hapter 49
Chapter 49
“You can leave the hospital today if you want to. I know it must be hard for you to be here when there are so many babies being born. The nurse trails off when Caleb glares at her like a vicious guard dog.
“Could you not?” It isn’t a question. The wealthy and well–behaved CEO is gone and left is an angry brute who is doing everything in his power to keep my heart safe. I have a feeling lie wants to cry at the loss of our daughter, like me, instead, he is focusing on being angry so that one of us isn’t puffy–eyed at all times.
I appreciate that a lot.
“I–I’m so sorry. Mr. Steele,” the nurse gulps, probably knowing this whole hospital is owned by Caleb and that he could have her fired for saying the wrong things.
The nurse scurries out of the room like a frightened animal chased away by a lion, leaving us alone in the heavy silence. I stare blankly at the white hospital walls. They look as boring and numb as I feel.
Caleb releases a heavy sigh and sits down in the chair beside my bed with thoughtful eyes. “I wish I could take away all of your pain. I’d do anything..
“It’s your pain, too,” I remind him in a whisper. “She was taken from the both of us.”
Caleb’s kind eyes meet mine. “I know. But seeing you like this… it’s unbearable. I feel so helpless.”
I wish there was something I could say in this situation, but I’m not a guru. I’m just awfully tired, and sad, but then again, I suppose there is one thing I could say,
“II want to know what’s going to happen now,” I whisper, not daring to meet Caleb’s eyes after saying that. I’m afraid of what his answer might be if I ask him straight out if I can live with him since there’s nothing that binds us anymore. Despite that, I continue, “I know that there isn’t a baby in the picture anymore and that my parents said I could move back into my old
but…I don’t want to.”
Caleb blinks at me. “Are you trying to say that you wish to stay with me?”
I lift my chin to meet those blue eyes of his. In the hospital light, it looks like there are shards of silver in them. It makes me warmer in my clothes to study the swirling color. Caleb is so beautiful, and he looks way younger than his age, although the dimples around his eyes are a fair clue.
“Is that silly?” I ask lamely and try to smile to chase away the heavy feeling in my heart.
Truthfully, I feel ridiculous for having asked Caleb if I could stay with him, but I have to ask since I don’t think I could survive without him by my side, not after something like this. I need someone to share this burden with, and who else is there to hold me when I wake up at night and realize that part about my daughter dying wasn’t part of the nightmare?
But what if Caleb doesn’t want me around? What if I’m just a reminder of what he lost?
We both regard one another as silent and pensive in a tense, uncertain way. “Leah, 1-”
We stop, and I can’t help my lips from curling ipto a weak smile. It’s a miracle that I can after everything that’s happened, but the smile I’m wearing is more of a desperate call for help than a sign of actual happiness.
19:19 Sat, Feb 1 B
Chapter 19
“You first,” I tell him.
He gives me a smile back. “You’re more than welcome to stay with me,” a breath of a laugh leaves his lips. I mean, I kind of just assumed you would live with me.”
I blink. “You did?”
“Yeah? You’re kind of the woman I wish to marry one day, Leah don’t plan on letting you go, and needless to say, that means you’re living with me.”
Caleb’s tone is teasing, but instead of bickering with him like usual, I walk over to him. He watches me with surprised eyes. from the chair and tums stiff when I bend down to hug him. It’s hot something he expected, but after a minute or two, he pulls me down to straddle his thighs.
And no words are needed. We just sit there hugging each other while silently crying over our devastating loss.
Two weeks have passed, and I’m still in hell. Honestly, I don’t think it’s a place I’m going to be leaving anytime soon. Life. feels dull, but I’m still here! I’m trying to live, and I’m doing it by trying my darn hardest to return to my author life.
But writing love and erotica is hard as fuck when you’re depressed as shit.
I’m staring at a blank and empty screen. I didn’t think you could get post–partum depression without an actual baby present, but it seems I was wrong. I’m so unhappy that its a miracle that make it out of bed.
