Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 25

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

Rose’s POV 

I wake up the next morning with a mix of excitement and nerves Huttering in my stomach. The dinner last night had went well, and 1 was even encouraged to try my very first fruity cocktail last night which I had loved

The food was great, and after the first ten minutes or so, the vibe had shifted and wasn’t so intense. Hunt of all people, even seemed to warm up to me more by the end of the night which I was glad for

Today is the day that Ashton has said I’ll be going shopping to the mall with Oliver, my first real and genuine interaction with someone my own age

I’m determined to make a good impression and start forming new relationships here at the pack, and felt that so far, I had a good chance at a new and better life here

After freshening up and dressing in a comfortable outfit, I find Ashton entering the room. He offers me a warm smile as 1 walk in. Good morning, my beautiful Rose. Did you sleep well?” 

I nod, feeling a bit bashful under his gaze. Yes, thank you for last night, I had a great time.I admit, as he nods and smiles

He steps closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair away from my face

Heat creeps up to my cheeks, as Ashton leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. I have a feeling you and Oliver will get along just fine today. Get anything you want and don’t be shy eitherhe’s nearly here so we should probably head downstairs.” 

Ever since we completed the mate bone, he’s been extra affectionateit was an odd feeling to adapt to, however I liked having him next to me nonetheless 

We do just that, heading out of the room and down the staircasebefore the doorbell rings as we near the bottom step. I follow Ashton towards the entrance, as he opens the door to find Oliver standing there with a wide grin on his face. Morning! Ready for the best shopping trip of your life Rose?He chants, as I smile at him shyly

Hi, Oliver. Thanks for wanting to hang out with me todayMy voice comes out barely above a whisper, as he waves me off

Don’t have to thank me!Oliver states, as I nod and smile at his genuine words

Ashton hands Oliver his credit card next, as he takes it hesitantly. Here, use this. Get whatever she wants. She’s too shy to use it herself so I’m trusting you to get her the stuffAshton explains briefly

Oliver chuckles. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t go too crazyHe laughs, as I shake my head at the thought

I expect her to come back with a whole new wardrobe to save us going back there anytime soonjust get her whatever she wants,Ashton states, as the two of them discuss the matter as if I’m not standing right here

Oliver salutes him playfully. You got it, Alpha 

With that, Ashton pushes me forward gently, as I follow Oliver outside to head towards his car, the thrill of going to the mall suddenly building up inside of me

As we drive, Oliver starts chatting about random topics, and I find myself opening up to his friendly and easygoing nature. He’s surprisingly easy to talk to, and I’m feeling more comfortable with each passing minute… 

So, have you met your mate yet?I ask Oliver, noticing that his eyes were focused on the road ahead

He shakes his head at my question, a bit of sadness flickering in his gaze. No, not yet, I guess it will just happen when it happens right?He states, as I nod gently in agreement

mert hetthat she isn’t a complete bitch! He suddenly ants, as I giggle at his nest words

I just hope that when I do

Yeah like mine was when he rejected met I find the words escaping, as he eyes me enriously before looking back abrail

You had another mate before you met the Alpha?He ponders aloud, I sigh and nod

Chapter 25 


Yeahthe soon to be Alpha of my old pack too! He didn’t even give me a second before rejecting and banishing me from his pack! That’s how I ended up here! 1 explain briefly, my voice growing shaky with the memory

A pang of sympathy and understanding tugs at him as his brows furrow at my statement. Wowwell I’m sorry to hear thatbut maybe that was a good thing? Now you’re here and you have the Alpha as a mate! That sounds like a pretty good replacement if I’ve ever heard of one! Oliver chuckles, causing my smile to return at his playful joke

He was right on 

that note… 

As we continue talking, the atmosphere in the car becomes more relaxed. I’m feeling more at ease around Oliver, and I’m grateful for his friendly demeanour towards me. The conversation flows effortlessly, and before I know it, we ve arrived at the large building which I’m guessing is the mall

We park the car, as 1 climb out and follow Oliver’s lead… 

The mall is bustling with activity, and I can’t help but feel a mixture of excitement coupled with anxiety at how many people were in here… 

Oliver leads the way, suggesting stores as I nod and trust his judgement. He then helps me pick out clothes and essentials that I need demanding that I pick more than just a couple of items per store

I start to feel more confident in my choices, and with his input, I’m able to find things that I genuinely like the look of 

I enjoy shopping for footwear the most, having now started to wear shoes and knowing my correct size. I enjoyed having the freedom to walk around outside whenever 1 liked and my eyes almost exploded our of my head when I saw how many unique and colourful shoe options there were in the 

Oliver encouraged me to go wild, forcing me to buy basically whatever my eyes settled on! As we moved from store to store, I found myself enjoying the overall experience more. It was like a dreamone in which I had endless amounts of money and could quite literally shop til 1 drap in

Oliver’s company is uplifting, and his stories and jokes keep me entertained throughout the day. I even laugh out freely, and add my own jokes and comments sometimes, which was something I hadn’t really done before with anyone else…. 

