Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 8

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 8

Book 1: Chapter

Amelia wasn’t allowed to take her necklace off, not even when she arrived at work. As hard as she 

tried to hide it under her knitted top, the diamonds couldn’t be concealed without snagging. Fed up with the heavy jewelry around her neck, she removed it and slipped it into her purse. She would have to remember to put it on before meeting Damien later that night for her first lesson or she’d be punished for removing the only thing to identify her as his

What’s that? Lily asked, appearing in the doorway. She gestured to Amelia’s purse sitting atop her desk, but Amelia quickly grabbed it and placed it inside the drawer

Nothing, Amelia answered. She opened her laptop without looking at Lily and began scrolling through her unread emails

Is it real

Ignoring the question, Amelia looked up from her laptop and asked, Can I help you with something

Lily blinked hard, surprised by her tone, but she stepped into the office anyway. Someone’s cranky this morning. I just wanted to let you know that your boyfriend came looking for you

Damien isn’t my boyfriend, and I’m aware. She apologetically smiled when she met Lily’s gaze and noticed the solemn look on her face. I’m sorry. I had a rough morning

Do you want to talk about it

Amelia shook her head, to which Lily accepted and then shut the door behind her

buthe way she

I wasn’t talking about Damien, Amelia. Wes stopped by and asked for you. You weren’t here, so he left this

Amelia pulled her brows together in confusion when Lily presented her with an unopened white box. There was a printed Image of a phone on the box, and the seal was still intact

He left me a phone? she asked Lily

It appears so, she replied. She approached Amelia’s desk and slid it across the glass surface. Please tell me your secret for getting these men to fall at your feet. I want to be spoiled too

Amelia picked up the box and examined it. It was identical to the one Damien had gifted her






Allicia prukcu up te va anu cagutu i. Il maa rucHNILAI TU DHE ulic vanhien hau ginicu lier, which he had demanded she set up as he drove her to the office that morning

Sighing, she stood up to pull her jacket on and then threw her purse over her shoulder. Is Vaughn here today

Lily shook her head. He’s on a business trip, which really means he’s somewhere in Europe with his newest plaything

Good, Amelia said. I’ll be back later

Where are you going? Lily asked. But she didn’t get a response because Amelia was already on her way out the door

As Amelia tied her jacket closed, she swiftly exited the office and took the elevator down to the street level. Wes worked only a few blocks from her, and although Brooke had declared him missing this morning, she knew he would be in his office. He hardly missed work. Wes Anderson was too dedicated to his clients

Despite the cold winds, Amelia managed to truck through five blocks before arriving at Anderson and Carlson Family Law Office. Inside the lobby, Luke Carlson reprimanded a bonds agent for soliciting. He was Wesclassmate from law school and partner of the firm. Amelia had met him the night Wes celebrated his first victory in court and was never fated to meet him again. She was certain he wouldn’t remember her, but she stood corrected when he quickly ended the conversation with the bondswoman and waved at her

Lia, he said, abandoning the woman by the reception desk. He opened his arms to Amelia who reluctantly accepted his embrace

It’s actually Amelia, she corrected with a tight smile

I’m sorry, he said, releasing her. Wes introduced you as Lia, so I assumed that was your name. What are you doing here, by the way

Do you know where I can find him

Luke nodded and pointed to the back corner where Wesoffice was located. He’s been in there all 


Thanks, she said. She offered him a gracious smile and then walked over to Wesclosed door. Behind the opaque glass panel, the silhouette of a man appeared hunched over with his head in his 


She knocked. She could see the man sit up, but she was met with silence, so she knocked again






Despite the cold winds, Amelia managed to truck through five blocks before arriving at Anderson and Carlson Family Law Office. Inside the lobby, Luke Carlson reprimanded a bonds agent for soliciting. He was Wesclassmate from law school and partner of the firm. Amelia had met him the night Wes celebrated his first victory in court and was never fated to meet him again. She was certain he wouldn’t remember her, but she stood corrected when he quickly ended the conversation with the 

bondswoman and waved at her

Lia, he said, abandoning the woman by the reception desk. He opened his arms to Amelia who reluctantly accepted his embrace

It’s actually Amelia, she corrected with a tight smile

I’m sorry, he said, releasing her. Wes introduced you as Lia, so I assumed that was your name. What are you doing here, by the way

Do you know where I can find him

Luke nodded and pointed to the back corner where Wesoffice was located. He’s been in there all 


