Chapter 60
Chapter 60
Laughter travels up my throat when Caleb enters the bathroom and cups my breast from behind. His lips land on the side of my neck and since I’m feeling generous, I lean to the other side to grant him better access. Kisses are immediately peppered on my skin, and I smile.
“Couldn’t keep your paws away from me, huh?”
“Are you surprised?” he asks before kissing a beauty mark on my bare shoulder. I have them everywhere, especially on my arms, and Caleb has always been fascinated by them.
“Not really, since I know what a horndog you are.”
Caleb chuckles and reaches for a shampoo bottle. “I can behave, he claims, although we both can feel his erection right now. “Why don’t you sit down on my lap so I can wash your hair?”
I groan. “How could I say no? A head massage sounds so nice right about now.”
“Mhm, especially since I know all of your spots.”
“…why must you do this to me?”
He breathes a laugh. “Are you complaining about me offering you a head massage?”
“No, I’m complaining because we both know it will lead to sex, you dummy.”
“It won’t,” I can hear the grin in his voice, but I choose to say nothing. Instead, I watch as he plops down on the tiled floor. When our eyes meet, he pats his thigh. “Come and sit here. I promise to give you the best scalp massage ever.”
My lips twist into a smile as I settle onto Caleb’s lap, the warm shower spray cascading over us. His strong thighs provide the perfect seat, and I let out a happy sigh as I lean back against his solid chest.
“Okay, Mr. Magic Fingers, let’s see what you’ve got,” I tease.
Caleb chuckles. “Challenge accepted.”
He squeezes shampoo into his palm. It’s the luxurious one you have to order online, and I relax as he begins working it through my hair. I moan softly, my eyes fluttering closed as I melt under his touch.
“Mmm, that feels amazing,” I murmur while trying not to melt like a marshmallow held over a fire. “You weren’t kidding about knowing all my spots.”
and your body.”
His hands slide from my hair down to my shoulders, kneading the tension from my muscles. I arch into his touch, biting my lip as his fingers brush the sides of my breasts. Caleb lingers there, teasing me with feather–light caresses.
“I pay attention,” Caleb says, and I can hear the smile in his voice “Especially when it comes to you
“Caleb…” I breathe. “I thought this was supposed to be just a scalp massage.”
“Oops, my hands slipped,” he replies, not sounding sorry at all. I know that he wants me, but I don’t think sex is what I want. Whenever we try, my memories flood me so I sigh and grab his hand to place it in my lap.
Chapter 60
“How about we just focus on the
Since Caleb is the most respectful man ever, he doesn’t argue and kisses my head before whispering, “Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”
Christmas and New Year’s Eve are spent eating a lot of food, and since the hospital is busy during the holidays, we don’tit’s sit inside Dr. Noval’s office until January.
She smiles warmly at us as she enters the examination room. “Leah, Caleb, it’s so good to see you again. How have you been?”
I want to tell her that I feel like a rotisserie chicken on most days especially at night when I can’t seem to get comfortable, but instead, I just return her smile.
“The holidays have been good, thanks. Just…anxious to find out if Caleb’s suspicions are correct.”
Caleb squeezes my hand and meets my eyes before looking up at the professional. “I know I felt something, Doc. I swear it was like a little kick.”
Dr. Novak studies me with her calculating eyes. “Well, it certainly isn’t impossible for you to be pregnant again.”
“Only one way to find out,” Caleb says.
“Right,” Dr. Novak nods at me. “Leah, if you could lift your shirt and lower your pants just a bit, we’ll do an ultrasound.”
I do as she asks, shivering slightly as she squirts the cool gel onto my soft stomach. Caleb never releases my hand, knowing how scared I am–how scared both of us are. Losing a child has been hard on us both, and I hold my breath as Dr. Novak positions the wand.
“Hmm…” Dr. Novak moves it around, and I keep holding my breath even as a grainy black–and–white image appears on the
“Well, would you look at that,” Dr. Novak breaks into a huge smile. “Congratulations, you two. It seems Caleb was right–you are indeed pregnant, Leah. And with twins.”
