Chapter 107
I hate to admit it, but I expected Ethan to take me out to an expensive restaurant. I mean, call me biased, but that’s what I see the male billionaires do on TV. They find a beautiful woman and win her over with wine, food, and music.
Not Ethan.
He is driving out from the city…?
I turn around in my seat, staring at Ethan’s profile. If this thing between us is only about sex, which I’m sure it is, then why is he taking me away from the city? Are we going to a motel?
As if understanding precisely what I’m thinking, fishing, Freya?”
All than chuckles. “I promise I’m not kidnapping you. I’m taking you to my yacht. Do you like
A surprised laugh leaves my lips. I didn’t expect this
Ethan makes a choking sound but keeps his
plug it all coming from Ethan. “I’ve never done it before…”
On the
as he drives. “Never?”
“How is that possible? Sorry for bringing up your age, but you’re older than me, which means you should have a headstart when it comes to life experiences.”
I giggle. “You think fishing is a life experience?”
“Well, I’m happy I get to try fishing with you then…” My eyes grow a bit misty, and then I sigh. “Clark seldom took me out on dates. Most of my time was spent cleaning his trophies or cooking him dinners, which I didn’t mind doing as his wife, but…” I fall silent, but Ethan isn’t stupid.
“Let me guess: he never thanked you for it?” he asks.
“He didn’t, no…”
Whoa. Overshare. Stick to basic information…
I can feel Ethan watching my profile, so I clear my throat. “But that conversation doesn’t belong here. You and I are going fishing, so let’s focus on
Ethan is silent for a while before speaking in a low tone, “I didn‘
you were married.”
“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”
My heart clenches. “He… He cheated on me with my brother–I mean, sister!”
Ethan gasps and almost crashes the car due to shock but manages to swerve it back into the correct lane, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry, what? He cheated on you with your sister? Who used to be brother?”
“Y–yeah,” I mumble, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I have this sibling who was born intersex, and Clark, he…well… it’s a long and complicated story.”
Ethan is quiet for a moment, processing this information. Then he says softly, “I’m so sorry, Freya. That must have been incredibly painful.”
“It was.”
I say nothing more than that, and luckily, Ethan doesn’t ask any more questions either. We drive in silence until it’s time to park the car. Once we get out of it, I can smell the salty sea air and hear seagulls crying overhead.
“This way,” Ethan says and glances down at my hand. It looks like he wants to take in his, but in the end, he doesn’t.
is it because I told him I used to be married? Did that somehow make him feel awkward around me? It was probably a wake–up call. After hearing
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Chapter 107
I was married Ethan might be finally beginning to understand what the age difference between us truly means.
The poor guy is just 21, while I’m 30. That means Ethan here barely has any life experience, while I could write a book.
And that shouldn’t bother me. I mean, it’s part of why I held back around him before, but now, with him not taking my hand in his, I feel…sad.
Is that weird?
Regardless of which, I keep my smile as I follow him down the dock in silence. We pass several boats of various sizes until we reach a white yacht
that looks like it costs more than I will make in several lifetimes.
“Here we are,” Ethan says proudly. “The Sea Lioness.”
Even though I know nothing will come out of this date since Ethan must be regretting bringing me here already, I smile up at him. I don’t want to make things uncomfortable for him.
“Really?” I ask, my voice light and teasing, though inside, I’m dying. “You named your boat after me?”
He chuckles. “No, actually. I’ve had her for years. But the name seems rather fitting now, doesn’t it?”
And just like that, I’m blushing. Ethan is smooth and the name does seem fitting, but a part of me wonders if Ethan has called other women “lioness” before me.
Pushing those thoughts aside, I follow Ethan onto the yacht. It’s even more impressive up close: luxurious with gleaming wood and chrome accents.
“Would you like a tour?” Ethan asks.
He gives me a tour of the yacht. Its most Ethan pointing at expensive things while I try not to pass out from amazement until we reach a closed door.
“And this,” he says as he opens it slowly, “is where we will be spending the night.”
I freeze, staring at the king–sized bed while wondering if he just realized what he just said. He can’t have, right? There’s no way he would share it with me…right?
