From pawn to queen 43

From pawn to queen 43

Chapter 43 

It was Ruby’s birthday, and she and Alex were hosting their first event since their wedding- if that even counted in the first place. The quartet played some soft beautiful music in their garage which they had converted into a decked out ballroom. The guests were slowly arriving, showing their invitations to the security personnel at the entrance. She knew it was a bit extreme, since the party wasn’t something that people would even want to crash, but you couldn’t be too careful, especially with the press wanting to get every tiny little detail on them, so Alex insisted on security

Alex had even had the hotel coke to their place to cater the event which was a pretty smart move. Their team had done an excellent job setting up a huge spread of gourmet food and two bars that seemed to have any kind of drink known to mankind. She initially didn’t want to have such a big party. Over the past few years, she had gotten used to spending her birthdays crying at home in her cubicle of a room, or spending it next to her mother’s unconscious body, and she thought suddenly having a whole party would be overwhelming. But Tina had insisted, saying that she never had to spend her birthdays sad and alone anymore. So she agreed, and so far so good. It actually looked quite promising

Scott gave her a tight hug. You’re all stiff and rigid. Relax girl, this is going to be a great party. I just know it.” 

She smiled gratefully at her best friend. I know, but you know Lean’t help but worry. A lot of people are going to be here, and I’ll be in the public eye. I just feel like when it comes to me, people tend to nitpick every detail without actually paying attention to the truth.” 

Well, that makes them dumb,” Scott said, patting her arm. Don’t let them bring you down on a day when you’re supposed to be happy. Plus it’s your house and it’s your party, feel free to let security escort a bitch outside if they try anything.” 

She burst into laughter at that, suddenly feeling lighter than she did five minutes ago. You’re right.” 

I know,he winked

Still laughing softly, she watched Scott walk away to check some details with the staff. He was technically here as a guest, but he was also a part of the planning process. And if there was one thing about Scott, it was that he would cross check every detail to make sure nothing was out of place

More and more guests started to arrive and the room was gradually getting filled. Amy walked over with an absolutely gorgeous man on her arm. Ruby immediately recognized him. He was her husband, Peter Clark, Amy was dressed in a stunning blue dress with cute stilettos, and the pearls around her neck complimented her so well

Ruby!She exclaimed, letting go of her husband’s hand and enveloping Ruby in a hug like they were old friends. Happy birthday 

Hi, thank you, and thank you so much for coming,she gushed as they pulled apart. You look so good!” 

Why, thank you,Amy said, beaming. She looked out of this world when she smiled like that. And Ruby saw the pure love in 

s eyes as he looked at his wife. It was obvious that he adored her


Happy birthday,” Peter Clark said, letting out an outstretched arm

Thank you,she said to him. And thank you once again for giving us access to your research.She said gratefully

Peter waved an arm dismissively. Oh it’s nothing, let me know it you need anything else.” 

She smiled politely at him just as Alex walked over. She put a hand on Alex’s quite sizable forearm and turned to Amy. By the way, have you met my husband?” 

I don’t believe so, Amy answered

This is Amy and Peter Clark, you probably already know Peter said, making the introductions

Alex smiled brilliantly at Amy. Pleased to meet you.” 


10:26 Wed, Oct 16 

Chapter 43 

Likewise.Amy said. You run Tidal tech right?” 

I do.” 

That is honestly so cool, and the way you kept your identity a secret? Genius!” 

Thank you,Alex said. But I wouldn’t have been able to do it without some trusted friends like your husband here.” 

Amy gasped and turned to her husband, slapping him lightly across the chest. You knew?She asked, looking at him accusingly

He shrugged, beaming at her. They bickered playfully as they walked towards the bar

Ruby was still smiling at their retreating figures when Alex dipped his head and whispered. Your family’s here.” 

She froze and her spine went rigid. She slowly turned towards the entrance and saw them. Her father and Cole swaggered in together. They were in bespoke tuxedos, paid for with money that should’ve been her mother’s. Her father wasn’t wearing any jewelry except his wedding band from his wedding to Beatrice. He never took it off. And speaking of, Beatrice and Melanie were nowhere in sight. Cole on the other hand, had a ton of necklaces and rings on him. He almost looked like he was auditioning for a music video

Anger swelled hotly in her chest. Security should have never let them through. She had made sure to keep them off the guest list and they should have never received invitations. So she could only wonder how they managed to weasel in there

Scott glided over. Hey, what color did you say you wanted the he stopped when he noticed her father and brother. Oh my God, what are they doing here?” 

I don’t know, but I’m having them thrown out. Alex growled, ready to walk to them.. 

Wait!She and Scott whisper yelled at the same time, holding Alex back

What?Alex asked

She sighed. We can’t do that, look how many people are in the room. If you do that, everyone’s going to notice. And I know they didn’t crash this party to be dragged away meekly. They’re definitely going to make a scene, and it’ll only make you 

look bad.” 

She wasn’t the only person who was going to look bad. It would make Alex look like a jerk for evicting his wife’s father and brother from an event in such a publicly embarrassing way, and Ruby knew the last thing they needed was more bad And she didn’t want anything to mar the first real event they were hosting as a couple

This is so frustrating, Alex said, looking at her with concern


She smiled, knowing why he was so upset. I’m okay, you don’t have to worry. I can handle it, it’s only one time. And they’re probably not even here for me, we all know that. They’re likely here to network and leech off of the crowd or something. So just ignore them.” 

Alex exhaled. You’re right. But I’m throwing them out if they try anything funny.” 

I also try to keep thein away from you,Scott chipped in, squeezing her arm in comforting fashion 

Thank you,” she whispered, smiling at him


A and her dad had spotted them, and they were now walking joward her. She gulped down air and braced herself

From pawn to queen novel

From pawn to queen novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Released: Oct 10, 2024 Native Language: English
From pawn to queen novel


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