I’m…pregnant again?!
My heart stops. The room spins.
“T–twins?” I stammer, my voice shaky with disbelief and shock. Are you sure?”.
Dr. Novak smiles. “Absolutely certain. See here?” She points to two distinct shapes on the ultrasound. “Baby A and Baby B, snug as can be. You’re about 12 weeks along.”
12 weeks? How the hell am I just now finding out?! No wonder I’m looking like a walking boat!
Caleb lets out a breathless laugh, drawing my attention. “This is insane. Twins! We’re having two babies, Leah.”
Caleb’s joy is infectious.
“This is amazing,” I whisper. “I never thought…after Jenna, I was so scared that…”
I can’t finish the sentence, a sob catching in my throat. Caleb immediately wraps me in his strong arms, holding me close as
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Chapter 60
I cry in the doctor’s office.
“Schh, it’s okay,” Caleb murmurs into my hair. “I know you must feel a lot of guilt,” he says, remembering our earlier talks about me being afraid to be happy after losing Jenna. “But you don’t have to. Jenna would want you to be happy, and you deserve this. We deserve this.”
I’m feeling too much to answer him, so my only response is to g my soon–to–be husband back. I’m so emotional that event Dr. Novak steps away to give us a moment, quietly wiping off the gel from my belly. When my tears have subsided, she hands me some tissues with a kind smile.
“I understand your fears and hesitations, given your history,” she says gently. “But from what I see here, both babies look healthy and are developing right on track.”
Her words make me think of Jenna again, and Dr. Novak seems to sense this since she adds, “We’ll keep a close eye on you throughout the pregnancy to ensure everything progresses smoothly.”
I wipe my eyes while sniffling. “Thank you, Dr. Novak. For everything.”
Caleb looks at the doctor as well. “Yes, thank you a lot.”
A blush works over Dr. Novak’s face. “I’m just doing my job.”
“And you’re doing a hell of a job,” Caleb says, causing me to nod my head in agreement.
“My boyfriend is right. You’re amazing.”
Dr. Novak smiles at us both. “Please, you’re practically family at this point. All of us working here were devastated when you lost Jenna, so we are all putting our heart into this.”
“Thank you,” I whisper and try not to get teary–eyed again. Dr. Novak, however, notices how emotional I’m getting and focuses her eyes on me.
“You’re going to be a good mother. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any concerns or questions about the pregnancy, no matter how small.”
“Will do,” Caleb says. “Will do.”
With a final congratulations and a promise to schedule my next check–up soon, Dr. Novak leaves the room, giving Caleb and me a private moment to process the life–changing news.
Caleb helps me sit up, and before we leave, he asks, “How are you feeling?”
I take a shaky breath, my hand coming to rest on my fat stomach, that’s apparently not all fat. “Overwhelmed. Excited. Terrified,” I admit with a watery laugh.
“Me too, but we are in this together,” his lips form a smile that makes him look a hundred times hotter. “And soon, it won’t just be us two, but two little peanuts to add.”
“Two little peanuts,” I repeat with trembling lips. “I like the sound of that.”
Caleb grins, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. “Me too,” he says and leans back with his hand landing on my stomach. I watch his fingers spread over it, and Caleb grins. “I just felt another kick. Faint, but definitely there. These little ones are strong.”
I hope he is right because I couldn’t stand losing another child, and definitely not two of them. Damn it. What if I haven’t
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Chapter 60
eaten the right things? What if my A–vitamin intake has been too high, and our twins will die?!
My head is a mess, and when we leave the hospital, I’m all quiet with racing thoughts while Caleb is excited. He is talking about the nursery and all kinds of shit, but I’m too stuck in my own mind to listen.
What’s going to happen to my college studies? Do I have to quit What should I name my babies? Is there a point to it? What if there’s something wrong with them?!
My head keeps spinning and spinning until I pass out from the sheer stress of it all–Happy New Year, I guess?