Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 4

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel 4

Book 1: Chapter

Amelia arrived at Theresa’s Garden promptly at 5PM and attempted to claim a table, but without Wes present, she wasn’t allowed to be seated. As she stood by the bar in her white knitted sweater dress and crossbody bag dangling off one shoulder, she felt naked and exposed in the open space. She knew the patrons weren’t looking at her, but she couldn’t shake off the deep unsettling feeling that she was being watched

Pushing away the paranoia, she found an unoccupied stool at the end of the bar and sat down. She dug into her purse for her phone and sighed when she saw the lack of notifications on her screen. Wes hadn’t even bothered to call her

Can I get you anything? the man behind the bar asked

I’ll take the sangria, Amelia answered as she tucked her phone away

The bartender nodded and began mixing behind the bar. As he did so, a woman claimed the seat next to Amelia and looked her over. She hadn’t even been subtle about doing so and smiled

I’ll take one, too, the stranger said without taking her eyes off Amelia. You mind if I join you

Amelia shook her head. She didn’t have much of a choice anyway because the woman had already made herself comfortable

Why would someone as gorgeous as you be sitting alone on a Saturday night

Amelia didn’t know how to answer. She was grateful that the bartender had returned with their drinks at that exact moment. After thanking him, she quickly pulled the straw between her lips and sipped on the red liquid

Bella, are you bothering this woman

Bella shifted in her seat and moved her gaze to the man who had spoken. He was larger in size compared to the petite woman with his muscular arms and broad chest. His dark curls tapered into the neatly trimmed beard that he was stroking pensively. His hazel eyes were on Amelia, taking in her hourglass figure and golden skin radiating under the low lights, and his full lips were stretched into a smirk as he shamelessly studied her features

He was dressed in a maroon suithis jacket unbuttoned, and black collared shirt tucked into his slacks. Stepping between the women, he cupped a hand over Bella’s shoulder and lowered his mouth 

to her ear





Go find a table and sit, he whispered for only her to hear

Yes, Damien, she responded before getting up from her seat

Despite the quietness of his voice, Amelia had heard the command. Intrigued, she followed Bella with her eyes, watching as she crossed Into the dining area

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was your pet, Amella remarked to him

He chuckled and claimed Bella’s seat. My pet? No, I’m watching her for a friend. I don’t have one of my own at the moment

Amused, she raised a brow. I was kidding

I wasn’t, he said, smirking. He dug into his jacket pocket and retrieved two folded crisp bills. Their value was hidden inside his large hand as he beckoned the bartender over. This is for the drinks. Keep the change

She opened her mouth to protest, but before she could get a single word out, Damien cut in

I insist, Amelia

She couldn’t argue. There was no use when the bartender had already walked away with the bills. As she raised her glass to her lips, she met his hazel eyes and crossed her arms over the bar

Don’t you want to head back to your date? she asked before taking a long sip of her drink

Like I said, she’s not mine, he replied. His voice was gruff, but it didn’t frighten her

What are you doing here then

I could ask you the same, he said. He smirked when she bowed her head, hiding the blush on her cheeks, but he’d already seen it. Are you here alone

I’m waiting for someone, she curtly responded

So am I, he told her. He could tell that she wanted to press him for more information, but she remained quiet. I’m here to meet a client, actually

You’re working on a Saturday

People catch new charges every day. I have to be readily available to defend them





reupie valuir new Gildiyes every way. I have to be really avaldune tu gerenju

Amella wrinkled her nose. It’s crazy how similar you are to your brother and father. A family of lawyers

It’s a lot more complicated than that

How so? she asked him

He shook his head, as if to deny her an explanation, and then gestured to her glass. My client should be showing up any minute. Enjoy your drink, Amelia

She tried to respond, but words failed her when he spun her to him and lifted the glass to her mouth. She looked at the drink in his hand and then at him, but he didn’t offer a readable expression. Assuming she had figured out what he wanted from her, she wrapped her lips around the straw and sucked the liquid. She couldn’t explain the ache between her thighs when he swallowed hard and then licked his lips

Good girl, he murmured, pulling the straw from her mouth. He wiped her bottom lip, although there was no evidence of the red liquid, and dragged his thumb over her jaw. Don’t wait too long

Amelia was at a loss for words as she watched Damien leave his seat and then disappear into the dining area. She waited until he was completely out of sight to turn her attention back to the drink that he had left on the bar and picked it up, studying the contents inside. Something in that drink must have compelled her to do what she did. She was sure of it

He has some nerve inviting you to dinner and then canceling at the last minute, Lily said as she organized the manila folders on the conference room table

It was a quarter to eight, and although Amelia had arrived earlier than anyone else that morning. she was still behind on the task that Vaughn had handed her before the weekend. She was grateful that Lily always showed up at the same time every day and offered a helping hand

Amelia was in the middle of typing an email to a drug treatment center for a client when Lily slammed a folder down in front of Amelia. She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. Lily appeared more upset than Amelia, but that could have been due to the fact that she was occupied with her task

