Vampire King Chapter 95

Vampire King Chapter 95

It’s My Party

It’s My Party 


Castle Blackmoor is filled with activity as servants prepare the gardens for a party. People have been up early cooking food and decorating the gardens with balloons and streamers. Unlike their previous ruler I’m not prone to having trivial parties all year round. I try to avoid unnecessary expenses and go for more low–key events.

The nobles don’t say it to my face, but they disapprove of my thrifty management and way of living. They call me practically vulgar for worrying about pennies like a commoner. I don’t really care what they say about me. None of them know about the dire state of the royal treasury after the war Scarlett Thunder lost four years.

Wars are notoriously expensive, and King Peter had thrown every bit of gold at his armies all so he could punish my brother. Whatever remained in the treasury after King Peter’s humiliating defeat at the Battle of the Red Field had to be given over to other kingdoms for reparations. I had to get massive loans in my first year ruling as regent to ensure Scarlett Thunder didn’t collapse in financial ruin. We are in a much better place financially now with efforts to improve the economy, but we still have a few more lean years to go through before I can breathe easier.

I only spend money if I have to, but I make exceptions. My son’s birthdays are one such exception. Cole is three–years–old today, and he’s old enough that he understands what birthdays mean. At least, he understands what his birthday is.

A kid’s birthday party isn’t going to bankrupt me, so we’re serving good food and having a massive cake, as well as the best blood available. Cole has been excited all week, and I’ve given in to his request for a petting zoo. A kid only turns three once. My son is getting a petting zoo.

I enter Cole’s bedroom. Sarah has been Cole’s nanny since his birthand she tries her bestbut Cole always manages to make a mess of the room. There’s always a toy out of place. I pick up a turtle stuffed toy off the floor and throw it over to the open toy chest in the corner.

Sarah is busy trying to get Cole’dressed which is a task easier said than done. She’s managed to get him in pants, but as soon as he sees me, he abandons her.

“Daddy!” he yells excitedly.

Cole runs to me, and I kneel down so I can hug him properly. His little arms encircle my neck, and I smile. No matter what day–to–day troubles I have to fix, and the headaches they cause me, just holding my son in my arms makes everything worth it. Despite his parentage, Cole is the sweetest boy and possesses none of the faults his mother and I have in spades.

I pull back to look at Cole’s round face. His pale blue eyes are bright with excitement.

“Good morning, birthday boy,” I say. “How did you sleep?”

It was good,” he replies. “Can we have the party now?”

I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair. It’s the exact same platinum blond as mine. His bangs are getting a little long. I should get someone to cut it soon.

“The party won’t be for another hour. All your guests still have to arrive,” I add in a whisper, “And the animals are still on their way.”



It’s My Party

His blue eyes are wide with joy. “Is the turtle going to be there?”

I nod. “The tortoise will be there.”

“And the sloth?”

“The sloth is coming too.”

Other kids might like more exciting animals like horses or elephants, but my son loves the ones that move slowly. The less they move, the better. I don’t know why. Cole is a bit odd, but I love him even more

for it.

“Yay!” Cole turns to Sarah who is standing behind him with his shirt. “Sarah, I’m going to see a turtle and a sloth!”

Sarah smiles fondly. “That’s great, Your Highness.”

I get to my feet and pat the top of Cole’s head. “You be good for Sarah, and get dressed. You can’t show up to your party without a shirt.”

Cole runs to Sarah immediately. He lifts his hands up so she can put his shirt on him. Sarah quickly curtsies to me before going back to getting Cole dressed. I leave the room and go check on the gardens to see how things are going.

The food is prepared and ready to be served. On tables there are an array of snacks for the children such as chicken nuggets, little sandwiches, and crackers. Most of the tables are set up with goblets for blood, since that is mostly what we consume, but on a day like this, we will also celebrate with food. There’s also the start of the party, the multi–tiered cake in white frosting decorated with little green turtles.

