Book 1: Chapter 2
Amelia was dreading the end of her workday. She had spent the last hour typing one excuse after another to Brooke but couldn’t bring herself to hit send. By the time 5pm rolled around, she still hadn’t found a reason not to attend the dinner party. So, she packed up her belongings, shoved her laptop into her tote bag, and then disinfected her keyboard. She took another look at her desk, checking for anything else that needed to be cleaned. When she found her workstation to be spotless, she reluctantly pulled her jacket on and threw her tote over her shoulder.
As she approached her door, Vaughn appeared on the other side with a manila folder tucked. under his arm. Her mistake was making eye contact through the glass because he took it as an invitation to enter her office.
Ms. Lee, you’re leaving already? he asked, glancing at his watch.
It’s five, she responded nonchalantly.
Well, these are all the clients in need of treatment once they’re released from custody, he explained to Amelia as he handed the folders off to her.
Amelia hesitantly accepted the stack. Her body sagged forward when she felt the weight of the folders in her arms. I’ll make this a priority when I return on Monday.
I don’t think you understand me, he said with a shake of his head. We need to secure a bed for each of them immediately.
Treatment centers are closed now, she calmly told him. She was surprised that her voice didn’t shake, which it usually did when she spoke to him.
You can start emailing their recommended centers, he suggested, to which Amelia shook her head. And why not?
I have other commitments, she answered. Although she didn’t want to attend the dinner party, it beat staying in the office on a Friday night.
Vaughn pulled his brows together. He looked genuinely confused by Amelia’s response. So, you’re leaving?
I can come in earlier on Monday, she suggested. Her voice was small and meek, but it made Vaughn smile.
I’ll see you on Monday then, Ms. Lee. Pleased with himself, he turned on his heel and then exited
I’ll see you on Monday then, Ms. Lee. Pleased with himself, he turned on his heel and then exited her office, leaving her alone to contemplate her offer.
She couldn’t explain why she offered solutions for predicaments that Vaughn put her in. He overworked her and took advantage of her inability to disobey him. She had let him get away with it for so long that she didn’t know how to set boundaries with him now.
Defeated, Amelia sighed and then turned off the light in her office. Then she locked the door and quietly made her way through the common workspace. Many of the attorneys were still working, too distracted by their computer screens to notice Amella walking through. They often ignored her anyway. She was the legal assistant with a private space. Meanwhile, they were stuck in cubicles, but when they’d complain about their working conditions, Vaughn would tell his attorneys that an office was unnecessary since they spent most of their time in court. His nonchalant response only made the rest of the staff despise her more.
But Lily, the firm’s receptionist, however, never tried to make Amelia feel guilty for something completely out of her control. She grinned as Amelia passed through the lobby and waved her over.
Where are you hurrying off to? she asked Amelia.
Amelia adjusted her tote on her shoulder as she stopped in front of Lily’s desk. Brooke’s announcing her engagement tonight.
Lily frowned. To Wes?
Yeah, Amelia quietly said. She tried to smile, but it faltered.
Sweetie, I’m sorry, Lily said. Her voice was gentle, and Amelia could tell she was genuinely upset for her. I know it’s been difficult seeing them together.
Amelia shrugged. They’ve been together for five years. What’s another five more?
If you don’t want to go, I could really use a model for a new dress I’m making, Lily said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
This time, Amelia did smile. You should have told me an hour ago. Now it’s too late to back out, and I’m the maid of honor, apparently.
What a slap to the face, Lily murmured, shaking her head in dismay. If you change your mind, I’ll be up all night.
Thanks, Lily.
Get out of here Illu caid nesturing to the door Call me if anythinn hannane
Get out of here, Lily said, gesturing to the door. Call me if anything happens.
After a final goodbye, Amelia exited the office suite and took the elevator down to the parking garage. She checked the time on her phone. It was a quarter past five, and she still had to run home to change. She couldn’t arrive without a full face of makeup. Brooke would never allow that, especially on such a special night, and the thought of dressing up for a couple hours only made her dread going more. But she would put on a smile and pretend to enjoy the evening for her friend.
Amelia should have known that Brooke’s closest friends and family consisted of the entire town she’d come from. Brooke’s home was packed with mingling guests whose laughter filled every corner of the house, and Amelia felt out of place as she stood in the foyer with her hands inside her pockets. She searched for a familiar face, but there were too many to shuffle through, so she began to blindly maneuver the crowd. She spotted Brooke in the living room conversing with a group of women, but she didn’t want to make her presence known yet, so she continued to the dining room.
