Book 1: Chapter 5
After a long meeting with Vaughn regarding her task this morning, Amella returned to her office to find a box on her desk. It was wrapped in gold foll paper with a rose on top Instead of the traditional bow. There was no sender listed on the box or even a card with a name, but when she opened it to find a new phone still encased inside its box, it was immediately telling who had left the gift.
Underneath the boxed device was a folded article of clothing made of red satin. As she lifted it out the box, it unraveled, revealing itself to be a dress. It was almost identical to the black dress she had worn to the dinner party and ruined it with wine.
She couldn’t resist smiling as she held the dress up in front of her and studied her reflection in the glass window. She was still admiring the smooth satin when she heard a knock at the door. She turned to find Lily behind the glass, eagerly bouncing on her feet as she peered into the room.
Come in, she said to Lily. She neatly folded the dress and placed it inside the box, concealing it from Lily, but she had already caught a glimpse of it and gasped.
Does that have anything to do with the sexy stranger you ran into?
Amelia wrinkled her nose. Sexy?
You saw how fine that man is, Lily said, fanning herself with her hand. He’s taking you out to dinner, and you’re hung up on Wes who’s a six at most. How do you even know him?
I met him on Friday at the dinner party, Amelia explained. She didn’t look at Lily, but she could feel her heavy gaze.
Scandalous, Lily said, smirking. Chasing Wes‘ friend is a bold move.
Brother, she corrected. She had been so quiet that she wasn’t sure Lily heard, but after a brief moment of silence, Lily’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped.
She reached across the desk to pick up the box and examined it. Taped inside the lid was a handwritten note addressed to Amelia that she hadn’t noticed before.
I can’t apologize enough for this morning, but here’s a start, Lily read out loud. She out and turned the note to Amelia. With love, Damien Carter. How cute is that?
Very, Amelia responded nonchalantly. I didn’t even know his last name until now.
e stuck her lip
I would have assumed he took daddy Anderson’s last name. Lily looked at the small piece of
darinned. Na uu thish ka uss the meadust of a laun affair?
I would have assumed he took daddy Anderson’s last name. Lily looked at the small piece of paper again and grinned. Do you think he was the product of a love affair?
I wouldn’t know, Amella answered. She didn’t want to entertain the woman who stared pensively at the note, pondering her own question. Shouldn’t you be working on court reports?
Vaughn left for the day, so I’m taking advantage of that. Besides, I’d rather hear about the bestie’s
- it.
Amelia laughed and shook her head at the woman. There’s nothing to tell. He’s a stranger to me.
Who’s taking
Who’s taking you out tonight, Lily added. He even bought you a dress. I think he wants you to wear
I don’t know if I’m up for it.
Why not?
Amelia didn’t have an answer for her, so she shrugged, which only made Lily roll her eyes.
I hope you aren’t talking yourself out of this because it makes you slightly uncomfortable, Lily said. She picked up the dress and shoved it in Amella’s arms. You’re going to put this on and go to dinner with that man.
I’m not doing that, Amelia told her with the roll of her eyes.
Lily looked down at her watch and then at Amelia who had stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest. He’s going to be here in ten minutes, and I expect you to greet him downstairs in this dress.
There’s nothing stopping you, she interjected, waving a dismissive hand at Amelia. You’re single and way too young to waste any time waiting on a boy who isn’t coming to claim you. Have some fun, even if nothing comes out of this.
Amelia didn’t expect to smile, but she did. With Lily’s encouraging words in her head, she gathered her purse and tossed her new phone inside. Then she grabbed her jacket hanging from the coat rack and made her way to the door.
Can you lock up for me? she asked Lily.
Just go already, Lily excitedly said as she followed her to the door.
The women separated down opposite sides of the hall. As Lily returned to her desk, Amelia
I hope you aren’t talking yourself out of this because it makes you slightly uncomfortable, Lily said. She picked up the dress and shoved it in Amella’s arms. You’re going to put this on and go to
dinner with that man.
I’m not doing that, Amella told her with the roll of her eyes..
Lily looked down at her watch and then at Amelia who had stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest. He’s going to be here in ten minutes, and I expect you to greet him downstairs in this dress.
There’s nothing stopping you, she Interjected, waving a dismissive hand at Amelia. You’re single and way too young to waste any time waiting on a boy who isn’t coming to claim you. Have some fun, even if nothing comes out of this.
