Billionaire Boss 65

Billionaire Boss 65

Chapter 65 


I won’t lie; I was nervous when Leah and I sat down to dinner will my parents, but I’m not anymore. Quite the contrary. I’m amused. My little author is mirroring my mother by picking up the exact same cutlery in her attempt to act like fancy dinners aren’t new to her.. 

The best part? It’s driving my mother mad. I can tell from how the blood vessel in her forehead seems to grow larger every time she looks at my partner

Caleb? CALEB!Leah whisperyells at me, and I almost lose it because, dude, everyone can hear her, but because I love my little weirdo, I turn her way and pretend like she was being discreet

Yes, sweetheart?” 

Leah leans in close to me, her eyes wide. Which fork do I use for the salad?” 

I have to chuckle. Her attempt at playing my mother’s proper etiquette is sweet, though a bit misbegotten

Start from the outside and work your way in,I murmur back

Leahnods, picking up the salad fork with determination. She jars it into her leafy greens a little too hard, the metal hitting her plate with a clinking sound. I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh as my mother gives Leah a frown from across the table

My mother’s glare could wilt a rose, but Leah- bless herseems Elissfully oblivious to the daggers being shot her way. She smiles sweetly at my mother and says, This is a lovely salad, Mr. Steele. Did you dress it yourself?” 

To someone who does not know my soontobe wife, it may have sounded like an innocuous question, but I know it is a dagger dressed in sheepskin. Leah has just called my mother lazy for not doing things herself. I lean back in my chair and know this should be good

My mother coughs, still seeming slightly surprised by Leah’s calid question. No, it was prepared by our chef,” she says in

strict tone

Leah’s eyes widen. Oh, you have a personal chef? That’s so cool! I bet they make the most delicious meals. Caleb and I, on the other hand, prepare all of our meals ourselves.” 

I can see my mother’s face tightening at Leah’s remark. She obviously didn’t appreciate hearing the slur that Leah and I do more things on our own

How wonderful,my mother says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She isn’t really impressed by us, and her next sentence is even harsher than the one before. I’m sure slaving away in the kitchen is quite the bonding experience for you two.” 

Leah, oblivious to my mother’s tone or perhaps simply choosing to ignore it, beams. Oh, it really is! Caleb is such a great cook. He does these amazing pasta dishes from scratch!” 

My mother raises one perfect eyebrow at Leah’s exuberance. Caleb cooks?she asks, eyeing me in surprise. Since when?” 

I give a nonchalant shrug, but on the inside, I feel a surge of pride at Leah’s compliment. It warms my heart that she thinks so highly of me, and now, with my parents watching me, I beam like the sun

You all know Leah’s pregnant,I begin, that comes with a lot of cravings and so I’ve been exploring different cooking shows to learn how to cook. It comes in handy when she wants pasta in the middle of the night.” 

Chapter 65 

It sure does,” Lean smiles at the. You’re a natural in the kitched and always available to cook for me.” 

My mother’s lips purse into a thin line; she is taken aback, not pleased by the revelation I’m doing things for my soontobe wife. I see,” she says frostily, with her eyes landing on mine. A since you’ve become such a handyman, Caleb, I suppose next time I hear from you, your wife will tell me that you do your own laundry as well?” 

Leah clearly doesn’t realize my mother is being sarcastic, for shimmediately blurts out, Oh yes! Caleb is good at that, too!” 

Really?My mother gawks at Leah. I can’t imagine our spoiled Caleb folding sheets.” 

My mother’s words are an opening for laughteriny father is already smiling, but his smile is washed away when Leah says. It might be hand for you to imagine this, bin Caleb is actually the first person to empty the dryer at home and fold our sheets. He always gets mad at me if I fold them wrong

I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at the look of bewilderment on my mother’s face. Even my father is staring at me as though he has just been told that pigs can fly

Caleb is cooking and folding mother sounds as if she might faint and turns to me, wideeyed at what she just has learned. Who are you, and what have you done with my spoiled son?” 

I laugh, reaching over to take Leah’s hand. I’m still me, Mother I’ve just evolved a bit. Leah brings out the best in me.” 

My mother’s eves flick between us, her expression unreadable. I see,she says slowly. And what exactly do you bring out in Leah, Caleb?” 

Lopen my mouth to respond, but Leah beats me to it

Oh, Caleb has taught me so much!she gushes. It is highly unlike Leah to be this bubbly, but as an author, I realize she must know how to deal with characters such as my mother, and it shows

My father clears his throat. Is that so?” 