At the table, Wes sipped from a glass while a woman laughed loudly at something the man beside her had said. As Amelia entered the room, Wes‘ gaze flickered to her and moved over the black satin dress she wore. It hugged her hourglass figure, accentuating her wide hips and the curve of her ass, but she kept her body partially hidden underneath her unbuttoned wool jacket. The slit down one side of her thigh exposed a purple bruise, much to Wes‘ dismay.
He stood up
from his chair and without excusing himself, he walked over to Amelia. He took her by the hand and led her into the kitchen. The cooks were still preparing dinner, so he took her to the door that exited into the side yard. She hadn’t even protested as he dragged her onto the grass and gestured to her leg.
What’s that? he demanded to know.
Amelia looked down at her dress and frowned. Is there something wrong with it? Do you think Brooke will want me to change?
I’m talking about this. He moved his fingers over the mark on her skin. The abruptness of his touch made her gasp, and Wes winced at the sound. Did I hurt you?
No, she answered. She stepped away from him and looked at the bruise he had pointed out. It’s
Did someone do that to you?
No, she told him again. I’m sure I bumped it or something. I’m fine, Wes.
Her response seemed to wipe the stoic look off his face. With softened eyes and a faint smile, he nodded to accept her answer and then dragged a hand over his face.
I’m sorry. His voice was gentle as he spoke. I’ve been on edge all night.
She pulled her brows together, concerned. Is everything okay?
There are a lot of people here, he said with a shake of his head. It was only supposed to be a few friends and family, but you know how Brooke is.
She loves all her people.
Wes laughed. I was going to say that she loves the attention, but I’m used to that.
Amelia crossed her arms over her chest when she felt her heart begin to race.
You’re cold, he commented. Before she could reply, he tugged at her jacket and pulled her in.
She inhaled sharply when she felt his hard chest against hers as he embraced her. She couldn’t remember the last time he held her, and she couldn’t help but fall into his arms. But the moment between them quickly passed when someone cleared their throat, forcing them apart.
That doesn’t look like your fiancé, a man said. There was a smirk on his face when Amelia looked at him. He stood a few inches taller than Wes, and even in her heels, Amelia had to lift her head to fully capture his gaze. His skin, a deep golden brown, complimented his dark brown curls and hazel eyes. He tapped the light beard along his chiseled jaw as he shamelessly studied her. Aren’t you going to Introduce me to your friend?
She wanted to answer for herself, but Wes stepped in front of her, shielding her from the stranger.
Damien, you’re late, Wes stated coldly. You were supposed to bring Dad.
He’s inside, Damien told Wes, gesturing to the house. He peered at Amelia who had fearlessly stepped out from her hiding spot and smiled. So, what are you doing sneaking around with my brother?
Amelia lifted a brow and turned to Wes. She had practically grown up with him and knew for certain that he didn’t have any siblings. Before she could ask for clarification, Wes spoke up.
It’s a long story, he explained to her in those few words. Head inside, and I’ll come find you in a bit.
She frowned, displeased with his request. Wes-
Amelia, please, he said sternly this time. His tone made her flinch, and although he felt guilty for causing the reaction, he remained impassive. We’ll talk later.
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To Damien’s surprise, Amella stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head at
I’ll stay, she insisted. She extended a hand to Damien who eagerly placed it inside his. I’m Amelia, by the way. I’m Brooke’s friend.
Wes clenched his jaw as he watched the interaction, but he knew he couldn’t chime in. He had no
reason to.
Amelia, Damien repeated. You must also be a good friend of Wes‘. You seem very close.
Amelia felt her cheeks grow warm, so she lowered her head to hide her face behind a curtain of her hair. I’ve known Wes since high school. He never told me about a brother.
I’m not surprised, Damien said. The corner of his lip lifted when he saw Wes‘ closed fist. But it’s
not his fault.
I knew I heard him, Brooke said, appearing in the open doorway. She scowled at Damien and pointed an accusing finger at him. It took you long enough to get here.
You know how traffic can get, Damien said nonchalantly. I’ll find Dad. You want to join me, Amelia?
Brooke whipped her head in her friend’s direction and raised a brow. You’re not going anywhere
with him, A.
When Damien turned his attention to Amelia, he was surprised to see her head bowed. She couldn’t defy Brooke as easily as she did Wes.
I’m sure Dad would love to see you, Lia, Wes chimed in. He placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her to the door. Damien will take you to him.
She nodded and t without hesitation, she entered the house, fully aware that Damien was following close behind her.
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