Vampire King Chapter 23

Vampire King Chapter 23

Why He Rán Away
Why He Ran Away
I am listening to Rainer’s words and trying to digest them, but I’m not completely sure I understand what he is saying to me.
“It was the blood?” I ask him, and he nods at me. “But, there was so little of it. Less than whenever I am menstruating by far.”
When he shakes his head, his dark curls dance around his face, and I can see why some women would find that alluring. He really is a handsome man.
“It’s not just that it’s blood per se. Menstruation blood is… unappealing to us. I won’t go into detail, but it’s not something that most of us would want to drink. Kind of like bad coffee for humans, I guess. Even regular blood doesn’t get us in quite a tizzy the way that particular kind of blood does.”
I stare at him for a moment, trying to understand, but I’m not sure I do. “That kind of blood?”
“Some people call it cherry blood.” He seems slightly embarrassed to be talking about this with me. His cheeks are a bit pink. “The blood released when a woman loses her virginity is filled with aphrodisiac scents for us but also drives our hunger. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s because back in the day, before we could easily syphon blood from humans, we had to bite them in order to drink, and the easiest way to do that was during sex. So whoever the hell created vampires made it so that when we smell that scent, we want to drink the person we’re with. And… we want to drain them dry. In fact, a lot of times, it becomes a savage situation where the virgin literally has her throat ripped out. It’s not pretty.”
Unable to respond, I just continue to look at him for quite some time before I finally ask, “And Kane didn’t feel it was necessary to ask me if I was a virgin before he went through with this?”
He smirks at me. “Yeah, one would think.” He runs a hand through his hair making his wild curls even more unruly. “But in fairness, I don’t think he intended to come here last night. I think it was more of a whim. Maybe he was just coming to check on you, and other things happened?”
It is a question, as it should be because it’s way off from what actually happened. It’s clear to me that Kane came here the night before with only one thing in mind.
But I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to tell Rainer that. So I only shrug. “Who knows? I just wish he would’ve said something to me. I wasn’t trying to keep my state a secret to him, but when he left like that, I thought I must’ve been the worst lover in the history of sex.”
That causes him to start laughing, but once he reins it back in, he says, “Lhighly doubt that’s the case. Just
give him some time. He’ll figure out how to go about apologizing and making it up to you.”
that I think about those words. Do I need an apology? It would make me feel better, but at the same time, as long as I have an explanation, that’s really good enough for me. I don’t necessarily need him to say he’s sorry. But if he could confirm that what Rainer is saying is the truth, I would feel better.
And there’s really only one way to make it up to me. I think about how I felt before he tore out of the room, what it was like to have the king’s face buried between my legs, and I feel myself growing heated. I know my face is turning red, and I can feel that familiar ache beginning to grow between my legs.
“I guess… you thought of a way he could make it up to you, huh?” Rainer asks.
Why He Ran Away.
I feel like a ridiculous woman-child, and I can’t look at him. He’s chuckling again, and I just have to let him. What am I going to say? If the king wants to bury His tongue in my p*ssy to show me he’s sorry, he can do that anytime!?! I think better of making that statement.
“Well, uh, thanks for stopping by to check on me,” I say, thinking Rainer probably needs to go before I let my mind fall any deeper into the gutter.
“Of course,” he says. “I hope this is the last of any trouble you have with those a**holes from Scarlett Thunder. Lex has agreed to help keep them from bothering you, so keep that in mind. Not that Opal and her brother know that.” He shrugs, and I’m not sure what he’s talking about. I had thought all along that Lex was trying to help me. Maybe Rainer is just confirming that.
“All right,” I say, and he stands. I feel a little less weak in the knees now and manage to walk with him to
the door.
“Sorry my chest is so hard,” he says, his way of apologizing for the bruise on my head, I’m guessing.
“It’s okay.” I assure him.
At the door, he stoops to kiss the top of my head, and a rush of warmness shoots through me. It’s not like when Kane kisses me by any means, but it’s nice.
“See you,” he says.
“Bye.” I give him a wave as he heads through the door before I close it behind him. The temptation to look out into the hallway to see if I can spy Kane anywhere is difficult to ignore, but I manage.
I go back to my bed and toss myself down, thinking it may take a while for the Vampire King to realize he’s made a mistake. In my experience, most men with power don’t like to say they are sorry, and while it’s clear to me that Kane isn’t anything like my father or any other man I’ve met that’s at his level of authority, he’s still the king. And he’s still a man…..
It could be a day. It could be a week. It could be never
All I can do now is wait.
I should apologize….
I should go over there to check on her at the very least.
But I don’t. Instead, I spend the morning doing the usual tasks that keep me busy. I spend the afternoon digging up new tasks to keep me busy, and by the evening, I am too busy getting ready for dinner, or so I
tell myself, to stop by and see if she’s all rights
On my way back to my room to get ready for the nightly event, I see Rainer for the first time all day. He has a look on his face that makes me think he knows something.
“Well, you f*cked up,” he says with that chuckle he rarely gets to use on me. Most of the time, he is the one who has messed up, and I’m the one telling him he needs to fix it if either of us is in a position of making a mistake.
I stop in the hallway and squeeze the bridge of my nose, trying to figure out how to respond to that. Eventually, I just blurt out, “What are you talking about?
“Yeah, go ahead and pretend like you don’t know.” He folds his arms and leans back against the door. We are standing right next to the library, one of the most magnificent rooms in the castle, and as we are speaking, a few ***ion gives me a moment to think about what he’s saying.
“Did you speak to he*r, then?” I ask, hoping it’s that and not rumors. Who knows what Opal has been telling people?
“I did. I think I calmed her down some, but dude, she was really upset. Like… thinking she’d done something wrong.”
“**,” I mumble under my breath, letting the fact that he has just called me “dude slide.
“Seriously, an apology is in order. Or at the very least an explanation. But I think you need to do something to make this up to her. Why didn’t you ask?”
I shake my
head. “I don’t know. I didn’t intend to go there. I just got caught up in everything.” There’s simply no other way for me to explain it.
“Well… I wouldn’t wait too long to let her know that you care about her, assuming that you do. And if you don’t, that’s cool, I guess, but you should probably let her know that, too.”
He knows that I care about her, and as he pats me on the shoulder and walks away, I have to think there’s a pretty good chance he cares about her, too, so I’d better get my s**t together before he’s the one who swoops in and steals her away from me.
But how? I’ve never been one for apologizing. Not that I never make mistakes. It does happen from time to time. But when it does, people usually just pretend like it never happened because I am the king.
No, this time I’m going to actually have to think of something to fix this if I want Emory to be able to trust me again.
I head off to my room, thinking about how amazing she tasted, how tight she was when I slid inside of her, how responsive her body was to mine.
In my room, I turn on the shower and check the time. I have an hour before dinner is ready. That’s plenty of time to think about how to fix this-and plenty of time to think about Emory in the shower. I can’t help but wrap my hand around my hardness as the warm water flows over me. This time, I don’t have to wonder what it would feel like if it were her tight c’nt around me instead of my hand. I already know.
And it feels amazing.
It feels so good, I know I will be on the brink of losing control if and when I’m with her again. But this time. I hope there won’t be any surprises.
I wonder if I can figure out a way to make this up to her quickly because my hand is no substitute for her perfect p*ssy, and I need her again
1 need her now.

Vampire King

Vampire King

Status: Ongoing

Vampire King


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