Billionaire Boss 3

Billionaire Boss 3





A few days after Caleb’s visit, I’m at my midnight art class. Painting is something that soothes my soul and while the art teacher I have is weird, she is also wonderful. We get along really well, but sadly she isn’t here today. Instead, she told us to paint to the music she chose in her absence, but my three enemies turned it off when I put it on and now, they are making 

fun of me

Oh my god! Look at the little wannabe hotshot author’s painting. Does she actually think that looks good!!” 

I try my best to ignore the worst of the three tormentors, Anna, but she has a talent for getting under my skin. It makes me wish I had stayed at home. I like my midnight art class, but whenever Anna and her two bully friends, Angelica and Doris, choose to attend. I hate my life. If my art teacher had been here she would keep them incheck, but since she isn’t here, the girls are meaner than ever, and the other art nerds are too scared to say anything about it. They are fist happy I’m the 


Pil! The painting she is drawing is absolutely horrendous. What is it even supposed to look like? A banana or a penis?Doris asks, which causes Anna and Angelica to burst out laughing 

PenisAnna is crying right now. You really think that’s what she is drawing when she is a virgin who has never seen one in her entire life?” 

It could be!Angelica exclaims. Since she is a virgin, she might be dreaming of penises and think that’s what they are supposed to look like!” 

Oh my god, Angelica. That comment is gold!” 

When all three girls start wheezing and clutching their stomachs, I grimace at my painting. I’m trying to draw a banana, but now I’m beginning to worry it might actually resemble a penis… 

With a deep sigh, I start reworking my painting, adding more curves to the banana and more details to its skin. Even as I move my brush with renewed determination, I can still hear Anna and her cronies whispering and snickering in the background

Hey, look!Doris points. She is adding more curves to it now! She must’ve heard us.” 

A renewed bout of laughter rings out, and I grit my teeth. I know they’re just trying to get to me, get under my skin, but damn, are they succeeding

Looks like she is adding wrinkles to it now,Anna pipes up between fits of laughter. Maybe she thinks that will make it look more like a banana!” 

I don’t even dare to glance their way, aware that any reaction will merely fuel their amusement. So, I focus with fierce intensity on my painting, willing myself to believe in my artisticabilities, even though all confidence seems a listant memory right now

Actually,Angelica suddenly says in a voice much softer than before. It’s starting to look goodfor a penis!” 

They all laugh like a pack of hyenas, and that’s when I crumble. I put down my pencil and, to look busy, I pick up my phone which vibrated seconds ago. There is a text from Caleb

Manipulative Bossman: Have you considered my offer? Would you like to work for me

1952 Wed, Jan 


I bite my lower lip. My parents always go on vacation together during the summer, and that means I will be home alone. I could be seeing Caleb a lot without them knowing, and even though he is an asshole. I rather have sex with him than stay a virgin forever

Do you think Leah will ever find someone?Anna suddenly asks her friends in an amused voice. I mean, look at her: she is a short nerd, and she has no sense of fashion. And let’s not forget she can’t even paint a banana!” 

Honestly, even if someone was desperate, they would be too horrified by the idea of waking up in a bed with her beside: them. She is ugly.” 

Uhhuh, those fake lashes she is using? They look so unnatural 

Her hair is dirty too” 

Tears prickle behind my eyelids. I’m not ugly at all. I know this for a fact, but these girls sure know how to kick a woman when she is already down

I fumble with my phone, my fingers trembling as I type out a hasty response to Caleb

Me: Yes, I will take the job

Hey, what’s that?Doris squints at me from across the room. Are you texting your imaginary boyfriend?” 

