From pawn to queen 44

From pawn to queen 44

Chapter 44 

Instead of paying attention to her family walking towards them, Alex didn’t even pay them a single glance. He picked up two thutes of champagne from a passing waiter with a tray and handed one to her. She took the drink from him, almost out of reflex, and managed to smile a little bit. She didn’t really want champagne right now, she had never been much of a drinker, but she figured it would come in handy with her father and brother coming over to talk to her. If they wanted to annoy her Too much, she could accidentally slip, andoopsspill it over both their fancy tuxedos. She would have to apologize profusely after that, of course, but it would be totally wort 

Ruby, my girlHer father spread his arms wide open, ready to hug her

She would rather be covered with centipedes and worms than hug him. She stepped out of reach and stood closer to Alex

Hello, Robert

There was an obvious look of shock as his demeanor changed for a split second when she called him by his name, but he quickly tried to mask his expression, struggling a bit. Still, just like the overt gesture of aversion she had done when he tried to hug her, he didn’t let it deter him

I still can’t believe you’re actually married,” Robert gushed, shaking his head wistfully

Yeah, it’s surprising, isn’t it? Coming from the person that pushed me into said marriage,she said, shocking herself by how fast that response had come

Her father’s mask froze for a second. The corners of his lips quivered but he maintained his smile. Talking abou! unbelievable things,he said and moved his gaze to Alex. You really are the owner of Tidal Techit was quite a shock when we saw the news in the press. That’s actually quite impressive, son.” 

It took everything for Ruby not to roll her eyes or scoff. She was truly tired of her father’s bullshit, so she opened her mouth and let out the words without holding back. It must have been quite the shocker, seeing as you spread the news yourself And I guess it’s time to get your believer fixed, because yes, he’s the owner,” she spat at the same time Alex boldly said. I’m not your son.Alex’s tone was cold enough to frost the flute of champagne he was holding

God! She felt so good in that moment, and she laughed like she had just made a joke. Robert awkwardly joined in, although his eyes were feverish with calculation. She knew he was just dying to know everything about her husband’s company and their marriage and that he was also finding loopholes or something that was out of place. He would find nothing

Well, in a manner of speaking, of course.” Robert let out an affable laugh. You became like a son to me when you married my daughter” 

Ruby rolled her eyes, unable to stop herself this time. If her father thought he could cozy up to Alex and try to squeeze favors or anything from him, then he had another thing coming. He turned to her, probably to give himself more time to regroup. We’ve been trying to see you-” 

Oh for fucks sakes dad, I told you this was a bad idea. Why should we try to maintain any kind of relationship with this bitch? Cole said with a scowl, jutting into the conversation for the first time

Kuby’s spine stiffened Cole had always treated her like shit, even in front of others. But for some reason, she had expected him to be a bat more cautious in front of so many people and at her event for that matter. She started to open her mouth to put hom in his place, but she stopped when Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and looked at Cole with eyes made 

Tak to my wife like that again, and I’ll make sure you never talk at all

cocked her head to look up at hun. If he felt her gaze, le duo’s show it. His cold eyes were fixed on 


Hey brother’s lips twisted What did you say?” 

You’re deal as well as stupid, I see Alex said


9% 77%

10:26 Wed, Oct 16 

Chapter 44 

Did you just threaten me? You’re gonna do what?Cole asked, striking his chest out like an angry rooster and spreading his hands. Kill me or something 

Ruby frowned at Cole. What was wrong with him? He was acting like a little kid with something to prove

Killing isn’t the only way to ensure somebody won’t talk. See, you really do have a lot to learn.” Alex sounded almost bored

Cole’s knuckles turned white, but he hesitated. Alex was half a head taller, and broader too. And you’d have to be blind to miss the fact that underneath the fancy tuxedo he had on was a ruthless strength. Even without the wealth and power of the Blackwood fortune, Alex could easily take Cole. Still, she wondered if Cole was going to throw a punch, because he looked very furious. Her mouth dried at the thought of violence between her brother and her husband

Hey bro,” comes a light voice. It was Scott, coming back from wherever he had walked off to probably scare the innocent event planner again

Alex kept his eyes on Cole. Scott.” 

Disapproval flashed in Cole’s eyes as he glanced at Cole and Robert, although it disappeared fast, replaced by a mild curiosity and amusement, with a hint of mischief. Are we having an Instagrammable family moment?Scott said, lifting his phone like he was about to snap a photo

Robert flinched, while Cole looked like a cat that just had a bucket of water dumped on him. He didn’t like to be on social media unless he was in charge of the content and the narrative

Alex just smiled, although there was no humor in his eyes. It’s possible.” 

Stay out of this, Cole snarled, sizing Scott up. From the look on his face, it was obvious that he didn’t like what he saw. Scott was also tall and broad, albeit trimmer than Alex. But that still made Scott the kind of guy you didn’t want to pick a fight with. The Blackwood genes really were unbeatable. This is a family thing 

Then I should stay. Scott smiled

Ruby made a mental note to instruct security to never let her family into any of their events in the future as walked away towards the bar. She didn’t want to have to deal with this nonsense ever again

I can’t believe you didn’t hire any photographers,” Scott said, scowling at her and Alex

they finally 

I didn’t think that was important,Ruby answered. She would prefer not to have photographers. Everytime somebody pointed a camera at her, her chest clenched with dread

Scott gave her a look of pity and squeezed her arm, understanding how she felt without even asking Still, you should take one with your husband. I have my phone, and I think I’m a preny decent photographer.” he said and moved in front of them, crouching down. Say cheese.” 

She stepped closer to Alex and smiled. He pulled her close and pressed his lips to her temple, surprising her. But she remembered to keep on smiling because that was one thing she was good at. Faking a smile

See? It wasn’t that hard.Scott said. He flipped the screen and showed her the picture he just took Alex’s face was the definition of an adoring husband, and she was the happy wife who was just a tad shy about the public display of affection. They looked like a regular, normal couple who fell in love and got married

Relief swept through her

She flicked her eyes in Cole’s direction. Robert was whispering something to him, one hand on his shoulder. Cole was listening, but his blazing eyes on her said, Fuck you, this isn’t over, before he casually walked to the buffet table

She hoped that whatever they put in their mouths was contaminated and they would get epic cases of diarrhea that would force them to leave early. But of course she wouldn’t be that lucky 

From pawn to queen novel

From pawn to queen novel

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Released: Oct 10, 2024 Native Language: English
From pawn to queen novel


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