Chapter 63
Ashton’s POL
The thythmic clatter of the train wheels beneath me seemed to sync with the pounding in my chest.
My insides twisted and ached, my wolt longing to be reunited with his mate once again – with each passing second becoming agonisingly painful to
We had been here before, him and 1, having lost my first mate in a brutal attack years ago… and here I was, believing I had moved on, overcome my heartache…
But we were never prepared to experience a loss all over again.
Rose didn’t deserve this, and I could only imagine what she was going through as I sit here
here helpless in the comfort of my private train….
Gripping the edge of the table. I surveyed the dimly lit compartment, the soft hum of the engine creating a background melody to my turbulent thoughts bulldozing back and forth in my brain.
Derrick, now confined in a makeshift cell on this moving fortress, awaited his fate back in my pack’s custody….
I had already beaten him to a pulp, finding that he was more stubborn than predicted – refusing to speak up
or give me any useful information – which only enraged me further.
If I didn’t actually need him so much, I would’ve killed him long before now! His death was well overdue at this point….
I run a rough hand down my y face in
Or else.
in aggravation. I need to find her! I need at least an update or a lead!
The war
had never anticipated starting, now loomed on the horizon as I fully prepared to unleash total destruction across the country.
My pack, fueled by a mixture of anger and concern for Rose and Lydia, awaited my return for my next orders – understanding that I would require them all to support the war in one way or another.
My pack simply weren’t happy about the news, having only recently been introduced to their new Luna – only to have her taken away like this!
It was fucking barbaric!
As the train moved on through the night, I huddled around with Hunt and Sawyer and a few trusted members of my pack in a now cramped compartment – with under an hour to go before we would be home at last ready to strike in the morning!
Blueprints of Derrick’s known compounds and his pack land was currently sprawled across the table, illuminated by the glow of the dim overhead train lighting
Plans unfolded, with a dance of tactics designed to outmaneuver any of our adversaries – giving them no chance of retaliation or survival. “We will have
them wiped from existence at this rate…” Sawyer admits, as I nod once in approval of the statement.
This attack would be deadly… like nothing any pack in this country had ever seen before!
For the most part, I have been fair. I have allowed packs to step out of line, when I shouldn’t have. I have watched Derrick parade his cause around like a fool for longer than I should have.
The true fact of it is, I should have started this war long ago – since I am the only Alpha strong enough to gain victory above all else!
I’m the only one that can put a stop to Derricks behaviour – once and for allt
The sun began its slow ascent on the horizon as we tussed up different scenarios and ideas, it’s light suddenly casting a hopeful glow through the train window.
Chapter & 3
The war we were preparing for would be waged in both the physical realm and the shadows–a battle of wits and strength…
Amidst the planning, a murmur spread throughout the compartment, before one of the trackers pushed his way towards me through the group – laptop
held in hand
Alpha, we’ve traced their movements, they seem to be heading down the Southern border–seen on this camera footage two hours ago –
know that
for certain!” He announced loudly, his tone conveying a mix of determination and urgency as he turned the screen to face me- silencing the others in the room.
My eyes narrowed in on the screen, the van’s trajectory aligning with the path of desperation as it raced at a high speed down the road….
I wonder why?
The compartment hummed with a newly charged energy as the implications sank in. Our adversaries were on the move, likely with Rose and Lydia as captives in the back!
The sun’s rays painted the unfolding strate
strategy as we used the update to create new plans with a touch of new hope.
After hours of waiting, we were gaining ground on them – finally!
“Have the packs closest to the southern border be on high alert… have extra patrols out looking for the vehicle! They will have to pass through a town eventually and I want each and every one of our allies to be ready!” | announce, as Hunt nods and leaves to make the appropriate calls for us.
Just as the reality of our situation crystallized, the shrill ring of my phone pierced loudly in to the air next…
This better be good news..
Another update at least…
Or whoever it is, will have me to answer for just for wasting my damn time!
tly retrieve it, noting the unfamiliar numbers showcased across the screen – as my brows pull in to a scowl.
I swiftly
As I clicked to answer, the caller’s voice spoke out immediately, laced with urgency, delivering news that cut through the tension like a sharp unyielding knife…
“Al–Alpha Ashton? Is that yo
you?” He questioned, seeming somewhat out of breath.
“Speaking.” I all but say, fully prepared to make negotiations (having figured it was probably one of the captors making a ransom call since I didn’t h
the number saved).