“Leah?” Caleb calls.
“Have you eaten anything today?”
I don’t respond and Caleb sighs before finding me sitting on the couch in the bright living room.
After Jenna–our daughter–died, we bought a new house in Spam. Well…Caleb bought it. I don’t have an income since I haven’t written anything for months, but my boyfriend still insisted that my name would be on the deed. “It’s our house,” he had said firmly when I tried to protest. “We’re in this together, Leah. For better or worse.”
“You need to eat food,” Caleb walks over to the couch.
Without looking at him, I know the depression doesn’t show on him. Unlike me, who wears the same pajamas every single day, he still dresses in expensive suits. He also goes to work and combs his hair. Me? I’m lucky if I have the energy to brush. my teeth. I bet they are rotting in my mouth….
Anyway, the point is that I’m a mess. Caleb is a mess, too, but he sn’t letting it show to other people. I, however, can see the hurt in his soul. There’s a permanent sadness in his eyes, and when he thinks I’m not looking, he sheds tears. It usually happens in the shower. I discovered this after I kissed his cheek goodnight and realized it wasn’t water on his check but a single salty tear.
“I’m not hungry.” I mumble.
Those words aren’t a lie. You know how, in movies, the heroine doesn’t eat after she has gone through something? Well, now I realize that isn’t them acting. I haven’t had an appetite since coming back from the hospital. I’m too tired for good and place the laptop on the coffee table.
19:19 Sat, Feb 1 B
Chapter 49
“Leah honey…” Caleb sighs and sits down beside me. I long for touch and feel a tiny bubble of joy when his warm hand comes to rest on my knee. But the happiness is broken when hearts lecturing me. “Starving yourself won’t bring her back. You need to cat”
I have to bite back my tears at his words. I’ve cried so much these past weeks that I’m surprised I have any tears left, but whenever our baby is brought up, I get like this: teary–eyed and rady to lay down and die
“I know.” I whisper. “I just..I can’t seem to find the motivation to do anything. It’s like there’s this heavy weight pressing down on me all the time.”
Caleb’s hand squeezes my knee gently. “I understand. Believe me, I feel it, too. But you can’t starve yourself to death. Jenna wouldn’t want that.”
Hearing her name sends a feeling of utter helplessness through the, and suddenly, I’m crying again. And I can’t stop it. The sadness is so overwhelming that I can’t breathe. I’m making these weird sounds that only grow in volume when Caleb wraps his arms around me.
“Don’t hug me,” I whimper even though I’m already hugging him back.
Caleb breathes an unhappy laugh into my hair. “Why? Because it’s only making the crying worse?”
“Yes I sob. “When you hug me…” I can’t continue that sentence without crying hysterically, but luckily, I think Caleb already understands what I’m trying to say.
I hate crying in front of others–I’ve told Caleb that in the past. That’s why I always try to bottle up my emotions and act like nothing can get to me around people.
But it becomes impossible to do that when someone shows me compassion, especially Caleb. My parents were never good with hugs, and I’ve never had a best friend. I’m used to getting over things on my own, but Caleb is slowly changing that. He is the sweetest boyfriend ever, and when he holds me close, I feel safe enough to cry.
Am I a wimp for that?
Probably, but does it matter? Either way, I cling to him as if he is my lifeline, burying my face in his chest. Caleb doesn’t tease me for it. He just holds me closer and rubs little circles on my back while I dump out my snot on his expensive suit
And while I’m doing that, I wonder if grief ever stops hurting so intently. Right now, I can hardly breathe without Jenna slipping into my mind and then comes the ocean. I live in a world of pain. Losing your child is probably the most painful thing a person can go through, and yet, despite my throbbing heartache, I know in my heart and soul that I want to become a mother to someone else one day, and I couldn’t bear it if Caleb didn’t feel the same way.
I want another baby.
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19:19 Sat, Feb 1
Chapter 30