Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 65

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 65

Chapter 65 

gman in agony as the van rumbles to a final stop leaving me sobbing in the fetal position in a pool of my own blood

The vehicle doors are quickly slid open- revealing a blinding stream of morning sun light pouring in to the once dark van causing my eyes to snap shut 

Well at least she’s still breathingthat’s a good sign at least! I hear an unfamiliar 

or woman speak loudly, as I struggle to adjust my sight in order to see 

Yeah we just closed her up with a needle and thread! Would you believe that they managed to escape an hour before we got here!The voice of Elza pierces out next expressing her irritation on what had happened causing me to cringe at the sound of her voice, one in which I knew all too well 

Why are they even doing this to me

I haven’t bothered any of them at all throughout my life and yet, Derrick and all of my old pack members seem to hate me

Maybe this is more about Ashton than it is me… that would make more sense wouldn’t it

Do they think they can get to him through me? Use me to taunt him? Who knows but none of this makes sense and none of this is necessary! I wish they would just give up…. 

So where’s the bullet? I need it to know what size the hole is and how deep it could have went? The woman pushes on, before hands are suddenly approaching mecausing me to thrash around in protest

The bullet? Uh I don’t know? It’ll be in there somewhere.” Elza responds bluntly, before I’m being dragged out of the van and placed on to a makeshift stretcherbeing strapped down and restrained the moment by body touches the material

I suddenly release a deafening cry my body convulsing in sheer agony as they force my leg down straight in order to lock me in place and on to the bed.. 

SStop! Please!I plead, but my cries fall on death earsthe conversation seeming to continue on as normal as though I wasn’t even here…. 

You mean to tell me that you stitched her up with the bullet still in there?! Do you know how dangerous that is? You’re supposed to at least remove it before sewing her shut!I hear the other woman raise her voice a little, as the sweat trickles down on my forehead my temperature rising

Do any of us look like a Doctor to you? That’s why we called you! How was I supposed to know to take it out?!Elza retaliates, as my heartrate quickens at their feud

Did they take me to a hospital? Did they actually think to show me some mercy? Is this lady a real Doctor

I would like to believe that they would have the decency to take me to a hospitalbut then I quickly remind myself that these are the same damn people who hunted me down and shot me in the first place

It’s common sense Elza! Why would anybody want to be stitched up with a bullet under their skin?!The woman continues, them both seeming to argue across me shaking the bed every now and then

Have her taken to cell eight! The woman waves a hand and instructs, not giving Elza a further moment to respond, before the bed instantly begins to 


Each rickety bump and stone we came across sent a sharp jolt of fire through to my pulsing bullet wound. I was thankful to be alive, yet surprised all 

the same… 

-They quite literally shot me.. 

in with no way of 

The cold, harsh reality of the situation clung to my consciousness as I lay strapped to the stretcher, helpless and in excruciating pain escape

He made sure I couldn’t run from them again… 

I was done for at this rate… 

The stretcher rattled on, each movement amplifying the torment in my leg before we finally seemed to enter a building finding smoother ground 

Chapter 65 


The scent of antiseptic invaded my senses, a stark contrast to the metallic tang of blood that lingered in the air. I prayed for the hope of this place actually being a real and civilised hospital yet I knew that my chances of that were slim

Ignitted my teeth, suppressing screams that threatened to escape as we suddenly turned a sharp cornerthose pushing me seeming to not show any sympathy for my current state as they rattled on down the never ending hallways

Thoughts of Ashton fuelled my torment as 1 longed for him to be here. The thought of how worried he would be acted as a reminder that I needed to endure this for him, for us if it meant that I had the slightest chance of being reunited with him once again… 

We finally began to slow, as I worried that I wouldn’t be capable of enduring anymore 


The woman from before spoke out again, her sharp order echoing out from behind us, her voice like a nightmare ringing in my mind. Cell eight!The words hung in the air, ominous and foreboding

Hospitals didn’t have cellsnot to my knowledge

Her words became a final conclusion that wherever this was, it wasn’t where I wanted to be… 

Dread clawed at my gut, a silent acknowledgment that this whole ordeal was far from overthey needed me alive for one purpose only to have leverage against Ashton

If it wasn’t that, then why would they 

ey even go to the bather of keeping me alive

The journey through the dimly lit corridors felt like an eternity as I blinked and squinted at each hanging bulb above me as I began to count them in my passing

I got to nine, before we slowed once again, the faces of my unfamiliar captors blurring together as one as I was eventually wheeled into a dank, oppressive cell which lived up to its name to say the least

The metallic door creaked shut, sealing me in darkness punctuated only by feeble beams of light filtering through barred windows

My breath hitched, pulse racing as the reality of captivity tightened its grip hearing the door slam shut

I was alone in this cold, unforgiving cell, and my mind began to dance with a range of different outcomes… 

Did they bring me here to let me die

Why would they leave me alone after sounding so urgent about my wounds

and resil 

I pulled against my restraints, finding no remorse, as my thoughts played between desperation and resilience

Ashton’s face flickered in my thoughts, a lifeline in the abyss as I squeezed my eyes shut and 

d fought 

my tears

I can do this… 

I can survive this

The throbbing pain in my leg served as a brutal reminder of the cruelty I endured thus far. I went from feeling like the Belle of the ball, to feeling like a caged animal… 

The bullet was now lodged within, a sinister companion to my suffering as I recounted the moments I had blacked out on in the van

The pain quickly became far too severe, pills were forced down my throat, followed by that very same cloth covering my mouth which put me out cold just as the stitch up began….. 

