Chapter 16
When I lift my chin to stare fully to Caleb’s ocean eyes, my heart is in a storm of ensotions. I want to challenge lum and show him he aloesiý’t have full power over meleven if he might
“What if you’re wrong?” I contest has words without breaking into any emotion. “What if I’m not a bad girl begging to be set free?”
He socks. “I’m not wrong” With that, he turns around and focuses his eyes on my bag. “Do you need help packing?”
Since telling him. “No. 1 can pack myself,” probably won’t work, I sigh in defeat and just say. “Sure”
Caleb grins before opening my wardrobe. “Hmm…I don’t like the options, but I guess…yeah. how about you let me boy you new clothes?
ne new stuff?”
My mouth drops open at his suggestion, “Buy me new
He looks entirely serious, and my anxiety grows. I don’t want him to spoil me-
“I can’t let you buy me stuff.”
That line catches his interest. He probably isn’t used to women pushing away his wallet when he waves it in their faces
“Why not?” he asks.
I sport. “Because it’s obviously going to be expensive!”
He waves away my protest. “Meh, consider it a perk of the job, I want my assistant to look her best in Tokyo. Besides, his eyes take over me appreciatively. “Tm looking forward to seeing you in some sexy new outfits”
1 bure my lip. “I don’t know…..”
Caleb steps closer, his large frame crowding me back against the wall again. “Let me spoil you. Leah,” he cajoles persuasively, his deep voice seruling shivers through me. “I promise you will enjoy every minute of it.”
Without giving me a chance to refuse, he speaks up behind me, and when he grasps my hips. I’m surprised at how much I like his touch. My body is pressed against his strong chest, and my heart races at his closeness as he guides me to face the full–length mirror
“Look at how beautiful you are.” I can feel his breath on my neck as he whispers into my ear, “All you need is clothes that showcase your gorgeous body,” Caleb murmurs, his hands skimming up my sides. “Imagine it, Leah. You in a dress that clings to your every curve, the fabric so thin I can feel your heat through it when I pull you against me.”
Even though I’m trying to fight it my body quivers when he touches me. It brings me back to when we fucked in his offier, and my panties immediately turned into a wet mess–damn him!
I hate how badly I want to be taken by Caleb again. He doesn’t deserve my desire since all he does is tease me. I’m too good for him. I know that vet there’s a question burning in my mind does Caleb want me, or is he just playing me for a fool!
I sneak a peek in the mirror to see his fingers dancing playfully along the edge of my top, daringly dipping below to graze the soft curves of my
“Caleb.” I sigh, arching into his touch
“I can’t wait to unwrap you like a present when we’re finally alone in my hotel suite,” he continues, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “Slowly peel away each layer until you’re hared before me, trembling and aching for my touch”
A broken moan escapes me, and I rub my thighs together, desperate for friction. Caleb chuckles darkly, one hand drifting down to toy with the button of my jeans.
so responve,”
be pr
praises. “The barely touched you, and you’re already soaked for me, aren’t you? Your tight little pussy weeping for my cock.”
Another moan leaves my lips, but I try my hardest to remain silent when I hear my mom approaching my room yet again. This time, I know she is going to open the door.
3.21 PM c d
Chapter 16
Panic seizes me at the sound of my mom’s footsteps nearing. I squirm out of Caleb’s embrace, putting some much–needed distance between us.
“You need to hide. Now!” I hiss urgently.
Caleb looks more amused than concerned but obligingly moves towards my closet. “If you insist. But just remember, all this sneaking around is only going to make it hotter when I finally get you alone”
He winks salaciously before disappearing into my closet and sliding the door shut just as my bedroom door swings open.
“Leah? I thought I heard voices…” My mom peeks in, her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she scans the room
“Nope, no voices! Just me in here, talking to myself like a crazy person!” I give a strained laugh, praying she can’t hear my heart hammering against my ribs,
She frowns, clearly not buying it. “Are you sure there’s no one else here? Because I could have sworn…
“I promise, Mom, it’s only me.”
“Hmm..” She looks at the closet but doesn’t make a move to open it. “Either way, I came here to tell you that Dad is bringing home food. It’s not long until you have to be at the airport, right?”
“Yeah, just a couple more hours.” I answer, trying to keep my voice steady despite Caleb’s hidden presence mere feet away. packing
“I’m almost done
My mom nods, still looking a bit unconvinced. “Alright then. Well, come out and eat with us before you go. I want to spend a little more time with you before you jer off to Tokyo for who knows how long.”
Guilt twists in my stomach at the hint of sadness in her voice. “Of course, Mom. I wouldn’t leave without a proper goodbye.”
She smiles, appeased. “Good. I’ll see you in a bit then. With one last curious glance around my room, she backs out and shuts the door.
I release a huge breath, sagging in relief. That was entirely too close for comfort. Striding over to the closet, I yank the door open to reveal a smirking Caleb.
“I have to say, the inside of your closet is not nearly as provocative as I imagined,” he draws teasingly.
I roll my eyes. “Sorry to disappoint. Now get out of there before she comes back.”
“If you insist.” He unfolds his tall frame and steps out, immediately crowding into my space again. “But just so you know, that was the last time I will be hiding from your poor mother. Next time. I plan on knocking on the door.”
“Knocking on the door?”
He walks up to my window. “Mhm, I’m going to climb out of here and knock on the door and invite myself over for dinner. Fast food sounds really Listy right now
I gaze at Caleb in disbelief as he casually swings one long leg over the windowsill. “Are you insane!” 1 sputter. “You can’t just invite yourself to dinner with my parents! My dad works for your“.
Caleb pauses, one foot dangling outside. He grins at me over his shoulder, eyes twinkling with mischief. “Exactly. Which means he can’t exactly refuse his boss, now can he? Besides, it would be rude of me not to ensure your parents you’re in good hands in Tokyo.”
“Rude?” I echo incredulously. “What’s rude is you climbing out my window like some horny teenage boy! You’re a grown man, Caleb.”
He winks. “A grown man who still appreciates the thrill of sneaking around. Keeps me young
I’m not given a chance to argue further before Caleb gracefully maneuvers his muscular body out the window, dropping to the ground below with catlike agility. I rush over and stick my head out, hissing down at him.
“Caleb, this is a terrible idea! Just go home, and meet you at the airport later as we planned,”
7 up at me, mully unrepentant “No can do, sweetheart. I’m committed now. See you at the dinner table in five. With an exaggerated, blown kiss, he strolls around the side of the house towards the front door.
Cursing under my breath, I slam the window shut and pray things won’t turn too awkward