Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 3

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 3

Book 1: Chapter




Damien watched the interaction between his father and Amelia from his seat at the bar. Although Damien had only recently connected with his father, he knew almost everyone in his tight knit circle, and that didn’t include the young woman laughing at something he had said. Amelia was closer to his family than he had thought, and it became evident when his father placed a few large bills inside her hand and closed it inside his

Amella’s laughter died in her throat when she realized what he had done. She tried to pull away, but he kept a firm grip on her. Calvin, I can’t accept this

You can, he insisted. Although they were no longer laughing, he was still smiling encouragingly at her. Your mom told me that you were having a difficult time

I wish she wouldn’t tell you things like that. I’m doing very well for myself

I don’t doubt that for a second, he replied. But please accept this as a gift for missing all those birthdays. Wes doesn’t bring you around anymore, and after the divorce, it’s been lonely. 

She tried to smile, but it faltered as he released her. Thank you, and I’m sorry about Harper. should have come to see you

Don’t be silly, he said, shaking his head dismissively. We were unhappy for a long time

I never would have guessed

Parents tend to not burden their children with their marital problems. You were no exception

The corners of her lips lifted, and this time, a smile successfully graced her face. You and Harper 

that. never treated me any differently than Wes. I’ll always appreciate 

I always considered you as part of our family, he told her. Between the two of us, I was disappointed when he showed up to the house with Brooke a month ago and asked for his mother’s 


Amelia looked down at the carpet and rolled her lips together, unsure how to respond to that information. Fortunately, Damien had abandoned his drink at the bar and appeared in front of them, saving her from an awkward conversation

There you are, he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. You disappeared on me again

Calvin raised a brow at his son. You’ve met

16:10 PM. 31 Jan 



Amelia nodded. She was uncomfortable with Damien’s arm around her, but she didn’t let it show. He told me where I could find you

I’m glad he’s looking out for you, Calvin told her, although he never moved his eyes off his son. Anyway, dinner will be served soon. We should make our way over there

We’ll be righ 

right there, she said, gesturing in the direction of the dining room. She waited until Calvin had disappeared into the next room to deeply exhale. While I appreciate you stepping in, I didn’t need you rescuing me

Damien smiled. I’m flattered that you think of me as so heroic, but I didn’t do that for you

She furrowed her brows, expressing her confusion. Then why’d you come over here

Before he could answer, Wes cleared his throat. He was standing in the threshold of the living room and the hallway, examining the lack of distance between his brother and friend

Am I Interrupting? he asked no one in particular

Amelia quickly shook her head and moved toward him. We were just about to join everyone else at 

the table

Wes hummed, unconvinced, but he let Amelia pass him and then approached his brother who hadn’t moved yet from his position. What are you doing

Damien shrugged. I was just making conversation with your friend. Calvin loves her. You love her. I can see why

What are you getting at

Damien narrowed his eyes. She’s very sweet, Wes. I’d hate to think my little brother would take advantage of that.. 

Whatever you have in your head is wrong. Wes told his brother. Lia and I have always been friends, and that’s not changing

Wes, will you please hurry? Brooke called from the other room. Despite the chattering of guests, she had somehow managed to trump all the noise. Everyone’s waiting for you

Taking his cue to leave, Wes wordlessly turned out of the living room and made his way across the hall. The guests had already claimed their seats at the table. Amelia had taken off her jacket and hung it over her chair between the last two unoccupied seats, and without thinking twice, he took the one on her left that seated him directly across from Brooke




her left that seated him directly across from Brooke

She was laughing with Laura and Stevie, two of Brooke’s closest friends, which Wes could tell bothered Amella by the quiet sigh she emitted, but she didn’t comment. Instead, she pulled out her phone from inside her pocket and began scrolling through it to distract herself

As she composed a text to Lily, Damien entered the dining room and claimed the last empty seat. Amelia could feel his heavy gaze on her as he sat in the chair beside her, but no words were exchanged, only a light chuckle

She briefly glanced at him and turned her phone over when she noticed that he had been shamelessly looking at the screen

If you wanted to get out of here, I would have made that happen back there, he whispered

Amelia tucked her phone away and clicked her tongue. There is such a thing as privacy

I’m sorry for invading yours and for making you uncomfortable

She blinked hard, surprised by the apology, but she wasn’t allowed to reply because Brooke had stood up from her chair and was tapping a fork against her glass