Amelia didn’t expect to smile, but she did. With Lily’s encouraging words in her head, she gathered her purse and tossed her new phone inside. Then she grabbed her jacket hanging from the coat rack and made her way to the door.
Can you lock up for me? she asked Lily.
Just go already, Lily excitedly said as she followed her to the door.
The women separated down opposite sides of the hall. As Lily returned to her desk, Amelia walked to the bathroom where she hastily locked herself inside and kicked off her heels. She unbuttoned her blouse and shoved it into her purse before removing the remainder of her clothes.
With nothing but her panties on, she pulled the dress over her head, allowing the satin material to cascade down her body. The dress conformed perfectly to her figure and hugged every curve. She wasn’t comfortable with the low–cut neckline, so she covered herself with her jacket and tied it closed. After neatly folding the rest of her clothes and placing them inside her bag, she slid back into her black stilettos and then exited the bathroom.
Lily was on the phone when Amelia walked out into the lobby. With a smile on her face, she gestured for Amelia to call her and then waved goodbye as she walked through the office doors. No one else in the office bothered to send her off, but she had become so accustomed to it that she hardly even noticed when one of the attorneys brushed past her to get to the elevator.
Amelia was only a few paces behind her, so she was still forced to ride with the colleague who was now looking down at her phone. She selected the floor for the street level, and without speaking. the other woman in the elevator reached in front of Amelia to push the button down to the garage.
She remained unbothered, however. The ride down was brief, but she was still relieved when the doors opened She looked over her shoulder at the woman and offered a smile despite the impassive
the other woman in the elevator reached in front of Amelia to push the button down to the garage.
She remained unbothered, however. The ride down was brief, but she was still relieved when the doors opened. She looked over her shoulder at the woman and offered a smile, despite the impassive
look on her face.
Have a good night, Sandra, Amella sald to the woman as she stepped onto her floor.
Sandra lifted a brow, and just before the doors could close, Amelia saw the hint of a smile on her
Things must be going better for you.
The smile immediately dropped from her face when she saw Wes standing by the information desk. His hands were tucked inside his pockets, and his head was slightly bowed, but he was looking directly at Amelia, awaiting a response.
Except she didn’t speak. She only passed him and made her way to the automatic doors. Before she could step through, however, Wes pulled her back.
Come on, Lia, he said quietly. You can’t still be mad at me for missing dinner.
She glared at the hand he had wrapped around her arm and yanked it away. I never was.
Then why have you been ignoring my calls?
My phone broke, she explained in those brief words.
He laughed. So, that’s your excuse now?
Amelia frowned, displeased with the question. Then without saying anything more to him, she turned to the doors and stepped outside. She halted when she saw Damien propped against a large SUV in his black sult and red satin tie to match the dress she wore underneath her jacket.
She was so fixated on the man in front of her that she had completely forgotten about Wes until he said, I’m sorry that I let you down. Let me make it up to you.
Damien cleared his throat. This immediately caught Wes‘ attention, and when he met Damien’s gaze, a scowl appeared on his face.
She already has plans, Damien told him. He opened the rear door and extended a hand to Amelia,
but she didn’t take it.
You’re not being serious right now, Lia, Wes said, laughing, although he found no humor in the
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She was so fixated on the man in front of her that she had completely forgotten about Wes until he said, I’m sorry that I let you down. Let me make it up to you.
Damien cleared his throat. This immediately caught Wes‘ attention, and when he met Damien’s gaze, a scowl appeared on his face.
She already has plans, Damien told him. He opened the rear door and extended a hand to Amelia, but she didn’t take it.
You’re not being serious right now, Lia, Wes said, laughing, although he found no humor in the
Amelia looked from one brother to the other and sank her teeth into her bottom lip. She didn’t like. the cold look on Wes” face, but Damien was right. She did have plans, and they didn’t include Wes. So, she placed her hand inside Damien’s and then stepped off the curb.
I have plans, she said to Wes before climbing into the car.
Damien shut the door behind her and stepped up onto the sidewalk to stand with Wes. He offered a rueful smile, but even Wes could tell it wasn’t genuine.
What do you think you’re doing? Wes demanded to know.
Relax, Damien said, cupping a hand over his brother’s shoulder. She’s just your friend, remember?
Wes clenched his teeth. He didn’t have a response, so he remained quiet as Damien turned away and entered the car, leaving him to stand alone.