Thanks, she said. She offered him a gracious smile and then walked over to Wesclosed door. Behind the opaque glass panel, the silhouette of a man appeared hunched over with his head in his 


She knocked. She could see the man sit up, but she was met with silence, so she knocked again

Come in, he gruffly said from the other side

Amelia opened the door and poked her head through, checking the space for other guests. When she found Wes sitting alone at his desk, she stepped into the office and shut the door behind her

Hey, she said. Her voice was soft, a contrast from the tone he had used with her. Brooke told me that you didn’t make it home last night

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and stood up to face the window behind him, watching the bustling city beneath him

Brooke told me that you two were fighting. He turned his head to look at her from over his shoulder. Well, I heard it through a lengthy voicemail when I turned my phone on this morning. Do you want to tell me what happened

She twisted her lips in distaste and shifted her weight from one foot to another. Not really




street level. Wes worked only a few blocks from her, and although Brooke had declared him missing this morning, she knew he would be in his office. He hardly missed work. Wes Anderson was too dedicated to his clients

Despite the cold winds, Amella managed to truck through five blocks before arriving at Anderson and Carlson Family Law Office. Inside the lobby, Luke Carlson reprimanded a bonds agent for soliciting. He was Wesclassmate from law school and partner of the firm. Amelia had met him the night Wes celebrated his first victory in court and was never fated to meet him again. She was certain he wouldn’t remember her, but she stood corrected when he quickly ended the conversation with the 

bondswoman and waved at her

Lia, he said, abandoning the woman by the reception desk. He opened his arms to Amelia who reluctantly accepted his embrace

It’s actually Amelia, she corrected with a tight smile

I’m sorry, he said, releasing her. Wes introduced you as Lia, so I assumed that was your name, What are you doing here, by the way

Do you know where I can find him

Luke nodded and pointed to the back corner where Wesoffice was located. He’s been in there all 


Thanks, she said. She offered him a gracious smile and then walked over to Wesclosed door. Behind the opaque glass panel, the silhouette of a man appeared hunched over with his head in his 


She knocked. She could see the man sit up, but she was met with silence, so she knocked again

Come in, he gruffly said from the other side

Amelia opened the door and poked her head through, checking the space for other guests. When she found Wes sitting alone at his desk, she stepped into the office and shut the door behind her

Hey, she said. Her voice was soft, a contrast from the tone he had used with her. Brooke told me that you didn’t make it home last night

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and stood up to face the window behind him, watching the bustling city beneath him

Brooke told me that you two were fighting. He turned his head to look at her from over his shoulder. Well, I heard it through a lengthy voicemail when I turned my phone on this morning. Do you 

mant to tall ma sihat hannanadi 



bondswoman and waved at her

Lia, he said, abandoning the woman by the reception desk. He opened his arms to Amelia who reluctantly accepted his embrace

It’s actually Amelia, she corrected with a tight smile

I’m sorry, he said, releasing her. Wes Introduced you as Lia, so I assumed that was your name. What are you doing here, by the way

Do you know where I can find him

Luke nodded and pointed to the back corner where Wesoffice was located. He’s been in there all 


Thanks, she said. She offered him a gracious smile and then walked over to Wesclosed door. Behind the opaque glass panel, the silhouette of a man appeared hunched over with his head in his 


She knocked. She could see the man sit up, but she was met with silence, so she knocked again

Come in, he gruffly said from the other side

Amelia opened the door and poked her head through, checking the space for other guests. When she found Wes sitting alone at his desk, she stepped into the office and shut the door behind her

Hey, she said. Her voice was soft, a contrast from the tone he had used with her. Brooke told me that you didn’t make it home last night

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and stood up to face the window behind him, watching the bustling city beneath him

Brooke told me that you two were fighting. He turned his head to look at her from over his shoulder. Well, I heard it through a lengthy voicemail when I turned my phone on this morning. Do you want to tell me what happened

She twisted her lips in distaste and shifted her weight from one foot to another. Not really

She said you no longer want to be part of the wedding

Amelia couldn’t help but roll her eyes. That’s not true

Then what is the truth? he questioned. When she remained quiet, he faced her and folded his 

16:14 PM 



Come in, he gruffly said from the other side

Amelia opened the door and poked her head through, checking the space for other guests. When she found Wes sitting alone at his desk, she stepped into the office and shut the door behind her