However, just as we’re about to enter another store, a strange sensation washes over mecausing me to slow in my steps

Its as if a soft voice is calling out to me in the back of my head, followed by a sudden, Intense growing pain that plerces through me- bringing a horrendous ache searing straight to my bones

gasp loudly, clutching my head in my hands, as the pain grows overwhelming causing my knees to buckle

Rose? Shit whats happening?! Are you okay?Oliver’s voice sounds distant as he tries to reach down for me, his concern now evident

I can barely form a coherent sentence as the pain continues to throb throughout my entire body

Through the haze, I hear Oliver urgently saying, I think it might be best that I get you back to the Alpha, now.” 

I feel his hands grip my arm as he pulls me up, guiding me back to the car. Oliver helps me with the numerous shopping bags, as I struggle to focus and feel an immense sweat building on my forehead

We exit the mall, receiving some curious stares on the way, before I hunch forward yet again as we approach the car cringing as another wash of pain crashes down on me 

WWhat is happening 1to me?!I panic, as Oliver pushes me to walk on reaching his vehicle as he helps me inside Immediately

My breathing gets heavier, as Oliver fills the backseats with the shopping bags as quickly as possible before rushing to climb in to the drivers side starting up the car

Don’t worry, Ill have yo 

you home in no time Rose! Hang in there! Oliver breathes out, clearly flustered, as he rushes us out of the car park

His movements are urgent and focused as he drives us back the way we had came. I struggle to keep my own concentration, the pain making everything become a blur as I strain to tune in to the distant voice that continues to whisper to me in the back of my mind… 

I get you back to Ashton, he’ll know what to do. Oliver comforts, as I feel the car race down the roud causing me to close my eyes

Chapter 25 

My thoughts become muddled, and I can’t make sense of what’s happening to me. The pain is allconsuming, and I find myself gripping the edge of the seat, my knuckles turning white as I try to push through it… 

The world blurs around me as Oliver speeds through the streets, the sound of his voice fading in and out. All I can focus on is the searing pain that radiates from within no matter how hard I try to mask it… 

It isn’t much longer before Oliver pulls up in front of Ashton’s place, and he quickly exits the car before coming around to open my own side door, his gaze filled with concern

Rose, we’re here. Ashton will take care of you now, let me get you inside.He helps me out of the car, his arms supporting me as we walk towards the entrance together 

Is, his arms 

As we step inside, I catch a glimpse of Ashton rushing down the hallway, his face a mix of worry and relief. He reaches us in seconds, immediately wrapping around me

Rose, what the fuck happened?! Are you alright?!” Ashton’s voice is laced with 

concern as he holds me close to him for protection

IIt hurtsI whine loudly, as Ashton squeezes me tighter at the sound of my ache

What does?!He demands to know more, as I attempt to slow my erratic breathing in his hold

MMy bones! My head! It all hurts! I can hearvoices in my head! WWhat is happening to me?!I panic, as Ashton rubs comforting circles on my back 

Oliver speaks up next, his voice steady. She was absolutely fine the whole dayand then suddenly doubled over with this intense pain! I tried to get her back here as quick as possible!Oliver rambles, as I feel Ashton nod from above me

Ashton pulls back, his eyes searching mine, his concern evident. Rose, are you listening to me?” He questions next

I manage to nod weakly, my voice barely a whisper. I heard a voice Ashtonand then the painI try to explain what happened, as he clears his throat before speaking again- 

Rose you have to listenI think you’re going to shift soonthis might finally be your chance to meet your wolf!Ashton’s words fill my ears as I all but nearly collapse when hearing them

Could it be….

Could this be my chance to finally meet her? The one I have longed for my whole life

Sure, Ashton said that by mating with him this could happen, but I didn’t actually expect it to come so soon! But does that mean

You’re going to experience your first shift Roseit won’t be pretty eitherit’s going to hurt!Ashton grabs my shoulders, ensuring that I listen to his Every word

I find myself nodding, however completely lost for words…. 

My wolf, she’s finally coming

Chapter Comments 

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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