Billionaire Boss 82

Billionaire Boss 82

Chapter 82 


Coming home without most of my memories is strange. I’m working overtime right now to catch up on work, which feels bad since my and Leah’s wedding is coming up soon

Only a few days leftI tell myself and look down at my phone There’s a message from Leah on my screen

Leah: You’re lucky that I already agreed to marry you because if you had gone down on one krice today, I would politely decline to marry you. I’m too fat for my dress

I snort

Me: That’s why we hired a private seamstress

Her response is fast, and I realize she must be holding her phone 

Leah: And I’m going to need to have her on speed dial since just looking at a pizza is enough to make me fatter. She will probably have to fix my dress about thirty times on our wedding day

Me: Haha

Leah What do you mean haha ??? This isn’t funny, Caleb

Me. It is to me

Leah: You’re such an asshole

Leah: Gah! I wish men were the ones carrying babies. You wouldn’t be laughing then since that sixpack of yours would be gone

Me: Eightpack*** 

Leah: did I mention that I fucking hate you

Me: Love 

Leah: GAAAAAH! You’re so infuriating

I smile to myself, happy that Leah is getting married to me despite being pregnant. It must be hard on her. On the one hand, our babies will be in the wedding pictures, but on the other hand, she won’t get those perfect, slim shots all women seem to think are important. In my eyes, however, she is perfect

Suddenly, there’s a knock on my door, and my insides twist when I turn around and see it’s Lana, my exwife. I immediately put down my phone to study her with blinking eyes 

She has changed so much, but I guess no one stays the same

Since my memories of Lana are from the past when we were still married, it’s strange to see her again. She looks older than 

I remember, and her face is cruel, so unlike the happy woman in my head when I think of her name

Hello,I say. To what do I owe the pleasureof my exwife vising me?” 


19:00 Sat, FED

Chapter 82 

Lana crosses her arms over her navy dress suit, her red lips forming a pout. I heard about the amnesia and just wanted to drop by to see how you were doing.” 

1 lean back in my chair, eyeing Lana warily like a rabbit would aon since that’s exactly how Lana is making me feel: like prey. In any other man’s eye, she would be beautiful, but 1 personally feel uneasy around her even if I can’t quite put my finger on my. Perhaps it’s because she still wants met 

I’m fine, Lana. Thank you for your concern.” 

She takes a step closer, her eyes roaming over me in a way that makes me distinctly uncomfortable. This woman DEFINITELY wants me

Are you sure? It must be so confusing not being able to remember your future wife because you don’t remember her, right?” 

Anger swells inside of my chest. I don’t know what little bird told Lana about my inability to remember Leah. Perhaps it was someone working on the plane? Or one of my butlers? A doctor in Sweden, maybe?, 

Regardless of who spoke with my exwife, I’m not too shocked. Lana has always been hungry for gossip. It was one of her flaws and it wouldn’t surprise me if she paid someone to spy on me. Thinking back, she probably paid that flight attendant who kept asking me and Leah if we needed something 

How I’m feeling isn’t any of your business. You and I aren’t marised anymore

Lana smiles darkly. But you remember us being marriedIsn’t that strange? It’s almost as if your mind deems me more important than your current girlfriend.” 

That’s not how amnesia works, Lana,I tell my exwife, my tone clipped. My memories are returning chronologically. It has nothing to do with importance.” 

Are you sure about that?Lana purrs. Maybe deep down, you know I’m the one you’re meant to be with.” 

Okay, that’s enough

You need to leave. Now,” 

Lana takes another step closer, her perfume overwhelming my senses. It’s cloying and overpowering, nothing like Leah’ssubtle, sweet scent. Come on, Caleb. Don’t you remember how good we were together? We could have that again.” 

No,I say firmly, standing up from my chair behind the desk in an attempt to frighten this woman into leaving me the fuck alone. We couldn’t. And even if we could, I wouldn’t want to. I love Leah. Now, please just leave.” 

Lana ignores the leave part and glares at me like a snake that wasn’t able to catch the mouse. Love her? You barely know her! How can you love someone you don’t even remember?” 

Because I fall in love with her more every day,I reply without hesitation. Memory or no memory, Leah is kind, funny, beautiful, and carries my children. She’s everything to me.” 


