apter 62
Chapter 62
Leah and I spend a quiet night in the hospital, cuddling as best we can in the narrow bed, our hands resting protectively over her growing belly. Morning arrives with good news from Dr. Novak: Leah’s blood pressure has stabilized and she’s cleared to go hChapter 61
“Caleb, I didn’t expect to see you back at the hospital so soon. Is everything
The familiar voice makes me lift my head from my phone and ze at Dr. Novak’s bright smile. She obviously doesn’t know that I had to bring Leah to the emergency room. Of course, it does make perfect sense since I highly doubt that Dr. Novak keeps track of every single patient coming to the hospital
Leah passed out on the way home,” I explait, furrowing my brow in a look of deep concern. “She seemed okay enough after the ultrasound you gave us, but driving home, she turned really quiet. Next thing I know, she’s slumped over in the passenger seat.”
The smile on Dr. Novak’s face evaporates. “I see Let me check in with the ER staff and find out what’s going on.
She disappears behind the swinging doors, leaving me alone in the waiting room.
Well, now what? Is she going to actually come back or leave me hanging like the other doctors did?
I suppose thinking about that won’t help me. It’s only feeding my brain with more feelings of panic, so with a calming sigh, I look down at my phone.
I’m the CEO, so I’m not surprised that my email box has blown up since I came into the hospital with Leah. But I know I shouldn’t be diving into my inbox, but since I have no self–control I open an email and then another.
What else am I supposed to do?
I’m so worried about Leah that the thought of breaking into wherever they took her has crossed my mind a million times,
sue me for busying my mind with work at a time like this.. even though I know that wouldn’t solve anything. So yeah
Suddenly, my phone rings–it’s my mother. Ugh, should I ignore this call? I love my mother, but we have not spoken in ages. She sends me messages now and then but never goes out of her way to disturb my peace, knowing how busy I am with work.
I like that about her. My work ethic is something my mother has always respected, but if she found out I’ve dated Leah for almost a year and am soon getting married to her, she would freak out. And honestly, I don’t have the patience for that–not today when I have so many other things going on.
The phone keeps ringing insistently. Should I just let it go to voicemail?
It might be for the best since my relationship with my mother is complicated. She loves me, I know that, but she also has very particular ideas about how my life should go. And Leah? Marrying Leah would definitely not fit into my mother’s plans for me. I’m a wealthy CEO, and Leah is a college student studying writing and some art courses–my mother would have an
Just about to decline the call, Dr. Novak returns, her face unreadable. I immediately stuff my phone info my pocket, forgetting the call.
“How is she?” I burst out immediately, my heart pounding. “Is Leah okay?”
Dr. Novak motions for me to sit. Her expression is unreadable, and my stomach twists dreadfully. “Leah is stable now,” she starts off so delicately. “But I’m afraid there were some complications.
Complications?” I echo, my mouth suddenly dry. “What kind of complications? The babies…are they…okay?”
10:03 Sat, Feb 1
Chapter 61
I don’t even have the courage to finish the thought. Løsing Jenind nearly destroyed us. I don’t think we could survive losing the twins, tons.
Dr. Novak lays a reassuring hand on my shoulder. The babies a shot up real high, which probably caused her to blackout. We’ve keep a close eye on her”
fine for the time being. Caleb But Leah’s blood pressure
ministered some medication to lower it, but we’ll have to
1 breathe out shakily. The relief 1 feel helps only a little bit. “Thank God. Can I see her?”
“Of course. Follow me.
Dr. Novak guides me through a long corridor until we reach Leah’s room. I enter it without an invitation, and my heart. breaks the second 1 see her.
My little Leah, usually so strong and tierce, now looks frail lying in the large hospital bed. But the moment her eyes catch mine, there’s a small smile playing around her lips.
“Hey, you she whispers.
In a second, I’m by her side, clutching her hand. “Hey, yourself. You gave me quite a scare there.
