Chapter 29
Leaving the office building to think was easier said than done since, apparently, thinking doesn’t come easy to me. I’ve been away for hours, but I’m
none the wiser.
I still don’t know where my romance with Caleb will lead, and it’s just my luck that it seems I’ve gotten sick while wandering the streets. Today has been filled with nothing but vomiting and dozing off in random locations. Am I getting the stomach bug?
Well, at least I’m finally home where there’s a toilet
“I was beginning to think you would never come home,” I hear Caleb say the second I waltz into my hotel room. He is standing in the middle of it and the water is running in the bathroom–he must be setting up the jacuzzi.
“I needed some time alone, I murmur as I make it over to the bed to sit down. I have no idea why, but my body feels heavier than lead. It feels like I’ve run a marathon even though I’ve done basically nothing today.
Caleb frowns, his beautiful face filling up with concern as he takes in my exhausted appearance. “Are you feeling alright, Leah? You look pale.”
I try to wave off his worry with a weak smile. “I’m fine, just a liute tired. It’s been a long day.”
I want to act like nothing, but after the words leave my mouth, a wave of dizziness washes over me. I sway slightly on the bed, my vision going blurry at the edges. Caleb is at my side in an instant, his strong hands gripping my shoulders to steady me against him.
“Whoa, easy there,” he murmurs. “You’re definitely not fine if you’re feeling that weak. Have you eaten anything today! Had any water?”
His eyes have that mama look in them, and for a moment, I’m scared of telling him the truth. But this is Caleb–lying is useless since he will see right through me.
“I haven’t had any food today,” I admit before quickly adding. “But only because my stomach has been acting up!”
His expression doesn’t soften. “So you skipped eating lunch?”
Why is he so scary!
Caleb sighs.” old man
“You really need to start taking care of yourself, Leah. If you keep this up.
- p. you’re going to be dead and buried before me. And I’m an
This time, I don’t have to fake the smile curling my lips as I look into his eyes. “You’re not old.”
Caleb chuckles, his thumb gently caressing my cheek. “Keep telling me that, and I might start to believe i
We smile at each other, but Caleb’s face quickly turns serious again as he studies me. I’m drenched in a cold sweat, and I’m sure he has noticed that by now
“Jesus, you book as pale as paper..” He mutters. “You need food in your so I’m going to order some room service. What you need is something light that will be easy on your stomach. And you’re going to drink lous of water and rest. No arguments,”
I want to protest, insist that I’m fine and he doesn’t need to fuss over little old me. But the more I think about Caleb taking care of me, the less 1 want to argue. It feels nice having his sole attention.
“Okay,” I murmur. “I will rest. But only if you stay with me.”
A slow smile spreads over his lips. “I wasn’t planning on leaving you,” his eyes travel to the bathroom door. “I was actually thinking you and I were going to relax in the jacuzzi tonight, but I guess the bed will do just fine. You’re in no state to leave it
I snort. “I will have to leave it at some point”
“You will not.”
“I will for bathroom breaks.”
“Pth.” Caleb rolls his
“As if I would let you walk to the bathroom on your own. Who do you take me for? A barbarian? I’m obviously going to
3:23 PM c d ·
Chapter 29
carry you there if you need to relieve yourself. I can wipe your butt too.”
I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, I’m not going to let you do that, you freak!”
Caleb grins. “What, you don’t trust me with your delicate derriere! I’m wounded. Leah. Truly wounded”
I shove at his chest playfully. He doesn’t budge, but I don’t really want him to. I rest my head against his shoulder with my eyes traveling to his, “You are such a dork sometimes, you know that
“Ah, but I’m your dark,” he quips back, pulling me closer with his arms going tighter around me in a warm hug. “And as your designated dork, it’s my duty to nurse you back to health. Starting with some chicken noodle soup and crackers.”
He kisses my head before releasing me from his tight hug. It feels empty without him holding me, but I’m glad one of his arms remains around me while he reaches for the room service menu on the nightstand
“Aha! Here we go.” he exclaims after seeing the items displayed on the first page. “Chicken soup coming right up?”
Before I know it, Caleb calls room service to place my order. After hanging up, he looks at me.
“Now, let me help you relax…
With that, Caleb helps me get comfortable with the pillows in the bed, but even though I’m in soft pillow heaven, he doesn’t look satisfied
“Is there anything else you need? An extra blanker? More pillows!” he asks with worried eyes.
“No, just you,” I murmur, not caring that I’m probably being cheesy as heck. “I just need you here with me.”
