Chapter 57
Sebastian went against protocol and asked Natalie’s parents to come into his office the day Natalie was hospitalized. He wanted to explain the situation to her parents before they heard it from a doctor or any outsider. As far as I know, they didn’t exactly take the news very well. But they couldn’t exactly do anything.
I had no idea why but Eva always kept me in the loop with everything that had been going on. That was how I knew that Natalie’s parents were informed before her pregnancy before the rest of the pack and that was how I had known that today was the day Sebastian was going to make the pack announcement.
Seb was taking everything seriously. It was only yesterday that I had found Natalie unconscious in the girl’s washroom and today he was going to announce the pregnancy to the pack.
For obvious reasons, I had no plans to attend the announcement. Today was a Saturday and I had full plans to watch a comedy movie to try my depressing mood and spend time with my family. I had been neglecting them for so long and I felt guilty for doing so. They were an amazing bunch of people and didn’t deserve this treatment.
I opened my laptop and flicked through the varying choices Netflix provided me. Sometimes, I spend so much time deciding on a movie that it frustrates me to no end. As soon as I decided on a movie, my phone rang.
Huffing, I picked it up and without looking at the caller ID, accepted the call. Eva’s pleasant voice rang in my ears and I felt my lips twitch in a smile.
Eva, hi.
*Zara, I just wanted to let you know that we are done with the announcement.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Things were awkward but it’s done.” She chuckled nervously and I could feel the waves of exhaustion in her voice.
I didn’t know what to say to that. What did she expect me to say to that? Things were awkward, that was what she had managed to say.
I could only imagine how awkward it would have been if I had been present during the announcement. The murmurs, the voices, and the sad looks on the pack member’s faces flashed through my mind. I shuddered even thinking about the rumors that would flow about the school now.
‘Oh, I said.
That’s not why I’m calling you, though. Me and Sebastian want to talk to you.” She sounded nervous, which in turn made me nervous.
“Yeah, and we were wondering if you could come right now. I promise it’s nothing drastic.” She added hastily and I mentally groaned at the thought of not being able to watch the movie I decided upon.
I understood the fact that there was no need for me to listen to anyone who was a werewolf, especially after what Harper had done to me but I didn’t have it in me to just ignore them altogether.
J clenched my eyes together, already knowing that I would end up going to meet with the Cain’s.
“Yeah, sure. Everything alright?”
“Everything’s good. Well, as good as it can be.”
After saying quick goodbyes to Eva, I picked up my car keys and checked out my attire. Considering it was all right, I went down the stairs and told my parents that I was going out for a while.
Before they could reply, I was snapping my seatbelt shut and zooming down the driveway. As much as I didn’t want to be involved with Harper right now, I couldn’t deny the fact that the werewolf world excited me. It somehow made me feel at home and made my blood race, both in a good and bad way.
I knew it was unhealthy and with the way things were going, I was bound to get hurt. More hurt than I already was. I shook my head to clear these thoughts from plaguing my mind and held onto the steering wheel tightly.
The guards let me pass through the security checkpoints without a fuss and I was soon parking on the driveway to Harper’s house or should I say, the pack house.
I didn’t want to run into anyone else I knew, lest the situation be awkward. I could only imagine what big a surprise the announcement would have been for Aiden and Samantha. I especially didn’t want to run into them.
I climbed the stairs and thanked the gods that I didn’t come across anyone, which would have been otherwise, I stood in front of the door to the
Chapter 37
Alpha’s office, ready to knock. I had no idea who was in that room or why I was called here right now.
Before I could knock, Sebastian’s voice from inside the room made me jump in surprise. “Zara, come in.”
I squared my shoulders, turned the doorknob, and entered the room. Eva was sitting in the chair while Sebastian was standing behind her, his hands protectively on the back of her chair. Harper wasn’t there and I had no idea if I was pleased or disappointed. I had not seen him for three days and an itch had begun to settle in me, just to see him. I knew it was wrong and even that I should stay away from him, but I couldn’t help the way I felt towards him.
“Hi“, I squeaked and internally cringed at how nervous I sounded. Could they sense how nervous I was?
Eva smiled warmly at me and quite surprisingly, Sebastian did too. He pointed to the chair in front of me and I sat down on it.
I didn’t dare ask them how the pack meeting had gone. I didn’t want to ask how was Natalie if she was taking better care of herself and the baby. And I certainly didn’t want to know how Harper had been and where he was right now. I bit my lip to stop myself from asking these questions and stamped down on my masochistic tendencies.
“We have been thinking and considering something.” Eva said nervously and leaned forward in her chair. I didn’t say anything, waiting for her to get on with it.
“We know, that, um, things have been stressful for you lately.” She smiled nervously. Stressful?! Is that the word she wants to use?!
Sebastian sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. I moved my gaze from him to Eva and back again. What were they trying to say?
“We were wondering if you would like to get away from this place for a while, away from all the drama and heartache.”
“What?” I asked, stunned by what Sebastian said. They were talking about me making a trip or something right now?! I couldn’t even wrap my mind around it. That had come out of nowhere.
“Oh god! Seb?” Eva turned in her seat and admonished Seb. The big man retreated a little and grunted. A smile graced my lips at the exchange. “We were just talking about how you were caught up in everything that has been going on and how it must have caused immense pain and heartache.” I shifted uncomfortably in my seat at the effect of her carefully thought–out words.
“It’s not that we are trying to get rid of you. We don’t take you as a burden which we have to get rid of! We genuinely care about you and it doesn’t matter that you are our son’s mate.”
Sebastian nodded. “We believe we have wronged you on some level. Speaking from experience, I know that going away will clear your head a little and put things in perspective for you. So, we just wanted to put it on the table for you, the thought of going away for some time.”
Their words were feeling in my head and I failed to grasp them. “You’re asking me if I want to go on a trip?”
¡Not a trip, exactly,” Sebastian said
It’s hard to explain.” Eva smiled. I couldn’t smile back. “We just want you to get away from all the pain, confusion, and heartache that our son has caused you, that our people have caused you.”
I cringed at our people part. They must have noticed because they hastened to clarify that they meant werewolves.
‘But it’s the middle of the senior year.”
“We know that. We just wanted to propose the idea to you. Think about it and let us know what you decided on. We will take care of everything else.
Eva nodded. “Just find the answer to one question: would you like to get away from everything for a certain period and find peace?”
Out of all the things I had imagined they wanted to talk about, this was the last on my mind.
“We came to this conclusion an hour ago, right after we were done with the meeting. Some things are best said face to face.” Eva smiled and I nodded, my head still in a daze.
I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of the door being violently banged against the wall.
All three of us jolted in our seats and our eyes snapped up to see a pack member, panting at the doorway.
“Alpha, you have got to see this.