Once Betrayed Never Forgotten Chapter 28

Once Betrayed Never Forgotten Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Tempting Invitation 

NoI begin to say, my voice sounding weak and scared and tiny even to my own ears. I mean, no thank you.” 

Kieran frowns and something dark flickers over his piercing hazel eyes for just a moment, and for a moment I think he might march over to me and take me by force

Which, if I’m going to be perfectly honest, some deep down, shameful, perverted, part of me might actually enjoy. I know it’s wrong, but the thought of being powerless, of being held down, and usedit awakens something in me, something dark and secret and primal

I think this fantasy the desire to be dominated, to be used is probably the reason I’m still


I had an on and off boyfriend throughout senior year of high school back in California, but every time we came close to having sex, the thought of being intimate with him made my skin crawl. He was just too sweet, too nice, too accommodating- 

But the calm, predatory way Kieran is looking at me now like a hungry wolf watching a terrified rabbit quivering before its open jaws well, it does something to me. Something I’m not particularly proud of, but goddammit, whatever’s wrong with me, I can’t help it. And it doesn’t hurt that just like every other male vampire, Kieran is dropdead gorgeous, more handsome than any Hollywood celebrity or male model

Thank you for theumoffer,I stammer lamely, backing up towards the doorway, not daring to turn my back on the assembled vampires, most of whom are still engaged in their orgy. But I don’t want touhimpose” 


Kieran says, grinning. Nah, lass, don’t be daft. Your participation would be a delight 

to us all.” 




No,I stammer again, shaking my head as I continue to back away

LIAR! My inner voice screams into my brain. LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! I want him to scoop me up, tear off my clothes, bend me over that massive four poster bed, no matter what the consequences, even if I end up horribly injured like Anya had suggested would happen

Kieran must sense my desire, because something twinkles his eye and he steps forward

Are ye sure, lass?He says, cocking his eyebrow invitingly, running his hand idlyup and down the length of his cock. Yer sayinno, but do ye really mean it? Tell me straight, and I’ll respect whatever answer ye give.” 


Nog Bullhe 

I aly Fram mulige dat me heart of Hearts, don’t really mean 

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mound giving me a dings of his maste 

heart and petes Bom Russets and tips, a booty in peal plyaled condition. My saunters casually peso to a ruded home vangile we do all touring Brawny brunette mate at the that of the bed and be quicians Same!!! sebond her and he he hips, holding her steady before 

Bebe Creting no hes She other has back and means and har sprede on his diythm, pinging into hei while she cries out în ava 

Now’s my chance. I have to get away 

turn and start creeping towards the doorway, boding not to make a noise and attract Kieran’s 


That’s when I spot something bright red, a pile of fabric on the floor. It takes me a moment to recognise it as the crimson velvet suit Kieran was wearing at the Blood Moon Ball earlier, tossed aside in those throes of his passion 

My eyes scan the floor, revealing a litter of silk and lace ballgowns and stiletto heels, and it gives me an idea. The dresses and high heels are all unsuitable for the harsh winter outside, but maybe I can find something I can use. If I manage to escape the castle, I’ll need something warm and practical to survive the cold, snowy night that awaits 

And then, a glimmer of salvation catches my eye a pair of ladies leather boots lying discarded amongst the gowns. They look like they might be slightly too large, but beggars can’t be choosers With the urgency of my escape hanging over me, I slip them on. The decorative dark red laces threaded with fine silver, and the antique appearance suggest they ve been worn for centuries, a relic of a time when fashion and not practicality was a paramount concern

As I prepare to make my hasty retreat, another sight steals my attention a large black fur coat, draped carelessly on the floor near the doorway. Being coldblooded, I’m sure that vampires donn feel the cold, so this must be nothing more than an ornamental piece, worn for fashion and 

06: aesthetics. I vaguely recall having seen one of the male vampires wearing this coat earlier at the 


Perfect. It looks super warm, exactly what I need out on the snow

1 scoop it up in one fluid motion, hoping that the coat’s owner doesn’t catch me in the act and decide to punish me for the theft. I hurry towards the doorway as quickly as I can, my heart 

hammering in my chest 

Just as I reach the precipice of freedom, a voice calls my name from behind


13:12 Wed, Oct 

Chapter 28: Tempting Invitation 

Ariannathe voice murmurs, barely a sultry whisper

Terror surges through me, a vice grip tightening around my heart. My body tenses, and I turn slowly to face the room’s centre, where Kieran’s hazel eyes meet mine. He’s still thrusting into the moaning female vampire on the bed, his hips slamming into her backside over and over as he fucks her from behind. Not even bothering to slow down as he addresses me, his mischievous grin and twinkling gaze take me by surprise

Yyes?I stammer, terrified of what he might say next

Good luck,he murmurs with a wink, before returning to his escapades

Relief washes over me. Without another word, I pivot and run out the doorway into the dimly lit corridor outside, leaving behind the decadence and debauchery, determined to escape this gilded cage and find my way out of this nightmare

Chapter Comments 


What a show, what a show. lol 

Karris Cantrell 

I’m with




Once Betrayed Never Forgotten

Once Betrayed Never Forgotten

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Once Betrayed Never Forgotten


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