Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 51

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Ashton’s POV 

Who are you going to allow in?I question my guards, as they look to one 

one another judging who would answer my question first 

Just the pack officials and the higher up ranks sirdid you want anyone else?The taller of the two responds, as I grumble

Find me twenty random pack members to sit through the trial too. I want it to be mixed. I instruct, as they both bow their heads and move off to do as Lask 

The pack assembly hall, a place usually reserved for joyful celebrations and gatherings, had been transformed into a makeshift courtroom for today’s trial. As Alpha, it was my duty to oversee this solemn event and ensure that justice was served for the heinous crimes committed by Nathan, Karl, Warren, Luke, and their mother, Isabelle

g out at

I stood at the front of the hall, gazing the rows of empty wooden benches that would soon be filled with our pack members. The air was thick with anticipation and unease, as we had never held a trial of this magnitude before forcing all five of their cases in to the one day

I had hoped that the outcome would bring closure and healing, not only to Lydia but to our entire pack and perhaps it would encourage other sufferers to come forward to me as their Alpha in future if they face any similar hardships during their time living here… 

Rose was due to arrive with Lydia any moment now accompanied by Sawyer and Hunt who had been placed In charge of their care today

Yo Ashton, the evidence has all been documented, do you plan to show this to everyone today? I turn to find Oliver approaching someone I had trusted to photograph and examine the wounds when I had first discovered what had happened to Lydia

Oliver was smart, and was currently training to become a pack doctor so I felt he was the best bet for such a rolesomeone I can trust

With Lydia’s permission yes. I confirm, as he nods and reveals the small hard drive.. 

CoolI’ll set everything up so that it’s ready to go if you do want to use it. I’ll connect the laptop to those screens,Oliver explained, pointing to the four large TV screens mounted on the walls around the large room

As he moved to the far corner of the room tweaking the technical shit for me the main doors opened to reveal Sawyer first before he was followed in by Rose 

Where’s the other two?I question, as they approached me steadily

Lydia asked Hunt if she could use the bathroom first and I thought I would come here ahead of her just to let you know that she’s struggling with all of this todayRose explains, coming to my side and keeping her voice low

I seedoes she still want to go ahead?I question, as Rose nods once before inhaling a slow breath

She knows it’s right and that they need to face the consequences of their actionsI think it’s more the idea of seeing Nathan againshe hasn’t saw him since any of it happened.Rose attempts to explain her friends worries, as I follow along

I can fix thatI trail off, as Rose tilts her head oddly at me

We turn again at the sound of the doors to see Hunt and Lydia entering as I Inmediately take in Lydia’s haunted expression

The poor thing was chalk white as though she had just seen a ghost….. 

Lydia, how are you feeling?I ask, as she all but shrugs moving to stand by her friend as Rose instinctively wraps 


arm around her

You don’t have to be in here at all today you know? I can help make this process as comfortable as I can for you. Why don’t you stay back in the other room just you and Rose and you can watch the whole thing through the screens rather than sitting in here?I suggest, gesturing for them to follower me through to the other room

That sounds betterI barely pick up on Lydia’s soft tone, however hear it nonetheless

Great let’s do that thenHunt will guard the door so nobody can get in too. I add for further comfort, opening the door to show them the small space which held a TV, table and a couple of sofas

I’ll leave you to get comfortable whilst I get everyone else in then I’ll be back before we start ok I explain, as the ghis enter the room and now at the plan, before I exit and leave them behind with Sawyer and Hunt at my back

Chapter 51 

She’s pretty shook up todayHunt states the olivious, as I sigh 

None of this process will be easy for her…. 

You’ll guard the door. Don’t let anybody in and don’t let them out either. It’s for their own good.I instruct Hunt as he agrees

We enter the main hall- as I find the two guards from before as they stand at the doors again


got them Alpha, everyone is outside ready to be seated.The guard states, as I nod and sight taking a final glance at the surroundings 

We best get started then… 

Have them seated then.” I nod, as they move to unlock the doors allowing for the familiar faces of my pack to flood in

Now, we just await the criminals themselves and the trial will commence

A quiet hush fell over the rooms as the pack members began to filter in, taking their seats. The tension was palpable, and I could feel their eyes on me, looking to their Alpha for guidance and reassurance on what was going on

The task of delivering justice weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I knew that I had to remain composed and impartial to my feelingsat least for as long as I could stand being in their presence… 

The atmosphere in the pack assembly hall had suddenly became charged with tension as pack members filled the wooden benches, I couldn’t help but notice the mixture of expressions on their facescuriosity, anxiety, and anger, all directed toward the empty space where Nathan, Karl, Warren, Luke, and their mother, Isabelle, would soon be sitting, facing the consequences of their actions

People had heard whisperings of the crimes, however awaited anxiously to hear the final word from me their Alpha

I approached Oliver, who had been in charge of documenting the evidence, including Lydia’s injuries, Oliver, are we ready to present the evidence to the pack members if needed?I question, needing a short distraction from the gazing eyes

Oliver nodded and gestured toward the large TV screens mounted on the walls. Tve set up the whenever you decide to use it just let me know when.He states with confidence as I nad

laptop and the screens. Everything is ready to go 

Before I could respond any further, the doors to the assembly hall creaked open once more, before complaints and detests were heard revealing the five criminals in question to the room for the first time without warning

Two of the men remained quiet, whilst Nathan and his other cousin fought against the guards tight hold in protest… 

Isabelle seemed to be playing the whole sab actsniffling, crying und falling over on her way towards the bench

I eyed them steadily, as many

guards piled themselves in spreading around the hall us extra protection. Each of them were chained to a panel keeping them in place as the pack members whispered and eyed them with caution

I best go check on Lydia before we start…. 