The nobles and their children should be arriving soon. While the nobles do not care for me, none of them would dare snub a party invitation. Cole is going to be their king someday, and it wouldn’t look good for any of them if their kid missed his birthday party. And I know they would take any opportunity to suck up and gain more advantage in court.

The animal handlers have arrived with the petting zoo. The servants help set up little pens for the animals to be kept in. I watch as the animals are led into the pens. The selection of animals is more diverse than I expected.

I check with the servants for last minute things I need to approve, but the party seems ready. The guests will arrive soon. The noble children are dressed well in expensive garments meant to show off their parents‘ wealth. I should have known the nobles would rather sacrifice their children’s comfort over


Cole is dressed more plainly in comparison, but no one says a word. The noble children hang on to his every word. He doesn’t have to raise his voice to get people’s attention. They follow his lead without question.

Your son is a natural born leader,” Queen Olga tells me, appearing by my side. “It shouldn’t be a surprise considering his lineage.”

I have invited the vampire royals that I thought would be amenable to come. The Queen of Sardonia is a long–time ally to my birth kingdom. And she has come with her great–granddaughters.

I look at her, trying to gauge if she’s giving a compliment or an insult. It’s no secret what she and the other



It’s My Party

vampire royals thought of Cole’s late grandfather. King Peter didn’t make a ton of friends in his lifetime. That has not been an accident.

“He’s nothing like his grandfather.”

“I meant, he takes after the Alexander kings. He has that quality your grandfather and your father had. And what your brother has.”

Unlike me. I’ve always been the spare. I’m not meant to rule a kingdom unlike my brother. A twist of fate is the only reason the crown of a foreign kingdom has landed on my head.

The animal handler is telling the kids not to touch the sloth. Sloths aren’t known to be part of petting zoos, and we only have one as a special request. Cole is listening intently to the animal handlers‘ instructions. He stops a boy from reaching up and touching the sloth.

Cole says something and the boy nods. They’re smiling at each other. There’s no bad blood. Ah, how nice and simple it is to just be a child.

“I appreciate you coming,” I say to Queen Olga. “I know you don’t like leaving the mountain if you can’t help it.”

“It’s good for my great–granddaughters to get out and socialize. They’ll be better prepared for their futures the more they know of the other kingdoms.”

“Prepared? Aren’t the twins only four–years–old?”

“They won’t be four forever.” She gives me a look. “I’m sure you’re aware that this is not just a social visit. Every girl in this party could be the next queen of Scarlett Thunder.”

There is no end to the scheming and politicking in court. Even at a children’s party. I look at the children dressed in their finest clothes sitting on the grass, and I want to scoff at how ridiculous this all is. All of them are too young to already be pawns in their parents‘ desires for advantageous matches.

“I would prefer it that any talk of my son’s future marriage prospects not be a topic for a few more years.”

“Come now, Lex. It’s always been the way of things. Your father had Kane temporarily engaged twice before he was even of age.”

“I remember.”

As a second son, my hand in marriage hadn’t been as coveted. My parents hadn’t bothered with getting me engaged for political purposes as a child. By the time my father died and Kane became the new king, he didn’t bother using me as a pawn that way. I have been grateful as I might have ended up in a loveless marriage.

That thought reminds me that I am in a loveless marriage.–but for different reasons. This was my choice. For my son.

look around the gardens and can’t find my wife anywhere. Checking my watch, I see that she’s over an hour late to the party. I hadn’t bothered with trying to find her earlier as I didn’t think a mother should


have to be reminded about her own son’s birthday.

“Will you excuse me for a moment, Queen Olga? I have a matter to attend to.”

She nods, and I walk away, trying to keep my composure and not let my anger show. I make my way back


It’s My Party

into the castle and head to the east wing where Opal’s bedroom is located. I open her bedroom door without knocking but stop in place as I find Opal sitting on the bed, a man between her legs.

Opal moans loudly as she grabs the man’s dark hair. This is not an unfamiliar sight for me. The past four years have been like this. Fidelity hasn’t ever been a part of my marriage, at least not on Opal’s side.

