Chapter 77
I don’t dare to say another word, and this, the ball is officially in Caleb’s court.
What is he thinking? Does he think I’m a weirdo for writing erotic books?
He continues to look at me in silence until one corner of his lipulls up in amusement. A familiar and not–appreciated prickling sensation immediately steals over my skin.
Stop being so easily charmed by him!
How is my body so weak? Why does it instantly light up like a firework when I receive Caleb’s attention? It’s ridiculous!
My only consolation is that Caleb is looking at me, too. He is appreciating me..or God. What if he is wondering why I’m staring at him? Lord knows that I am.
“I find it really interesting that our love story started from there. Caleb suddenly says, breaking my thoughts. “I’m guessing we were…friends with benefits?”
I snort at that. “If you remove the ‘friends‘ out of the equation. You were far from friendly and loved tormenting me when – we first met.”
“Yes,” I have no idea why he seems so confused. There’s even a hint of sadness in his eyes as if he doesn’t like the fact that he treated me badly, so I decide to make him feel better out of love “In your defense, I think you were bored with life, and that’s why you decided to tease and torment me at every turn. But it’s okay. We eventually grew close and had a wonderful week in Tokyo.”
My goal is to make Caleb smile, but when I look at him, he seem brooding and cold. Doesn’t he believe my story? Could it be that he doesn’t understand how he could ever fall like someone like me?
1 plaster on a fake smile even though my insides hurt from all the uncertainty between us, “Look, I know you’re rich and could have anyone, but we really fell-
“That’s not the problem,” he interrupts me. When he sees my confusion, his face softens while his thumbs return to taking care of my sore foot. “The problem is that you said I tormented you–I don’t like that. You seem like a very nice person, so I don’t understand why I treated you badly.”
A lump forms in my throat when I hear his soft tone. I never expected Caleb to say those words, but while it feels great to hear that I didn’t deserve his “bullshit,” I still want to defend the post–operated Caleb.
“Don’t look so gloomy. If you hadn’t messed with me, I might not have fallen in love with you. Also, you never hurt me physically..and I think the reason you had trouble letting me in anyone in–is because you were still in pain.”
“In pain from what?”
My heart constricts. “Natli.”
Caleb’s eyes widen, “I told you about her?”
“You did,” I lift my head slightly to look at him with a smile curling my lips. “Don’t look so surprised. The ‘other‘ Caleb was
Chapter 77
my soulmate and..” I bite my lower lip. “And we also lost a child That’s why we treated the twins like a miracle when we found out I’m pregnant again.”
Caleb’s eyes widen in shock at my words. “We…lost a child?” heks in a voice that can barely restrain his sadness, his hands stilling on my feet.
“Her name was Jenna,” I whisper, tears already prickling behind my eyelids.
Caleb is quiet for a long moment, processing this information. When he speaks again, his voice is thick with emotion. “I’m so sorry, Leah. Losing her must have been incredibly difficult for both of us.”
“It was,” I admit. “But we got through it together. And now…” I re a hand on my swollen belly. “Now we have these two little miracles to look forward to.”
Calen smiles but says nothing. He doesn’t even speak during my foot massage. He sits there, deep in thought, until I close my eyes. When I open them, the room is dark, and H–hear shifting on the other side of the bed.
Its Caleb. In the dark, I can see him stretching as if getting ready to leave the room.
“You’re not sharing the bed?” I ask, and for the first time, I notice that I’m under the sheets. Did he tuck me in after spoiling my poor feet?
Caleb glances down at me, shock on his face. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was,” I sit up, blushing when I realize he probably thinks I fakee sleep so he would tuck me in like a kid. “I woke up to you Doving around…I wasn’t awake when you did–1 gesture at myself, “this. I promise.”
He chuckles. “It wouldn’t have mattered if you were awake or not I would have still tucked you in.”
Those words make me smile. This Caleb is very…mild. It makes me wonder what’s going on inside his head.
“So, what’s the last thing you remember?”
He pauses as if he didn’t expect the question but then scratches the back of his head. “Honestly?”
“I remember being married to Lana, but I don’t remember her sing the child. The name Natli is one we decided on together, though.”
“Oh wait_does that mean that you’re still? I don’t dare to say, but Caleb knows what I’m wondering.
If I’m still in love with Lana? No. I mean, she is the first person to return to my memory, but it’s because I’m remembering things in chronological order, it seems. It has nothing to do with you, though, or me loving you less. I’m actually… His face turns red. “Kind of falling in love with you, I think? Is that weird
“No, it’s not weird.”
“Really? Even if we are married?”
1 giggle. “Caleb, you have no memories of me–I don’t expect you to be in love with me. The fact that you’re falling in love, however, is a dream scenario.”
He smiles. “Okay, and umm. Is it okay if I don’t sleep in the same room?”
19:06 Sat, Feb 1
Chapter 77
My heart falters. “You don’t want to share the bed?”
“Oh, it’s not that I don’t want to, but…” He averts his eyes, bites slip, and then gestures at me. “I think you’re gorgeous. okay? It would be hard to share the bed without waking up with Blue balls.”
I have to try really hard not to laugh. “Fair enough
He walks for the door and lifts his hand in a wave as he walks, “Ser you bright and early tomorrow?”
“Are you cooking breakfast?”
That makes him stop in his tracks and eye me over his shoulder with a curious expression. “Would the other Caleb have done that?”
“Well, I can’t be worse than him, right?”
I break out into a grin. “Can I expect pancakes, then?”
-I will try
Caleb leaves the room, and I smile to myself since there will be pancakes waiting for me tomorrow. He can’t fail in cooking me those. There’s just no way.