Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 77

Second Thoughts After Divorce Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

Rose’s POV 

In that moment, seeing the pain and fury written across his face I wanted the ground to open up from beneath me to swallow me whole. The guilt Instantly consumed me, knowing that he had a right to know about this just as much as I hadyet I chose not to tell him…. 

The tears instantly streamed down my face, like a water park experiencing a massive leak as Ashton looked conflicted on what to do next witnessing my breakdown

He knows nowabout the babyand I couldn’t yet gauge how he felt about it either! Was he happy? Imitated? Furious? Excited? Who knows… 

led to ttell you! Then my wwolf came back and distracted me!I sob loudly, and with that, Ashton seems to snap out of his trance and makes 

LI tried 

a move towards me… 

He climbs on to the free space on my hospital bed, moving as close to me as he can get before instantly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me 

In to his chest

I breathe heavily before a loud sob comes out next, as he rubs large circles on my back in an attempt to calm me down….. 

Shhhwhy are you this upset about it? Do you not feel ready? You need to tell me the truth here Rose or I won’t be able to help, do you not want to be a Mother yet? You’ve been through a lot, it’s ok. He whispers, trying to figure out my extreme emotions as I shake my head in his hold and continue 

to cry

Maybe this was my breaking point? With all of my built up emotion and 

d trauma bulldozing its way to the surface

It was a lot to process, and my body and mind was tiredbut I knew that deep down I wanted a family, a proper one of my own regardless of if it had came way sooner than expected

This is what I had always dreamed of, literally a picture perfect mate and a loving family, so I would be a fool to deny the opportunity now

NNo! I was scared that yyou wouldn’t be ready! I was nervous to ssay it because I feared the rejection!I cry out to him, feeling somewhat better that he had chosen to comfort me in this moment as opposed to rejecting me like I had imagined he would amongst the many other scenarios I had created in head


He seems to think on my words for a moment, as my breathing comes out in laboured pants- fully overwhelmed and guilty for not telling him when I first had the chance

Of course I want the baby! What kind of fucking question is that to even ask me Rose?! You know that I want a family with you, I told you that way before I even mated with youthis choice is fully yours!He hushes me, ensuring that I listen to each and every word that he was saying

YYeah I know thatI just thought after what happenedit was maybe ttoo soon for you! You are overworked and exhausted after dealing with everything that happened I was scared that this was just too mmuch for you to take on!I sniffle, clinging to him for sheer hope and fear that he would ever decide to let me go

He sighs loudly, as I continue to soak his shirt in my tears and pray to be accepted by him….. 

“I’m the Alpha for a reason sweetheart! I don’t need you to pity me or to worry about what I can and can’t handle. It’s my job to take care of you no matter what the circumstances are! You are disrespecting me by questioning my ability to become a father I am not weak!He scolds me, with a more gentle tone however he still remains direct

He’s rightI was pitying him when he didn’t want to be pitied and as an Alpha, that was probably the biggest insult I could ever give him. Questioning his ability to handle a habyhis own baby… 

He thrives on leading and taking control so why do I worry over his ability to become a strong father? He will make a great Fatherthere was no questions about that

I’m ssorry! I know you’ll be a great Dad that’s not what I fearedI worried that it was just coming at the wrong timewith too much going on at once for you, I was scared it would be a bburden to you on top of everything else you now have to work to ffix.I admit my thoughts, as I glance up to meet his eyes for the first time as he gives me a gentle look and strokes my hair

I was worried about the same thing when the nurse first told me! I didn’t want it to be too much for you after everything that happened. That w only concernbut all of that aside Hose, I do want the baby, and I want you forever as long as that’s what you want.He concludes, as the words seem to plaster over the wounds and insecurities I was feeling 

Chapter 77 

He wants the baby… 

He wants me regardless… 

I tried to tell you when you gigot backand then Aurora resurfaced and sort ofstole the lightthen you thought that was the news, and after that, I struggled to get the words outI began to overthink it and worry! I was just ttalking with Lydia about how to tell you when you woke up but I was. too late!I try to explain what happened on my side, needing him to know that I wouldn’t dare to keep something so important from him for long 

His eyes search mine as they return to their regular shade of green as he calms down and so do I sniffling and wiping my face with the sides of my hands

I will admit that I didn’t expect to hear that news today, not from the nurse who told me so casually either! But now I know, and you have to let me handle shit from here, ok? I’ll be by your side every step of the way RoseI love you.Ashton tells me, shifting to fully face me showing that he meant each and every word 

I look into his eyes, seeing the exhaustion that surrounds them, before finding a glimpse of hope amongst the uncertainty

I trust him, and I know he will do what’s right for us both moving forward

I love you too AshI just ppanickedI should have told you sooner and I’m sorry! I want nothing more than to start a familywith you!I admit, as he nods his head and swipes away the last tear as it trickles down my cheek

I understand don’t apologise. It’s done now and we will face it, together.He nods firmly, leaning forward to kiss me as I close my eyes and enjoy the tender moment between us allowing for him to be my rock once again

I don’t know what I would do without this man in my life, I say it every single day since meeting him. He was one of a kind… 

Alpha? Are you two ready for the tests?

We break apart, hearing the gentle knock on the door before the handle is twisted and opened to reveal the nurse from before whose face looked a little flustered and guilty

Ashton turns to me, his eyes searching my features as 1 chew my lip and nod a little to give my consent

Yeah she’s ready, do what you need to.” Ashton calls her in to the room fullymoving from his spot on the bed as my heart longs for him to remain this close to me forever

Instead though, he moves to my sidetaking my hand in his as he sinks in to the chair

Ashtonmmaybe you should still go get some rest? I’ll be fine on my own for this part?1 sniffle, watching the nurse set up the appropriate machines around us

Nah there’s no fucking way I’m resting now! I want to be here for every single part- big or small!He states firmly, as I nod in understanding

Even if he wanted to sleep I don’t think he would allow himself to not with so much happening around him

But he will need to rest at some point, before he runs himself completely in to the ground! Maybe after this, we can have a Together

I think we both need that… 

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Second Thoughts After Divorce

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English

Second Thoughts After Divorce


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