“Opal,” I bark out her name.

The man between her legs immediately gets away from her. He stands and turns so I can see his face. He’s a nobleman, and I can’t recall his name, but I remember he’s married. His wife and child must be at the garden party.

“Your Majesty,” he says, nervously.

“Go,” I command.

He practically sprints from the room.

I sigh, running a hand over my face. This is not how I wanted this day to go.

“Really, Lex?” Opal says, annoyed. “Can’t you give me a little privacy?”

“I give you all the space you want.”

“Yes, but this only happens because you barely look at me most of the time!” Her voice rises as she grows angrier. “The lengths I have to go through for you to even notice me! You catch me with a man, and you don’t even get jealous!”

I snort. “You want me to be jealous? You hate me.”

“I’m your wife!” she shrieks. “You’re supposed to love and cherish me! I don’t even exist to you!”

I look at Opal’s angry face. She’s always been pretty, but her personality diminishes that fact. Any physical attraction I may have had to her withered in the unsatisfying wasteland of our marriage. What secret hopes I harbored at the beginning of our union that it could be a happy one have long been snuffed out.

“Opal, I don’t care who you sleep with,” I tell her. “What I care about is that today is your son’s birthday, and you’re missing the party.”

Opal gets off the bed and goes to her vanity table. She fusses over her appearance, running a brush through her messy dark hair. “Cole probably hasn’t even noticed I’m not there!”

“He will notice.” I catch her gaze in the mirror and insist, “Get yourself together, and come to the party. Don’t make me have to drag you there kicking and screaming.”

She grabs one of the perfume bottles on the vanity table and throws it at me. I dodge and the bottle hits the wall, disintegrating into glass shards.

“Come to the party or else,” I add, unperturbed. “I mean it, Opal.”

“Fine!” she retorts.

I leave her to go back to the party. Opal and I may hate each other, but I’m not going to let that hurt Cole. He deserves the best. If I have to bend over backward to create a better world for him than I will.

