleep, he reminded her. There was sadness in his golden eyes, but he was smiling. These were things we used to do

We were younger then, she said, shrugging. She seemed too nonchalant much to Wesdismay. You and Brooke weren’t together yet, and we thought we’d be friends forever. Things were different

We are friends, and I’d still do anything for you. All you have to do is ask

She smiled at him and placed her hand over his. It was small, but the warmth was large enough to completely cover him. All I ask for is your happiness

16:09 FR, 31 Jan 00 



There was a moment of silence between them where Wes sat with her words in his head while Amelia tried to find joy in their time alone. She couldn’t remember the last time they were together like this, and she wasn’t sure there would be more opportunities. Their moment was short lived and interrupted by a waitress who set their tab on the edge of the table

Thank you for dining with us, she said to the pair. You can pay up front whenever you’re ready

Amelia thanked the waitress and waited until she had walked away to pick up the tab, but Wes quickly snatched it out of her hands and dug into his pocket for his wallet

Do you 

have to go back to work yet? he asked her

She checked the time on her phone and shook her head. I have some time, but Vaughn hates when I take my break away from my desk

Wes got up from the table with her and walked her to the front of the diner where he handed the tab and his card to the man standing behind the cash register. I told you I didn’t like that guy. You’ll tell me if he gives you a hard time

He does all the time, she said with the roll of her eyes. But I need this job, so I can’t tell him off 


I wish you’d leave that place and come work with me. After signing the receipt and placing his card back into his wallet, Wes steered Amelia outside and began walking toward her office. Vaughn is always bragging about his legal assistant, and my office could use his

She laughed. Vaughn also makes twice as much as you right now, and he pays me handsomely. In another few years when your firm is a bit more established, we’ll see where I am in my law career

Ouch, Wes said, smirking. My firm is doing very well, and although I can’t match your salary right now, I can guarantee you’ll be treated with respect

Unfortunately, that doesn’t pay the bills

This comment didn’t sit well with him, but he forced a smile anyway and threw his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close to him. You deserve kindness, Lia, and I’d starve before letting you struggle

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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