It was probably the kindest gesture they had shown me at least knocking me out for the worst part yet I knew it was probably only to benefit themselves and to prevent my thrashing

I sighed heavily, before I tugged against the restraints once more, yearning for the strength to defy my captors before groaning in agony after accidentally moving my leg in the process


of apmy. The isolation pressed diam on me, amplifying the weight of uncertainty. What 

andace, the cold air scored me providing rem comfort. My mind spitaled into a vortex of torture, seeking refuge in memories of 

une we could her had 

sienness, the dinimiting sounds 

distant lotsteps and miffled conversations infiltrated the silence

rad in the side to look towards the cell door awaiting a visitor

etallic does finally groaned open like suspected, revealing a sliver of light that sliced through the darkness before a click is heard and the bulb 

Two figues appos bril 

as my eyes inljusted, the faces odiscured by hospital masksas 1 watched them snap on some plastic gloves next my eyes 

What are they piling to do?! 

We are going to have to remove your bullet and lis your wound properlyit won’t be easy but I’m afraid it’s necessary.One of them speaks, her tone 

contrast to the fast as I flinch at the bitter sharpnessul

I was able to figur not that I hadn’t yet net thi more hassle to tie odlicis

this done and get out of here!The other female snaps instantly her tone a scary 

Ladies before, assuming that they had only been sent in here to fix my leg to avoid bringing 

I be there, night between the uncertainty of their intentions and the throbbing pain in my leg as a large medical tray is wheeled in to the room next the items on top clanking around before coming to a halt beside me 

The sterile atmosphere of the cell offers little comfort, and I lace myself for the impending procedure assuming that I was now going to be awake for 

As they approach from either side, the increasing fer accompanied by my skyrocketing heart rate pulses out in to the aira beacon sent from within to indicate danger and possible death…. 

What if I bleed out

What if they don’t actually know what they are doing

Will I ever walk again

The questions swirl in my mind, but I’m left with no answers. The room falls into a tense silence as the two figures prepare for the procedure my mouth grinsing dry as I watch them

I try to prepare myself for the pain that I know will come, gripping the sides of the stretcher until my knuckles tum white…. 

P Please?I choke out, barely audible, before being sharply hushed by the rattler suunding woman

The first incision comes quickly, sending a searing jolt through my body, as I release a rippling scream of agony

Shut her up?” The woman hisses, as the other ladies eyes widen looking down at me and back to her fellow worker

She seems to panic, as my mouth opens and closes to find words that don’t comemy lip trembling rapidly. The woman finds a cloth on the bottom Tray, grabbing it and offering the a pitiful look before stuffing it in to my mouth…. 

1 bite down hard on the fabric to stifle another scream feeling the blade cut through more of the Improvised stitches that Elaa must have done herself. The metallic tang of blood mixes with the sterile scent of antiseptic, creating a nauseating cocktail that fills the airenough to turn my stomach

The masked figures work efficiently, their movements cold and clinical as the lady beside me continues to offer, what I believe to be, silent apologies after each wave of pain rum it’s course

Chapter 65 

I focus on the distant sounds beyond the cell door, footsteps echoing, men’s conversations which are muffled followed by spells of laughter as though they were fully oblivious to what I was currently enduring behind the cell door

The realisation sinks in that this is my reality nowa captive in a place where pain seems to be routine

My thoughts drift to Ashton, wondering if he knows my whereabouts yet, if he’s already out searching for me

Did Lydia make it to safety? Maybe she found him

1 release another loud groan as the procedure feels endless, each moment an eternity of agony

Now to remove the bulletThe hitchy woman’s sing song voice chimes out, seeming amused with her job, as the wet tears coll down my face

This whole thing is horrific

The room llurs, my vision swimming between the masked faces and the harsh light above my head growing light as I feel the tweezers push in to my pen wound… 

More muffled screams, followed by jolts and thrashes against the beds restraints come before finally, after what seems like an eternity, they announce that it’s done

The pain persists, as they pour a cleaning liquid on to the wound my eyes lightening shut at the burning flood of pain forcing its way over my 

The wound would become a constant reminder of the violation I had endured and with that, they both just pack up their things and leave the cell without another word, their footsteps Inding out into the distance

I’m alone again, with no pain relief, left to grapple with the aftermath of their actions

The once silver medical tray, left completely stained with my blood, showcasing the true nature of the treatment I had undergone

I remain strapped to the stretcher, the thick leather restraints and their buckles biting down into my exposed skin

I take a shuddering breath, trying to gather the strength to confront the uncertain future that awaits me in this cold, unforgiving cell yet struggle to keep up my facade

I was done for in here… 

Will I ever escape this nightmare

Chapter Comments 


Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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