Chapter 46
Chapter 46
Fear courses through my veins when I see the blood between Leah’s legs. It sends me back to the time when fana and I lost Nathi. The difference now, however, is that I have a chance of taking Leah to the hospital.
I immediately fight back the fear and walk forward to take Leah hand in mine. “We are not staying here, Leah,” it takes a great deal of courage to make that decision when we haven’t been back together for more than a couple of hours. But this is my child and future wife’s health we are talking about, so screwing around when this could be serious. “You need to get checked out at the hospital.”
Leah doesn’t even argue. “Let’s go.”
We leave my hotel in a rush after getting Leah dressed. A car is already waiting for us outside, and once we are in it, a butler of mine is making phone calls to find us a doctor. It might be late, but it’s a wonder what money can buy you, and no one in their right mind would turn down the money I’m offering to have my future wife checked out, and yes–I plan on proposing in the near future.
But as romantic as that sounds, proposing is not on the agenda when Leah isn’t feeling well. Her well–being is the most important thing, and when she leans her head against my shoulder and I feel how warm she is, my heart clenches with
“You’re burning up,” I point out.
“Am I? Oh…maybe I am… Gosh, I feel so sleepy.” She mumbles Do you think that’s normal?”
I have no answer to her question since I’m not a doctor, and that pisses me off. Why couldn’t I be better educated on this? The whole situation is making me feel helpless, something I’m not used to. With as much money as I have. I usually always feel like I’m in control, but you can’t bribe Leah’s body into not bleeding.
“I have a headache too…” Leah sucks in a deep breath. “I don’t like this, Caleb.”
Truthfully, I don’t like this either, but I can’t tell Leah that, or she will go into panic mode. Instead, I mentally slap myself to get my horses put together. At a moment like this, someone needs to stay calm.
“Don’t worry,” I grip Leah’s small hand in mine–for my sake or hers, I don’t know. And then I tell her in a calm voice. “It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay,
Those words might be more of a wish than reality since there’s more blood now–so much of it that it is going through Leah’s clothes.
I can feel myself beginning to panic as I watch the blood. The fear of losing her is hitting me once again, and I pull her closer to me. She might be pregnant and rounder than a ball, yet she still feels smaller than ever.
“Just hold on, sweetheart,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her hair. “We are almost at the hospital.”
Leah releases a sigh and leans into my touch. Her expression tells me she feels safe with me, but my heart is close to bursting through my chest. I hate blood and can’t stop the panic attack threatening to consume me. My butler better has found us a doctor…
Right then, he looks at me from across the limousine with a tiny smile. “I found you a doctor.”
19:18 Sat, Feb
Chapter 46
No more words are shared. The car pulls up to the emergency cirance of a nearby hospital and before it even fully stops, I’m already opening the door and gathering Leal into my arms she doesn’t even fight me but allows me to gather her very pregnant body in my arms.
“You you know what would be funny?” Leah asks in a tired voice as we make it through the doors.
“If I died.”
I stare down at her in horror. “In what kind of fucked up, world would that be funny?!”
She laughs at my reaction. “Because then my readers would get the dramatic ending that’s in every Disney movie. You know when the mother dies?”
“Oh my god, Leah, you can’t be thinking about your stupid romance book right now. Besides, if you die, then there’s no one to write the ending!”
that’s true.”
“It is. So stop having weird fantasies and try to focus on surviving!”
She smiles up at me, and I swear that only makes me feel even more terrified because it looks like one of those “you’re going to be fine without me” smiles.
burst through the emergency room doors, Leah cradled in my arms. “We need help! My pregnant girlfriend is bleeding!” I shout.
Nurses rush over with a gurney, and I gently lay Leah down. She looks so pale and small against the white sheets, her eyelids fluttering. “Caleb…” she murmurs weakly, reaching for my hand
1 grasp her fingers tightly as they wheel her back. “I’m right here, baby. You’re going to be okay. Both of you.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to reassure her or myself at this point.
A doctor meets us, firing off rapid questions that I try to answer as best I can. Everything is happening so fast that my brain barely has time to register things. What I do register, however, is that Leah needs to be taken for an emergency ultrasound immediately.
I refuse to leave her side as they wheel her into the exam room, still clutching her hand like a lifeline. The doctor squirts gel on Leah’s rounded belly and begins moving the wand over her stretched skin.
My heart is in my throat as I stare at the screen, praying for a heartbeat, a sign that our baby is okay. After what feels like an eternity, the nurse and doctor look at us with worried, hesitant faces.
“What?” I ask.
“The baby…it needs to be taken out.”
My blood runs cold at the doctor’s words. “Taken out? You mean like…like an emergency C–section?” I manage to choke out. The doctor nods gravely. “The placenta has partially detached from the uterine wall. This is what is causing the bleeding. Therefore, if we don’t deliver the baby now, both Leah and the child are at serious risk.”
I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. This can’t be happening Leah is what… 32 weeks pregnant? Our baby isn’t ready to be born yet..
Exclusive Protile
Chapter 16
Leah’s grip tightens on my hand, and I look down to see tears streaming down her pale checks. “Caleb…” Her voice quavers with fear. “I’m scared.”
1 lean down and press my forehead to hers, trying to be strong for her even as my own heart races with terror as I whisper into her ear. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to die, and our babyn’t going anywhere either. It will all be okay. Just trust the
I really hope that I am right because right now, it feels like I’m lying. Like, I know Leah will make it, but our baby being born premature? I don’t know about that….