I’m sorry.” Leah says, her voice husky. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”
– “Shh, don’t apologize,” I soothe, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “None of this is your fault. We’re in this together.
Leah nods, her eyes welling with tears. “I was just so scared, Caleb. After losing Jenna, the thought of something happening to the twins.
“I know, baby. I know.” I press a soft kiss on her forehead, and Leah lets out a shrill coo, seeming to like it.
Everything is romantic until Dr. Noval clears her throat to remind us of her presence. “Leah, I want to keep you here overnight for observation, just to be safe. We’ll monitor your blood pressure and the babies closely. If all looks good in the morning, you should be able to go home.”
Leah nods, squeezing my hand. “Thank you, Dr. Novak. For everything.
The doctor smiles warmly. “You’re welcome. Now, I’ll let you two have some privacy. If you need anything, just press the call button.”
Dr. Novak quietly exits the room, leaving me alone with Leah in her hospital bed. I gaze at her, wishing I could hold her in my arms right now.
As if she had read my mind, Leah lets out a chuckle. “Don’t even think about it, Caleb. This bed is not meant for two.”
I pout. “I don’t care. We c
can make it work.”
“Caleb!” Leah admonishes me though mischief dances in her eyes. “We are not going to break hospital rules just so you can
cuddle me.”
“But being close to you is all that matters,” I argue. “And who cares if we get in trouble? I own this damn hospital anyway.”
With that, I start climbing into the hospital bed. It creaks and shakes the moment I touch it; Leah bursts out laughing at this. She probably thinks me clingy and childish for a man of my age but I don’t care.
Chapter 61
My grumpiness rises as I imiter, “I am going to get into this bed whether you like it or not.”
Leah sports, “Caleb, you’re too big!
Nonsense, 11 f. 1 reply and carefully lower my big body into the narrow mattress. It isn’t easy, some awkward shifting has to occur with a near tumble off a few times, but at last, I manage to wedge myself in behind Leah. When she sits between my legs, leaning her back against my chest, she starts giggling uncontrollably
She angles her head to look up at me from below with her big eyelashes sparkling with traces of tears. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
My heart warms at her tone. She is adorable and that makes it impossible not to open up my heart. “Ridiculously in love with you, maybe..
Leah rolls her eyes at my cheesy. “You’re such a sap,” she teases, but I can hear the affection in her voice.
I wrap my arms tighter around her, careful not to disturb any of the monitors or IVs. My large hands come to rest on the gentle swell of her belly where our twins are growing.
“Can you blame me? Look what we made together. They are a miracle.
Leah’s hands join mine, our fingers interlacing over the precious lives we created. “Agreed.”
-We sit in silence until my phone starts ringing–my mother, I’m sure. I fish up my phone to hang up, but when Leah sees the
name “Mother” on the screen, she raises an eyebrow.
“Your mother, huh?”
“Come to think of it, why haven’t you introduced me to your parents yet?
I wince at the question, knowing it’s a conversation we need to have, but it’s one I’ve been trying to avoid. Sighing, I turn off my phone and set it aside.
“It’s complicated,” I start, searching for just the right words. “My mother and I have a pretty strained relationship. She’s always had very defined expectations of my life, and let’s just say falling in love with a college art student wasn’t part of that plan.”
Leah’s face twists, a flash of hurt crossing it. “So you’re ashamed of me? Of us?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Then why can’t I meet her?
Because my mother would try to break you, Leah. She might even accuse you of being a gold digger or a trophy wife or something, and I don’t want to rain that stress upon you.”
We aren’t married yet and wait, trophy? Did I hear that correctly She snorts as if have said something outlandish. “Caleb, you’re more gorgeous than I am. How the hell am I the trophy here?
“By being the most kindhearted, funny, loyal, and creative woman that I’ve ever met? You, with your pretty smiles, dark humor, and little quips, make me laugh and feel like the luckiest man to have ever walked this earth.”
