Chapter 52
Ashton’s POV
“Last on the trial, which you have probably all noticed by now, is a female. This is Nathan’s mother who helped to hide three out of the four men accused in her home at a neighbouring pack. Upon being found, this woman – Isabelle – then proceeded to stab myself with a knife in a weak attempt to protect her son and her nephews from being taken in to custody,” I read my next statement, before looking up to cock a brow at Isabelle herself.
Toolish woman….
“As you can see here, although it was only a nick, I did in fact receive a couple of stitches after this incident. However, Isabelle will face trial for attempting to hard or perhaps even murder an Alpha- regardless of her attempt being somewhat humorous in our investigation.” 1 announce, before holding up my shirt to reveal the wound in question – it being it’s own proof.
At my words, and the reveal of my
y stab w
wound, my loyal pack members were heard gasping and tutting in disapproval…
It was a shameful crime to attempt to cause serious hard to an Alpha… one that I could assure my pack members would not drop lightly.
“It is also believed now that Isabelle had some knowledge on how her son – Nathan had been treating Lydia all along, and in my presence Isabelle had even claimed that it was all Lydia’s fault.” I add, hearing even more outrage from the pack as they grumble and gasp amongst themselves.
As the trial continued, reaching the end of our evidence and my statements, the accused were given the opportunity to respond to the evidence and delend themselves…
Each of them had their chance to speak, starting with Luke – the first cousin that we had spoken to.
Luke attempted to reason with the room, claiming to have been forced in to the acts by his two brothers and cousin. The pack members didn’t seem to buy any of it though – as he was quickly booed and forced off the stand.
Next to speak was Warren, gruff and eerie as he stood before the room – his eyes emotionless and cold…
“Luke quit being a fucking pussy!” His statement began, causing outrage in the room–as nobody even cared to hear him speak after that statement alone – proving him to be exactly the man we claim
After that, was Karl, and his approach was somewhat more entertaining than the others to say the least…
“I loved Lydia… and always have… when I would see her with Nathan, I would find myself tied up in a jealous rage which is why I would sometimes join in on the abuse. It was a sort of outlet for my feelings – you know? I just always hoped that she could be mine but knew deep down that it could never be… and so I masked it with hatred.” Karl all but admits to the crimes nonetheless, as I roll my eyes and hope to the moon goddess that Rose and Lydia weren’t still watching this comedy show of a trial!
It was insulting to Lydia at this point!
“Last up of the men, we have Nathan.” I grit out to the room, watching as the guards haul him up to his feet – dragging him towards the stand – before removing the gag from his mouth.
He spits a little, enjoying the freedom of having his words be set free, as he inhaled a deep gasp of air… preparing to speak.
Why Lydia and him had ever even ended up a couple was beyond me… Nathan was simply put, a creature. He looked as though he had crawled right out of the sewers and hadn’t washed for a month.
“Lydia in a fiar… Į treated her like a fucking queen! You want to really know the truth? Hmm? That bitch was always doing the dirty on me! Always cheating and sleeping around! She drove me in to a paranoid hole that I couldn’t get myself out of! She made me fucking nuts! Sure, I took it too fat once or twite, but any man would if they found out that their woman was cheating like she did! She was a fucking filthy whore Nathan raged, has voce booming out in to the room, before I signalled for my men to silence him immediately.
Lydia didn’t need to watch any more of him and his shit ass statement – if you could even call it that! It was just a final chance to insult her… a wrak attempt to hurt her feelings one last timel
“Last up……. [Labelle… and then we can wrap this waste of a time trial up?” I fume, unable to hide my temper after Nathan’s statement.
Isabelle approached, seeming more collected compared to the men holding her tissues in her hands like some innocent Grandmother who had been roped in off the streets to stand trial…
ahe kidding?!
Chapter 52
“Where do I even begin? My poor boy, Nathan, never had a father growing up…” Isabelle begins, as it takes every ounce of control in my body for mne not to flip out and rompletely lose my damn shit after that.
“He always did struggle with his temper, and I did every last thing a mother could do to help their son…” She trails off, sniffing in to a fresh tissue.
“When he had said he had hurt Lydia, I didn’t realise the extent of it. All I knew was that I had to help protect my baby like I always have as a single mother.” She goes on again, crushing my soul with each bullshit word.
I want to choke her out..
“When your large and powerful Alpha over there invaded my home, I had no choice but to defend myself and so… I grabbed the knife…” Isabelle cries loudly, leaning forward and blowing her nose now.
Fucking yawn……
“I never intended to kill anyone… I was just so terrified!” Isabelle claims, as I roll my eyes and check my watch for the time.
“Ok that’s enough!” I call out loudly, watching as Isabelle sends me a death stare for cutting her performance short.
She’s a witch…
The trial was unfortunately a painful but necessary process, and it concluded with the pack members each casting their votes.
Each pack member would state if they found them guilty or not and if the answer was guilty they would then give their own suggestion of what they believe would be a suitable punishment for each of the accused.
These would then be taken in to account before the final decision would be made by myself – the Alpha.