“Uh… hi sir… I’ve got some good news for you! We’ve found one of the girls that you’re looking for! We have her here! She’s safe with us! But from what she’s told us, the situation is dire! You need to come here quickly!” The unknown man rushes the words out, as I instantly tense with scrutiny.
This could easily be a trap….
“Put the female on and let me speak to her!” I demand instantly, my tone probably harsher than necessary before shuffling is heard on his end. “Alpha Alpha it’s me! Lydia! Y–You have to come here quick! They… they still have Rose! 1… I think they shot her Ashton!” Lydia’s familiar tone cries out down the line, causing my brows to dart up and my heart to stop beating for a split second from hearing her words.
“Is she…” I trail off, not prepared to hear the words….
She can’t be.
“L… I don’t know Alpha! I didn’t see it! I only heard the gunshot and heard her scream! She told me to run, to get help before they captured us both!” Lydia rambles on, evidently crying now herself–causing me to gulp back my own lump forming in my throat.
going to gut these criminals like fish when I find them!
“Where are you?! We will come and get you! It’s all going to be ok! We will find her!” I demand more Information, glowing
The third in commanel Adlon we still await the petion of our Alpha and beta from the ball but he has given me permission
pela back–understanding that it’s urgent.” The man explains, clearing his throat as I rub the stubble on my check in
making a quick stop in my own territory then will be right there- don’t let her out of
n the meantime.
Thankfully, Lydia head made it in salety comidering there were a few packs who couldn’t be trusted, she had been lucky landing in to the hands of one
cuncertain… hat I couldn’t lose hope! I refused to believe she could be dead!
They wondert post kill her.. they useded her… as leveraget:
relief that İyidia was at least sale, slugging the news with the others as they clap and sigh a little at the update.
hut hire words were still eching
in of fear and determination.
The singency of the situation, Rose’s fate hang in the balance of us finding her, and my chest tightened with a
to tellleve the girlf Sawyer, you’ll stay in our pack preparing our warriors to attack Derricks pack?” I tell them the new plan, as they both and in understateling
As soon as I had hung up, the agency to reach Six Ridge Pack surged through
The war room planning had been enough – and now, Rose needed
Lydia was mun only hope in finding her….
“We have a strong lead now with Lydia being safe at Six Ridge, Let’s hope that she remembers something about those fuckers! Anything that could help us to find them!” I state, pacing around the small rooms feeling on edge and overwhelmed.
As my pack mobilized with a renewed sense of purpose, I returned to the planning table, gathering up the blueprints and charts. The war had taken an unexpected tinn, some of it none evolving Into a rescue mission….
The train’s steady hum sermed to amplify may racing thoughts. The landscape outside blurring as we raced towards home, which would now only act as a pit stop before we set out again.
My mind was churning with the myriad of emotions hattling for dominance…
It wasn’t much longer before soon, the train ground to a halt, and the pack wasted no time as they disembarked, fueled by a collective determination to prepare for the war that lay on our horizon.
The crisp night alt greeted us as we stepped onto familiar territory. The descending icon above, a silent witness to our trials, seemed to cast an ethereal glow upon the path ahead,
The I had envisioned took an unexpected twist, morphing into a desperate race against time to save Rose… but that didn’t mean our attack on Derricks pack wouldn’t go ahead!
I had Derrick, who’s head currently flopped forward, unconscious, taken to the cells Immediately being placed in maximum security with twenty–four
I briefly greeted my higher ranked warriors, relaying the plan for the attack wanting them armed with both determination and weaponry. We would go all out, even if that meant using dirty tactics involving wollsbane poison and silver artillery – known to weaken wolves!
Nawyer, entrusted with preparing our warriors for the imminent attack on Derricks pack, radiated a fierce determination as he gave his final goodbye and left us at the station.
With Hunt and a trusted team of warriors by my side, we shared the weight of the journey as we boarded the train once again and headed straight towards the Six Ridge Pack.
Lydia’s safety was a fleeting relief, but Rose’s fate lingered as a shadow in the periphery
“We will find her bro… they wouldn‘
It was the fear of the unknown that gripped us still….
“Regardless of if she’s still alive… by the sounds of it, they still fucking shot her! She will be in agony and I can’t do anything about it!” I fume, as Hunt mods and sighs – sinking down in to the chair opposite my own.
“You’ll get your revenge Ash… This is the worst mistake they could’ve ever made… first, we invade their pack, second, we take all of their closest friends and family as our own hostages and third… we start killing them one by one until they crumble and give Hove back to us!” Hunt hulls out the idea, as I smirk at the thought.
If that’s the lengths that I need to go to just to get her back… then so be it!
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