Chapter 55
Chapter 55
My jaw slacks to the ground when I realize Galeb is serious, and when I keep opening and closing my mouth like an aquarium fish, Caleb grows worried.
Those expression eyebrows of his furrow until he is wearing a frown, and my heart clenches. My poor boyfriend is probably thinking that I’ve changed my mind about us or something, but that’s not at all what I’m thinking. I WANT this gorgeous man to become my husband, but I’m honestly FLABBERGASTED that he still wants to marry me.
After we lost Jenna, I didn’t think Caleb would propose to me again. I knew we spoke about spending the rest of our days together and shit, but my brain is a mysterious place. It didn’t connect the dots to him wanting to marry me. I honestly thought my being pregnant was the only reason he kept holding on to the ring.
But I was wrong because here he is, asking me to marry him and now looking more concerned than ever since I haven’t given him an answer. It melts my heart.
“I never thought the day would come for me to see Caleb Steele look so insecure,” I tease in a gentle voice.
Caleb’s frown deepens, his ocean eyes searching mine with a hint of vulnerability I’ve rarely seen in his confident gaze. “Can you blame me?” His voice is adorably grumpy. “I just poured my heart out and asked you to be my wife, and you’re gaping at me like I’ve grown a second head.”
My heart swells with love for this man, and I quickly shake my head, cupping his chiseled face in my hands. “No, no, Caleb, it’s not like that at all! I’m just…surprised.”
He raises a perfect eyebrow. “Surprised?”
“Yes,” my grin grows when I see the visible confusion in his big, shining eyes.
Dear Jesus, he is pretty…and a bit of an idiot. Doesn’t he understand that I’m happy about him proposing to me? Probably not, but that only makes me want to kiss him even more. Caleb might be a catch to everyone else, but he hasn’t let his money and looks go to this head. This guy honestly thinks there’s a chance I might regret him.
So, before Cakeb can grow too anxious, I say, “I can’t wait to marry you, you dummy. You really thought the answer would be anything else other than yes?”
Caleb blinks, his expression shifting from worried to hopeful in an instant. “Yes?” he repeats as if needing to hear the word again to believe it. “You’re saying yes?”
His adorably dumbfounded look makes me giggle. Is there a sweeter man than mine? I think not.
“Yes, Caleb Steele,” I grin at him. “I am absolutely, one hundred percent saying yes to marrying you!”
The smile that breaks across his face is blinding, and I laugh when he attacks me with kisses.
After agreeing to marry Caleb, things move fast. We leave Spain behind, move back to the States, and, by some miracle, I get into college to start my creative writing degree. Caleb is super proud of me, but my parents aren’t as supportive when I stop by their place.
“How am I supposed to be happy about you getting married when you’re marrying my former boss, Leah!” My father yells
‘t even the worst part–he is a year older than me!” at me from across the living room. “And that
Chapter 53
I stand my ground, meeting my father’s furious gaze head–on. love Caleb, Dad. He makes me happy. Isn’t that what should matter the most?”
“He’s taking advantage of you!” Dad bellows, his face turning an alarming shade of red. “Can’t you see that? What could a man his age possibly want with a girl like you?”
“I’m not a girl anymore, and what do you mean Caleb is taking advantage of me? He is a billionaire, dad! He could have anyone he fucking wanted, but he picked me!”
My mother steps between us, her hands raised in a placating gesture. “Leah, honey, please try to understand where your father is coming from. We’re just worried about you. This all seems so sudden, and Caleb is… well, he’s so much older than you.”
“Sudden?” I snort in disbelief. “Mom, Caleb and I have dated for ages, and we lost-”
“A child, I know,” she interrupts. “But what if you lost your daughter because of Caleb’s sperm?”
Anger flashes hot and bright inside me. “Jenna had to be delivered premature and that had nothing to do with Caleb! How dare you try to blame him for our loss!”
My voice cracks with emotion and I blink back the tears stinging my eyes. The grief over losing our daughter is still raw, even months later. But I refuse to let my parents use it as ammunition against the man I love.
“Leah.. my mother starts, her expression pained. But I cut her off with a sharp shake of my head.
“No, Mom. I’m done listening to you and Dad. I love you guys, but if you can’t accept that Caleb is the love of my life, then I can’t keep you in my life because that man has been my rock through everything. Losing Jenna…it was hard, and who was there to wipe my tears when I needed him too? That’s right–Caleb.”
My mom’s face remains pained. “Leah, I know you might think that you love him, but marrying him… He is going to be old when your future child graduates college and what about your future, huh? What will all the other students think knowing you’re married-”
“Enough, Mom!” I snap, cutting her off. Her eyes widen because she isn’t used to me not letting her speak, but I don’t care about her feelings being hurt, not when it comes to My future, which is mine to decide.
I wet my lips. “I’m not stupid. I know that Caleb is older than me, but I love him, okay? He is everything to me, and if you can’t accept that, then don’t come to the fucking wedding!”
Since I don’t wanna listen to my parents say another hurt word about Caleb not being right for me, I turn on my heel and storm out before they can open their stupid mouths. My heart aches since I’ve just made up with my parents, but I ignore the stabbing pain because I know I’m making the right choice. Caleb is my forever.