No buts, Lana. We’re done. We’ve been done for a long time. Please leave my office and don’t come back.” 

Lana’s face contorts with rage. You’ll regret this, Caleb. That little whose doesn’t deserve you!” 

Whore? Did she just call Lana a whore?! 

19:08 30l, Feb 

Chapter 82 


A fury I didn’t know I was able to feel hits me like a punch in the ace and before I know it, I’m stepping around my desk to tower over lana. I would never hurt a woman, but I’m pretty damn close to throwing that rule out the window

I can’t tell whether you’re dumb or brave for speaking about Le like that,I say in a cold tone. She is my fiancée and the mother of my children, the most important person in my life and I release a laugh that’s anything but friendly. I’m actually so close to giving you hell, so please, leave my office bere I change my mind about sparing you” 

Oh, you wouldn’t hit-” 

I would,I interrupt coldly. So, in the future, I suggest you show Leah respect, or there will be consequences regardless of your gender. Do I make myself clear?” 

Lana’s eyes widen, a flicker of fear crossing her face before she masks it with indignation. You can’t speak to me like that! I’m your lawyer, and I own-” 

You’re nothing to me,” I interrupt her again in the same cold voice. And after looking at my notes, I see that I’ve been meaning to buy you out of this company for a long time.” 

Lana’s eyes widen in shock. You wouldn’t dare. Steele industries need me!” 

We don’t, say firmly, and I’m not joking. This place would be better without Lana in it. Now get out of my office before I call security.” 

Lana opens her mouth as if to argue further, but something in my expression must convince her I’m serious. With a final glare, she releases a Grrr!sound and spins on her heel to storm out dramatically, slamming the door behind her

I sink back into my chair, rubbing my temples. That confrontation has left me with a pounding headache. As I sit there trying to calm down, there’s another knock at the door

Come in,I call out wearily, half expecting Lana to have returned

But it’s Leah who pokes her head in, her expression concerned. s everything okay? I saw Lana storming out” 

The sight of Leah instantly soothes me. I gesture for her to come closer. Everything’s fine now that you’re here.” 

Leah waddles over, her pregnant belly leading the way. She perches on the edge of my desk, looking down at me with worry in her eyes. What happened?” 

I lift my eyes to her face, my hand already reaching out by instinct to land on Leah’s belly. Lana came by toexpress her thoughts on our engagement. She wasn’t particularly kind about it” 

What did she say?” 

Nothing worth repeating. But I made it clear that she’s not welcome here anymore.” 

Leah places her hand over mine on her belly. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Are you okay?” 

I smile up at her. I am now that you’re here.” 

Leah blushes, a small smile playing on her lips. Smooth talker

I chuckle, pulling her closer so I can rest my head against her swollen belly instead of my hand. How are our little ones doing today

Active,Leah says, running her fingers through my hair in this wifey way that makes me feel all warm and gooey on the 

Chapter 82 

inside. They’ve been kicking up a storm all morning 

As if on cue, I feel a small thump against my cheek. My eyes widen in wonder. Was that

Leah grins. Yep I think they know their daddy is neartry 

inte I lift my head to look up at Leah, awe written all over my face. That’s incredible 1 cant believe we created these te lives together.” 

It is pretty amazing, isn’t it?” 

I smile, and then, as I hold her gaze, my feelings spill out. “I love you, Leah Foster, soon to be Leah Steele,I wg softly, t words coming out naturally. I know I don’t remember everything about us yet, but I know I love you, Lesh. More than anything.” 

Leah, who is usually fierce, is all tearyeyed. Hove you too, Caleb. So much.” 

I stand up, pulling Leah into my arms as best I can with her pregnant belly between us. I kiss her deeply, pouring all my emotions into it. When we break apart, Leah looks wild with swollen lips and stolen breaths. It makes me want to stay with 


What do you say we get out of here?I suggest, already feeling like I could pretend my pile of work doesn’t exist. It’s only making me cranky

Leah Smiles. That sounds perfect. Where should we go?” 

I grin back. To the Sunny Lobster. Dinner there sounds nice, don’t you think?” 

Billionaire Boss

Billionaire Boss

Status: Ongoing


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