Chapter 10
“This isn’t the office where my dad works, so does that mean Mr. Steele has more than one office!” I ask Megan in between taking bites of my lunch. We are in the cafeteria.
“Yes, he does. Mr. Steele doesn’t only own a law firm–Steele Enterprises is so much more than that.”
“I see…”
She giggles at the face I must be making “Looks like someone hasn’t done their research. Should I explain it to you?”
Relief washes over me. “Please.”
“Okay, so this is Mr. Steele’s main office. His headquarters, if you will, the place where he conducts most of his business,” Megan explains, “He owns several companies under the Steele Enterprises umbrella–real estate, tech startups, a publishing house, hotels, fast food restaurants in various countries, you name it. Mr. Steele likes to keep his assets diverse.”
“Wow, I had no idea,” I admit, feeling a little out of my depth. To think that Caleb owns multiple companies and offices while I’m broke… No wonder he is so confident and cocky–the guy is successful and not afraid to show it off in his smirks and smiles.
Megan smiles at me. “Mr. Steele likes to keep a low profile despite his success. He is not one to flaunt his assers.”
“Except maybe his physical ones,” I mutter under my breath, thinking of Caleb’s muscular physique and the suits he wears
the gym to make it more obvious he goes
Megan raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment on my slip of the tongue. “In any case, you will spend most of your time at this office, but…”
“But there’s a business trip coming up, and I heard Mr. Steele was already planning on taking you along, but you didn’t hear this from me!” Megan’s eyes are wide, and she is making a face that says she has said too much. “Things could change, and I just heard rumors, so don’t get your hopes up just yet, okay?”
I give her a nod with a solemn expression, but on the inside my traitorous brain is already squealing in joy. The thought of going on business trips alone with Caleb. Being in close proximity to him for extended periods, staying in hotels where no one will recognize us… The endless possibilities make my cheeks heat.
“I will keep that in mind.” I say, trying to sound nonchalant even as my mind continues to race.
We finish our lunch and head back upstairs. I’m just settling in at my desk when I remember I’m supposed to go see Caleb Nervously, I smooth my blonde hair and head for his door. It’s already halfway opened, and my heart stops when I realize there’s a woman speaking to him.
“I heard you hired a young, pretty assistant for the summer. Is this true?” the woman asks, causing Caleb to sigh heavily as if not wanting to answer.
“Yes, Lana. I hired an assistant for the summer. Why is that such a huge deal? You and I are no longer married.”
“I’m perfectly aware of that since I was the one who left. Not that I wanted to do it. You just never truly recovered after we lost Nati
19:53 Wed, Jan 29 G.
Chapter 10
I jump when Caleb slams his fist into his desk before raising his voice at Lana, who obviously is his ex–wife. “Get out!”
Lana laughs bitterly. “See? This is my point exactly. You’re still not over the past.“\/
Can you fucking blame me? We lost a child, Lana!“
“So dramatic
“Dramatic? You’re calling me dramatic?!”
“Natli wasn’t even born yet, Caleb. She was a fetus, not a child,” Lana says coldly. “It’s been five years. You need to move on.”
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Caleb and his ex–wife lost a baby? My heart breaks for him. No wonder he is barely keeping it together when speaking to his ex–wife.
Also, is this why Caleb looked so panicked when he asked if I was using birth control? He truly looked like he couldn’t bear the thought of me bearing a child, and now I know why–he lost one and doesn’t have the will to try again.
“Get out of my office, Lana. Now.” Caleb’s voice is low and dangerous.
“Leave? But we still have a lot to talk about, Caleb. Don’t forget that this company is as much mine as it is yours, even if we’re divorced,” Lana snaps back.
“We have nothing more to discuss. You’ve made your opinions quite clear,” Caleb’s tone is icy.
I don’t know what kind of spider senses I’ve evolved in the seconds I’ve stood outside, but I somehow know Lana isn’t going to leave without a fight. She is going to make Caleb feel even worse–I know it in my heart.
So, before I can stop myself, I step into the office. “Mr. Steele? You wanted to see me?”
Both Caleb and Lana turn to look at me, surprise on their faces.ana recovers first, a sly smile spreading across her beautiful features as she looks me up and down.
“Well, well, speaking of the must be the summer assistant,” she drawls with a wicked gleam in her eye. “Tell me, have you fucked my ex–husband yet, or is that still on the agenda?”
1 freeze in shock at Lana’s crude words. I’ve heard of bitchy exes, but Lana takes the price. With just that one sentence, she has made my cheeks burn. Did Caleb really marry this woman? She is so rude!
I glance nervously at Caleb, who looks positively murderous.
“That’s enough, Lana,” he grinds out through clenched teeth. “Leave. Now.”
Lana smirks, clearly enjoying the tension she’s created. “Fine, Igo. But this conversation isn’t over, Caleb.” She saunters past me, the click of her designer heels echoing all the way to the elevator.
Once Lana is gone, I fidget awkwardly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt…
To my surprise, Caleb doesn’t look mad that I stepped into his office. If anything, he seems relieved his ex–wife is no longer bothering him. When he looks at me, the anger has drained away. “It’s alright, Leah, I apologize that you had to witness that unpleasantness.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m sorry for what she said…about us.” I blush again, remembering Lana’s crude insinuation.