Leah’s face colors at my words and a shy smile tugs at her lips. “You’re a charmer, you know that?” She leans back against
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Chapter 61
me, nestling her head under my chin “But seriously, Calch, I want to meet your mother, however difficult she may be.”
I grimace. “Are you sure?”
“Uh, yes?” When I still don’t agree with the idea, Leah lets out a deep sigh before trying to persuade me “Caleb, seriously. “Uh, We’re getting married this summer and starting a family together She deserves to know, and I deserve a chance to prove myself to her. Also, aren’t we inviting her to the wedding in the first place?”
“I wasn’t planning on it…
“Caleb..” Leal warns, and 1 sigh. I know she’s righi–Leaf deserves to at least meet my mother before we choose to never see her again—but I’m already dreading their first meeting. Going face–to–face with a lion in its cage would probably be
“Are you sure?”
“Really sure?”
“Do you want to sleep in the bathtub when we get home?”
Ever the fierce woman this little author of mine.
I smile. “Alright, you win. Once you’re feeling better and out of the hospital, we will pay her a visit.”
Leah grins. “I can’t wait.”
That’s what she says now before she has met the woman, but my mother made even Lana shiver like a le
ome with strict instructions to rest.
Leah is overjoyed, and I have one of my drivers pick us up, but the ride home is far from romantic. I am already getting frayed nerves at the thought of introducing Leah to my mother A promise is a promise, though. Once Leah is fully rested. we will go see the devil who calls herself my mother.
Two days later, Leah insists she’s feeling well enough for the dreaded visit to my mother’s estate. I’m still hesitant, wanting her to rest more, but Leah’s determination is unshakable.
Give your mother a call while I’m showering,” Leah orders while rummaging through the cupboards for clean clothes to take with her into the bathroom. “Tell her all about me and that we would like to come and visit her for a coffee.
I sigh. “Do you really want to go?”
“Are you sure? My mother is difficult to be around.”
Leah just shrugs, that mischievous glint in her eye. “I can handle whatever she throws at me. Now go make that call while I make myself presentable.”
I raise an eyebrow as my devil horns grow. “You really think youre so important she’s going to let us visit her today?” I tease
Immediately, a blush engulfs Leah’s cheeks as she huffs. “Well, why wouldn’t she want to meet her future daughter–in–law as soon as possible?”
A wide grin spreads across my face because I like her feistiness. It’s one of the reasons why I want to marry her. She surprises me at every turn and now that I think about it, she might do the same to my mother.
My shoulders slump with defeat. “You know what? I will make the call but don’t say I didn’t warn you. My mother can be…. ruthless.”
“Not more than me.”
“You would be surprised.”
“Don’t underestimate me.”
“I’m not.”
“You are, but that’s okay, I still love you.”
Leah playfully sticks her tongue out at me after speaking, and I ugh in amusement. That pleases her enough to disappear into the bathroom. Once I’m alone, I dial my mother’s number
She picks up on the second ring. “Caleb, darling, it’s been a decale since I last heard from you!”
Even though I usually don’t laugh at my mother’s lame humor, he earns a snort this time. “Okay, let’s not get overly
Chapter 62
“To be honest, you almost never call me, so it isn’t me being overly dramatic. Anyway, to what do I owe this unexpected pleastire? What important thing has happened?”
…must it be something important?”
“It better be since you’re always busy whenever I dial your number. So, what is it?”
I guess I better rip off the bandaid…
“Well, Mother, I have some news. I’m engaged. To a wonderful woman named Leah. We were hoping to come visit you today so you could meet her.”
There’s a very long, threatening pause on the other end. Finally, Mother speaks, and her voice is tight: “Engaged? To someone I’ve never even heard of? Caleb, what are you thinking Who is this woman? What education does she have? Is she wealthy enough to fit into the family? I NEED TO KNOW HER QUALIFICATIONS BEFORE I ACCEPT HER!”
