Book 1: Chapter 7
I heard a rumor that you were at Red Robyn’s last night.
If Damien weren’t so wrapped up In the new case file he received that morning, he would have been an active participant in Evelyn’s conversation. But with his focus elsewhere, he was forced to listen instead as he studied the screen in front of him. He was sitting at the kitchen island while Evelyn was bent over the pool table in his living room. She had her cue stick drawn back in mid–shot, but she couldn’t seem to find a good angle as she continued talking.
And you may have brought a new plaything inside the Cave.
He hummed, acknowledging her, but he didn’t respond.
This seemed to irk Evelyn because she huffed out a breath and then stood upright, glaring at him. Damien, what are you hiding from me?
He looked up at her from over his laptop and ruefully smiled. I’m sorry, Evie. I’m just a little busy
right now.
No one is too busy to discuss playtime, she said, pouting. You’ve been using that excuse the last
six months.
Well, it’s true, he told her. He closed his laptop and then walked over to the fridge, rummaging through it for a water bottle. Between the firm and my new contract with the PD’s office, I’m tied up.
Excuse me. I’m suddenly wet at the thought of Damien Carter being tied up.
He laughed. I’m sure you’d love that–for me to give up my control.
Come on, she said, throwing her head back in laughter. It wouldn’t kill you to loosen up sometimes. You discovered the switch in me, so I think I can pull it out of you, too..
I also helped you discover your repressed sexuality and preference for women, he reminded her. He chugged from his bottle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before throwing the rest of the water inside the fridge.
Evelyn walked along the perimeter of the pool table, dragging her finger along the felt as she studied his impassive demeanor. I think your new plaything has a thing for women, too.
Damien pulled his brows together. What are you talking about?
Bella told me about the girl you brought into the Cave, she explained to him. You’ve never denied your subs pleasure from other doms. She must be special if you’re not willing to share.
He didn’t offer a reaction as he returned to the island and began packing up his laptop. He couldn’t because it was exactly what she wanted, and he refused to let her see him fall apart. Are you done here? I have to go into the office today.
Evelyn rolled her eyes and placed the cue stick on the wall. I’ve known you for years, Damien. I’d like to think that after everything we’ve been through, you trust me enough to tell me what’s on your
He smiled at her. She was right. Evelyn Monroe was the only submissive to remain a part of his life after terminating a sexual relationship. She had celebrated with him when he finished law school and encouraged him to cultivate a relationship with Wes and Calvin. She was his comfort when his mother passed away from a terminal illness. She knew everything about him, witnessed his most vulnerable moments, and remained solid throughout the years. He could never withhold Information from her, as hard as he tried.
What Bella told you is true, he admitted to his friend. I did bring someone, but we were only at Red Robyn’s for dinner. She saw Bella enter the Cave and asked me to show her, so I did.
Evelyn crossed her arms over her chest and lifted a brow. That’s it?
No, he said, looking down at the floor shamefully. I may have provoked her.
What does that even mean?
She asked me to train her to be a sub. Damien pinched the bridge of his nose and sat on the kitchen stool. Saying the words out loud only made him feel guilty for some reason.
Oh, no, Evelyn said, shaking her head at him. How terrible that a woman asked you to do what you’re good at.
He scowled at her, but she only laughed. She’s Wes‘ best friend, Evie. Taking her out to dinner was one thing but introducing her to this lifestyle with me as her dom is not even an option.
What were you trying to achieve with dinner? Evelyn questioned. She tapped her foot against the floor when Damien didn’t immediately respond. Was this a date?
No, he quickly answered.
Think about this, she said. She walked over to the kitchen island and stood facing him. You invited her to dinner, and of all the places vou could go. you chose Red Robyn’s. You wanted her to find out
her to dinner, and of all the places you could go, you chose Red Robyn’s. You wanted her to find out about the Cave because you wanted her to be your new sub all along.
Evelyn slapped the marble Island top, but he didn’t flinch. He didn’t even look amused.
Is that your theory? he asked. He chuckled when she nodded her head. Well, it’s wrong. I chose Red Robyn’s because it happens to be my favorite restaurant. I had no idea that the Cave would be open last night because last I heard, It was permanently shut down.
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and hummed. I’m not convinced by any of that.
That’s fine. He gathered his computer bag and then he shoved his laptop inside before gesturing to the door. Excuse me. I really have to leave now.