Caleb’s expression softens. It looks like he is about to return the cheesy words until I suddenly throw up all over the blanket. Since I haven’t eaten much, it’s most just bile and water, but it still burns my throat. It also makes a huge mess on top of the white blanket
“Oh god, I’m so sorry!”
I try to scramble out of bed to clean it up, but another wave of nausea hits me, and I double over dry heaving
“Whoa, hey, calm down, Caleb says. “Don’t worry about the blanket; we will get it cleaned up later. Right now let’s focus on getting you to the bathroom in case there’s more where that came from
Without waiting for my feeble protests, he scoops me up bridal and carries me swiftly towards the bathroom.
“You’re on the pill, right?” he asks.
I’m not lying to Caleb. I made sure to get on the pill before our business trip, so this little puking episode of mine shouldn’t be an early pregnancy… then again, Caleb and I had unprotected sex before our trip to Tokyo. But what are the chances I bet this is just me being weak to the different bacteria flora here in Japan
Caleb sets me down gently on the cool tile floor next to the toilet. “I’m going to grab you a glass of water. And a cool washcloth for your face. I will be right back, okay?”
My only answer is a weak nod since I’m too drained to argue. Is this what dying feels like?
When Caleb returns, he kneels down beside me with a water glass. “Small sips,” he instructs as he holds it to my lips.
I smile at him before drinking. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
After a few cautious s
sips, Caleb sets the glass aside. “Feeling any better?”
“A little,” I rasp. “I think the puking part is done, at least.”
“Good” He tenderly brushes my shoulder, almost as if he can’t help himself from touching me. “You really had me worried there for a minute?”
“Sorry.” I mumble in an embarrassed tone. “This is probably not how you wanted to spend the night I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I?”
Chapter 29
“Not at all”
“Don’t he to me.” I avert my eyes since my face is burning from humiliation. It has just hit me that Caleb, of all people–the usually cocky lalliemaire is currently forced to take care of my sick ass. I sigh. “I bet you would rather be anywhere than here right now.”
“Huh? What makes you say that?”
I finally dare to lift my chin to meet his eyes as he hovers above me with a confused expression. His hand is still on my shoulder, and I release another anxious sigh.
“What I mean is that I’m supposed to be your sexy assistant, the girl you’re using for sex, and here I am, sick and forcing you to take care of me.”
Caleb pauses before he releases a chuckle. “Are you insinuating that you’re sexy”
“Oh my god, you’re such an asshole!” I try to push him away from me, but he just laughs and wraps his arms around me in a hug
“Trn just kidding,” he laughs. “You are sexy, but that isn’t the reason I’m spending time with you.”
I freeze and place my arms over his arm that’s currently wrapped around me. “It’s not?”
“Fuck no Caleb makes himself comfortable on the floor, and then I’m pulled between his spread legs until my back is resting against his chest. “Do you really think 1 would bake danuts in the middle of the night with someone I was only seeing for sex?”
Callesports. “Don’t even act as if you have to think about it. You’re the only girl I would bake with”
I bite my lower lip, trying to hold back the smile threatening to break free. “So you’re saying Ten special?“;
“Damn right, you are.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head. “And not just because you’re sexy as hell Although that certainly doesn’t hurt.” ) can hear the smirk in his voice.
1 elbow him lightly in the ribs. “Jerk. Here, I thought we were having a moment.
Caleb chuckles. “We are having a moment. A puke–filled, bathroom floor snuggling kind of moment. If that’s not romance, I don’t know what is.”
I can’t help but giggle. “You have a really twisted idea of romance.”
“Hey, not every romantic gesture can involve private jets and fancy dinners.”
gainst him ab
“Fair enough.” I senle back against him, about to relax, until my stomach makes this embarrassing gurgling sound.
Caleb laughs. “You want a minute alone in the bathroom?”
“if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.”
Calch moves to get up, and somehow, he manages to take me with him.
“You take your sweet time,” he says before his eyes light up. Oh, and wait. He leaves the room but returns quickly with a box in his hand. “| always keep this in my suitcase just in case. It’s a pregiuncy test”
1 stare at the pregnancy test box in Caleb’s hand. “A pregnancy test Why would you have that in your suitcase“”
Caleb shrugs, looking a bit sheepish. “Call it a habit from my wilder days. Anyway, it can’t hurt to check, right?”
I swallow hard. “Sure, why not?”
“Great. I will be right outside if you need me
Caleb gives me the box, and once he is gone, I open it and remove the test. The instructions are easy to follow, and soon, two pink lines stare back
the test is positive
the hell
“Oh my god.” I whisper, clutching the test in my hand. What the hell do I do now!