Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 69

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room. The scent of candles and herbs hanging heavily in the air, creating an unsettling atmosphere right from the start… 

The preparation roum

The name was enough to send my mind in to complete overdrivea room to prepare me for slaughter

The realisation of my dire situation hit me like a ton of bricks as I was led inside by the two guards from before, my every step echoing back my impending doons with the ticking of the clock counting down in my mind inching closer and closer to my final end

The preparation room, as they sickly called it, was more akin to a chamber of horrors. The walls were adorned with peculiar red painted symbols, casting eerie shadows that danced with each flicker of the candles

It was clear to me as the sun began to set that the whole place didn’t seem to have any electricity and I would be surprised if they had running hot water too…. 

st be part of their tactic to stay hiddenliving in complete darkness and disconnect from the rest of the country… 

This must be part 

But where exactly are we? What is this place and how do they manage to stay hidden this well

The thought alone only made me worry more 

What if Ashton really can’t find me here? If he hasn’t been able to find this location for months, then what chance do I have of him doing so now!! 

The air seemed thicker, and every breath I took felt like a struggle against an unseen forcepounding down my throat and in to my tightening lungs

The guards wasted no time before securing my hands and feet, chaining me to an ornate chair in the center of the room. I was done fighting them off. finding no luck each and every time now -1 was simply defenceless and weak against them

The cold metal bit down into my wrists, and a shiver ran down my spine as I watched them turn to leave me in here alone once more

I sat still, enjoying what little break I had away from the chaotic day I had endured meeting my sadistic parentsand learning about my planned and fast approaching sacrifice

My head pounded from what I’m assuming was overwhelming stress and fear, as I allowed my shoulders to slump and my head to flop forward releasing a shaky breath

I’m going to diethis is seriously it for meand just when I was finally happy 

in this life 

life too… 

My attention is grabbed after a brief ten minutes alone, by Seraphina herself as she entered the spacious room, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling 


1 look up, my eyes tired and empty, as I glance at the four young hooded women who enter in from behind her carrying a variety of equipment with 


Time is of the essence, my dear. Our Moon Goddess waits for no one!She declared loudly, a wicked smile playing on her lips as she waltzed circles around my current position sending a horrifying chill through me each and every time she would disappear behind me, out of my sight

She could do it right nowkill me, I meanif she really wanted to

I gulp at the thought, sniffling a little to fight back another breakdown of tears which would get me no where at this point

The group of hooded figures continue to move around the room to set up, showing me only glances of their features from time to time with the help of the candle light surrounding us

They were still young, however older than the rest of the workers I had encountered so far If I had to

a guru I would probably say they were aruand 

This whole place was a sad set up reallyresembling nothing more than cuh behaviour and a lifetime in hell. Such behaviour i banned and illegal in this day and age yet here we are! I still couldn’t quite proceso il 

Chapter 69 

e?Seraphina’s voice held a sinister tone at the approached, a vid of chrome liquid in her and 

This drink will ensure that you are pure for the sacrifice our witch brewed it for us herself!She explains, as my eyes widen and my lips clamp sh 

I recoiled, but two of the young girls swiftly moved to help hold me firmly in place. The liquid, a sickly sweet concoction, was suddenly rammed down my throat 

forced to swallow it with no other options

I choked on its taste, a latter reminder of my helplessness as I coughed dramatically the moment they released me again

What will that do to me?!I suck a sharp breath in, feeling it leave a burning sensation down my throat and into my chest

It will weaken you completely and make you somewhat, compliant pet. Be thankful, it will make things easier! Seraphina chimes, holding up the empty bottle in amusementreturning to the horrible nickname of pet that I had instantly grown to hate

As the minutes ticked away, I could feel my body grow tired however my mind remained alert as the small group of girls worked efficiently, stripping away my clothes and leaving me exposed and vulnerable to the room……

I can’t even fight back anymore, even if I had wanted to 

A wave of shame engulfed me, accompanied by the fear of the unknown. What were they 

e they planning to do to me

The ominous symbols on the 

e walls seemed to pulse with a dark energy, intensifying my dread as I eyed each one…. 

This whole thing, and this while place, was fucked up

Seraphina circled me, a predator assessing its prey once again taking added courage from the fact that I was now hare and degraded completely in front of her

To think that this very woman even claims to be my mother… 

We can’t have you looking like this for the ceremony, my dear, you are filthy? She mused, tapping her pointed finger to her chin before waving her hand towards a hooded figure holding up a white robe

It was pristine, contrasting sharply with the darkness that currently surrounded usboth in the room and in the atmosphere… 

*Have her fully washed and dressed for my return! Seraphina demands, seemingly growing irritated as her mood switches drastically

She turns sharply on her heels, heading for the exit, as the four girls make a move retrieving a bucket of cold water and a sponge… 

Maybe I can reason with them? Beg them to help me escape

PPleaseI look to the girl closest to me first, as her eyes widen at my direct approach

She blinks a few times, unable to respond, before another wets my naked back causing me to arch forward and hiss out at the freezing droplets that trickle down my spine… 

