Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 12

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 12

Book 1: Chapter 12 


There was an unknown number calling for the fourth time this week. When Amella saw the familiar ten digits across her screen, she switched her phone to silent mode and pushed it to the other side of her desk, but moving it didn’t stop the repeated vibrations. So, she picked up her phone again, and just as she attempted to silence it, the call ended

Relieved, she placed it in front of her and turned her attention back to the computer monitor to continue her task. She couldn’t get very far, however, because her phone began vibrating again. She quietly groaned when she saw the same number on her screen. She would have ignored the call again, but she had seen the number too many times and needed to put an end to the unwanted phone calls. With reluctance, Amelia answered the call and held the phone to her ear

Hello, she said into the receiver

Don’t tell a man to call you if you’re just going to ignore him

Amelia smiled upon hearing the familiar voice in her ear and sat back in her chair. Freddie, I didn’t think you actually would

I missed out on my opportunity once, he told her. I’m not doing it again. By the way, do you have plans for tonight

She checked the time on her monitor and shook her head, although he couldn’t see her. None that 

I’m aware of

Great, he said. I’m here to pick you up for our date

On cue, Freddie appeared behind Amelia’s office door with a large bouquet of roses. She smiled at him through the glass and shook her head

How’d you know where I work? she questioned him through the phone

Wes told me, he answered. He owed me a favor, and it was either your work address or your home


Once again, Wes puts me in an uncomfortable position, she murmured. The comment was mostly for herself, but it made Freddie laugh. This is really weird, Freddie

Were the roses too much? he asked, lifting the bouquet for her to see better through the glass. Or is it weird that I showed up to your workplace





The latter, she responded. Despite her answer, she was smiling. And it’s also weird that you’re still out there talking to me on the phone

He laughed and abruptly ended the call before entering her office. He couldn’t resist the

urge to look her over as she walked to him. Her pink sweater and black satin skirt conformed to her perfect hourglass figure, and her black stilettos clicked against the wood floor as she met him between the door and her desk. He greeted her with a side embrace and kissed her temple before handing her the bouquet of roses



I was beginning to think I had the wrong number, he said as they walked to her desk. He stood on opposite side while she gathered her personal belongings. I was going to give up after that last 

Then it’s a good thing I answered

Freddie stepped closer, but the desk remained a barrier between them. Even if you hadn’t, I still would have been here to ask you out. Will you join me

She looked down at her phone, as if that would provide her with an answer. There were no missed calls, text messages or notifications to indicate that she had other commitments to anyone or anything else. So, she threw her bag over her shoulder, gathered the bouquet in her arms, and then nodded her head

Okay, but this is not a date, she replied

Fine, not a date, he agreed

With a grin on his face, Freddie walked over to the door and opened it for her. Once she had exited and locked the door, she led him down the hall and through the common work space that was still occupied by the attorneys inside their cubicles. As they passed through the lobby, Lily raised her eyebrows suggestively but only waved to Amelia on her way out the door

I’d apologize for showing up unannounced, but the look on your face was worth it, Freddie said as 

they waited for the elevator together. 

Amelia briefly glanced at him and smiled. I’ll pretend you did apologize, and I’ll drive separately, by the way

He frowned, but he couldn’t let her see the disappointed look on her face. Fair enough, but next time, I’ll pick you up for an actual date

We’ll see if you impress me tonight, she told him

16:17 F#. 31 Jan



He smirked when he saw her blush. Although she had come across as flirty, the redness of her cheeks confirmed that her bold remarks were out of character for her. He didn’t comment on his 

observation, however

I think you’ll enjoy this, he said as the elevator opened up for them. He gestured for her to step on first and then followed. Demi has some of the finest dishes

You’re taking me to Demi? she asked as she pushed the button to the street level

Is that a problem? he questioned. If it is, we can find something better

She shook her head at him. It’s not that. Demi is just a bit pricey, don’t you think

I guess I never noticed, but that isn’t something you have to worry about with me

Amelia tried to meet his gaze, but he was staring straight ahead, watching the opening doors as they arrived on their floor. She was parked in the garage, so she remained on the elevator when Freddie stepped off

I’ll meet you there, she told him

He nodded. Don’t get cold feet on me and disappear

She tried to laugh with him, but considering his history of disappearing, she couldn’t. Instead, she quietly said, See you soon, and then selected the garage level

Only the humming of the elevator occupied the space in which she stood. As she rode down to the garage, she checked her phone again for notifications, but there were none. Sighing, she threw her phone into her bag. Then once she had arrived on her selected level, she hastily stepped off and remotely started her vehicle

She didn’t want to keep Freddie waiting, so immediately upon entering, she drove off. She passed Demi on her commute to work daily. She had seen it enough times to know that it was packed during dinner. Fortunately, it was too early for the dinner rush, so when she arrived at the restaurant, the parking lot wasn’t completely filled