With that thought, I head back to the room she was in, meeting Hunt outside the door. He steps use, allowing me to enter, as I find Rose and Lydia huddled together on the sofa facing the TV screen displaying a view of the room

Lydia had started crying, as Rose hushed her and eyed me with concern as I stood in the doorway

Lydiado I have your permission to present the evidence of the abuse to the roum?I bend down to meet her eye level, as she blinks back tears and sniffles in to her tissue

YYesLydia all but 

manages to agree, as I sigh at the sight of her broken demeanour

to vole 

Is there anything else that you want to voice before we start? I know that this is a hard day Lydia, but we will help you through it.| state hmly Rose stays quiet rubbing comforting circles on Lydia’s arm

Just do what you see fit AlphaLydia’s words surprise me, as allows them to form a thick allence between us

If things get too much, just switch it off and don’t watch. I’ll handle it.I finish, standing up again to my full height, before hea 

None of them respond, and I accept things for what they are sering myself out and preparing for 

Ing back For 

standing rest, Rollowed be a strong pot on the shoulder as I pass by a silent way of saying he had my back

with the pack members vettbol and the atmosphere in the assembly hall heavy with anticipation, I took my place at the front of the room. The trial was at bogi

bet teel the weight of the moment 

The had wet up were ready to display evidence, and I hoped it would help convey the extent of the crimes committed by Nathan

vene vllave



AN JUAN DANSKER Was peeling luate dia and holling the perpetrators accountable for their actions

were now plowed infoeming me that everyone was now present and ready

Slowwel the pack with a strong, clear wr. My fellows, pack members, we gather here today to ensure that justice is served

se of the crimes committed by Nathan, Kail, Waven, Luke, and their mother, Isabelle. It is our duty to evaluate 

Appropiate consequences as a pack.I state, as everyone remained silent

ched on the faces of our pack members. The crimes committed had shaken us all, and the anticipation of the 

sesent, we shall begin,I announced, taking a deep breath to steady myself. Nathan, Karl, Warren, Luke, and Isabelle, you are 

stacked against wou the evidence we will present today is extensive and incfutable. I continueeyeing each of them carefully 

(hauts Bibed mlb with hate

pens, where the evidence and accounts would be displayed. “We will start by hearing from Lydia, the victim of the crimes

and the evidence shown afterwards will help support her statement. Due to the nature of the crimesI will read her 

Throat, before I gather up the documents of her written account

od to provide her testimony in a pre recorded paper statement, as it was simply too emotionally difficult for her to speak in person on it 

1 began to read bet heartbreaking statement, before quickly being interrupted by the rat himself Lies! That bitch is a fucking liar!Nathan roared in 

vved to gag him in to silence

My glare at the men

ang gags, and whispers from some of the audience as most would occasionally 

wonted what Lydia had told us about the abuse, and about how the cousins would regularly partake as well… 

cement concluded, leaving many people dabbing their wet eyes with tissues, the screens came to life displaying photographs of Lydias at injuries, which had been documented and verified by our pack’s medical team. The pack members gasped at the visible proof of the abuse she had entereİ own insides would twist in remembrance of just how had she had looked the first day we had seen het.. 

the anger and outrage on the faces of our pack members. Their empathy for Lydia beginning to shine through. As Alpha, I had a duty to 

conducted fairly and impartially, but I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that justice would be guaranteed to be 

all read two verified testimonies from two of Lydia’s colleagues at work in the local salon. They were aware of the abuse, however neglected 

Lysda had becool them not to in fear that Nathan would retaliate. I state, as Nathan thrashed and groaned against the 

me to work beat up 

netimes more than once in the same weekwe would beg to help her, but she was terrified of anyone hg out, One time. Nathan had even appeared at the salon with his cousin karl, and was infuriated to find that Lydia was in working with a male ent. We later disowered that he did i fact beat her for this, with the help of his three osusins Karl, Warren and like. After that, we tried to tackle 

but again, India kared that she would be stopped by Nathan on coming to work which at that time was the only 

the first staff whers statement, glancing up 

find the female in question sitting amongst the crowd……

th the masses of rodence we have out with what we have shown you today but trust me when I say that there is video proof of amongt hengittal documents showing a variety of intense ingaties which are now believed to have been caused by the men seated before us 

weak out, seeing two of xins with ther beach hung low whild Nathan and the third coin glared daggers my way 

mounting against the accused, and it was clear to veryone in the rooms that they had committed these heinous acti 

revolute in then determination to hold the perpetrators accountable

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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