Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 13

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Rose’s POV 

I cringed at the booming thunder and rain hitting against the glass of my windowI always did hate it when it thundered… 

1 grip the duvet to my body for comfort, shivering slightly at the overall atmosphere of the night. Of course insidedestroyed

e the weather had to match how I feel on the 

Ruth had brought me up dinner, which I surprisingly wasn’t in the mood to eat tonight which was weird considering I loved every meal I had gotten from here so far, but I just didn’t feel right

After what had happened with Alpha Ashton, I just couldn’t shift the nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I seriously must have repulsed him after the kiss… 

It was like beauty and the beasta book I had pinched from the library at my old pack to readbut instead in this case, he was the beauty and I, the 


In this story, the beast doesn’t turn into a stunning princessI just remain my same old self- a wolfless runtan embarrassment to any pack that I join

I wipe my palm across my wet cheek, before another even louder crash comes from outside nextcausing my body to flinch yet again

I hate storms! It had been so nice earlier in the day too, and now this! It is almost as if the moon goddess herself was reacting to how my night had ended up

I decide to close my tired eyes, pulling the sheets over my ears in a meek attempt to block out the sounds of the weather as it runs it’s tantrum from the outside

I try my hardest to think about things that soothe mestories I have read in books beforeall kinds of booksromance, thriller, mystery, you name it 

and I’ll read it

One in which I had read recently, being my favourite at the moment, was Cinderella. I just loved how the prince had stopped at nothing to find his princess after the ballregardless of her being a worthless maidhe still wanted her anyway

Just as I feel my body finally letting go of the events from the dayI shoot up to a sitting position when hearing a loud knock sound out against my bedroom door

That definitely wasn’t the stormi…… 

I freeze for some time, praying that it wasn’t someone coming to tell me that I had to leave the packsurely they wouldn’t just banish me in such weather conditionsI wouldn’t survive out there on my own for a minute

The knock comes again, louder this time, as I tense at the realisation that I would have to answer it at some point or another….. 

I pull the duvet off slowly, and sing my legs over the side to stand up. 1 begin to move, before the third pounding knock comes next forcing me to quicken my steps towards the door before the individual grows too impatient

1 rush to unlock it, nervous of what would come next, before I crack the door ever so slightly allowing the person to force their way into the room

Ishulle nervously when seeing the Alpha, standing before me at his full height, very much sonakedor at least almost naked. All he wore currently where a pair of black boxer shortshis full muscular body on display for me now

I dart my eyes around the room, looking to everywhere and everything that isn’t his bodyawaiting his words… 

Why is he in here at this time

RoseHe begins, as I close my eyes and feel the flood of dread rush through me

I’ve been here before it’s okhe will banish me now… I’m certain of it

Please don t!I find myself whisper, before my

eyes betray me- allowing a single tear to trickle down my cheek

Chapter 13 

entually meeting his for the fi 

first time since him coming in here

What?He sounds conflicted next, as I sniffle slightly and prel my eyes open eventually 

DDon’t send me awayyou don’t have to see meI won’t ttell anyone about the kiss eitheryou can even assign me somewhere else in the ppack to work so you don’t have to see mejust please don’t banish me1 actually liked it here!I decide that it’s now or never, if he’s planning to cut ties with me once and for all here, I might as well try to beg him at least

Maybe he will seek pity in me and let me stay for a while longereven in the damn cellsanywhere that isn’t out in that horrendous storm! 

Rose stop 

top it! His

tone is sharp, eyes never wavering as he speaks

my room after please don’t send me out in the 

I won’t ever speak again! 11 keep my head down! I do what you say! Ell do my chores and go to my room 3 storm!I continue, suddenly becoming a frantic, bubbling mess before him

Listen RoseThe Alpha attempts again, as my face grows wetter with each passing second with my cries…. 

Alpha pplease! I like it here!I sob next, my hands trembling at the words he was so near to saying… 

ROSE IM NOT FUCKING BANISHING YOU FROM MY LAND! LET ME SPEAK!He booms next, commanding me with his Alpha tone as I immediately zip it sniffling and gasping in an attempt to calm myself down

I continue to silently cry, shaking before him in a weak state

I watch as he closes his eyes briefly, inhaling a deep breath, before snapping them open again to meet my own, sad gare

I didn’t come down here to kick you out of my pack! I came to apologise for what happened!He states, as I sniffle again and stare back at him in total shock and confusion

I shouldn’t have just kissed you like thatyou must be so fucking confused nout I don’t know what I’m doing here RoseI don’t know why I did itthere’s just something addicting about you! You’re like a damn drug!The Alphas head falls back, showing his evident irritation matching his words

It’s ookI comment quietly, as he shakes his head again next

It’s not ok! I shouldn’t have kissed you then left you in here like that? He grits, as I choose to remain silent this time to let

It was a mistakewe all make mistakesincluding him. I don’t hate him for it… 

him speak

Silence falls between us next, as the Alpha begins to pace around my roomseeming deep in thought about something as the rain continues to hammer down on the windows outside

He slows in his steps, before a thunderous bang comes again, causing me to jump at the soundeyes widening in panic

The Alpha studies my action, seeming to take note of the storm for the first time as he turns around to face the window

You’re scared of thunder?He comments, as my cheeks heat in instant shame

Of course I’m scaredIt’s just typical isnt it? The little helpless runt is also scared of some thunder? It’s despicable

but nod once at the Alphas statement, as he eyes me for a few more minutes… 

Come.He speaks, as my brows furrow at his command, before he walks towards my doorheading out into the corridor now

I don’t question him, and decide to do as I’m told instead. I don’t want kicked out of the pack, even if he didn’t intend to, he could change his mind at Any given moment

I follow behind him, as he approaches his own room at the end of the hall gesturing for me to go inside as I silently comply 

Climb in.” The Alphas words almost make me go weak at the knees, as I turn to see him pointing to his large disheveled bed

WWhat?I question him, like a deer caught in headlights, unable to comprehend what he had just asked me to do

He sighs slightly, standing before me, as in 

notice a glimmer of something flash across his eyes before it is gone….. 

Let me at least help you sleep through the stomit’s the least I can do RoseI fucked up today! I won’t do anything inappropriate, just cuddleMy words are caught in my throat as he speaks, before he takes slow steps towards me reaching his hand out for mine

Chapter 13 

As if in a zombie like trance, I allow for him to take my hand in his much larger one leading me across the room and towards the soft comfort of his 

own bed

I climb on, feeling the luxurious quilt, as I almost moan when lying down under itif I thought the bed in my room was comfy then I don’t know what to say about this one

Comfy?I hear the Alphas velvety tone reach my ears next, as the bed dips ever so slightlysignalling that he had now climbed in after me

YYeah.I comment, before another crash of thunder comes causing my body to stiffen

It’s ok it’s only a noiseit can’t hurt youcome here. The Alpha hushes me in the darkness of the room, before he shuffles closer to me and wraps a hand around my torso

1 tense up in his arms, before finding strange comfort in his scent as I focus on breathing it in and out slowly…. 

Sure this whole experience was foreign to me, but if the Alpha wants this as opposed to banishing me from his pack tonight then I’ll take it

I don’t know what this is Rose, but I’m trying to figure it outjust give me some time.He speaks in my ear, before his finger tips run soothing circles 

across my arm 

Sleep. He bushes me, as I allow my body and mind to relax in his strong holdknowing that nothing else could harm me at least not tonight. Whatever is going oncan be fixed in the morningbut for now, I’m warm, I’m content, and I’m safe for another day

One day at a time

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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