I wince with every rapid–fire question my mother shoots at me, each barbed with judgments. I already knew before making the call that speaking to my mother would be like knocking on wood, but it still hurts.
“Mother, please
“I just can’t believe you would make such a rash decision! You know how important it is to maintain our family’s reputation and standing. This Leah, whoever she is, better be extraordinary. I will not have my only son marrying some gold–digging nobody!”
My jaw clenches at her hurtful words. “Leah is not a gold–digger or nobody,” I tell her firmly, trying hard to keep my temper in check. “She’s a brilliant writer studying at the university. She also kind, funny, and the love of my life. And carrying your grandchildren, might I add.”
Another long, tense pause. “Grandchildren?” my mother finally says, her voice a mix of shock and indignation. “Caleb, are you telling me this woman is pregnant?”
“With twins,” I confirm, a note of pride entering my voice despite the circumstances. “Leah and I couldn’t be happier.” My mother lets out a discontented sigh. “Well, I suppose you better bring her over then. I need to assess this situation for myself. Today at 2pm sharp. Don’t be late.”
ear. It leaves me staring at the With that, my mother does something which brings her joy: hanging up the phone in my screen in confusion. My mother didn’t seem too aggressive on the phone, which leaves me wondering if her invitation is a blessing or a curse.
I ponder on that as Leah emerges from the bathroom. Like usual she showered in a billion degress and the whole room feels hotter when she walks into it.
“Aw, I know that face, and it isn’t a good one,” she says, coming to sit beside me on the bed while still wrapped in a white frothy towel. “Tell me how bad it went on a scale from one to ten”
I let out a heavy sigh. “Probably an eight; my mother wasn’t exactly thrilled that I was marrying someone she hadn’t met.” Leah rubs my back soothingly. “I’m sorry, Caleb. From what you’ve told me, I’ve understood that you don’t want me to meet her, but Treally think I have to.”
I know, and I agree, but…. fuck. I just hate how she talked about you without even knowing or having met you even once.
19:03 Sat, Feb 1 B.
Chapter 62
Calling you a gold–digger and a nobody”
Leah stiffens. “She called me a
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Yikes, maybe I shouldn’t have said that? Leah’s already having so much trouble with her readers openly bullying her about gaining much weight. They called her, “fat, ‘nerd, and every other insult there is. Shit. Maybe my mother bullying her is wha going to break her?
I regret my words instantly when I see the hurt flash across Leal face. “Baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have repeated what was said on the phone.”
Leah takes a deep breath and composes herself, it’s okay. I need to know what I’m walking into. And honestly. I have
been called worse by my own readers lately, with all their comments about my weight gain.”
I frown at that reminder, hating how cruel people can be, especially from behind the anonymity of a screen. I take Leah’s hands in mine, looking into her eyes. “You know those comments are bullshit, right? You’re gorgeous, Leah. Glowing, in fact And your weight gain is because you’re growing our babies. It’s a beautiful, natural thing.”
Leah gives me a small smile. “I know. It’s just hard not to let it get to me sometimes. But you’re right. And if I can handle those trolls, I can handle your mother.”
She’s always so resilient and strong, which never fails to amaze me. I lean in and softly kiss her. “That’s my girl. So, ready to meet my mother?”
Leal blinks. “Did she agree to meet me?
“She did,” I confirm, though my voice is circumspect. “Today at 2 pm sharp. She made it clear we shouldn’t be late.”
Leah glances at the clock. It’s already past noon. “Well then, I better get dressed! Can’t meet the formidable mother–in–law in just a towel, now can I?” She gives a wink to me as she stands and goes to the closet.
I sit back and watch her get dressed, hoping my mother won’t give her shit about what she’s wearing; it is just one of my mother’s hobbies, picking people apart appearance–wise until they openly cry in front of her. Yes, my mom is definitely one of those totally awful people when dealing with people she despises.