My room felt like a gilded cage, its walls closing in on me with every passing; moment. I paced back and forth, my anger a burning underno within me. He could they do this to me? How could they dare to imprison me? had already trashed the entire room in my fury, Imuldnt believe that the king would do this to me. How could he believe that human over mr? How can you not see that Tsuneo and I were meant to be? How much of a blessing it was that I benught him a grandson? A true dragon–born granilson.
Why weren’t they more grateful? I turned back to
o the d
1 pounded on it, my fists aching from the effort.
“Let me out!” I screamed, my voice echoing through the empty hallway. This is madness!”
The guards outside the door remained unmoved. I could hear them muttering to each other, their voices a few hum,
“Have we heard anything about transferring her to the dungeons?”
“I’m sure that His Majesty will get around to it.”
I snarled. Then, the door opened. I almost pushed past when the guard stood in my way. A servant so was her head. It was one of the servants, a young woman named Anya, I remembered her.
“Who the hell sent you?” I demanded, my voice low and menacing
stepped in, bead bowel. Her face was covered, and
Anya’s eyes filled with fear, her body shaking uncontrollably. The head maid sent me to bring you your meal,
Even the servants were mocking me, sending me this scared, ugly creature. I showed Anya.
“How dare you show your ugly face here, though? I guess
ess you’re not really showing good now, are you?”
I remember the day clearly watching her shake and tear, which meant she must remember it too. At the least, she wasn’t dumb enough to say anything. The idiot had the nerve to drop my tea. She’d embarrassed me in front of the ladies of the court. It didn’t matter that she was barely twelve at the time. I made it an example of her. I clawed her face and burned her with hot brands. I made her beg for forgiveness and made it clear that if she told anyone about the punishment I’d given her, she’d wish for death.
From what I understood, her engagement was ruined because of it, and it was likely that she would end up dying as a servant alone in the palace. It served her right.
The fact that she was sent back to me meant they just wanted to irritate me. Or they wanted me dead. It didn’t matter. I’d subject them to the same punishment as soon as I could. I glanced toward the door. I’d have to deal with her later. For now, I needed her.
The thought turned my stomach, but I didn’t have much choice. Tsuneo would regret this, and I’d make that human wench suffer for the indignity. I smiled, a cold, calculating expression spreading across my face.
“Take all your
She went still. “What-”
She yelped as I grabbed her by her throat. “Take off your clothes, or I’ll kill you right now.”
Her eyes welled with tears, but she did as I commanded.
Hurry up,
Isnapped as she hesitated, taking off her cheap robe. I scoffed as each scar was revealed, Mast of thems still looked fresh, as if I had just made them. I snatched them and started to dress in them. Anya’s face paled, her eyes filled with terrut, but she didn’t say a thing. She shrank back into a conser of the suns, trembling and curling up in silence.
Put my clothes over there, and don’t you sure touch anything. You keep your mouth shut until I get back, or itll be the last thing you ever say?
I didn’t see if she moved. I joot damped my clothes on the ground and grabbed the empty tray.
Fork about touching my food, peasant.” I kicked her and scoffed as she whimpered pathetically.
1 quickly changed into her clothes, disguising myself as a lowly servant. With a final glance at Anya, I turned and left the room, my heart pounding with
a mixture of excitement and fear. I had escaped, but the battle was far from over. As I strode down the hallway, my heart pounding with anticipation, I thought about all the ways i would make the human wench pay.
First, I’d skin her. I pour hot oil on her and listen to the way her skin crisped up. Maybe I’d give her to the guards to play with. When she was completely unrecognizable, unresponsive, and absolutely destroyed, I’d impale her and let her die a slow, agonizing death.
It would be too good for her, honestly,
The cold stone walls of the castle loomed around me. Each step echoed as I made my way to the king’s chambers. I moved quickly. No one stopped me or even seemed to notice me. Good
I reached the grand staircase and paused, gripping the banister as I forced my breathing to steady. It was a long way to the king’s chambers. The guards were everywhere, and they’d likely report it if I were caught
As I ascended the stairs, I thought about that human wench’s smug smile, the way she had taunted me with her words. The way she held the position and power that should have always been mine. When the time came, I would make sure she knew her place beneath my feet.
Shed wish she could just get away with wearing a shroud for the rest of her life.
At the top of the stairs, I passed a pair of guards who barely glanced at me. They didn’t see me as a threat. I turned a corner and entered the royal wing, where I should have been staying. I thought to go to Tsuneo’s room first and find that woman. I’d tear out her hair and her throat before she could even pull that stupid blade.
But I held myself back. I needed to get to the king first. As I approached the King’s chambers, my heart pounded with anticipation. The guards blocked my path.
“What is your business?” 0
One of them asked, his voice cold and authoritative.
1 ignored him, pressing forward. “I demand to see the king. It’s my right to.”
“Lady Ari?” One of them grabbed my arm, yanking the shroud off my head. “You are under house arrest. You–”
“Where is Lady Anya?” The other one asked. What have you done with her?”
I snarled. “How dare you call that wretch and me lady in the same breath?”
The one who asked about Anya grabbed my arm. I struggled against him.
“You have not been authorized to leave your room. He turned to his partner. “I’ll take her back”
“Unhand me! Wait until the king bears about this!
“It will have to wait until after his audience with the Crown Prince and the queen.”
My heart burched. There was no way that could be true.
What did he just
I thought she was taken to the dungeon……
The Dragen King’s Subathée Bride