Go then, she said, waving at him dismissively. But don’t come crying to me when she finds a dom who will train her. You’ll be sorry.
Amelia was awoken to the loud banging on her door. She blindly felt around the top of her nightstand to check the time on her phone, but when she remembered that it had broken and she had forgotten to set up the new one last night, she quietly groaned into her pillow before pulling herself up. She peeked through the blinds of her bedroom window and squinted at the faint light coming through. Abandoning the comfort of her bed, she walked out into the living room and stood on her toes to look through the peephole in the door. When she saw Brooke on the other side, she sighed and hastily opened the door for her friend.
Why haven’t you been answering your phone? Brooke demanded to know as she entered the apartment uninvited. I’ve been calling and texting all night.
It’s broken, she told Brooke. What’s wrong?
Wes never came home last night, Brooke said. She stuck her lip out and whimpered, but her eyes remained dry. He told me that he had something to take care of after work, but then he shut off his phone, and I haven’t heard from him since.
Amelia’s face dropped. Have you called Calvin? Wes sometimes spends the night at his place when he’s had a long day.
He’s not there either, Brooke said. She fell onto the living room couch and dragged a hand through her hair. I think he’s still mad at me for not letting him go out on Saturday.
Amelia pulled her brows together. What happened?
He’s been working so much, and then he wanted to go to dinner with you, Brooke explained. She
He’s been working so much, and then he wanted to go to dinner with you, Brooke explained. She was so beside herself that she didn’t notice the frown on her friend’s face
I just couldn’t take it
anymore. I told him that if he left, he better not come back. I guess he finally did it.
Oh, Amella sald as she dejectedly hung her head. Well, I’m sure he’s fine and he’ll call soon enough.
But what if he doesn’t? What if he never comes home?
Amelia glanced at the oven in the kitchen and sighed when she saw that it was only a quarter past seven fifteen minutes before her alarm would have gone off. So, she sat down and wrapped her arm around Brooke’s shoulders.
Wes loves you, she assured Brooke. He wouldn’t leave over a stupid fight.
I don’t know about that, Brooke said, bitterly laughing. He barely says it anymore. I never needed to hear it because I’ve always felt secure in this relationship, but ever since we got engaged, he’s been so
withdrawn and distant.
Have you tried talking to him about this?
Brooke nodded. He just tells me that he’s tired and not to worry. And then he disappears.
When Amelia responded with silence, Brooke turned to her with a smile and wiped her eyes. This time, there were tears in them.
I’m sorry, Brooke said to her friend. I think I’m just overwhelmed with all of this wedding planning. I was supposed to find a wedding dress this weekend, but I can’t even think about that right now.
You were?
Laura made an appointment with a boutique for this Saturday, Brooke said. I thought you knew.
about it.
Amelia shook her head.
Well, I’m sure she just forgot to tell you, Brooke pulled her phone out of her purse and began scrolling through her text messages. She texted us. Maybe you didn’t get it because your phone’s
No, Amelia said, shaking her head again. She folded her hands in her lap and pressed her lips together, attempting to hold her words in, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t an accident that I was left out.
together, attempting to hold her words in, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t an accident that I was left out.
Brooke clicked on the group message and frowned when she realized that Amelia’s name was absent from the chat. I guess she forgot to add you.
Amelia couldn’t help but laugh, which caught Brooke off guard. You should go with them. Laura and Stevie have much better taste than I do anyway.
Brooke blinked hard, taken aback. But you’re my best friend. You’re my maid of honor. You have to
be there.
It’s pretty clear that your friends don’t want me there.
Are you seriously going to back out over one little mistake? Brooke questioned. She was upset now, and it was evident on her face when her cheeks began turning pink. So, Laura forgot to add you to the group chat. Big deal, Amelia. It happens all the time!
Amelia swallowed hard. She wasn’t used to conflict, but it was too late. She was already too deep In confrontation. Yes, with Laura and Stevie, it does happen all the time. They’ve never liked me and made it obvious the day we met.
Maybe If you weren’t so uptight and serious all the time then more people would like you, Brooke argued. She gathered her purse before making her way to the door. At least Laura and Stevie made the effort to plan this for me. You were supposed to do that as my maid of honor.
Amelia tried to find the words to defend herself, but Brooke had already opened the door. Behind It, Damlen stood with one hand tucked into the pocket of his slacks and a bag in the other. Brooke looked him up and down, rolled her eyes, and then roughly brushed past him, but he hadn’t even felt the impact of her shoulder against his muscular frame.