Don’t do this! You don’t have to! Please let me go! Help me!I suddenly sol, as another sponge full of water is squeezed on to my chest this time- causing me to convulse against my restraints

I’ve never felt water this cold in my lifenot even when I wouldn’t have hot water hack at the Moon Lust packthis was simply next level freezing

The girls chose to stay silent, tending to their orders, as one would cover me in snap whilst the other would rinse each sponge never getting easier

A third made a move to my hair, seeming to shampoo it with a horrendous chemical smelling liquid, as I scrunched my nose at the harsh smell

The fourth girl, remained nearly, avoiding my gaze as she stared down at the floorseeming conflicted by the whole situation

Maybe she will crack 

YYouyou therelook at me!I yell out, causing the girl to glance upmouth dropping open a little at my abruptness

Why won’t you help mme? They are going tokkill me if you don’t!I beg, as the girl looks conflicted looking over to her peers before returning her gaze back to me

I’m sorryit must be doneor we will all diel The girl, to my surprise, speaks back disappointing me with her response

Chapter 18 

What does that mean? They must be scared that they will be punished or even killed 

  1. I can help you all get out of heremy mate can as long as you 

stepping out of loc 

help inI promise they w wont kill you 

in disopenfort as soon as the girl behind me rinses my head with the ice like water 

Miss. Im terribly sorry, but we can 

they told us that if we don’t sacrifice you a plague will come next to kill bring instantly hushed by the taller of the four from beside me

We have been warned not to speak with her Ingrid!She hisses, seeming irritated at her friend, as I gulp back 

They’ve been brainwashed in to believing the leaders heremy dreadful parents in which I wish I slidu i merit 

There’s no hope for me here…… escape…. 

I try to push through the remainder of the makeshift bath, enduring the e worst of the nipping pain when the water passed inet on my leg grateful that they seemed to notice and avoid scrubbing there…. 

They then 

patted me dry with a scratchy towel as best they could, before proceeding to lotion me in shimmery oil type of liquid…. 

I felt completely and utterly exposed and vulnerable, however was somewhat thankful that it hadn’t been the two grands doing this to me and instead, these silent teenagers

I guess things could’ve been a whole lot worse, even for me…. 

One of them made a move to pull a hairbrush through my knots and tugs next, as I groaned in agony every strand in an aggressive manor raking across my head

slump bristles Eighting to loosens each and 

The other girls began to dress me, as I was thankful to at least be covered up nowdespite the fact that I was still residing in me due to the fierce temperature of the water they had just drenched me in…. 

beezing cold with 

The white creepy robes were at least an upgrade from my shivering naked form regardless of what they currently represented

I can’t styleyou have to do itOne of the girls whispered, finally releasing the final knot on my head, before switching places with another who swiftly braids my long damp hair

The braid is done with precision, each tug of the girls skilled hands pulling my hair back into a neat and secure pl 

I shiver from the lingering cold, my body wrapped in the sacrificial robes, the symbolism of which seemed to weigh heavily on my shielders

As they worked, my muscles became numb which I’m assuming was due to the liquid I had been forced to think.. 

A thick silence enveloped the room, only broken by the soft sounds of grooming and the occasional sniffle escaping me. If I weren’t set to be killes, 1 would probably die from how cold I now was… 

To think only hours ago, I sat in a warm room with my best friend surrounded by a glam team, yet now, I was in a cold concrete room being faced with my death 

How quickly things can change… 

The thought of Lydia brought fresh tears to my eyes. At least she got a chance at a better lifethat’s all I ever wanted for her

Once they had fully dressed me, they stepped back, revealing my transformed figure in the dirty, dimly lit room. I looked down at myself, the white robes clinging to my glistening damp skin which now held a blue tinge to it no doubt due to my growing Trostbile 

Will she be sufficient do you think? One of the girls finally dared to speak again, addressing Seraphina’s expectations as my shoulders slumped with the loss of hope

It’s the best we could do.The taller, more stubborn of the four states with a final nod, before they gather up their things and make a move to leave

Not long now, and I’ll be another memory in the world of wolvesanother lost mate of Ashtons… 

That thought alone broke me, as I choked on a final sob allowing each and every pent up emotion to foul out 

Chapter 69 

My cries only hurried the young females to tidy up and exit the room probably terrified of drawing attention to themselves but I couldn’t care

All I could think was just how very tragic my life truly had been. If it weren’t for my short lived time with Ashton as my mate, I would quite literally have nothing to live for. No happiness, no hope

A part of me even began to wish that I hadn’t met Ashton at all. He doesn’t deserve to lose another mate and perhaps I wouldn’t have been so scared to die if I had remained miserable up until now… 

Knowing Ashton, and meeting my friends, only makes this fate harder to faceknowing I’ll lose them forever… 

Tragedy was my true name, and right now, I understood why

Footsteps are heard, before the familiar gruff guards reappear, their imposing figures finally ready to escort me further into my nightmarish ritual

AshtonI’m sorry.. 

Chapter Comments 


Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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