“Tonight?” I repeat weakly.
Ethan’s eyes widen in alarm. “I mean, if you want to. But if that makes you uncomfortable, then we can absolutely head back to land later.”
I’m confused. Is he saying this because he wants me to spend the night or just to be polite? He may be one of those guys who thinks I need sex to feel like my date went well.
I smile. “How about we leave the decision–making for later?”
Ethan smiles back, looking relieved. “Of course. No pressure at all. Let’s just enjoy our time together and see where the evening takes us.”
I appreciate his understanding, but for some bizarre reason that I do not know, I feel… disappointed. I guess part of me was hoping he’d insist on me staying…
We make our way back up to the deck, where Ethan fires up the yacht’s engine. I sink into one of the plush deck seats while he does that. The boat pulls away from the dock, and then we’re off skimming along across the water. Fun times.
“So, ready to learn how to fish?” Ethan asks with a grin as he joins me.
I laugh. “I guess so. But I have to warn you, I’m probably going to be terrible at it.”
“Nonsense,” he says. “I’m an excellent teacher. You’ll be reeling them in like a pro in no time.”
I smile back at Ethan. This is good. We are smiling and having fun. Things aren’t THAT awkward since he learned about the divorce, which means I can absolutely do this. I just have to keep up with the smiles until the date is over.
I think it’s going to be easy to stay calm and happy–go–lucky, but I’m wrong. Once Ethan becomes my teacher, it becomes impossible not to feel tingles when he teaches me how to cast the line. And then, when he takes off his jacket under the setting sun, there’s no helping my eyes as they wander over his muscled form.
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Chapter 107
And gods, is he beautiful, or what?!
That body is just…ugh! Someone better give me a water bottle before I pass out from the heat.
I’m mesmerized by the way Ethan’s forearms flex as he reels in the line, the veins standing out slightly under his tanned skin. When he turns to smile at me, the fading sunlight catches in his emerald eyes, making them sparkle. A lock of his brown hair falls across his forehead, and I have to fight like hell not to snap a picture of this guy. He is seriously hot, like on a romance–novel main character level.
My eyes linger on his pectoral muscles. His t–shirt is so tight I can see the outline, and it doesn’t help that his hardened nipples are pressing against
“Ehem,” Ethan coughs and smirks when my eyes immediately snap up to his. “Eyes up here.”
My face, no, not only my face–my whole body feels like its been scorched by the most intense rays of sunlight. “I….. I wasn’t—…I mean! Shit…”
“Uh–huh, sure you weren’t,” Ethan grins, and I
my eyes out of sheer mortification.
Ethan chuckles at my embarrassment. “It’s okay, Freya. I don’t mind you looking.”
I bite my lip, still avoiding his gaze. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just… you’re very…”
“Handsome? Charming? Irresistible?” Ethan teases, flexing his mules dramatically.
I may be mortified, but there’s no holding in the giggles rising
my throat. “Modest, clearly.”
Ethan grins. “Hey, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, right?”
I roll my eyes at the cocky billionaire, but I’m fighting laughter. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Maybe… But I made you laugh, didn’t I?”
Our eyes meet, and I swear the air between us feels charged with electricity. But then Ethan clears his throat and looks away. “So, uh, want to try casting again?”
I’m beyond grateful for the distraction. “Sure.”
Ethan hands me the rod and positions himself behind me, his taught you. Pull back, then forward with a smooth motion…”
nearly touching my back as he guides my hands. “Okay, so remember what I
I try to focus on his instructions, but it’s hard when his warm body is so close to mine. Also, how is a girl supposed to focus with his warm breath hitting my ear? The worst part is that Ethan is bending himself in half to be on my level. It means he is putting in an effort for my sake, and that’s getting to my brain.
Down girl, stop getting flutters around the billionaire…
“That’s it,” Ethan murmurs dangerously close to my ear as I cast the line. “Perfect form.”
I turn my head slightly, intending to thank him, but freeze when I realize how close our faces are. If I leaned back just an inch, our lips would touch.
Is he going to kiss me?
Do I want him to?