From pawn to queen 6

From pawn to queen 6



Als led her won a the pandemen’s clob for what seemed lag the decand time the week The brilling in general

having the

thin the 

ground of New York suppre échelon li 

me of the 

Impatiens deals were berthed And i was 

dus made mules, then wonildn’t love to le 

Alex needed to set his plant in motion. And judging by the progres 

chub for much longer 

They were heading out of the building with Ales behind Scott when he spotted the woman walking up the stairs Normally, msuldn’t pay her any mind, he was used to seeing women erdering and leaving the building for different reasons. But he why she was there, me look at her and he knew. He was judging her though people had different reasons for doing The point when he should have looked away. But he pair couldn’t bring himmelf to stop staring 

He thenight she was beautiful, even with the mask covering her face. The black dress she was wearing hugged her curves in at the right places, and her hair flowed down her back in effortless rurls She had stopped moving, and he wondered why. Hur yen, he still couldn’t stop staring. She was looking at him nie. He muld see those warm chocolate eyes directed at him from the holes in her mask, and for a moment, there was a spark of recognition. He didn’t know why, but it suddenly feit 

son had passed her without sparing her a glance, and he supposed he should do the same too, so he painfully tore his eyes 

rom her and kept walking planning to forget about her the moment she was out of his sight. But that wasn’t the cas because he walked over to reception and had a chat with a few linesmen that he met there, and she was still in his head. Something just didn’t feel right, and he was struggling to figure out what it was. She was still in his head when he shed chatting with the men and he walked over to the car with his brother and she lingered even when the car started and they drove away froin the premises. It took about two minutes into the drive for him to figure out why the persistent memory of firm wasti | İraving him, why, she looked so familiar even with the mask on. It was all in her eyes, the shock when she stayed traaten on the stairs and the way that she held her breath and the fear in her eyes as she stared back at him.. 

Shusha shaHe cursed as realization dawned on him, causing Scott to jump in his seat beside him

What! What’s wrong?Scott asked

He agnored his brother and turned the cat around instead, definitely creating skid marks on the tarmac

What going oneScott asked again

We’re going back to the club. He answered with a note of finality 


Because Ruby i burck 

KubyHow? What do you mean!Scott asked in obvious confusion

I saw be it was debuutely her He picked up has phone and dialed a number, placing it agamist his car. He knew he was beraking a hat of bows but he didn’t care the person or the othe end picked up on the first ring Get me everything you can dud on Burto Samuli Far! He ordered and ended the call 

His nuckles were white with the way be held on to the steering wheel tightly, and he was probably going beyond the speed 

mat barn didn’t matter, it was a two minute drive and they were in a secluded area 

He wasn’t sure the car fully came to a stop before he jumped out of it and from the sounds of gravel crunching under 

shoes beland but he could tell that Scoll was bot on his heels tou. They jugged up the stairs wall case, adking theer at a time, and then came the hard job of opening a thousand doors in the hallway to find which som Ruby was in. He mply asked reception but the club didn’t give away any kind of information about its guest and he respected that 

21.25 Tue Oct 15 


When he gets the done at the end of the hallway, he pushed en like he had done all the others, and there she was in To him her hands at the love of her dress with Billy leering at her from het poution on the edge of the bed. The slam) of the door against the wall hail camed her to jump as did Billy 

What the hell do you think you’re doingBilly barked 

Alex knew Hilly, they all did. He was one of the most notorious drug dealers in the city, and everyone knew of his reputation with women, how he made them do all sorts of disgusting thing with him for a little champ change. None of the women had ever said anything about him using force or pressuring them, so the club kepe accepting him. He had the money to throw around anyways. And now here he was, with Ruby The rage that overtook Alex was incomprehensible. He directed hijs fury filled eyes at Dilly. Get out His voice was a low growl, one that said that he meant business

Jilly hesitated, barely moving. And who the fuck are you? I paid good money for this slut, and you best believe I’m going to pet niy nonry’s worth” 

Out of the corner of his eyes, Alex caught the movement as Ruby flinched at Billy’s word and he looked at his brother this man out of here before I knock him out. And make sure you escort him downstairs.” 

Scott nodded and grabbed Billy from the bed and towards the door, but Billy turned to look at Alex with an evil glint in his 


and then at Ruby He grinned at her, not bad for a first tuner You already have the men fighting over you. I can’t blame the guy though. But not to worry, Ill be back. I wouldn’t mind having seconds.” 

Alex clenched his fists by his side, but thankfully, Scott dragged the bastard down the hall before he could punch a hole through his teeth. And now, it was just him and Ruby in the room. He clenched his jaw and walked to the door, cloungin 

Alex Ruby breathed

He paused and raked his eyes over her body in disbelief. Do you want to explain to me what the fuck you’re doing here? He asked, walking over to her and lifting her chin with his fingers so that he was looking directly in her eyes

Alexshe whimpered again as her cheeks went crimson red

What the fuck are you doing here?He roared, tightening his grip on her chin. But all he got in return was a fierce look from her as she pushed him away

“I don’t have to explain a thing to you. Nor should you care to know anything 

He watched as she stared into his eyes without breaking contact 

Did you really think you could do something like this without my knowledge? Did you really think you could go about whoring yourself out however you liked?” 

She broke rye contact with him now, looking away And somehow that made him even angrier, and before he could think his action through, he bounced over to her and grabbed her by the waist, hoisted her up and placed her on the table. And before she could react, he nudged her legs apart so that he could stand between them, and the sight of her lacy red underwear made the blood rush to his head and his eyes darkened. His anger intensified a thousand umes 

Ruby, do you understand that the men here will touch you however they please and do whatever they want with you!! 

She nodded. And once again, all he could see was red. 



From pawn to queen novel

From pawn to queen novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Released: Oct 10, 2024 Native Language: English
From pawn to queen novel


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