Unable to keep her tears at bay, Amelia turned away to hide her face. She remained quiet even when she heard the door close and the lock slide into place.
Are you okay? Damien asked. He could see her shoulders shake, and as much as he wanted to console her, he kept his hands firmly by his sides.
Amelia wiped her cheeks before facing him. She was still in her sleepwear, but there was no sense in being embarrassed about it now. Why are you here, Damien?
I went by your office, but Lily told me you weren’t coming in until later, he explained.
Did she give you my address?
it, Damien stood with one hand tucked into the pocket of his slacks and a bag in the other. Brooke looked him up and down, rolled her eyes, and then roughly brushed past him, but he hadn’t even felt the impact of her shoulder against his muscular frame.
Unable to keep her tears at bay, Arnelia turned away to hide her face. She remained quiet even when she heard the door close and the lock slide into place.
Are you okay? Damien asked. He could see her shoulders shake, and as much as he wanted to console her, he kept his hands firmly by his sides.
Amelia wiped her cheeks before facing him. She was still in her sleepwear, but there was no sense in being embarrassed about it now. Why are you here, Damien?
I went by your office, but Lily told me you weren’t coming in until later, he explained.
Did she give you my address?
He shook his head. I followed you home last night to make sure you got back safely.
That’s not weird at all, she murmured.
It is, and I’m sorry, he acknowledged. He handed her the bag in his hand and gestured for her to open it. But after last night, I think we’re a little past weird.
Amelia couldn’t argue with that, so she peered into the bag instead. Inside was a red velvet box that she promptly removed. She lifted the lid and gasped when she saw what the box held. It was a diamond encrusted choker. She hastily shoved it into Damien’s hand, but he didn’t flinch and removed the jewelry from the box. Then he spun her, pressing her flush against his front to place the diamonds around her neck. He couldn’t resist the urge to bury his nose into her hair and breathe her in as he tightened the clasp. She smelled of peppermint with just the slightest notes of vanilla on her skin.
Traditionally, a dom gifts their sub with a collar, he explained. He turned her to face him and traced the diamonds with his finger. And you deserve only the best, Amelia.
She closed her eyes when he moved over her collarbone and then down her chest, inching closer to the valley of her breasts. How much did you spend on this?
That’s not something you need to worry about, he said, clicking his tongue. He was displeased by the question. Anyway, after careful consideration, I’ve decided that I will train you under one condition.
He bowed his head, pressed his lips to her ear, and lowered his voice to a husky whisper. You have to accept that there is no possibility of remaining my submissive once your training is completed.
Immediately. disappointment washed over her, but she quickly masked it with a smile before he
16:13 F8, 31 Jan C
I went by your office, but Lily told me you weren’t coming in until later, he explained.
Did she give you my address?
He shook his head. I followed you home last night to make sure you got back safely.
That’s not weird at all, she murmured.
It is, and I’m sorry, he acknowledged. He handed her the bag in his hand and gestured for her to open it. But after last night, I think we’re a little past weird.
Amelia couldn’t argue with that, so she peered into the bag instead. Inside was a red velvet box that she promptly removed. She lifted the lid and gasped when she saw what the box held. It was a diamond encrusted choker. She hastily shoved it into Damien’s hand, but he didn’t flinch and removed the jewelry from the box. Then he spun her, pressing her flush against his front to place the diamonds around her neck. He couldn’t resist the urge to bury his nose into her hair and breathe her in as he tightened the clasp. She smelled of peppermint with just the slightest notes of vanilla on her skin.
Traditionally, a dom gifts their sub with a collar, he explained. He turned her to face him and traced the diamonds with his finger. And you deserve only the best, Amelia.
She closed her eyes when he moved over her collarbone and then down her chest, inching closer to the valley of her breasts. How much did you spend on this?
That’s not something you need to worry about, he said, clicking his tongue. He was displeased by the question. Anyway, after careful consideration, I’ve decided that I will train you under one condition.
He bowed his head, pressed his lips to her ear, and lowered his voice to a husky whisper. You have to accept that there is no possibility of remaining my submissive once your training is completed.
Immediately, disappointment washed over her, but she quickly masked it with a smile before he could see it and then said, I accept.
He smiled, pleased with her obedience. Good girl. We’ll start your first lesson when I pick you up from work tonight.
from work tonight.