It’s My Party
It’s My Party
Castle Blackmoor is filled with activity as servants prepare the gardens for a party. People have been up early cooking food and decorating the gardens with balloons and streamers. Unlike their previous ruler I’m not prone to having trivial parties all year round. I try to avoid unnecessary expenses and go for more low-key events.
The nobles don’t say it to my face, but they disapprove of my thrifty management and way of living. They call me practically vulgar for worrying about pennies like a commoner. I don’t really care what they say about me. None of them know about the dire state of the royal treasury after the war Scarlett Thunder lost four years.
Wars are notoriously expensive, and King Peter had thrown every bit of gold at his armies all so he could punish my brother. Whatever remained in the treasury after King Peter’s humiliating defeat at the Battle of the Red Field had to be given over to other kingdoms for reparations. I had to get massive loans in my first year ruling as regent to ensure Scarlett Thunder didn’t collapse in financial ruin. We are in a much better place financially now with efforts to improve the economy, but we still have a few more lean years to go through before I can breathe easier.
I only spend money if I have to, but I make exceptions. My son’s birthdays are one such exception. Cole is three-years-old today, and he’s old enough that he understands what birthdays mean. At least, he understands what his birthday is.
A kid’s birthday party isn’t going to bankrupt me, so we’re serving good food and having a massive cake, as well as the best blood available. Cole has been excited all week, and I’ve given in to his request for a petting zoo. A kid only turns three once. My son is getting a petting zoo.
I enter Cole’s bedroom. Sarah has been Cole’s nanny since his birth, and she tries her best, but Cole always manages to make a mess of the room. There’s always a toy out of place. I pick up a turtle stuffed toy off the floor and throw it over to the open toy chest in the corner.
Sarah is busy trying to get Cole’dressed which is a task easier said than done. She’s managed to get him in pants, but as soon as he sees me, he abandons her.
“Daddy!” he yells excitedly.
Cole runs to me, and I kneel down so I can hug him properly. His little arms encircle my neck, and I smile. No matter what day-to-day troubles I have to fix, and the headaches they cause me, just holding my son in my arms makes everything worth it. Despite his parentage, Cole is the sweetest boy and possesses none of the faults his mother and I have in spades.
I pull back to look at Cole’s round face. His pale blue eyes are bright with excitement.
“Good morning, birthday boy,” I say. “How did you sleep?”
“It was good,” he replies. “Can we have the party now?”
I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair. It’s the exact same platinum blond as mine. His bangs are getting a little long. I should get someone to cut it soon.
“The party won’t be for another hour. All your guests still have to arrive,” I add in a whisper, “And the animals are still on their way.”
It’s My Party
His blue eyes are wide with joy. “Is the turtle going to be there?”
I nod. “The tortoise will be there.”
“And the sloth?”
“The sloth is coming too.”
Other kids might like more exciting animals like horses or elephants, but my son loves the ones that move slowly. The less they move, the better. I don’t know why. Cole is a bit odd, but I love him even more
for it.
“Yay!” Cole turns to Sarah who is standing behind him with his shirt. “Sarah, I’m going to see a turtle and a sloth!”
Sarah smiles fondly. “That’s great, Your Highness.”
I get to my feet and pat the top of Cole’s head. “You be good for Sarah, and get dressed. You can’t show up to your party without a shirt.”
Cole runs to Sarah immediately. He lifts his hands up so she can put his shirt on him. Sarah quickly curtsies to me before going back to getting Cole dressed. I leave the room and go check on the gardens to see how things are going.
The food is prepared and ready to be served. On tables there are an array of snacks for the children such as chicken nuggets, little sandwiches, and crackers. Most of the tables are set up with goblets for blood, since that is mostly what we consume, but on a day like this, we will also celebrate with food. There’s also the start of the party, the multi-tiered cake in white frosting decorated with little green turtles.
The nobles and their children should be arriving soon. While the nobles do not care for me, none of them would dare snub a party invitation. Cole is going to be their king someday, and it wouldn’t look good for any of them if their kid missed his birthday party. And I know they would take any opportunity to suck up and gain more advantage in court.
The animal handlers have arrived with the petting zoo. The servants help set up little pens for the animals to be kept in. I watch as the animals are led into the pens. The selection of animals is more diverse than I expected.
I check with the servants for last minute things I need to approve, but the party seems ready. The guests will arrive soon. The noble children are dressed well in expensive garments meant to show off their parents’ wealth. I should have known the nobles would rather sacrifice their children’s comfort over
Cole is dressed more plainly in comparison, but no one says a word. The noble children hang on to his every word. He doesn’t have to raise his voice to get people’s attention. They follow his lead without question.
Your son is a natural born leader,” Queen Olga tells me, appearing by my side. “It shouldn’t be a surprise considering his lineage.”
