Chapter 86
Epilogue (there will be short bonus stories after the epilogue since I can’t let my babies go just yet)
Six Years and three kids later….
“Yes, Ethan?” I say,
since there a bit shocked when I turn around and realize my little boy is soon about to outgrow me..well, not really.
since there is an inch or two left, but my boys are growing big so fast.
“So I’ve been thinking…”
Ho boy, this never ends well. Whenever the twins say they have been thinking about something, it’s usually something mean. Last week, Maddox asked if we could sell Jessie when she was crying, Mind you, Jessie is their little sister, and she is only three years old.
With that point made, I dread my son’s question, but still turn around to face him, “Yes?”
“Why did you-”
Ethan and I both fall silent when Jessie does this laugh–scream that is typical of Jessie as she tries her hardest to get away from Caleb. There’s soap in her blonde hair and a trail of water
Poor Caleb. He is an older dad and Jessie definitely isn’t going easy on him. She is a little menace who has, once again, escaped from her bathtime.
“Jeccessie, whecere aaaaare youuuu?” Caleb shouts in a playful voice, and I snort when he slides into the corridor with a rubber duck around his waist. We have a large open kitchen that leads into the living room. It’s where Jessie is headed to get away from her dad.
“Seriously, mom?” Ethan’s eyes are stuck on the rubber duck around his father’s waist, “Why did you marry Dad?”
His question might sound mean, but his tone is playful, and there’s a glint in his eye–he is joking around to be funny. He has his father’s humor.
“Well, honey…” I trail off as I watch Caleb pick up Jessie while growling in her face like a monster. Jessie squeals in delight, kicking with her legs as he carries her away. It melis my heart, especially since he winks at me as they pass the kitchen on their way back to the bathroom.
“Yes?” Ethan asks, and I giggle.
“Sorry,” I smile at him. “I married your Dad because he makes me–laugh at stupid movies I would have never picked myself, cry when he forgets to buy me my favorite chocolate while on my period, argue with him inside the grocery store over what color of pepper to buy, then we kiss, fight again and sleep on different sides of the bed only to roll over in the middle of the night to silently make up. “Feel alive.”
Ethan narrows his eyes. “Huh?”
I laugh at his expression and reach out with my hand to mess up his hair. “You will understand once you’re older.”
Chapter 86
Ethan ducks away from my hand, trying to preserve his carefully styled hair. “Mom, stop! I’m not a little kid anymore”
I chuckle, retracting my hand. “Sorry, force of habit. You’re growing up so fast, sometimes I forget.”
Just then, Maddox comes bounding into the kitchen, his face flushed with excitement. “Mom! Dad said we could go to the park after dinner. Can we? Please?”
I glance at the clock on the wall. It’s already past 6 PM, and the sun will be setting soon. “I don’t know, honey. It’s getting late…”
“But Mom.” Maddox whines, his lower lip jutting out in a pout. He might be 7, but the little shit knows that my mama heart is weak. “Dad promised!”
I sigh heavily, knowing I can’t say no since the other parent promised the boys they could go. I’m so going to murder Caleb once we go to bed….
“Alright,” I slump my shoulders in defeat. “But only for a little while. You both have school tomorrow.”
The boys high–five each other, their faces lighting up with identical grins. It still amazes me how much they look alike yet how different their personalities are. Ethan, always the more serious one, immediately starts planning what games they will play, Maddox, on the other hand, is already rummaging through the fridge for a pre–park snack.
As I watch them, my heart swells with love…would Caleb think it’s too much to have yet another baby?
Just then, Caleb appears in the doorway, his shirt soaked and his hair disheveled. He’s holding a now–clean and pajama–clad Jessie in his arms. She’s giggling because, of course, she is. My g is the happiest after she has accomplished mayhem
“Mission accomplished,” Caleb announces with a tired grin. He is so handsome, but I think Jessia is going to make him turn gray if she keeps up the devil’s work. “Though I think I got more of a bath than she did.”
There’s no stopping the laugh coming up my throat. “My hero, I tease, walking over to hug his side since I’m too short to steal a kiss from his lips.
However, the hug only earns me a kick in the head as Jessie squirms in Caleb’s arms, reaching for my hair, which she has been fascinated with since birth. “Mommy! Park!”
I take her from Caleb, raising an eyebrow at him while Jessie is already busy trying to make me go bald. “Park, huh? Someone’s been making promises.”
Caleb has the decency to look sheepish. “Just a quick trip? The boys have been cooped up all day with their homework.”
I roll my eyes, but I can’t stay annoyed at him. Not when he’s looking at me with those puppy dog eyes that still make my heart skip a beat after all these years.
“Fine,” I concede. “But only for an hour. And you’re in charge of bedtime tonight.”
Caleb grins, leaning in to kiss me. “Deal.”
We stay at the park for two hours with the kids behaving like three feral ferrets. By the time we are back home, I’m glad we went to the park since all the kids go to bed obediently, which leaves me alone with daddy.
“So… I drawl after closing the door to our bedroom. Caleb immediately turns around from his seat on the edge of the bed, his eyes widening slightly when he realizes I’m slowly undressing That gaze of his lingers on my breast, and a slow- spreading smile curls his lips.
Chapter 86
“Are those a present for me?”
“They could have been,” I tell him in a playful tone as I cup my own breast with my hands, toying with them as I slowly stride to the bathroom door.
Caleb chokes on his breath. “What do you mean they could have been?”
I stop in my tracks at the door opening and look over my shoulder with a teasing smile. “It means I would have been willing to go
down on my knees and let you fuck them if you hadn’t made that promise earlier.”
“What promise?” Caleb appears completely lost—typical man. He probably doesn’t even understand what all of this is about, too busy stroking his cock through his boxers…which is hot, but I can’t allow myself to be distracted.
“The promise.”
“The pro-…” Caleb runs a hand over his face in pure agony when I turn around to jiggle my breast. “Just tell me what it is, Leah.”
“It’s nothing.”
“What? You just said this was about a promise!”
“Yes, but if you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s probably nothing, right?”
is this a trick?”
“I don’t know. Have you done something?”
“I don’t know…have 1?”
“I don’t know.“–
Caleb groans, and before I know it, he has lifted himself up from the bed. The floor thuds as he comes for me, and I yelp when his hands land on either side of my toned body.
I’ve lost all of my pregnancy weight, but I sort of regret losing it when Caleb easily throws me over his shoulder. The weight was my only defense against him man–handling me. Now that I’m lightweight again, I can’t fight him, and there’s no ignoring how horny his display of strength is making me.
But I’m not about to let him know this is getting to me.
I slap his back. “Let me down, you savage!”
“No,” he grunts and turns around to take me to our bed. Each step is slow and calculating because the bastard knows how hot I am, and I sigh heavily.
“I’m fucked, aren’t I?”
“Not yet,” Caleb replies mischievously. “But soon you will be.”
Chapter 87