Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 11

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 11

Book 1: Chapter 11 

Damien sat on the edge of the tub as it filled with water and suds. He was testing the temperature of the tap while Amelia stood by the door, examining the bathroom, with only her undergarment and diamond necklace on

The walls were painted a light shade of gray with only decorated blue towels hanging off the rack to adorn the room. The tub was large enough to fit them both, but Amelia assumed she would be bathing alone since Damien was still fully dressed in his suit


Once the tub filled to its max capacity, he gestured for her to step toward him. She immediately obeyed and held her breath when he pulled her in by the hips. His lips moved over her smooth skin as he slipped both hands through either side of her panties, tugging at the elastic

Her knees buckled when she felt the fabric against her clit, but the pleasure was short lived because he pulled her panties down her legs, allowing them to fall to the cold tiled floor. Then he stood up and reached around her to unhook her bralette. The light undergarment instantly slid down her 

arms, releasing her round and soft breasts. Instinctively, Amella crossed her arms over her chest, as if to shield herself, but Damien pulled them away

Your dom will want to spend time admiring your body, he said as he proceeded to remove her diamond collar. He placed it on the sink and then gently massaged the areas on her neck where the piece of jewelry had dug into her. Don’t hide it

She gasped when he picked her up bridal style and placed her into the warm water. His sleeves immediately became soaked, but he didn’t appear bothered as he retrieved a sponge from the sink drawer and a bottle of body soap. She curiously gazed at him as he poured the soap onto the sponge and dampened it with the water from the tub

You’re all dirty from play time, so I have to get you cleaned up, he explained. He kneeled beside her and began working a lather over her shoulders

Was that play time

She looked almost ashamed to have asked that question, but Damien smirked

For me, yes, but for you, that was your punishment, he answered. This response seemed to disappoint her, so he lifted her chin and planted a kiss on her forehead. I don’t like it either when you 

don’t cum

I find that very hard to believe, she murmured. Closing her eyes, she sank into the water and laid her head on the bath pillow. I’d like to finish up alone if that’s okay


16:16 Fe, 31 Jan 




He chuckled and dropped the sponge into the tub. As much as I love the idea of you finishing, I’m not sure I’m okay with you doing it alone

Amelia peeked at him through narrow eyes. She was surprised to find him undressing. What are you doing

I’m getting in there with you, he replied

She couldn’t resist taking another peek when he removed his button down, exposing his strong. chiseled chest and pecs. She bit her lip and crawled to the edge of the tub, anticipating the moment his pants would come off. She shamelessly watched as he continued to undress until he stood in nothing but his briefs. Instantly, her mouth watered at the sight of the bulge underneath the fabric, and 

she reached out for him, but he remained at a distance

I thought you were getting in, she said, moving her gaze over his body

His deep golden brown skin shone under the fluorescent lights, and the muscles in his arm flexed as he cupped the shape of his cock over his briefs and stroked it. He sucked on his bottom lip as the space inside his briefs filled with his erect flesh

I will, he assured her. He studied her tender breasts, barely visible through the soap suds and water, and groaned when she began massaging them with her small hands. Don’t make me punish you again, Amelia

She smiled mischievously and reached between her thighs. He couldn’t see that deep into the water, but his nose flared and his eyes widened when she threw her head back and moaned. Only then 

did he realize what she was doing

Amelia, he growled. He walked to the tub with his cock still inside his hand. With the other, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and then freed the heavy prisoner. You like being punished, don’t you

She couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away from his impressive length. It pulsed in his hand and released droplets of clear juice. No, Damien. I want to please you

He smiled, content with her answer. Then please me with your mouth

Finally, she looked up at him, but he was staring at her lips. Yes, Damien

She replaced her hand with his and licked the ridgid veins of his shaft. Then she took the head into her mouth, sucking on the soft and tender tip. She hummed when she felt the precum coat her tongue, covering it with its lightly salted taste



Damien responded with a deep and low moan and pushed his length down her throat, thrusting slowly until she adjusted to the size of his shaft. Once she had built a rhythm, bobbing her head with the motion of his hips, he cupped her delicate face in his hands and roughly shoved the remainder of his cock inside her. She whimpered, but she maintained her steady rhythm as he fucked her mouth

Such a good girl, he murmured between thrusts. He tilted her head, forcing her to meet his gaze. He smiled when he saw the tears in her eyes and wiped them away. Should I reward my good girl now

She tried to nod, but it was nearly impossible when he held her face so tightly with seven inches of him shoved down her throat

Accepting her answer, he pulled back, releasing his cock from her mouth. Then he climbed into the tub, gathered her into his arms, and then placed her in his lap. He reached into the water and caressed her pussy lips, teasing the protective skin over her sensitive nub as he kissed her neck

Since you were so good for me, I’ll let you cum this time, he told her before dragging a finger between her lips

She moaned and threw her head back against his chest, allowing him to pet her pussy. What about you

Don’t worry about me, sweet girl, he said. He buried his nose into her hair and inhaled deeply. Immediately, her strong peppermint and subtle vanilla scent filled his lungs. He couldn’t get enough of It, not even when he was actively breathing her in

Your dom should be completely focused on your pleasure, he continued to tell her. His fingers moved agonizingly slow against her clit, and she tried to rock her hips to build more pressure and momentum, but he wrapped an arm around her chest and shoulders, keeping her rooted on his lap. He will get his but only after you do

I wanted to please you, she confessed. She blushed once the words were out, but Damien only smiled

You did, he assured her. You do

She wanted to ask him to elaborate, but as soon as he began massaging her clit with force and urgency, any words she had wanted to say disappeared from her mind. She turned her face into his chest and cried as he built her release

Damien, she whispered

He hummed, pleased to hear his name on her lips. It wasn’t the first time she had called out to him tonight, but it was the first time he truly heard her

Book 1. Chapter 11 


16:10 FA 31 Jan 17 WA 




Say my name again, he demanded. His voice was rough and gritty inside her ear

Damien, she said again. She began grinding against his hand, and this time, he didn’t stop her. Instead, he encouraged her by holding her by the hip and rocking her as he lowered his mouth to her 


He sucked on her as his fingers relentlessly fucked her clit, massaging and flicking at the nub. He could tell that she was close. Her strong and nearly painful grip around his arm gave it away

Cum for me, he whispered into her ear

On command, Amelia released her long awaited orgasm and sank her teeth Into his shoulder, screaming through convulsions. Overwhelmed by the intensity of her pleasure, she tried to push his hand away, but he continued to unapologetically fuck her clit, inducing another orgasmic ripple that forced her legs together, holding his hand hostage between her thighs

He clicked his tongue at her and pried her legs apart, forcing her to endure the intensity of her release, but she continued to fight him and attempted to slide off his lap. Unfortunately, she was worn out and much too fatigued to escape, so she accepted her fate and sank into him, allowing him to rub out every sensitive reaction and tick caused by the slightest touch

Once she had caught her breath and her body no longer convulsed with his touch, she dropped the entirety of her weight on Damien. He ran a hand over the small of her back as he laid butterfly kisses on her neck and the side of her face

Now I’m pleased, he murmured

And he truly was because Amelia was in his arms with her eyes closed, breathing soundly against 

his chest

57% – 

16:17 FA, 31 Jan 

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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