I have invited the vampire royals that I thought would be amenable to come. The Queen of Sardonia is a long-time ally to my birth kingdom. And she has come with her great-granddaughters.
I look at her, trying to gauge if she’s giving a compliment or an insult. It’s no secret what she and the other
It’s My Party
vampire royals thought of Cole’s late grandfather. King Peter didn’t make a ton of friends in his lifetime. That has not been an accident.
“He’s nothing like his grandfather.”
“I meant, he takes after the Alexander kings. He has that quality your grandfather and your father had. And what your brother has.”
Unlike me. I’ve always been the spare. I’m not meant to rule a kingdom unlike my brother. A twist of fate is the only reason the crown of a foreign kingdom has landed on my head.
The animal handler is telling the kids not to touch the sloth. Sloths aren’t known to be part of petting zoos, and we only have one as a special request. Cole is listening intently to the animal handlers’ instructions. He stops a boy from reaching up and touching the sloth.
Cole says something and the boy nods. They’re smiling at each other. There’s no bad blood. Ah, how nice and simple it is to just be a child.
“I appreciate you coming,” I say to Queen Olga. “I know you don’t like leaving the mountain if you can’t help it.”
“It’s good for my great-granddaughters to get out and socialize. They’ll be better prepared for their futures the more they know of the other kingdoms.”
“Prepared? Aren’t the twins only four-years-old?”
“They won’t be four forever.” She gives me a look. “I’m sure you’re aware that this is not just a social visit. Every girl in this party could be the next queen of Scarlett Thunder.”
There is no end to the scheming and politicking in court. Even at a children’s party. I look at the children dressed in their finest clothes sitting on the grass, and I want to scoff at how ridiculous this all is. All of them are too young to already be pawns in their parents’ desires for advantageous matches.
“I would prefer it that any talk of my son’s future marriage prospects not be a topic for a few more years.”
“Come now, Lex. It’s always been the way of things. Your father had Kane temporarily engaged twice before he was even of age.”
“I remember.”
As a second son, my hand in marriage hadn’t been as coveted. My parents hadn’t bothered with getting me engaged for political purposes as a child. By the time my father died and Kane became the new king, he didn’t bother using me as a pawn that way. I have been grateful as I might have ended up in a loveless marriage.
That thought reminds me that I am in a loveless marriage.–but for different reasons. This was my choice. For my son.
look around the gardens and can’t find my wife anywhere. Checking my watch, I see that she’s over an hour late to the party. I hadn’t bothered with trying to find her earlier as I didn’t think a mother should
have to be reminded about her own son’s birthday.
“Will you excuse me for a moment, Queen Olga? I have a matter to attend to.”
She nods, and I walk away, trying to keep my composure and not let my anger show. I make my way back
It’s My Party
into the castle and head to the east wing where Opal’s bedroom is located. I open her bedroom door without knocking but stop in place as I find Opal sitting on the bed, a man between her legs.
Opal moans loudly as she grabs the man’s dark hair. This is not an unfamiliar sight for me. The past four years have been like this. Fidelity hasn’t ever been a part of my marriage, at least not on Opal’s side.
“Opal,” I bark out her name.
The man between her legs immediately gets away from her. He stands and turns so I can see his face. He’s a nobleman, and I can’t recall his name, but I remember he’s married. His wife and child must be at the garden party.
“Your Majesty,” he says, nervously.
“Go,” I command.
He practically sprints from the room.
I sigh, running a hand over my face. This is not how I wanted this day to go.
“Really, Lex?” Opal says, annoyed. “Can’t you give me a little privacy?”
“I give you all the space you want.”
“Yes, but this only happens because you barely look at me most of the time!” Her voice rises as she grows angrier. “The lengths I have to go through for you to even notice me! You catch me with a man, and you don’t even get jealous!”
I snort. “You want me to be jealous? You hate me.”
“I’m your wife!” she shrieks. “You’re supposed to love and cherish me! I don’t even exist to you!”
I look at Opal’s angry face. She’s always been pretty, but her personality diminishes that fact. Any physical attraction I may have had to her withered in the unsatisfying wasteland of our marriage. What secret hopes I harbored at the beginning of our union that it could be a happy one have long been snuffed out.
“Opal, I don’t care who you sleep with,” I tell her. “What I care about is that today is your son’s birthday, and you’re missing the party.”
Opal gets off the bed and goes to her vanity table. She fusses over her appearance, running a brush through her messy dark hair. “Cole probably hasn’t even noticed I’m not there!”
“He will notice.” I catch her gaze in the mirror and insist, “Get yourself together, and come to the party. Don’t make me have to drag you there kicking and screaming.”
She grabs one of the perfume bottles on the vanity table and throws it at me. I dodge and the bottle hits the wall, disintegrating into glass shards.
“Come to the party or else,” I add, unperturbed. “I mean it, Opal.”
“Fine!” she retorts.
I leave her to go back to the party. Opal and I may hate each other, but I’m not going to let that hurt Cole. He deserves the best. If I have to bend over backward to create a better world for him than I will.

Vampire King

Vampire King

Status: Ongoing

Vampire King


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