Something flashes in Caleb’s blue eyes. He steps around his desk walking forward until his large frame dominates the space.
19:53 Wed, Jan 29 G.
Chapter 10
“Leah, what happened here today won’t be spoken of again. My rivate life is private. I expect you to maintain a level of discretion regardless of what you may have overheard today. Is that clear?”
His commanding tone sends a shiver down my spine, I nod quickly. “Yes, of course, Mr. Steele. I would never betray your trust like that.”
Some of the tension eases from Caleb’s broad shoulders at my words. “Good. I’m glad we understand each other.” His eyes rake over me, lingering on my lips for a heated moment before He steps back. “Now, about the reason I called you in here…”
He moves to lean against the edge of his desk, crossing his arms. The way his muscles strain against the fabric of his expensive suit jacket makes my mouth go dry, but I inwardly slap myself since Caleb is an object–he has a face!
“I have an important business trip coming up next week.” He fixes me with an intense stare.
“A–and what does that have to do with me?” I ask nervously.
“Everything. As my assistant, I expect you to accompany me to take notes and buy me expensive coffee every morning.”
Wait, is he serious? Caleb wants ME to go with him on this business trip? Just the two of us? Suddenly, Megan’s earlier comment makes sense. I swallow hard, trying to maintain a neutral expression even as excitement zings through my veins. “Of course, Mr. Steele. I’ll get started on the arrangements right away. Where will we be traveling to?”
This is exciting since I’ve never left the States before. My family bever had money to travel, so this could be my first time flying somewhere. I’m hoping Caleb will take me somewhere more exotic, like Southern Europe, Australia, or even somewhere in Asia. Then again, I don’t have a passport, but I’m sure Caleb could easily fix that for me.
Caleb’s lips curve into a wicked smile that makes my toes curl in my boots. “Where are you hoping we’ll be going. Miss Foster? Somewhere exciting and far away?”
I blush at how easily he reads my thoughts. “I, um, I’ve never really traveled much before. So anywhere would be exciting. I suppose.”
His eyes dance with amusement. “Does Tokyo sound exciting enough for Miss Author?”
“Tokyo?” I repeat, my eyes widening. “As in Japan?”
“The very same,” Caleb confirms, looking pleased at my awed reaction. “I have some important meetings with potential inves
and partners there. It will be an excellent opportunity for you to get some inspiration for your next erotic story. don’t you think?”
My cheeks burn at Caleb’s suggestive words. He just had to bring up my steamy writing again, as if teasing me about it makes his day.
“I, um… I’m sure Tokyo will be very inspiring.” I manage to say. In many ways.
Caleb chuckles. “I’m actually following you on various apps right now. I have even read two of your short steamy stories- time well spent.”
“I hired a private investigator to track down your online presence. Caleb says casually, as if stalking his new assistant is a perfectly normal thing to do. “I like to be thorough in my research”
My mouth falls open in shock. “You…you had me investigated?!
He shrugs, completely unapologetic. “Consider it a background check. I need to know who I’m working with.”
19:53 Wed, Jan 29 DH
Chapter 10
“My father has worked for your law firm since the beginning of time–you know who I am!”
- 33.
“Correction: I know who your father is, but I didn’t know much about you personally,” Caleb says smoothly. “At least, not until I did some digging.”
My eyes narrow. “It’s not like I’m some serial killer.”
“It’s always the pretty ones.”
“…excuse me?”
“Never mind,” he leans forward, his voice dropping to a low purr. “I’d rather we talk about your writing because you’ve piqued my interest. Tell me, do you want to act out all the scandalous scenarios you’ve dreamt up in your stories?”
I flush bright red under Caleb’s intense scrutiny. The way he’s looking at me like he is the wolf and I’m the lamb he can’t wait to devour makes my insides quiver. I can’t believe he not only reads my erotic stories but is actually asking me about acting them out with him.
“M–my stories are just fantasies,” I stammer. “Make believe.”
Caleb tsks softly. “Now, Leah, don’t be coy. We both know there’s always a kernel of truth in fiction.” He pushes off the desk and stalks towards me with predatory grace. “The question is, are you brave enough to turn fantasy into reality?*
He stops just inches away, so close I can feel the heat radiating off his large frame. I have to tip my head back to meet his gaze, my breath hitching at the blatant desire I see there.
“What are you suggesting?” I whisper, unsure if I’m thrilled or intimidated by where the direction of this conversation has taken. Probably both.
Caleb reaches out to trail one long finger down the side of my neck, his touch igniting sparks under my skin. “I’m suggesting that Tokyo could be the perfect opportunity for us to….explore some of those scandalous scenarios of yours.”
I swallow thickly. “But my family…”
“What about them?”
“They would get suspicious.”
“I will deal with them,” He promises me as his fingers stroke a path from my face down to my bosom. His gaze lingers as if he doesn’t like the fact my breasts are covered up. “Your father will be happy that you’ve managed to impress me to the point I’m willing to take you overseas. He doesn’t have to know what happens behind closed doors. And trust me, you won’t regret coming with me. I’m very good at what I’m doing–you would live in a world of bliss. So, what do you say?”