The trio of hyenas erupt in another round of laughter. I force myself to shrug nonchalantly, swallowing the lump in my throat while praying that they can’t see my face turning beet red. My phone buzzes again, and the girls snort

Maybe she is texting that fat loser from the library which she always speaks with!Anna suggests, which causes my face to burn uncomfortably

Urban is a friend of mine and a reader. He goes to the library frequence, and yes, he has a crush on me, but he isn’t my boyfriend or anything

Ugh. I pick up my phone and stare down at the message Caleb just sent me

Manipulative Bossman: You’re still awake? Do you want me to come and pick you up for your first lesson? I’m in the mood for some fun

My pulse hammers against my neck. Letting Caleb pick me up from here would make the girls think he is my boyfriend, especially if I were bold enough to kiss him! The question is: would Caleb get mad at me if I showed affection in public? I am much younger than him, and he is my dad’s boss, after all

I hesitate for a moment before typing out a response. The idea of Caleb’s car pulling up outside the art school feels like a tantalizing fantasy, but soon, it will become a reality

Me: Yes, please come pick me up

Manipulative Bossman: Are you at home

Me: No, I take a midnight art class and I’m there now. You can pick me up from hereIt’s on the corner of Greene and Slater 


Caleb doesn’t respond immediately, and for a hot minute, I work he has changed his mind. But then my phone vibrates with another text

Manipulative Bossman: I will be there in ten

19:52 Wed, Jan zy 



Got a hot date tonight, Leah?Anna teases while her friends giggle. They probably expect another nerd to come and pick me up, but they are in for a surprise

I stand up 

and begin to put my materials away, glancing at my bananaorpenis painting one last time, shrug, and leave it as 

I head for the exit

Running away?Anna calls out as I open the door


running.I reply without turning around, leaving” 

My phone vibrates again.. 

Manipulative Bossman: I’m outside

As I step out of the art school, I see Caleb’s car parked across the streeta sleek, black, highend sports car that makes even. the midnight streetlights look glamorous. The kind of car you would expect from an elitist CEO like Caleb

Behind me, I hear my three bullies gasp. It seeras they all followed me outside, and Doris is the first one to speak 

Look at that car!she exclaims in wonder. Leah wasn’t kidding about having a date tonight.” 

I can hear Anna adding with a sneer, Yeah right, like she could land anyone who drives a car like that!” 

Is that right

With a smug smile, I walk up to Caleb’s car but freeze when he steps out from the driver’s side before I can reach him. He is dressed impeccably in a black tailored suit, and his charming yer mischievous smile is aimed my way

Art classes, huh? Is it so you could one day release one of your dirty books with pictures?” he asks, looking amused

I clench my teeth to keep myself from snapping at him. Believe me, I want to, but Anna and her goons are watching us, and I can hear them talk

No way, that’s the guy she has been texting. He ishe is..Doris stutters

Rich and hot,Angelica finishes, her voice filled with awe and a Hint of jealousy

And tall,Anna adds, her usual arrogance replaced with a mild tone of shock. Very tall.” 

He must be a friend or something.” Angelica snorts. That guy looks like someone who could be on the cover image of a CQ magazine. He is way too hot and welldressed for a nobody like Leah Foster.” 

Caleb’s gaze flickers to where the girls are standing, their wide eyes tracking our every move. His lips twitch upwards in what could only be described as a devilish smirk

Well,he drawls out, drawing their attention further. Aren’t you coming?” 

With a final glance at the gaping girls, I step towards Caleb contigentlyeven if my heart is secretly pounding against my rib cage like a jackhammer

Of course,I say breezily, looping my arm through Caleb’s muscular one. Then, in a direct challenge to Anna and her cronies, I stand up on my tiptoes, tilt my head up to meet Calelis gaze and grab his face with my free hand

Surprise flashes in his eyes and I realize it’s now or never. If I give him a second to think, I won’t be able to kiss him so I do it quickly. My lips connect with his and the hushed gasps from behind us is like music in my ears

1952 Wed, Jan 29 G. 


now I just hope Caleb won’t get mad at me for kissing him in public

Billionaire Boss

Billionaire Boss

Status: Ongoing


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