Chapter 110
docking the boat yesterday. I found Freya nestled in my bed. Without much thought, I snuggled in next to her. I can’t remember much after but when I wake up with a smile and reach out to hug her little body, I realize s
she is gone.
noe when is it the woman leaving ME in bed!
This has never happened before.
ring: I roll over and bury my face in the pillow Freya used. It still smells of her perfume. I inhale her scent like helium, and my heart clenches
shouldn’t be surprised. Deep down, I knew she was too skeptical about this whole thing to give us a chance. Still I had a small part of me hoping
– would at least stick around to eat my world famous‘ pancakes.
un nope. T
There will be no breakfast for Freya since she did the classic walk of shame, probably while I was still snoring away like an idiot.
didn’t the like the
sex we had
Duchy head in’t getting any lighter thinking about that.
how I drag myself out of bed, stumbling towards the shower. The hot water does little for my mood; all it does is make me drift away and
bout Freja. She felt so small and delicate in my arms
Easap for wanting to call her and ask, “Why the hell did you leave me?”
forehead against the shower wall. Get it together, man. She’s just a woman. A smart, funny, gorgeous woman who makes me feel things felt before. But still just a woman.
cotton. I try to be my usual workaholic self. But every time I begin to read an email, my y mind wanders off to Freya
what is the doing right now!
ything for breakfast!
prising about the toot
By lunchtime. I’ve accomplished exactly nothing except daydreaming about Freya’s smile–I’m such a cheeseball when it comes to that woman..
knock on my door makes me look up.. It’s my twin brother, Maddox. He isn’t much of a talker, but today, his usually bored eyes widen into
“Drude, are you wearing different colored sucks!” Maddox asks, blinking, and after a minute of staring at my feetthe is the sharpest tool in the
Deja in terror Turk you are! Should I call an ambulance!!”
cord that sometime
wish I didn’t have a twin
mean the invitation away quickly enough, but my nostrils flare like a bull’s–a dead giveaway of my irritation. “Nah, no need to call an ambulance. I
seption this morning”
Markrinor ciarrows his eyes suspiciously. “You always pay attention. You’re like a robot with your routines. What’s going on?”
I blow out a frustrated breath in my seat. “Nothing. I
“You are not fine. I can it through our psychic twin link.
We don’t have a psychic twin link.
3:29 PM c
Chapter 110
“Bullshit, Maddox mutters, plopping himself down in the chair across from my desk. His hand finds my candy immediately–the fat bastard. “We have a psychic twin link, so spill it, bro. I know something is up… Did you finally stop working yourself to death and get laid?”
Heat rushes to my face. “What? No. Of course not.
“Oh my god, you did!” Maddox crows triumphantly. “Who’s the lucky lady! Wait, don’t tell me—is it that cute redhead from HR!”
“No.” I mutter, still not looking at him. “It’s a woman named Freya”
Maddox’s jaw drops. “Freyal As in, the new housekeeper, Freyal The one you’ve been mooning over for weeks?
*I have not been mooning. I protest weakly, but even I can hear how unconvincing I sound.
“Dude, you literally asked me last week if I thought freckles were cute. You never ask me stuff like that, and guess what? Your Freya has freckles- what are the odds, right?”
I groan, burying my face in my hands. “Fine. Yes, I slept with Freya. Happy now?”
“Ecstatic.” Maddox says dryly. “So why do you look like someone stole your coffee? Wasn’t it good?
“No, it was.” I trail off, remembering the way Freya felt in my arms, how her eyes sparkled in bed, the little sounds she made when I dominated— shake my head, trying to clear it. “It was amazing. But she left before I woke up this morning.”
Maddox winces sympathetically. “Ouch. The of hit it and quit it, huh?”
“I guess so. I sigh. “I just its stupid, but…. I thought maybe..”
thought maybe she felt the same
me way you do,” Maddox finishes for me.
1 nod miserably. “Is it that obvious?”
“Bro, you’ve got it bad.” Maddox grins. “I haven’t seen you this worked up ov
a girl since…well, ever.”
“I know,” I groan. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t stop thinking about her.” In the back of my mind, I know I shouldn’t open up to Maddox, bur fuck it. He said we have a psychic twin link, so maybe he can help me sort my head.
Maddox leans back in his chair, studying me thoughtfully as though he isn’t a dumb jock but my hired therapist. “You know, maybe she’s just scared. I mean, you’re her boss. And you’re younger than her, right? That’s gotta be intimidating.
do you kn
know so much about her? Did you read her file and see
1 blink, considering this. “That’s true. Do you think that’s why she.. wait, how the hell do her picture
Maddox just shrugs, popping another candy in his mouth. “I may have glanced at her file. But that’s not important right now. What’s important is you and this woman. You can’t get her our of your head and need to do something about it.”
Like what? She’s made it pretty clear she doesn’t want anything serious with me.”
“Has she, though?” Maddox raises an eyebrow. “Or are you just assuming that because she left this morning?”
I open my mouth to argue, then close it again. He’s got a point.
“Listen,” Maddox lean closer conspirationally, “you have two options here, brother dearest. You can either wallow in self–pity and wonder about “what could have been or you can lie a man and clase her until she gives in and slates you.”
That is definitely stalking”
“Just ask her out again, why don’t you?“.
“It’s not that single, Largue,
that simple,” Maddox insists. “Dad always told us
us to chase our il
I don’t think chasing a woman is what he meant
“Pretty sure chasing women was included in his speech. You’re just complicating things because you’re afraid of loving something that isn’t your
I glare at him. “Im not afraid of love, you jerk!”
“Oh really!” Maddox doesn’t sound convinced. “Then why are you sitting here with mismatched socks instead of chasing after the woman you’re obviously jerking off to?”
“I don’t jerk off to her…“I mutter, but it’s a lie.
I am head over heels for Freya, and yes, I might have gotten a bit frisky in the car before I made it to the office….