After waiting for a short ten minutes, I collected the votes in from our pack members, who had overwhelmingly seemed to have found all of the accused guilty.
As I glanced over some of the feedback, their anger and frustration was evident in their suggested punishments, with some calling for harsh penalties… including death.
I excused myself momentarily to review the suggested punishments and to determine the appropriate consequences for each of the accused.
The pack members were given a brief break to stretch their legs and get a drink of water, and the criminals were held in the same spot – left to wait and dread their final decision.
It was a weighty responsibility that I couldn’t take lightly, especially considering the nature of their crimes and the emotions running high in our pick….
“Hunt, go in and check on Lydia – mind link me after and let me know how she is.” I ask Hunt on passing, as he nods and turns to enter the room he had been guarding with the two females inside.
I enter a room a little further down the hall – somewhere more private – before taking a seat and sighing heavily after the trial that had just taken place. 1 fiddled my way through each and ever vote–pairing up any that had similar suggestions of punishments to see the outcome in numbers to help me
“Lydia is as good as the can be I guess? She watched the whole thing, but said that she doesn’t want to see the results so they’ve turned it off now.” I listen to Hunts words as he mind–links me from down the hall with an update.
I understand the
I righ, knowing that Lydia was trusting in me to decide before she could move on and start a new life for good.
After much careful consideration, checking my watch to see that I was due back in the room in five minutes, I glanced over the sheets once more before confirming my thoughts one last final time.
This is it…
I returned to the courtroom to announce the sentences for Nathan, Karl, Warren, Luke, and Isabelle–seeing that everyone from before returned and had been resealed.
The punishments were intended to ensure justice was served, in order to protect our pack from any further harm that this behaviour was not acceptable in my pack and that those choosing to act out–would
“I firstly want to
the true
all of my innocent pack members for taking time out of their day to attend this trial. I know this one wasn’t muctly ies ensure….. that me!” i state, taking another breath before continuing on.
“I can only say how disappointed I am that we even have to be here today for this reason as I expect theme of my pack to line with some cle moral standarts unlike those who have been displayed to you today!” I grit out ned, my disgust shining through
“I am pleased to confirm that you all have found these men and Isabelle to be guilty of their crimes, and therefore they will accordingly!” I announce, raming a loud and ecstatic cheer from the room
Some of the accused begin to shout in protest, but Isabelle decides again to cry….
“First up on my list, we have Lake. Your punishment Lake, is somewhat less severe only because of your age and the potential influen
fucks who you call family seem to have had over your life choices. You will be banished and made a rogue forced to end for yourself from this day forth. If you are to ever return to this land, you will be executed.” I state, my gaze burning holes through Lake as I watch his face pale
Being made a rogue, especially at a young age wouldn’t be easy… In fact, it was like being sentenced to living in hell for the rest of your
“Next we
we have Karl and Warren, who I figured I would do together since you are both being sentenced to the exact same thing: Which is… bars!” I cheer in a mocking tone, earning another eruption of applause from the room… happy with the decision
The men yell and groan–spitting out in fury at my sentencing – as I smile at them in theer amusement. I’m glad they don’t like it, that
“Last of the men, if we can even call them that, we have Nathan. Nathan, was seriously a tough one to consider because after all. Nathan g without a father everybody!” I mock the words of Isabelle; the sheer sarcasm dripping from my tone as the room laughed in amusement.
“But we got there in the end, and decided that after everything he has done… it would only be fair to have him tortured and killed immediately. Maybe then, he will understand the pain and torture he inflicted on his victim!” I announce, as Nathan closes his eyes over at hearing my words – hi gagged again and stopping him from speaking up on my decision.
He would die before I would let him hurt anybody again…
“Last up, which makes me want to yawn… is Isabelle… the least exciting and least entertaining of the five.” I mock, as the female sobs and shake before me – sending me glares every so often.
“Now Labelle, what we have decided to do with you is, send you back home. Simple as that.” I state with a shrug, before gasps and protests are heard from my pack members – disagreeing with the decision,
Isabelle eyes me cautiously, not understanding what exactly I was on to, as she glanced over at the boys in wonder..
“Sending you back home where Alpha Marcus has insisted he will lock you up for life on his land…. he said they have a great working programme down in the cells where you can help to make clothes and clean up tools to benefit his pack. Therefore, you will not there.” I laugh out, watching the colour drain from her face as her mouth hands open in horror.
“You fucking bastard! You call yourself an Alpha? You are a disgusting weak man!” Isabelle stands, showing her true personality to the audience as she swears and spits at me – just like she had done the first time we had met.
Well, well, well…
The room erupted with cheer as I brought the case to a conclusion. Justice had now been served, and the pack would now begin the process of healing and moving forward.
As the trial came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that it was over. Our pack could now focus on rebuilding and supporting Lydia in ber recovery. The healing process would take time, but I was determined to do everything in my power to ensure she felt safe and supported within our pack
With the trial behind us, I hoped that our park could find a sense of closure and move forward together, stronger than ever.