I knew Wes Anderson was bad news as soon as I saw him for the first time in that courtroom. Lily absentmindedly opened a folder and began flipping through the pages. There was nothing of use to her in there, but it gave her something to do. He banks off divorces. That’s troublesome for me

To be fair, Brooke asked him to stay home, Amelia told her. She was still typing, but her mind was no longer on the email in front of her. She wasn’t feeling well




How convenient, Lily murmured, rolling her eyes

Ignoring her, Amelia closed her laptop and dropped her head in her hands. It was too early in the morning for a headache, I could really use some tea. Do you want to come with me

Lily shrugged and grabbed her purse off the floor. Sure, I’d rather be anywhere but this office all day

By the time Amelia and Lily made it out into the common workspace, the rest of the staff had begun pouring in. They were speaking amongst themselves, but some conversations were cut short when Amelia passed by. She tried to smile at them, but after a few failed attempts at reciprocation, she gave up and hastily exited the office. Lily, unaware of Amelia’s defeat, greeted each attorney who had walked through the door before catching up with Amelia

How’d the dinner party go, by the way? Lily asked as they entered the elevator together

It was fine, Amelia curtly responded

Just fine

Amelia nodded

Come on, Lily said, rolling her eyes. It wasn’t just fine. Something must have happened to make Wes ask you out

I honestly think he did it out of pity, Amelia admitted to her. I kind of made a scene over something 


Lily frowned. Oh, honey. I hope you aren’t downplaying what really happened

I’m not, she assured Lily, although she didn’t sound convinced by her own words

Fortunately, she didn’t have time to ponder that because the elevator had arrived on the street level. Amelia stepped off first and made her way toward the building entrance. She was going to exit through the automatic doors when she caught Vaughn’s eye behind the glass. He waved to her, and before she could make her escape, he entered the building, blocking her from the doors

Ms. Lee, Ms. Tucker, he greeted the women as he glanced down at his smartwatch. How are you this morning

Amelia forced a smile and answered for the both of them. Doing great. And you

I can’t complain, he said. He looked down at his watch again and clicked his tongue. Excuse me.

Book 1: Chapter




Come on, Lily said, rolling her eyes. It wasn’t just fine. Something must have happened to make Wes ask you out

I honestly think he did it out of pity, Amella admitted to her. I kind of made a scene over something trivial

Lily frowned. Oh, honey. I hope you aren’t downplaying what really happened

I’m not, she assured Lily, although she didn’t sound convinced by her own words

Fortunately, she didn’t have time to ponder that because the elevator had arrived on the street level. Amelia stepped off first and made her way toward the building entrance. She was going to exit through the automatic doors when she caught Vaughn’s eye behind the glass. He waved to her, and before she could make her escape, he entered the building, blocking her from the doors

Ms. Lee, Ms. Tucker, he greeted the women as he glanced down at his smartwatch. How are you this morning

Amelia forced a smile and answered for the both of them. Doing great. And you

I can’t complain, he said. He looked down at his watch again and clicked his tongue. Excuse me. I have an early meeting to attend. I’ll see you both at our staff meeting later

Neither woman said anything as Vaughn rushed to the elevators and jumped on the first one that opened. It wasn’t until the doors had closed when Lily finally decided to speak

I don’t care how nice he seems, I still hate him, she told Amelia with a deep scowl. He just ruined my entire day

Amelia laughed and took Lily by the elbow, pulling her outside. She wanted to advise Lily not to give in to her emotions. It was exactly what Vaughn wanted to maintain his control. But she didn’t get to say any of that because the moment she rounded the corner, she collided with a hard surface. She wasn’t expecting to be caught by its arms before she could fall over herself

You okay

She was surprised to hear Damien’s deep and husky voice in her ear, and without looking at him, she nodded. Before she could utter a word, he cupped her face in both hands and examined her. When he found no scratches or blood, he reluctantly released her and then bent down to retrieve a device

It was her phone, which she must have dropped when she ran into him. To her dismay, the screen had cracked and when he tapped on the broken glass, it failed to respond




This was

my fault, he said, retrieving the pocket square inside his chest pocket. He wrapped it around the broken device and handed it back to Amella. I’ll replace it before the end of the day

Lily’s mouth fell unhinged, but to Amelia’s surprise, she didn’t interject or comment

You don’t have to do that, Amelia told him

Ignoring her, he pulled his phone out from inside his jacket and tapped on the screen. She had to assume he was texting based on the quick movement of his thumbs. I have a meeting with your boss, but I’ll pick you up at five for dinner. I promise not to keep you waiting

She opened her mouth to protest, but she wasn’t given the opportunity because Damien had already walked away, disappearing around the corner

What was that about? Lily demanded to know

Amelia scratched her head and contemplated following Damien to ask him the same question, but she decided against it. I don’t know

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Amelia Couldn’t Stand to be around them anymore novel

Status: Ongoing


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