Uhhuh,” Leah smiles. At first, I thought Caleb was a dick, and quite frankly, he was one when we met. But with time, I’ve, gotten to know his softer sides and that includes how supportive of a partner he is. I’ve become a much more confident woman since we became a couple. Instead of hiding me away from the world, he brings the world to me and that’s how I know he is going to be an amazing father.” 

sweet, I can tell my mother i Her hand unconsciously strays to her swollen belly as she speaks, but even if the gesture is won over yet. Something tells me she will never be, and if Leah and I want a peaceful life with our children, we probably let my mother babysit. I can just imagine her trying to tell Leah what to do and what not to do as a new mother, using me as an example of the great mother that she is

My mother’s lips twist in a wry smile as Leah continues to shine with praise. Well, isn’t that just lovely,she says, though her voice carries the weight of quite the opposite tone. It would appear you two have quite the little fairytale romance going on. I do hope it lasts.” 

The pointed comment hangs in the air; the implication, quite frankly, couldn’t be any clearershe does not belive our love will survive. A spark of anger flares at the continued dismissal she shows my relationship with Leah

I don’t manage to get a word out before my father speaks up, Monica, maybe we should give the kids a chance? Caleb’s happy, and that is what counts most, isn’t it

I am surprised to hear my father speak. He hardly disagrees with my mother or interferes with family issues. Leah flashes him a thankful smile

19:04 Sat, Feb

Chapter 65 

My mother compresses her lips while saying nothingshe is never one to argue with my father in front of others. She picks up her glass of wine and takes a long sip

I guess Leah won the first round, huh

The rest of dinner is a strained politeness. My mother peppers als with que about her background, education, and career aspirations, clearly digging for any flaws or weaknesses to pounce on. But Leah answers every prodding question with courtesy and forthrightness, never once taking my mother’s bait 

By dessert, I can see it in my mother’s eyes; she is swallowing a begrudging respect, if not one word of praise, for me and Leah. Leah has held her own against Monica Steele

We say our goodbyes at the door. Leah is the first one outside to walk up to our waiting car. I am just about to follow her, but my mother pulls me aside with a look of bitterness

I laugh. Yes

My mother narrows her eyes at the grin I’m giving her, and rightly so. I know she’s failed in her mission to find flaws in Leah, and it pisses her off

Your future wife. She’s got spirit; I’ll give her that,my mother murmurs so only I can hear. 

And?I drawl, to which my mother looks horrified. She clearly doesn’t want to praise Leah, but when I cross my arms in a silent way of telling her I ain’t leaving without it, she sighs

And she is a better person than your exwife, Lana. Leah will make a good mother.” 

I widen my eyes in surprise. Wow, never thought I’d live to see the day when you’re actually complimenting a woman I’m seeing 

A hint of a smile plays on my mother’s face before she twists her features back into her standard stern expression because God forbid she should like my new girlfriend. Yes, well, don’t let it go to your head. I still have my reservations about this match.” 

I roll my eyes goodnaturedly. Of course you do. But I love Leal. Mother. She’s my future, and I hope in time you’ll come to fully accept that.” 

My mother purses her lips but gives a curt nod. We shall see. Now go, your fiancée is waiting for you.” 

I’m about to listen but decide to make my mother happy by placing a quick peck on her cheek. Her eyes widen in surprise at my display of affection. It’s rare coming from me, but tonight, she has earned it. My mother might be a cold woman, but she raised me to be the man I am today and if I weren’t me, I wouldn’t be the right one for Leah

Thanks for dinner, Mother,I say gratefully. And for giving Lean a chance, even if begrudgingly.” 

She waves me off, but I catch a warmth in her eyes. Yes, yes, off with you now. And Caleb?” 

I pause halfway out the door. Yes?” 

Do bring Leah around again sometime. I’d like to get to know the mother of my grandchildren a bit better.” 

I smile, taken aback but pleased by her invitation. I will,” I say, pausing for a moment before adding, You’re also invited to our wedding this summer. I will send you a card.” 

Will commoners be invited


19:04 Sat, Feb

Chapter 65 

I sigh, shaking my head at my mother’s snooty attitude. Leah’s parents will be invited, and in your eyes, they might be commoners. You just got to deal with it.” 


My mother sniffs haughtily. Fine. I suppose I can tolerate being bround commoners for a day. But don’t expect me to like 

I laugh, expecting this reaction from her. I wouldn’t dream of it just don’t get into any fights, alright

With that, I turn on my heel and feel lighter than I have in years. Who would have ever thought my mother would acceptLeah into the family? This is a historic day, and I will not wait to tell Leah about the little talk I just had with my mother

Billionaire Boss

Billionaire Boss

Status: Ongoing


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