Hey, she said. Her voice was soft, a contrast from the tone he had used with her. Brooke told me that you didn’t make it home last night

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and stood up to face the window behind him, watching the bustling city beneath him

Brooke told me that you two were fighting. He turned his head to look at her from over his shoulder. Well, I heard it through a lengthy voicemail when I turned my phone on this morning. Do you want to tell me what happened

She twisted her lips in distaste and shifted her weight from one foot to another. Not really

She said you no longer want to be part of the wedding

Amelia couldn’t help but roll her eyes. That’s not true

Then what is the truth? he questioned. When she remained quiet, he faced her and folded his arms over his chest, propping himself against the window. It’s hard for me to believe that you would instigate a fight to get out of your role

Is that what she said

Wes didn’t answer. He only stared at her expectantly, awaiting her defense

Finally, Amelia lifted her gaze to him and then said, I was being sensitive over a mistake that Laura 


He laughed, but he hadn’t done so humorously. Try again, Lia

That’s all that happened, she insisted. He still didn’t look convinced, so she sighed in defeat before relenting. Brooke and I got into a disagreement over Laura and Stevie. She said some things about me 

and then she left

What did she say

Wes, we really don’t have to talk about this

16:14 FM, 31 Jan 




Yes, we do, he argued. You’re my friend, Amelia. I am not with anyone disrespecting you


She looked down at the door and shoved her hands Into the pockets of her jacket, as if that would hide her somehow. Why do you care


Why do you care? she asked again. Your fiancé is worried sick about you because you haven’t called her, but you’re more concerned about the fight

Amelia, 1- 

Whatever words he had wanted to say quickly died in his throat. He shut his mouth and sighed, unable to produce an explanation

Anyway, I just came here to return this, she told him. She dug into her purse and presented him with the phone he had left for her

Wes glared at the unopened box and held his hand up when she tried to hand it to him. You said your phone broke. Keep it

I can’t, she said, leaving the box on his desk instead. I have to get back to the office, so you should 

call Brooke

Wes couldn’t watch as she turned away and walked to the door. So, before she could open it, he intercepted her path and slammed it shut. The sound made her flinch, but she was more taken aback by Westall figure standing above her

I care that you’re hurt, he whispered. She was surprised to hear the vulnerability in his voice. You constantly blame yourself, but it’s okay if you don’t want to do that anymore. I’m on your side, always


She rolled her lips and closed her eyes. As much as she wanted to accept his words of encouragement, she couldn’t. So, she reached for the door again, but before leaving, she looked at him and said, Call your fiancé, Wes


opened the door to make her escape, but she found herself blocked in by the large figure on the other side. She lifted her head and upon realizing who stood in front of her, she immediately looked down again. He didn’t speak initially. Instead, he looked her over and smirked

I hope this is the surprise you were talking about on the phone the other night, the man said to Wes. He abandoned his carryon luggage by the door as he entered and continued to study Amelia



Wes clenched his jaw and glared at his friend. You were supposed to be here days ago, Freddie. What the hell happened

Freddie reluctantly tore his eyes from Amella and shrugged. I had a layover in Dallas and decided to stay a couple days. If I’d known that Amella Lee was the maid of honor, I would have been here 


She rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t give Freddie the satisfaction of knowing that he still affected her, so she remained quiet

Where are you staying? Wes asked, ignoring the comment

I got a room somewhere over here, Freddie answered. You know me. I gotta stay in the city for the full experience. Maybe later, you and I can check into my room together

Amelia grimaced when she realized that he was talking to her and looked to Wes, but he hadn’t 

even reacted

Glad to know you’re on my side, Amelia murmured. She tried to leave the room, but Freddie spoke 


I’m kidding, Lia, he said, laughing. You know I like messing with you. How about I treat you to

nice dinner tonight? I owe you

And let you stand me up a second time

Freddie wasn’t expecting to see her smile, but he mirrored it when he saw the teasing look on her face. That stings a little, but I deserve that one. So, what do you say? Will you let me take you out 


Amelia knew Wes was watching her, anticipating her answer, but she didn’t care. I’m busy tonight, but you can propose another day

Freddie licked his lower lip and smirked. I’ll call you. Is your number still the same

Call it and find out

With those words, Amelia spun on her heel and then exited the office, leaving the men to stand alone. She took one last look at them before walking away and triumphantly smiled. She was pleased to have put the deep scowl on Wesface and a wide, unwavering grin on Freddie’s




Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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