Can I have everyone’s attention? she asked the guests around the table. When all eyes moved onto her, she set her glass and utensil down. Wes and I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate our engagement. We were going to wait to announce it, but I just couldn’t keep it in long enough. So, I’d like to take this time to thank my best friend

Laura and Stevie sat up in their seats, anticipating the moment Brooke would call on them. But she never did. Instead, she raised her glass to Amelia and touched a hand over her heart

Amelia has graciously accepted the role as maid of honor, she told the table. And I couldn’t be happier to have my best friend and the woman I call my sister by my side

Laura rolled her eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by Amelia, but she chose to ignore it and raised her glass to Brooke’s

Thank you, she mouthed to her friend before taking their first sip of wine together

I know everyone is eager for dinner, but I’d like for Wes to say a few words, Brooke sald, gesturing 

to her fiancé

Wes looked at the expectant guests and then reluctantly stood, Brooke and I appreciate all of you showing up 

for us tonight. I’d introduce the best man if he were here, but unfortunately, Freddie couldn’t land in time to join us




The mention of Freddie’s name must have taken Amelia by surprise because her grip slipped from her wine glass. She gasped when she felt the cool liquid spill over her lap, soaking her dress

That’s your maid of honor, Stevie murmured, lifting her drink to her lips

Laura laughed, but Brooke only smacked her lips at them

Upon noticing the discomfort on her face, Damien removed his jacket and draped it over Amelia’s lap. I’ll take you to get cleaned up

Please, she’s my guest, Wes said to his brother. Before Amelia could protest, he pulled her out of 

her seat

The guests wa 

with curious gazes as Wes took her out of the dining room. As they entered the hallway, Brooke began speaking again to those at the table, distracting them from the scene Amelia had created

Are you okay? Wes asked once he was inside the bathroom with her

Amelia contemplated telling him the truth, but when she saw the concerned look in his eyes, she nodded. I guess I never outgrew that clumsy part of me

Wes smiled. I’ve always thought it was very cute

I’m not sure if that’s a compliment

He laughed and shook his head at her. It wasn’t a very good one. Wait here, and I’ll grab something from Brooke’s closet for you

That’s probably not a good idea, she told him. The last thing Brooke is willing to share are her clothes

Lia, you can’t sit in a wet dress all night

I’ve done worse

He crossed his arms over his chest and propped himself against the doorframe, raising a brow. You have

She nodded. She had to look away as she continued to explain herself. I sat in a dress that I hated all night after some boy stood me up. Crazily enough, my best friend watched me cry over him for hours






Wes dropped his arms and glanced out Into the hall. When he confirmed that no one was around, he shut the bathroom door and looked at Amella’s reflection in the mirror. She wouldn’t meet his gaze, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t read the solemn look on her face

Lla, you know I’d never intentionally hurt you, he softly spoke. He wanted to cup her delicate face in his hands and turn her to him, but he kept them firmly by his side. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you 

about this first

There’s a lot we don’t talk about anymore, she said, shrugging. I didn’t even know that you two were still friends

I was upset about Freddie standing you up, he admitted. He was relieved when she finally did look up at him in the mirror, but the look of betrayal only made it more difficult to continue speaking. He did, nevertheless. It took me a long time to forgive him for playing with your emotions, but he was like

brother to me

And all along you had one that you never thought to mention

Wes sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I didn’t know about Damien until a couple years ago, but by then, you and I were hardly speaking. I can’t even remember the last time I got to ask about you. Can you

Amelia shook her head to answer and then turned to him. Even as she faced him, she continued to look down at the floor. I can’t, but it’s not your job to ask

Of course it is, Lia. I know I haven’t been the greatest friend, so I’d like to make it up to you


Tomorrow night, let’s grab dinner together and I’ll tell you everything that’s been going on in my life, he suggested. This made her smile, and he felt just the slightest bit of pride when she met his gaze. Just the two of us like old times

Brooke would be ok with that? she questioned him

I don’t see why not.. 

Finally, he relented to his desires and captured her face in his hand. She knew it was wrong somehow to allow him to touch her, but at that moment, she didn’t care

Then let’s do it, she said, grinning. Dinner’s on me

Wes laughed. We’ll see about that


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Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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