Chapter 59
Chapter 59
I silently stroke my hand over Leah’s belly while she is sleeping, pausing when I feel something moving inside. Did I imagine it? She couldn’t be pregnant…right?
Baffled by what I felt, I keep my hand in place until I feel it again and it could only be described as a kick.
“Was that a…? Oh my god, it was!” I whisper in awe while staring down at my sleeping soon–to–be–wife.
As if unconsciously knowing I’m talking about her, Leah poses in her sleep. She looks like a Roman painting, and my heart swells. My little author is gorgeous, but I can’t deny that she has gained a lot of weight. Not that I care, but could it be a pregnancy, although the sticks are showing negative?
Leah has peed on a billion pregnancy tests lately, and I know those sticks can usually be trusted, but there’s no denying the fact that Leah is much bigger. And yes–I know she is eating more lately, but most of the fat seems to go to her breasts and belly.
…is that a sign?
Leah stirs beside me as if she already misses my touch. I immediately go back to stroking her again, and she lifts her chin, a soft smile curving her lips when she opens her tired yet still beautiful eyes.
“Mmm, good morning,” she says in a voice that sounds happy to see me. My cutie even stretches like a contented cat under my hands. It’s only when she sees my expression that her smile falters. “What’s with the look on your face?”
“Leah…” I breathe, my hand coming to a rest on her swollen stomach. “I think…I think you might be pregnant.”
Her mouth opens. “Oh my god, you think I’m fat, don’t you? You’re finally coming to your senses—”
“No!” I interrupt her before she gets too worked up. “That’s not it at all. I still think you’re the most perfect woman there is/ but…” I hesitate before blurting out, “But I think you’re carrying a child in there.”
Leah’s eyes widen when I nod at her stomach, sleep instantly forgotten. “What? But the tests…they were all negative. I’ve peed on plenty of those sticks!”
“I know, but I swear I just felt something move. Like a little kick
Leah sits up abruptly, her own hands flying to her stomach to feel around on it like its playdough. “Are you sure? I didn’t feel anything while I was asleep.”
“I’m pretty sure I felt a kick,” I insist, excitement building in my chest. “It was faint but definitely there.”
Leah’s face is a battle of hope and disbelief. I know she’s been disappointed by negative tests so many times that she’s almost afraid to believe it could be real this time.
“I…I have a hard time believing you since I don’t feel any different. Shouldn’t I feel different if I’m pregnant? Also, how the hell aren’t I feeling any kicks?”
Before I get the chance to answer, Leah sighs heavily in what could on be frustration. “I mean, with Jenna… I felt every little flutter and movement. How could I not notice if there was a baby in there now?”
I take her hand in mine to give it a squeeze. “Every pregnancy is different, sweetheart. And it’s still early. Maybe you just
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Chapter 39
haven’t been as attuned to the subtle changes in your body this ne around since we weren’t expecting it.”
She smiles. “I guess that makes sense. But…what if you’re wrong What if the kicks are just your mind playing tricks on you since you want this so much?”
“I’m not wrong.” I mutter in a slightly offended tone, but even in ny grumpy state of mind, I don’t stop stroking my thumbs over her knuckles. What can I say? Leah makes me weak and my touch is softening her up.
“Are you sure?” she asks.
Since I know this won’t lead anywhere, I say, “How about we make an appointment with Dr. Novak today? She can do an ultrasound, and we’ll know for sure.”
Leah searches my eyes for a long moment. Her look tells me she isn’t willing to go, but when I give her my infamous smile and double my efforts at massaging her hands and knuckles, she gives in.
“Fine!” She exclaims. “We can visit the damn doctor if that will stop you from looking at me with those eyes…”
“What eyes?” I ask innocently.
“Your bedroom eyes…you know I’m weak to them.”
Her words make me grin, and I press a victory kiss on her forehead. When I lean back from it, Leah makes a face that’s half- embarrassed, half–grumpy, and I laugh.
“What’s that expression?”
“Oh, you know, just the face I make when my soon–to–be husband has convinced me to go along with his shenanigans…”
I snort at her adorableness, but when she pouts at me, I can no longer hold in my emotions. I dive in for another kiss, and although Leah tries to resist me at first, I know how to win her over. All I need to do is pepper her face with playful kisses until she dissolves into giggles beneath me.
“Okay, okay!” she laughs, pushing at my chest. “You win! I’ll get ready, and we can go see Dr. Novak.”
Satisfaction curves my lips into a grin even wider than the one I gave her before. “I knew you’d see things my way.”
Leah rolls her eyes, but I know her too darn well to be frightened. My woman isn’t really angry at me and it’s proven she speaks in a playful voice.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get too cocky, mister. I’m only agreeing to this because I love you.”
She loves me—if I had a tail, it would be wagging from hearing her confess her love. Even though we have been together for a while, I feel like a puppy every time Leah makes her feelings known. I think it’s because she is usually such a hardass that I melt every time she is sweet.
…gosh, I’m fucking sappy, but who cares? I may be a ruthless CEO to the rest of the world–a rich bastard who res people for the littlest of things–but with Leah, I’m an oversized, muscled puppy. It’s embarrassing to admit it, but it’s the truth. If Leah would scratch my belly, I would probably roll over in an instant.
Unable to resist, I steal another quick kiss from her. “I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything.”
“Enough to let me take a shower in peace so we can get to this appointment?”
I chuckle. “I suppose I can manage that. But don’t take too long, or I might have to join you to make sure you’re not
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Chapter 59
Leah laughs and slips out of bed, her hips swaying enticingly as he heads for the bathroom. “No joining!”
I pout. “Are you sure?”
She laughs. “Caleb, we both know it would lead to you fucking me against the wall.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
The only answer I get is another laugh before Leah leaves me alone in our bed, and suddenly, I know exactly what it feels like when a dog’s owner leaves for work. But I should respect Leah and not sneak into the shower to cup her full and plump breasts. It’s amazing how they have grown, and Leah would probably hate me for this, but I love the extra padding she has put on. There is so much of her to touch!
My cock hardens at the idea of stroking her skin, and I swear under my breath. Damn, why am I still this horny for Leah? We have already been together for quite some time, and we even live together. I shouldn’t get this hard-
When an image of Leah washing her breasts enters my head, I can no longer convince myself to sit still. Fuck it, I’m going to seduce that woman if I so have to use my secret weapon–my tongue and body. Leah can’t resist my kisses, especially not if her hands are on my pecs or abs.