Chapter 0125
These are empty threats. Part of the deal of me being a hostage is he can’t harm me, not physically anyway. He can call me awful names every minute of my time here, but he cannot have me killed. King Peter is a lot of things, but he’s not an idiot. Nobody rules for this long by being one.
He has always been vain. I know that.
Kane told me I had to be smart. I have always been better at playing games than him.
If I play my cards right, I might just survive this.
I bow deeply and rise up slowly. “Of course, Your Majesty. I am eternally grateful for your generosity.” King Peter turns away in disgust. “I have no patience for your groveling. Get out of my sight.”
I bow to him, not as deeply this time. The guards escort me from the throne room and to another wing of the castle. They bring me to a suite of rooms, smaller than I’m used to, but it still contins a kitchenette, an en suite bathroom, and a bedroom with a large four–poster bed. The furniture is all heavy, dark wood with the walls painted a deep green.
The guards close the door behind them but don’t lock it. I know they are waiting outside the door, making sure I either can’t leave the rooms without them following me. I don’t plan to leave the suite at all.
My trunks have been brought into the castle and placed in the middle of the bedroom. I go to the window to see the view of the grounds. I’m on the opposite end of the castle where I can’t see Crimson Peak in the distance.
A deep longing threatens to overcome me. I’ve rarely been homesick. There have been times I visited faraway kingdoms in a futile attempt to escape my identity, trying to be known as somebody else besides King Kane’s brother. In this dark room in this miserable castle, I miss my home.
The door opens, and I turn to see Opal has entered the room. Objectively, I see her pretty face with her long, dark hair and milk pale skin and know there have been plenty of men that have succumb to her physical perfection. I know what truly lies underneath the expensive gowns and coifed hair. I feel nothing but disgust at the sight of her.
“Lex,” she croons, moving closer to me. “I’ve missed you.”
Her cold hands grab for my clothes to remove them. I catch her hands and stop her.
“I haven’t missed you,” I tell her bluntly. “Not after everything you’ve done, Opal”
“What I’ve done?” she challenges with an ugly scowl. “What about what you and your brother have done? Using me and tossing me aside now that you have that werewolf slut to play with?”
“You don’t even compare to Emory. She has more heart in her pinky finger than you do in your entire body.”
“How dare you!” she shrieks. “I am a princess, the daughter of a king! I’m not lesser than some common wolf whore Kane plucked off the streets! And I’m carrying a royal child!”
I push her away from me, not wanting her in my personal space. “Believe what you want, Opal.” “Don’t you fucking patronize me, Lex! If anyone doesn’t matter here, It’s you. If you were to die in this
Chapter 0125
castle, nobody would care! You’re the spare and you always have been! You’re nothing!”
I give her a bland smile, knowing she’s lashing out because my words have affected her more than she
wants them to.
“I may be just the spare, but do you know what you are, Opal? You’re a broodmare that your father sold off to the highest bidder as soon as he could because, in the end, we’re both disposable.”
“I’m nothing like you! I am not disposable!”
“You’re exactly like me,” I declare. “And that means our child we’ll be a monster just like us.”