Once she was parked, she collected her bag and exited the vehicle. She attempted to search for Freddie, but she wouldn’t be able to fish him out from the other patrons pulling into the parking lot. So, she made her way to the entrance. She instantly spotted Freddie standing by the door, awaiting her arrival

Glad you didn’t change your mind, he said, smiling. He opened the door and allowed her to enter 

16:17 F#, 31 Jan R. 




you didn’t change your mind, he said, smiling. He opened the door and allowed her to enter 



You know where I work, so I don’t think I can escape

He chuckled and followed her into the restaurant where the host greeted Freddie by name. Amelia assumed he was a frequent diner

Follow me to your table, please, the host said to the couple. He grabbed two menus from behind the podium and walked to the dining area

You look great, by the way, Freddie quietly commented as they caught up to the host. I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier

She smiled and dropped her gaze, avoiding eye contact with him as they continued walking to their table. Thank you

Your table, the host said, halting in front of a table set for two. Your server will be with you shortly

Freddie sat first while Amelia removed her jacket and hung it behind her chair. She was going to join him until she heard a familiar voice from across the room

She searched for it, and her demeanor immediately changed when she saw Brooke conversing with Laura and Stevie at another table. Across from her, Wes sat quietly looking over his menu while Damien sipped his wine, glaring at Freddie from over his glass

Freddie followed her gaze to the table, but he was completely oblivious to Damien’s harsh stare. I didn’t know they’d be here too. Should we join them

Amelia tore her gaze away from Damien and then sat in her chair. We shouldn’t intrude

You’re right, he agreed. It’s a special moment. Brooke and Wes are asking them to be part of the wedding

Oh, she said, frowning. I didn’t get the memo

He furrowed his brows, confused. Wouldn’t Brooke tell you something like that

She contemplated telling him the truth that she wasn’t sure if she was even part of the wedding party anymore. She decided against it when a waiter appeared at their table with a glass pitcher of water and two wine glasses

Welcome to Demi, the waiter said as he filled the glasses. My name is Ronaldo, and I’ll be serving 

jou tonight. Can I not usu anutkinn to drink





you tonight. Can I get you anything to drink

Freddie looked down at the beverage menu and then at Amelia who shook her head. We’re alright. with the waters. Thank you

Ronaldo nodded and took the beverage menu from the table. I’ll give you some time to look over the menu. Do you have any immediate questions for me

Amelia would have answered, but her phone began ringing in her purse. She offered Freddie an apologetic smile as he continued speaking to the waiter while she dug out her phone. She briefly glanced at the screen and furrowed her brows when Damien’s name appeared at the top. She didn’t remember exchanging phone numbers

I should take this, she told Freddie once the waiter had taken off. I’m really sorry

Don’t be, he said, dismissing the apology with the wave of his hand. Take your time

Amelia looked for Damien at his table as she got up, and when she realized that he was gone, she reluctantly accepted the call and pressed the phone to her ear. He could have been anywhere in the restaurant, watching her to ensure that his phone call had been received

How’d you get my number? she asked once she was far enough away from her table

Damien clicked his tongue, displeased with her tone. That’s no way to greet your dom, Amelia

How’d you get my number, master? she sarcastically asked. She rolled her eyes once the words fell out of her mouth, but she couldn’t explain the tingling between her thighs. Is that better

I’d accept it if you were wearing your collar

Amelia touched her bare neck and looked around the restaurant. She couldn’t find him anywhere, but she could feel his Intense gaze on her. I didn’t know that I had to wear it even when you’re ignoring 

  1. me

He chuckled. You think I’m ignoring you

Well, you had my number, but I haven’t heard from you in a week

I’d see you everyday if I could, Amelia. If I’d known you’d replace me, I would have reached out 


She laughed, but she didn’t find his comment funny. I’m just having dinner


16:17 FR. 31 Jan 

  1. 31 Jan 10




He chuckled. You think I’m ignoring you

Well, you had my number, but I haven’t heard from you in a week

I’d see you everyday if I could, Amelia. If I’d known you’d replace me, I would have reached out 


She laughed, but she didn’t find his comment funny. I’m just having dinner

I wouldn’t bring someone to Demi if it was just dinner, he remarked. Anyway, find an excuse to leave. I think we’re overdue for our second lesson

I’m not doing that, she told him. Freddie kindly invited me to dinner, so I’m staying


I’ll talk to you when it’s convenient for me, she interjected. Goodbye, Damien

Before he could get in another word, she ended the call. With a victorious smile on her face, she returned to the table and claimed her seat across from Freddie. He was looking down at his phone, but as soon as he noticed her, he tucked it away

Is everything okay? he asked

She nodded and picked up her menu. It’s perfect. So, what do you recommend for the main 



16:17 FA, 31 Jan (20)



Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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